Liverpool Record Office
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Collections information
Businesses (217)
- AH Davis Ltd, paint manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Alexander S Macrae, oil and produce broker Liverpool, Lancashire
- Alfred Booth & Co Ltd, shipowners and leather and commodity traders, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Allied Breweries Ltd Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire
- Anchor Line Ltd, shipowners Glasgow, Lanarkshire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Architects Civil Engineers Builders & General Fire Insurance Co London
- Atherton Coach and Motor Works Atherton, Lancashire
- Australian Insurance Co
- AV Milton & Co, electrical engineers, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Barker & Dobson, confectioners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bibby Line, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Birmingham Alliance Fire Insurance Co Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Blackburn Assurance Co Ltd Blackburn, Lancashire
- Booker Line Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Booth Steamship Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bootle & Seaforth Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd Bootle, Lancashire;Seaforth, Lancashire
- Borough Permanent Benefit Building Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bradshaw & Co, wholesale ironmongers Liverpool, Lancashire
- British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- British Engine Insurance Ltd Manchester, Lancashire
- Brown, Shipley & Co Ltd, merchant bank London
- C Gurney Burgess, architect Luton, Bedfordshire
- Carl Rosa Opera Company Ltd
- Case & Shuttleworth, West Indian merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Central Insurance Co Ltd Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Chadburn's (Ship) Telegraph Co Ltd, ships' telegraph manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Chalmers, Impey & Co, chartered accountants London
- Charles Cassell & Co, manufacturing grocers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Charles, White & Hall Ltd, St John's wholesale fruit market Liverpool, Lancashire
- Cheshire Railway Lines Committee Cheshire;Cheshire
- Chester & Birkenhead Railway Co
- City Charter Building Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Clayton colliery Clayton, Lancashire
- Cleaver, Holden & Co, solicitors Liverpool, Lancashire
- Cockshutt family, Mardike Biscuit House Liverpool, Lancashire
- Company of Merchants Trading to Africa Liverpool, Lancashire
- Copes, Hignetts, Ogdens, tobacco manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- CT Bowring & Co Ltd, shipowners, merchants, insurance brokers, underwriters Liverpool, Lancashire
- Dalton-in-Furness Permanent Benefit Building Society Dalton-in-Furness, Lancashire
- Daniel Higson Ltd, brewers Liverpool, Lancashire
- David Shaw, merchant Liverpool, Lancashire
- David Tuohy, merchant Liverpool, Lancashire
- Economic Building Corporation Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Edmund Kirby & Sons, architects and surveyors Liverpool, Lancashire
- Edward Chaffer, merchant connected to the slave trade, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Edwards Goodwin & Co, leaf tobacco merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Elders Insurance Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Elliot & Orlans, chemist Liverpool, Lancashire
- English Electric Co Ltd, electrical, mechanical and hydraulic engineers and aircraft manufacturers London;Preston, Lancashire
- Everton Football Club Co Ltd Everton, Lancashire
- Excelsior Saw Mills Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- F L Abel and Abel Barges Ltd, barge builders Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fire Salvage Association of Liverpool Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Garston Tanning Co Garston, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Garston Vitriol Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Geoff Roberts, freelance photographer, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- George Holt & Co, cotton brokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Globe Insurance Co Liverpool, Lancashire;London
- Guion Line, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Handstand Productions, film, television, theatre and music production co Liverpool, Lancashire
- HE Symonds, merchant Seacombe, Cheshire
- Healey & Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Henstocks Ltd, printers, stationers and account book manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Herculaneum Potteries Liverpool, Lancashire
- Higson Edwards & Co, iron, steel and tinplate merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Higsons Brewery Ltd, brewers, wine and spirit merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hill & Co, builders Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hill, Dickinson & Co, solicitors Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hirst Conservation Ltd Laughton, Lincolnshire
- Hunter Fowles & Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hunts Hotel (Liverpool) Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hunt's Hotel Ltd, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Huskisson Building Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Imperial Tobacco Ltd, cigarette, cigar and snuff manufacturers Bristol, Gloucestershire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- India Buildings Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Inman Steamship Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- J Bibby & Sons Ltd, millers of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- J Blake & Co Ltd, motor agents Liverpool, Lancashire
- J Sykes & Co Ltd, wine and spirit merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- James Buchanan & Son Ltd, engineers, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jean Kuni, midwife
- JH Rayner & Co, commodity brokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- John Croft, commission merchant Liverpool, Lancashire
- John Holt & Co Ltd, West Africa traders & shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- John James Blaby, chemist and druggist Liverpool, Lancashire
- John Okill, ship builder & timber merchant Liverpool, Lancashire
- John Peck & Co Ltd, protective clothing manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- John Sadler, pottery printer Liverpool, Lancashire
- John Steel, chemist and druggist Liverpool, Lancashire
- John Taylor Ltd, engineers Liverpool, Lancashire
- John Tomkinson & John Knight, merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Joseph Jackson & Sons, mining engineers and surveyors Bolton, Lancashire
- Joseph Joseph, silversmith and moneylender Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lamport & Holt Line Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lancashire Insurance Co Manchester, Lancashire
- Lancashire Shipping Co Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Leeds & Liverpool Canal Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Legal Insurance Co Ltd London
- Lewis's Ltd, department store Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lister Drive Power Station & Electricity Supply Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool & Kano Trading Co Ltd London
- Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool & Manchester Railway Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool & Provincial Building Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Building Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Co-operative Chemists Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Co-operative Society Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Daily Courier Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool District Electric Lighting Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Gas Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Grain Contract Insurance Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hide, Skin & Fat Market Co Ltd, hide and skin merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Journal of Commerce Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Overhead Railway Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Playhouse Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Savings Bank Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Stock Exchange Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Tradesmen's Bank Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool United Gaslight Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool United Tramways & Omnibus Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lockheed Precision Products Ltd, aircraft hydraulics manufacturers Speke, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire;Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
- London & Kano Trading Co, African merchants London
- London & Lancashire Insurance Co Ltd London;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Macfie & Sons, sugar refiners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Martindale, Massey & Co, ink and blacking manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board Merseyside
- Midland Counties Insurance Co Lincoln, Lincolnshire
- National Provincial Bank Ltd London
- New Shakespeare Theatre, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Nicholson family, merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- North of England Fire & Life Insurance Co Sheffield, Yorkshire
- Northern Accident Insurance Co Ltd Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Northern Stock Exchange North West;England
- Owen Owen plc, department stores Liverpool, Lancashire
- Patriotic Building Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Percy Phillips Sound Recording Service, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Pexwear Ltd, protective clothing manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Philip Smith, grocer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Philip Son & Nephew Ltd, booksellers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Pioneer Life Assurance Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Playhouse Theatre, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Plessey Company plc, electronics, defence and telecommunications manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Prescot Colliery Prescot, Lancashire
- Prince of Wales Permanent Benefit Building Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Printer and stationer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Queen Insurance Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- R McDougall & Co Ltd, undertakers Liverpool, Lancashire
- R Silcock & Sons Ltd cattle and poultry food manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- RA Dyson & Co Ltd, steam motor engineers and trailer manufacturers, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Railway Signal Co Ltd, signal and electrical appliance mfrs Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ralph Peters, Antigua sugar planter Antigua
- Reynolds & Gibson, cotton brokers Liverpool, Lancashire;Manchester, Lancashire
- Riverside Railway Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- RJ Tilney & Co, stockbrokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Robert Bostock, sea captain and slave trader Liverpool, Lancashire
- Robert Kelly & Sons Ltd, tool manufacturers and merchants and cutlers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Robert P Rae, chemist Liverpool, Lancashire
- Robinson & Neal Ltd, decorators' merchants, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ronald & Rodger, wool brokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Insurance Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Insurance Foreigh Agency, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- RS Clare & Co Ltd oil refiners and distillers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sandbach, Parker & Co Ltd, merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sandbach, Tinne & Co, merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sankey Sugar Co Earlestown, Lancashire
- Savories (Liverpool) Ltd, food manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sea Insurance Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Shaw & Griffin, cotton merchants and brokers, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sheffield & Rotherham Fire Insurance Co Sheffield, Yorkshire
- Sherlock Wood & Keef, architects and surveyors Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Nicholas Permanent Benefit Building Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Peters Permanent Benefit Building Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Standard Marine Fire Insurance Co, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Standard Marine Insurance Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Stanley Permanent Benefit Building Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Synthetic Resins Speke, Lancashire
- T Brown & Co, jewellers Liverpool, Lancashire
- T Drake Leigh, surgeon Liverpool, Lancashire
- TC Jones & Co, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance Co Ltd London;Liverpool, Lancashire;Manchester, Lancashire
- The International Cotton Association Ltd
- The Liverpool Football Club and Athletic Grounds Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- The Pink Paper, LGBT newspaper
- Thomas & John Brocklebank Ltd, merchants, shipbuilders and shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire;Whitehaven, Cumberland
- Thomas Lee & Co, sugar merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Thomas Leyland & Co, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Thomas Leyland, merchant and banker Liverpool, Lancashire
- Thomas Molyneux, ship smith, ironfounder etc Liverpool, Lancashire
- Thomas Ockleshaw, horse shoer, wheelwright and blacksmith Liverpool, Lancashire
- Thomas O'Dowd, fruit importer, fruiter and florist Liverpool, Lancashire
- Thomas Rogerson, solicitor West Derby, Lancashire
- Thomas Wagstaff Ltd, hauliers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Thorougood's Breweries Ltd, brewers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Threfalls Brewery, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Threlfalls Chesters Ltd, brewers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Tophams Ltd, racecourse owners Aintree, Lancashire
- Toxteth Co-operative Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- United Grain Elevators Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- United Utilities Group, water company, Warrington
- Unnamed attorney, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Walker Cain Ltd, brewers, Warrington Warrington, Lancashire
- Warden Insurance Co Ltd London
- Watson Prickard Ltd, gentlemen's outfitters Liverpool, Lancashire
- West Derby Savings Bank Liverpool, Lancashire
- White Star Line, steamship owners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Willaston Corn Mills Willaston by Nantwich, Cheshire
- William C Fergusson, chemist and druggist Liverpool, Lancashire
- William Scott (Liverpool) Ltd, confectioners and stationers Liverpool, Lancashire
- William Thornton & Sons, builders Liverpool, Lancashire
- Williams, Harvey & Co Ltd, tin smelters Liverpool, Lancashire
- Witham Weld & Co, solicitors Liverpool, Lancashire
- WJ Blevin & Co, printers Liverpool, Lancashire
- WO & J Wilson Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wright Crossley & Co, spice and seed merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Yates & Co, solicitors Liverpool, Lancashire
- Yates, Cox & Co, iron merchants and nail manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
Organisations (707)
- 106th Lancashire Hussars Lancashire
- 359th (4th West Lancs) Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA) Lancashire
- 39th (Welsh) Lancashire Rifle Volunteers Lancashire;Lancashire
- 55th West Lancashire Division Lancashire
- 60th (Royal American) Regiment of Foot (later Duke of York's Own Rifle Corps)
- 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars
- Adam Cliffe Day Nursery, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Adventure, brig
- Aigburth People's Hall, Liverpool Aigburth, Lancashire
- Aigburth Street Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Aigburth Vale Wesley Guild Aigburth, Lancashire
- Aigburth Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Aintree Baptist Church Aintree, Lancashire
- Aintree Institute Bowling Club Aintree, Lancashire
- Alder Hey and Heswall-Royal Liverpool Hospital Liverpool, Lancashire
- Alder Hey Children's Hospital Liverpool, Lancashire
- All Hallows Allerton Allerton, Lancashire
- All Saints and St Aiden's parish, Speke Speke, Lancashire
- All Saints Roman Catholic parish, Oakfield, Anfield Oakfield, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Allenby Square Nursery School Liverpool, Lancashire
- Allerton Synagogue Allerton, Lancashire
- Altcar Rifle Range Committee Altcar, Lancashire
- Ancient and Accepted Rite of Rose Croix: Liverpool Chapter 19, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England: Lodge of Israel 1502, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England: Lodge of Sincerity 292, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England: St George's Lodge of Harmony 32, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England: Stanley Lodge 1325, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England: Walton Lodge 1086, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England: William Brown Lodge 6635, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Andes, screw steam ship
- Anfield Cemetery Liverpool, Lancashire
- Anfield Community Comprehensive School Liverpool, Lancashire
- Anfield Road School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Anglesea Road Wesleyan Methodist Mission, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ashworth Hospital, Maghull Maghull, Lancashire
- Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women: Merseyside branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Association of Old Boys of the Liverpool Hebrew Schools Liverpool, Lancashire
- Association of Old Girls of the Liverpool Hebrew Schools Liverpool, Lancashire
- Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff: Liverpool area Liverpool, Lancashire
- Association of Public Health Inspectors: Liverpool and District branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Banks Road Primary School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Beatles Estate Residents Association, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Beaufort Street County Primary School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Belvidere Road Independent Reformed Baptist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Benn's Garden Unitarian Chapel, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Benn's Garden Welsh Wesleyan Chapel, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bethesda Community Church, Everton Everton, Lancashire
- Birch Memorial Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Blackburne House Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bloom, slaver, of Liverpool
- Blue Coat Hospital and School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Blundellsands United Reformed Church Blundellsands, Lancashire
- B'nai B'rith Liverpool: Women's Lodge Liverpool, Lancashire
- B'nai B'rith: Bertram Benas Unity Lodge, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- B'nai B'rith: Liverpool Lodge no.1027 Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bootle and North Liverpool Methodist Circuit Liverpool, Lancashire;Bootle, Lancashire
- Bootle Borough Hospital Bootle, Lancashire
- Bootle Co-operative Men's Guild Bootle, Lancashire
- Boundary Street East Primitive Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Boys Brigade: Liverpool 23rd batallion Liverpool, Lancashire
- Boys' Home, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- British Council, Merseyside branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- British Empire and Commonwealth Games, Cardiff 1958 Cardiff, Glamorgan
- British Homoeopathic Association: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Broadgreen Hospital, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Brook Road Wesleyan Methodist Church, Walton Walton, Lancashire
- Butler Street Council School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: Merseyside branch Merseyside
- Canning Club, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Canning Street Presbyterian Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Castle Hey Unitarian Chapel, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Catholic Ramblers Association
- Cavern Mecca, Beatles fan club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Central Hall Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Central Synagogue, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Cheshire/ Merseyside Joint Committee of Community Health Councils Cheshire;Merseyside
- Chevra Kadisha, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Childwall Highway Board Childwall, Lancashire
- Childwall synagogue Liverpool, Lancashire
- Childwall tithes Childwall, Lancashire
- China Town Oral History Project, The Sound Agents, Liverpool, Liverpool, Lancashire
- Christ Church parish Bootle Bootle, Lancashire
- Christ Church parish, Linnet Lane, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Christ Church parish, Norris Green, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Christ Church, Netherley Netherley, Lancashire
- Christ Church, Walton Breck Liverpool, Lancashire
- Christ the King Metropolitan Cathedral Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Church of the Good Shepherd, West Derby West Derby, Lancashire
- Citizens Advice Bureau: Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- City of Liverpool Officers Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Civil Aviation Authority: Liverpool Airport Liverpool, Lancashire
- Clubmoor Cricket Club Clubmoor, Lancashire
- Clubmoor Wesleyan Methodist Church Clubmoor, Lancashire
- Columbus, brig
- Compass Counselling Liverpool, Lancashire
- Continuing the Journey, a Stray Cat Media history project at National Museums Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Council of Christians and Jews
- Count de Nord, slaver
- County Road Methodist Church Walton, Lancashire
- County Road Wesleyan Methodist Church, Kirkdale Liverpool, Lancashire
- Cowley Road Methodist Church Walton, Lancashire
- Cranmer Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Cressington Park Residents Association, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Crosby Synagogue Crosby, Lancashire
- Cross Farm Primary School Netherley, Lancashire
- Crown Street School for the Deaf
- Crown, ship
- Croxteth Community Comprehensive School Croxteth, Lancashire
- Croxteth Methodist Church Croxteth, Lancashire
- Cruel Sea Oral Reminiscence Project
- David Lewis Northern Hospital, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Dingle Regeneration, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Discharged Prisoners Aid Society: Liverpool, South West Lancashire and North Wales branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Dovedale Infant School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Durning Road United Methodist Free Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Edge Hill St Cyprian with Christ Church parish Edge Hill, Lancashire
- Educational Institute of Design, Craft and Technology: Liverpool and Merseyside branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Elizabeth, steamer
- Elm Hall Drive Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Emmanuel Church, Fazakerely Liverpool, Lancashire
- Emmanuel Church, Fazakerley Fazakerley, Lancashire
- English Church History Society: Liverpool and Chester branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- English Partnerships, regeneration agency
- Enterprise, privateer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Enterprise, slaver Liverpool, Lancashire
- Eton Bowling Club, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Evered Avenue School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Everton Public Library
- Everton Road Nursery School Everton, Lancashire
- Everton Road Primitive Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Everton township Everton, Lancashire
- Everyman Theatre Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fairfield Synagogue Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fairfield Synagogue, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fairfield United Reformed Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fazakerley Cottage Homes Fazakerley, Lancashire
- Fazakerley High School Fazakerley, Lancashire
- Fazakerley Hospital Fazakerley, Lancashire
- Fazakerley Parish Council Fazakerley, Lancashire
- Florence Institute for Boys, Toxteth Toxteth, Lancashire
- Ford Cemetery, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fortune, slaver Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fountain Road Synagogue, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fountains Road Synagogue, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fountains Road United Reformed Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Friend Merseyside, LGBT charity Merseyside
- Friends of Liverpool Airport Liverpool, Lancashire
- Friends of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Friends of the Royal Liverpool University Hospital Liverpool, Lancashire
- Gallery Luncheon Club, Walker Gallery, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Garland, brig
- Garston and Grassendale District Nursing Association Garston, Lancashire
- Garston Baptist Church
- Garston Congregational Church Garston, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Garston Wesleyan Methodist Church Garston, Lancashire
- Gateacre Comprehensive School, Liverpool Gateacre, Lancashire
- Gateacre Society (conservation and amenity society) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Gordon Smith Institute for Seamen, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Gossypium, ship
- Graphical, Paper and Media Union: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Great George Street Congregational Chapel, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Great Homer Street Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Great Hunger Commemoration Committee, Irish famine remembrance association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Green Room Players, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Greenbank Drive Synagogue, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Grove Street Trinity Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Grove Street United Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hahnemann Hospital, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hamilton Road United Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hamlet Baptist Church Liverpool, Lancashire
- Harold House (Liverpool Jewish Youth and Community Centre) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hilberry Avenue Primitive Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hillel Committee Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hillel House Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hillsborough Disaster Appeal Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hillsborough Family Support Group
- Hillsborough Stadium Disaster Inquiry
- Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire Liverpool, Lancashire
- HM Prison, Kirkdale Kirkdale, Lancashire
- HM Prison, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- HMS Agamemnon (1781)
- HMS Firefly (1832)
- HMS Indefatigable (1848) and National Sea Training School for Boys Wallasey, Cheshire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Holly Lodge School for Girls, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Holt Road United Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Holy Trinity Church of England School, Richmond Park Walton, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Holy Trinity parish, Walton Breck Walton, Lancashire
- Holy Trinity parish, Wavertree Wavertree, Lancashire
- Home Office: Forensic Science Laboratory, Birmingham Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Hope Place Synagogue, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hope Street Unitarian Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hope Valley County Primary School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Humane Society of Tinplate Workers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hundred of West Derby Agricultural Society West Derby, Lancashire
- Hunts Cross St Hilda's parish Liverpool, Lancashire
- Huyton Co-operative Men's Guild Huyton, Lancashire
- Huyton Quarry Wesleyan Methodist Church Huyton, Lancashire
- Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jewish Board of Guardians, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jewish Boys Clothing Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jewish Childrens Holiday and Home, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jewish Children's Holiday Fund Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jewish Graduates Association, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jewish Historical Society, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade, Liverpool Battalion Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jewish Lads Brigade: Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jewish Masonic Lodges Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jewish Programming and Resource Centre Liverpool, Lancashire
- John Gambles
- Jubilee Drive Primitive Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jumna, ship
- Junior Association of Old Boys Liverpool, Lancashire
- Kashrut Commission Liverpool, Lancashire
- Kaye Street Meeting, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Kensington Methodist Hall, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- King David Foundation Liverpool, Lancashire
- King David High School Liverpool, Lancashire
- King David primary school Liverpool, Lancashire
- Kirkdale Homes Kirkdale, Lancashire
- Kirkdale St Aiden parish Kirkdale, Lancashire
- Lancashire militia Lancashire;Lancashire
- Lancashire Quarter Sessions Lancashire;Lancashire
- Laurel Road Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lawrence Road United Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Le Convention, ship Liverpool, Lancashire
- Litherland St Paul parish Litherland, Lancashire
- Liverpool 8 Law Centre Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Academy of Arts Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool All Saints parish Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Amateur Musical Union Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool American Chamber of Commerce Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Amicable Book Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool and District Cross Country Union Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool and District Joint Committee for the Building Industry Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool and District League of Unitarian and Other Christian Women Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool and District Master Printers and Allied Trades Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool and District Radiographers Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool and District Ramblers Federation Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool and District Scientific Industrial and Research Library Advisory Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Apollo Catch and Glee Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Architectural and Archaeological Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Association of Science and Arts Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Astronomical Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Bell Ringers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Bible Womens Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Bibliographic Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Board of Conciliation Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Borough Quarter Sessions Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Botanic Garden Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Brides Dowry Fund Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Burial Board Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Business and Professional Womens Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Catholic Benevolent Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Catholic Ramblers Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Catholic Reformatory Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Central Library Users Group Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Central Relief and Charity Organisation Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Chamber of Commerce Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Chatham Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Chemical Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Chemists Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Christ Church Toxteth Park parish Liverpool, Lancashire;Toxteth, Lancashire
- Liverpool City Children's Homes Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool City Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool City Council Liberal Group Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool City Hospital North Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool City Magistrates Court Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool City Mission Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Civil Defence Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Clerk of the Peace Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Clerks Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool College of Commerce Spanish Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Collegiate School Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Community College Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Conservative Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Coopers' Friendly Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Corporation Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Corporation Health Department Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Cotton Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool County Petty Sessions Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Court of Passage Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Cremation Society
- Liverpool Crematorium Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Customs port Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Daughters of Zion Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Dental Hospital Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Diocese Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool District Labour Party Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool District Missionary Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool District Overseas Missions Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Domestic Mission Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Ear, Nose and Throat Infirmary Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Engineering Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Esperanto Group Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Female Orphan Asylum Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Female Penitentiary Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Fire Brigade Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Florilda (Dorcas) Sewing Guild Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Garrick Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Governesses Benevolent Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Harriers and Athletic Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Health Authority Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew (Rice Lane) Burial Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew Aid Society, Gemilut Chasodim Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew Associated Charities Fund Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew Bread and Flour Distributing Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew Charity Funerals Board Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew Distress Relief Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew Federated Burial Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Institution Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew Philanthropic Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew Provident Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew Schoolboys Clothing Society and Soup Fund Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew schools Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hebrew Schools Children's Soup Fund Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool House of Help Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Housing Action Trust Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Huldah Zionist Circle Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Incorporated Law Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Independent Rifle Corps Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Inner Wheel Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Italian Literary Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Jewish Community Centre Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Jewish Medical Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Jewish National Fund Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Jewish Sports Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Jewish Welfare Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Jewish Womens Personal Service Guild Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Library Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Lord Mayor Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Lubavitch Foundation Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Maternity Hospital Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Methodist Mission Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Mothers Welfare Clinic Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool motor vehicle licensing Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Municipal Officers Guild Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Naturalists Field Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool North Central Methodist Circuit Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool North East Methodist Circuit Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool North Methodist Circuit Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Old Hebrew Congregation Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Operative Braziers and Sheet Metal Workers Society (formerly Operative Tin-Plate Workers Society) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Organists Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Orphan Asylums Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Orphanage Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool parish Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Parliamentary Debating Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Parliamentary Office Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Peace Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Philatelic Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Philharmonic Choral Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Philomathic Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Polytechnic Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Progressive Synagogue Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Provision Trade Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Public Assistance Committee Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Reform Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Region Co-operative Party Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Regional Hospital Board Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Rope Walks Partnership Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Rotary Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Royal Children's Hospital Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Royal Infirmary Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Rugby Union Football Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Sacred Harmonic Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Sanitary Science Instruction Committee Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool School of Science Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool schools Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Science Students Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Select Vestry Board of Guardians Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Shechita Board Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Sheltering Homes for Orphan, Fatherless and Destitute Children Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Society for the Protection of Girls and Women Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Society of Chartered Accountants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Society of Fine Arts Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool South Methodist Circuit Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool South-East Methodist Circuit Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool St Andrew's Litherland parish Liverpool, Lancashire;Litherland, Lancashire
- Liverpool St Gabriel parish Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool St Helens Football Club
- Liverpool St Michael in-the-Hamlet parish Liverpool, Lancashire;Toxteth, Lancashire
- Liverpool Stanley Hospital, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Subscription Military Band Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Talmudical College Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Trades Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Unanimous Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Unitarian Fellowship Fund Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool University Jewish Students Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Vocalist Union Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Volunteers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Welsh Choral Union Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool West India Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Women Police Movement Committee Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Women's Hospital, Crown Street Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Women's Movement Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Workhouse Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Zionist Central Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Zionist Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool, Prescot, Ashton and Warrington Turnpike Trust Liverpool, Lancashire;Prescot, Lancashire;Ashton, Cheshire;Warrington, Lancashire
- Lodge Lane Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lord Mayor of Liverpool's War Fund Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lottery, ship Liverpool, Lancashire
- Loyal Orange Institution of England: Liverpool Provincial Grand Lodge Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lyceum Newsroom and Club, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Magdalen Institution, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Maghull Homes Liverpool, Lancashire
- Maidford Primary School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mampookata Liverpool, Lancashire
- Marsh Lane Wesleyan Methodist Church, Bootle Bootle, Lancashire
- Masonic Lodge of Israel Liverpool, Lancashire
- Meridian Society Braintree, Essex;Liverpool, Lancashire;China
- Mersey Building Trades Employers Federation Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mersey Harmony: Liverpool Ladies Barbershop Singers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mersey Port Health Authority Merseyside
- Mersey Ship Repairers Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Amalgamated Talmud Torah Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Aviation Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Civic Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Electric Lighting Services Committee Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Film Institute Trust Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Fire Brigade Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Free Church Federal Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside German Jewish Aid Committee Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Health Benefits Council (Medicash) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Jewish Representative Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Jewish Welfare Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Jewish Women's Aid Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Pathways Network Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Trade Union Community and Unemployed Resource Centre Liverpool, Lancashire
- Methodist New Connexion Church, Toxteth Toxteth, Lancashire
- Military Red Cross Hospital, Moss Side Maghull Maghull, Lancashire
- Mill Lane Independent Methodist Church, Wavertree Wavertree, Lancashire
- Mill Road Maternity Hospital, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mizrachi Societies Liverpool, Lancashire
- Molyneux Charity, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mossley Hill Constituency Labour Party Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mossley Hill Residents Association, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mount Pleasant Schools, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Moving Voices: Irish Traveller Heritage Project Liverpool, Lancashire
- Musgrave, brig
- Myrtle Street Children's Hospital, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- National and Local Government Officers Association: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- National Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- National Federation of Building Trade Employers: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- National Graphical Association: Liverpool Daily Post and Echo chapel Liverpool, Lancashire
- National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Naylor Estate, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Neptune Provident Society, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Netherfield Methodist Church Liverpool, Lancashire
- Netherfield Road Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Netherfield Road United Methodist Church Liverpool, Lancashire
- New Hebrew Congregation Liverpool, Lancashire
- Newsham C.P. School, Boaler Street, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Newsham General Hospital Liverpool, Lancashire
- Norris Green Co-operative Men's Guild, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Norris Green Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- North End Domestic Mission, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- North of England Athletic Association, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- North Western Federation of Pharmaceutical Associations Lancashire;Lancashire
- Northern Athletics North East;North West
- Northern Counties Athletics Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Northern Medical Society, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Northern Tobacco Manufacturers Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Nugent Care Archive Liverpool, Lancashire
- Nusach Ari Congregation, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Oakfield Co-operative Men's Guild Oakfield, Lancashire
- Oakfield Road Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Oakleigh Methodist New Connexion Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Octagon Unitarian Chapel, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Oldham Street Scotch Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Olive Mount Children's Hospital, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Orrell Park Baptist Church Liverpool, Lancashire
- Oulton Secondary School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic parish, Toxteth, Liverpool Toxteth, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Our Lady of Reconciliation de La Salette Roman Catholic Church, Vauxhall, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic parish, Everton, Liverpool Everton, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Oxford Archaeology North Lancaster, Lancashire
- Oxford Street School for the Deaf and Dumb, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Paradise Street Unitarian Chapel, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Parkhill County Primary School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Parklands High School Speke, Lancashire
- Parverrectorians Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Pine, slaver of Liverpool
- Poale Zion (Jewish Labour Party) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Port of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Pride of Israel Congregation, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Prince Rupert Secondary Modern School Liverpool, Lancashire
- Princes Avenue Primitive Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Prince's Gate Baptist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Princes Park Hospital Liverpool, Lancashire
- Princes Park Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Protestant Martyrs Memorial Church Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Provincial Assembly of English Presbyterians and Unitarians of Lancashire and Cheshire Cheshire;Lancashire
- Quarry Bank High School for Boys Liverpool, Lancashire
- Queen Mary's High School for Girls, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Queens Road Primitive Methodist Church, Bootle Bootle, Lancashire
- Railway Clerks Association: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ranger, brig
- Rankin Boys Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Rankin Street United Reform Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Rating and Valuation Association: Lancashire and Cheshire branch Cheshire;Lancashire;Lancashire;Cheshire
- Renshaw Street Unitarian Chapel, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Rice Lane Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School, Walton Liverpool, Lancashire
- Richmond Baptist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Rodewald Concert Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Rosalind Street Wesleyan Methodist Church, Kirkdale Liverpool, Lancashire
- Roscoe Club and Liverpool Athenaeum Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes: Liverpool, Knotty Ash Lodge 3645 Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes: Liverpool, Lodge 5913 Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes: Queens Lodge 5870, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Arch Masons of England: Chapter 1473, Bootle Bootle, Lancashire
- Royal Artillery, 86th (Essex) Medium Battery
- Royal Liverpool Children's Hospital Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Liverpool Hospital Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Liverpool Hospital League of Nurses Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Society of Chemistry: Liverpool section Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Southern Hospital Nurses' League Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Russell Road United Methodist Church, Garston Garston, Lancashire
- Sahir House, HIV charity, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Salisbury House School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sandon Studios Society, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sanitary Inspectors Association: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Scotland Road United Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sefton General Hospital Sefton, Lancashire
- Sefton Masonic Lodge Sefton, Lancashire
- Sefton Park Jewish Club Sefton, Lancashire
- Sefton Park Synagogue Sefton, Lancashire
- Shivath Zion Lawn Tennis Section, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Socialist Party
- Society for the Temporarily Sheltering and Assisting Poor Strangers of the Jewish Faith Liverpool, Lancashire
- Society of Chemical Industry: Liverpool section Liverpool, Lancashire
- Society of St Vincent de Paul: Liverpool St Mary's conference Liverpool, Lancashire
- Society of the Lovers of Old Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Soroptimist International: Liverpool club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Speke Church of England School Speke, Lancashire
- Speke Methodist Church Speke, Lancashire
- SS Henriette Woermann
- St Aidan's School, Farnworth Farnworth, Lancashire
- St Alban Roman Catholic Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Alphonsus Roman Catholic Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Andrew parish, Aigburth Road, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Andrew's Church of Scotland, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Ann parish, Rainhill Rainhill, Lancashire
- St Anne parish, Aigburth Aigburth, Lancashire
- St Anne's Roman Catholic Primary School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Anthony of Egypt Roman Catholic parish, Scotland Road, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Anthony's School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Augustine Roman Catholic Church, Great Howard Street, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Bede's Elim Pentecostal Church Centre, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Brigid R C Church, Bevington Hill Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Christopher parish, Norris Green Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Cleopas Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Columba church, Anfield Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Cyril's Roman Catholic Church Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Domingo United Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Dunstan parish, Edge Hill Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Edmund's College, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Francis de Sales Roman Catholic parish, Walton, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire;Walton, Lancashire
- St Francis of Assisi School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Francis Xavier College, Roman Catholic school Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Francis Xavier's Association, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St George's Church, Everton Everton, Lancashire
- St George's Presbyterian Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St George's Presbyterian Church, Southport Southport, Lancashire
- St Gerard Majella Roman Catholic Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Giles Social Club, Aintree Aintree, Lancashire
- St James parish, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St James's Wesleyan Methodist Church, Woolton Woolton, Lancashire
- St John parish, Waterloo Liverpool, Lancashire
- St John the Baptist National Schools, Toxteth Park Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St John the Divine Church, Fairfield, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St John the Divine parish, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St John the Evangelist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St John the Evangelist parish, Knotty Ash Liverpool, Lancashire
- St John the Evangelist School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St John's Church of England Primary School, Waterloo Liverpool, Lancashire
- St John's Wesleyan Methodist Church, Princes Park, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Grosvenor Strete, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Lawrence church, Kirkdale, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Malachy's Roman Catholic Church, Dingle Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Malachy's Roman Catholic Infant School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Margaret parish, Toxteth Park Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Margaret's School, Aigburth Aigburth, Lancashire
- St Mary parish, Edge Hill Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Mary parish, Grassendale Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Mary parish, Walton on the Hill Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Mary Roman Catholic parish, Woolton, Liverpool Woolton, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Mary the Virgin parish, West Derby Liverpool, Lancashire;West Derby, Lancashire
- St Mary's Church, Edge Hill, Liverpool Edge Hill, Lancashire
- St Mary's Highfield Street Catholic Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Mary's parish, Waterloo Waterloo, Lancashire
- St Matthew and St James Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Matthew parish, Bootle Bootle, Lancashire
- St Nicholas Copperas Hill Roman Catholic Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Nicholas parish, Blundellsands Blundellsands, Lancashire
- St Oswald King and Martyr & St Brendan's Shrine Roman Catholic parish, Old Swan Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Patrick Roman Catholic parish, Park Place, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Patrick's school Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Paul parish, Fazakerely Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Paul parish, Stoneycroft Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Paul's Eye Hospital Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Paul's Eye Hospital, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Peter parish, Woolton
- St Peter's Church School, Woolton Woolton, Lancashire
- St Peter's Methodist Church, Toxteth Toxteth, Lancashire
- St Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Seel Street, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Philemon parish, Liverpool Toxteth, Lancashire
- St Philip Neri Roman Catholic Church, Catharine Street, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Saviour with St Cuthbert parish, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Simon and St Jude parish, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Stephen Church of England School, Gateacre Gateacre, Lancashire
- St Stephen's Church, Gateacre Gateacre, Lancashire
- St Swithin Roman Catholic Church, Gillmoss, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Sylvester's Roman Catholic Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- St Thomas church, Seaforth Seaforth, Lancashire
- Standing Conference of Womens Organisations: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Stanhope Street Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Statue of George III, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Stuart Road United Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sugar Refiners and Master Coopers of Scotland
- Sundale Home for the Elderly, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Tabernacle Welsh Congregational Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- The 1918 Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- The Bluecoat, arts centre Liverpool, Lancashire
- The Jewish Holocaust Experience: A Liverpool Commemoration through Arts and Literature Liverpool, Lancashire
- The Missions to Seamen: Mersey branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- The Timber Trades' Benevolent Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- The Vegetarian Home for Children, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire;Wallasey, Cheshire;Rainhill, Lancashire
- The Women's Hospital, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Thirty Club, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Townsend Avenue Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Toxteth and Sefton Park United Reformed Church Liverpool, Lancashire
- Toxteth Baptist Tabernacle Toxteth, Lancashire
- Toxteth County Primary School, Liverpool Toxteth, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Toxteth St Bede's parish, Liverpool, Lancashire
- Toxteth Unitarian Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Trinity Methodist Church, Alton Road, Tuebrook Liverpool, Lancashire
- Trinity Methodist Church, Page Moss, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Trinity Methodist Church, Tuebook Liverpool, Lancashire
- Trinity Orrell Park United Reformed Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Trinity Presbyterian Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Tuebrook Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Turner Memorial Home of Rest, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ullet Road Synagogue, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ullet Road Unitarian Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Underlea Open Air School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Union of Post Office Workers: Liverpool amalgamated branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Unitarian Tract Society: Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- United Reformed Church, Whitefield Road Liverpool, Lancashire
- United Reformed Church: Mersey Synod Merseyside;Lancashire
- Univesity of Liverpool: School of Architecture Liverpool, Lancashire
- Victoria Park Wesleyan Methodist Church, Wavertree Liverpool, Lancashire
- Victoria Settlement and Community Centre, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Virginia, bark, of New Bedford
- Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Walton Hospital, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- War Damage Commission North West
- Warbrick's and other Liverpool charities Liverpool, Lancashire
- Warrington Classis Warrington, Lancashire
- Watergate School, Toxteth Liverpool, Lancashire
- Waterloo Christ Church parish Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wavertree Congregational Church Wavertree, Lancashire
- Wavertree enclosure Wavertree, Lancashire
- Wavertree Road United Methodist Free Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wavertree township Wavertree, Lancashire
- Wayfarers Club, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wellington Avenue Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wellington Club, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wellington Road Mission Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wellington Road United Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wellington Testimonial Fund, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Welsh Calvinist Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Welsh luncheon Club, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wesley Methodist Hall, Bootle Bootle, Lancashire
- West Derby and Wavertree enclosures West Derby, Lancashire;Wavertree, Lancashire
- West Derby Board of Guardians West Derby, Lancashire
- West Derby Hockey Club Liverpool, Lancashire;West Derby, Lancashire
- West Derby Local Board Derby, Derbyshire
- West Derby Rural Sanitary Authority West Derby, Lancashire
- West Lancashire Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association Lancashire;Lancashire
- Westminster House, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Westminster Road County Primary School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Westminster Road United Reformed Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Whitefield Primary School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Whitefield Road Wesleyan Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- William, slaver, of Liverpool
- Womens Co-operative Guild: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Womens International League for Peace and Freedom: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Womens International Zionist Organisation: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Woolton and District Nursing Society Woolton, Lancashire
- Woolton Congregational Church Woolton, Lancashire
- Woolton Parliamentary Debating Society Woolton, Lancashire
- Woolton Society Woolton, Lancashire
- Workers Educational Association: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ye Ugly Face Society, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Young Womens International Zionist Organisation: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- YZ Club, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Zion Primitive Methodist Church, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
Persons (585)
- Abbot, Charles, (1798-1867), 2nd Baron Colchester, Admiral
- Abbott, Charles Stuart Aubrey, (1834-1882), 3rd Baron Tenterden, civil servant
- Acheson, Archibald, (1776-1849), 2nd Earl of Gosford, politician, colonial governor
- Acheson, Archibald, (1806-1864), 3rd Earl of Gosford
- Adderley, Charles Bowyer, (1814-1905), 1st Baron Norton, statesman
- Addison, Sir Joseph, (1879-1953), Knight, diplomat
- Aikin, John, (1747-1822), physician and author
- Aitken, William Maxwell, (1879-1964), 1st Baron Beaverbrook, newspaper proprietor
- Albert, (1819-1861), Prince Consort of Queen Victoria, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria
- Aldington, Richard, (1892-1962), Novelist
- Allen, Sir John Sandeman, (1865-1935), Knight, MP for Liverpool
- Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett, (1873-1955), politician and journalist
- Arbuthnot, Charles, (1767-1850), diplomat, politician and public servant
- Archibald, Charles Dickson, (1802-1868), Canadian Author
- Arthur, Sir George, (1784-1854), 1st Baronet Lieutenant General Colonial Governor
- Ashton, Ellis, (c 1788-1869), Rector of Begbrooke
- Asquith, Herbert Henry, (1852-1928), 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith, statesman
- Aston, Sir Willoughby, (1640-1702), 2nd Baronet
- Attlee, Clement Richard, (1883-1967), 1st Earl Attlee, statesman
- Backhouse, John, (1784-1845), civil servant
- Bagot, Sir Charles, (1781-1843), Knight, diplomat, Governor General of Canada
- Bailey, Sir Abe, (1864-1940), Knight South African Financier and Statesman
- Baldwin, Stanley, (1867-1947), 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, statesman
- Balfour, Arthur James, (1848-1930), 1st Earl of Balfour, statesman
- Baring, Alexander, (1774-1848), 1st Baron Ashburton, statesman
- Barrington, George William, (1824-1886), 7th Viscount Barrington
- Barrington, Sir Matthew, (1788-1861), 2nd Baronet Crown Solicitor for Munster
- Barry, Sir Charles, (1795-1860), Knight, architect and topographical draughtsman
- Barton, Bernard, (1784-1849), Quaker Poet
- Bayley, John Whitcomb, (d 1869), antiquary and archivist
- Bedingfeld, Lady Charlotte Georgiana, (d 1854), Woman of the Bedchamber
- Beke, Charles Tilstone, (1800-1874), Abyssinian Explorer
- Bell, Sir Thomas Hugh, (1844-1931), 2nd Baronet Yorkshire industrialist and politician
- Benas, Bertram Benjamin Baron, (1880-1968), Jurist
- Benas, Louis, (c 1876-c 1907), Baron Benas
- Beresford, Lord John George de la Poer, (1773-1862), Archbishop of Armagh
- Beresford, William, (1797-1883), MP
- Berkeley, George Charles Grantley Fitzhardinge, (1800-1881), author and politician
- Berry, Mary, (1763-1852), author and friend of Horace Walpole
- Bertie, Francis Leveson, (1844-1919), 1st Viscount Bertie of Thame
- Best, William Thomas, (1826-1897), Musician
- Bickerton, Thomas Herbert, (1857-1933), opthalmologist
- Biddulph, Sir Thomas Myddleton, (1809-1878), Knight General Keeper of the Privy Purse
- Biffin, Sarah, (1784-1850), Miniature Painter
- Billson, Alfred, (1839-1907), politician
- Birdwood, William Riddell, (1865-1951), 1st Baron Birdwood, Field Marshal
- Birrell, Charles Mitchell, (1811-1880), pastor of Pembroke Baptist Church, Liverpool
- Blackburne, Francis, (1782-1867), Irish Judge
- Blackburne, John Ireland, (1783-1874), MP for Newton and Warrington
- Blake, James, (fl 1917), soldier Liverpool, Lancashire
- Blane, Sir Gilbert, (1749-1834), 1st Baronet Physician of the Fleet
- Bligh, Edward, (1795-1835), 5th Earl of Darnley
- Bliss, Philip, (1787-1857), antiquary and editor
- Blomfield, Charles James, (1786-1857), Bishop of London
- Bootle-Wilbraham, Edward, (1771-1853), 1st Baron Skelmersdale, politician
- Bootle-Wilbraham, Edward, (1807-1882), Colonel Coldstream Guards
- Bourke, Richard Southwell, (1822-1872), 6th Earl of Mayo, Viceroy of India
- Bourke, Robert, (1827-1901), Baron Connemara, Governor of Madras
- Bouverie, Sir Henry Frederick, (1783-1852), Knight Lieutenant General Governor of Malta
- Boyd, Henry, (? 1755-1832), translator
- Boyle, Richard, (1809-1868), 4th Earl of Shannon
- Bradbury, Sir John Swanwick, (1872-1950), 1st Baron Bradbury, civil servant
- Braddock, Elizabeth Margaret, (1899-1970), Labour MP
- Brade, Sir Reginald Herbert, (1864-1933), Knight, civil servant
- Bridgeman, William Clive, (1864-1935), 1st Viscount Bridgeman, statesman
- Britton, John, (1771-1857), antiquary and topographer
- Broadbent, John, (1803-1842), architect
- Brodrick, William St John Freemantle, (1856-1942), 9th Viscount and 1st Earl Midleton, statesman
- Brophy, John, (1899-1965), journalist and novelist of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Brougham, Henry Peter, (1778-1868), 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, statesman, Lord Chancellor
- Brown, George Alexander, (1803-1870), merchant and banker
- Brown, Percy Culverwell, (1881-1956), antiquary
- Brown, Ron, (fl 1995-2016), photographer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Brown, Sir William, (1784-1864), Knight, politician and benefactor to Liverpool
- Brown, Sir William Richmond, (1840-1906), Lieutenant Colonel
- Browne, Dominick, (1787-1860), 1st Baron Oranmore, politician
- Browne, Howe Peter, (1788-1845), 2nd Marquess of Sligo, politician and colonial governor
- Bruce, Sir Frederick William Adolphus, (1814-1867), Knight, diplomat
- Bruce, James, (1811-1863), 8th Earl of Elgin, Viceroy of India
- Brudenell, James Thomas, (1797-1868), 7th Earl of Cardigan, Lieutenant General
- Brunnow, Count Ernst Philipp, (1797-1875), Russian diplomat
- Buchanan, Sir Andrew, (1807-1882), 1st Baronet, diplomat
- Buckley-Mathew, Sir George Benvenuto, (1807-1879), Knight Colonial Governor and Diplomat
- Buller, Charles, (1806-1848), politician
- Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton, (1803-1873), 1st Baron Lytton, statesman and novelist
- Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert, (1831-1891), 1st Earl of Lytton, Viceroy of India
- Bulwer-Lytton, Rosina Anne Doyle, (1802-1882) Baroness Lytton, novelist
- Bunbury, Thomas, (d 1857), Lieutenant General
- Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias von, (1791-1860), Baron von Bunsen, German diplomat and scholar
- Burdett, Sir Francis, (1770-1844), 5th Baronet Politician
- Burgoyne, Sir John Fox, (1782-1871), 1st Baronet Field Marshal
- Burn, William, (1789-1870), architect
- Bury, Charles William, (1801-1851), 2nd Earl of Charleville
- Butler, Richard, (1794-1858), 2nd Earl of Glengall
- Byng, John, (1772-1860), 1st Earl of Strafford, General
- Caine, Sir Thomas Henry Hall, (1853-1931), Knight, novelist
- Caine, William Ralph Hall, (1865-1939), Author
- Cairns, Hugh McCalmont, (1819-1885), 1st Earl Cairns, Lord Chancellor
- Cambridge, George William Frederick Charles, (1819-1904) 2nd Duke of Cambridge, Field Marshal
- Campbell, Colin, (1792-1863), Baron Clyde, Field Marshal
- Campbell, Sir Ronald Hugh, (1883-1953), Knight Diplomat
- Campbell, Thomas, (1777-1844), poet
- Campbell, Walter Frederick, (1799-1855), MP
- Canning, Charles John, (1812-1862), Earl Canning, Governor General of India
- Canning, George, (1770-1827), statesman
- Canning, George, (1778-1840), 1st Baron Garvagh, politician
- Canning, Stratford, (1786-1880), 1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, diplomat
- Cardwell, Edward, (1787-1861), church historian
- Cardwell, Edward, (1813-1886), Viscount Cardwell, statesman
- Carew, Robert Shapland, (1787-1856), 1st Baron Carew, politician
- Carey, William, (1761-1834), orientalist and missionary
- Carson, Edward Henry, (1854-1935), Baron Carson, politician
- Carson, James, (1772-1843), Physician
- Cary, Lucius Bentinck, (1803-1884), 10th Viscount Falkland
- Cavendish-Bentinck, Lord William George Frederick, (1802-1848), Politician and Sportsman
- Cecil, Brownlow, (1795-1867), 2nd Marquess of Exeter
- Chamberlain, Arthur Neville, (1869-1940), statesman
- Chamberlain, Sir Joseph Austen, (1863-1937), Knight, politician
- Champneys, Thomas Phipps Amian, (1808-1879), Rector of Badsworth
- Chance, George, (1818-1903), Barrister Metropolitan Police Magistrate
- Chapman, Margaret, (b1897), writer
- Chase, Drummond Percy, (1820-1902), Principal of St Mary Hall Oxford
- Chetwynd-Talbot, Sir Wellington Patrick Manvers, (1817-1898), Knight Serjeant at Arms to House of Lords
- Chorley, Henry Fothergill, (1808-1872), Music Critic
- Chubb, Ralph Nicholas, (1892-1960), Painter
- Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer, (1874-1965), Knight, prime minister and historian
- Clarkson, Thomas, (1760-1846), philanthropist
- Clayton, Nicholas, (1730-1797), Unitarian Minister
- Cleary, Sir Joseph Jackson, (b 1902), Knight MP
- Clemenceau, Georges, (1841-1929), French Statesman
- Clerk, Sir George Russell, (1874-1951), Knight, diplomat
- Cliff, William, (fl 1883-1957), Shipowner
- Clifford, Hugh Charles, (1790-1858), 7th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh
- Clint, John, (1786-1868), sea captain and shipowner
- Cobbold, Thomas Clement, (1833-1883), Politician and Diplomat
- Cochrane-Baillie, Alexander Dundas Ross Wishart, (1816-1890), 1st Baron Lamington, politician
- Cockburn, Sir George, (1772-1853), 8th Baronet Admiral of the Fleet
- Colborne, John, (1778-1863), 1st Baron Seaton, Field Marshal
- Cole, William Willoughby, (1807-1886), 3rd Earl of Enniskillen
- Colebrooke, Sir William Macbean George, (1787-1870), Knight General Colonial Governor
- Colville, Charles John, (1818-1903), 1st Viscount Colville of Culross
- Cooke, Isaac, (1846-1922), artist
- Cooper, Alfred Duff, (1890-1954), 1st Viscount Norwich
- Coore, Isaac, (1846-1922), Landscape Painter
- Copeman, Constance Gertrude, (1864-c 1963), Painter
- Corry, Henry Thomas Lowry-, (1803-1873), politician
- Cotton, Richard Lynch, (1794-1880), Provost of Worcester College Oxford
- Cotton, Stapleton, (1773-1865), 1st Viscount Combermere, Field Marshal
- Courtenay, William, (1777-1859), 10th Earl of Devon
- Courtenay, William Reginald, (1807-1888), 11th Earl of Devon
- Crampton, Philip Cecil, (1782-1862), MP
- Creedy, Sir Herbert James, (1878-1973), Knight, civil servant
- Creevey, Thomas, (1768-1838), politician
- Crewe-Milnes, Robert Offley Ashburton, (1858-1945), 1st Marquess of Crewe, statesman
- Croker, John Wilson, (1780-1857), politician and essayist
- Cross, Richard Assheton, (1823-1914), 1st Viscount Cross, statesman
- Crowe, Sir Eyre Alexander Barby Wishart, (1864-1925), Knight, Knight, diplomat
- Cuffe, John Otway O'Connor, (1818-1865), 3rd Earl of Desart
- Currie, James, (1756-1805), physician and author
- Curzon, George Nathaniel, (1859-1925), Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, statesman
- Damer, Henry John Reuben Dawson-, (1822-1889), 3rd Earl of Portarlington
- Davies, Sir Francis John, (1864-1948), Knight, General
- Davis, Sir John Francis, (1795-1890), Knight, diplomat and writer
- Denison, John Evelyn, (1800-1873), Viscount Ossington
- Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, (1776-1847), vicar of Exning, antiquary and bibliographer
- Disraeli, Benjamin, (1804-1881), Earl of Beaconsfield, statesman
- Douglas, Sir Howard, (1776-1861), 3rd Baronet General and Colonial Governor
- Dovaston, John Freeman Milward, (1782-1854), Writer
- Dowdall, Harold Chaloner, (1868-1955), Judge
- Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, (1859-1930), Knight author physician criminologist Edinburgh, Midlothian
- Drummond-Hay, Sir John Hay, (1816-1893) Knight, diplomat
- Eardley-Wilmot, Sir John Eardley, (1783-1847), 1st Baronet MP
- Earle, Richard, (1796-1848), Private Secretary to Lord Stanley
- Eddowes, Ralph, (1751-1833), Reformer and Unitarian
- Eden, George, (1784-1849), Earl of Auckland, Governor General of India, statesman
- Edinburgh, Alfred Ernest Albert, (1844-1900), Prince, Duke of Edinburgh
- Edward VII, (1841-1910), King of Great Britain and Ireland
- Egerton, Francis, (1800-1857), 1st Earl of Ellesmere, politician, poet
- Eliot, Edward Granville, (1798-1877), 3rd Earl of St Germans
- Ellice, Edward, (1781-1863), merchant and politician
- Elliot, Sir Henry George, (1817-1907), Knight Diplomat
- Ellis, Sir Clough, (1883-1978), Knight, architect
- Ellis, Sir Henry, (1777-1869), Knight, Principal Librarian of the British Museum and antiquary
- Elmes, Harvey Lonsdale, (1814-1847), Architect
- Elphinstone, John, (1807-1860), 13th Baron Elphinstone
- Entwistle, Peter, (d 1939), Deputy Curator Liverpool Museum Historian
- Erskine, Edward Morris, (1817-1883), Diplomat
- Estcourt, Thomas Henry Sutton Sotheron, (1801-1876), Statesman
- Evans, Sir Edward, (1846-1917), Knight, Liverpool Liberal Leader
- Everett, Edward, (1794-1865), American Clergyman Diplomat and Statesman
- Ewart, William, (1798-1869), politician
- Ferguson, Sir Robert Alexander, (c1795-1860), 2nd Baronet, MP
- Finnie, John, (1829-1907), Artist
- Fitchett, John, (1776-1838), poet
- Fitzgerald, Maurice, (1774-1849), Knight of Kerry Irish Statesman
- Fitzgibbon, John, (1792-1851), 2nd Earl of Clare
- FitzRoy, Robert, (1805-1865), MP, Governor of New Zealand, Vice Admiral and meteorologist
- Ford, Sir Francis Clare, (1828-1899), Knight and diplomat
- Forshall, Josiah, (1795-1863), librarian, archivist and biblical scholar
- Forster, Edward Morgan, (1879-1970), novelist and critic
- Forwood, Sir Arthur Bower, (1836-1898), Knight MP Merchant
- Forwood, Sir William Bower, (1840-1928), Knight, merchant and politician
- Fox, Henry Richard Vassall, (1773-1840), 3rd Baron Holland, statesman
- Frampton, Samuel, (1862-1943), Minister of Liverpool Hebrew Congregation Hebrew Scholar
- Francis, Alfred Edwin, (1909-1985), theatre and opera administrator
- Freeman-Mitford, John Thomas, (1805-1886), Earl of Redesdale
- Fremantle, Thomas Francis, (1798-1890), 1st Baron Cottesloe, politician
- Frere, Sir Henry Bartle Edward, (1815-1884), 1st Baronet, statesman
- Fry, Elizabeth, (1780-1845), penal reformer and philanthropist
- Garraway, George Hervey, (1846-1935), painter
- Garrett, George, (1896-1966), merchant seaman, playwright
- Garthshore, Maxwell, (1732-1812), Physician
- Gascoyne, Bamber, (1758-1824), politician
- Gascoyne-Cecil, James Brownlow William, (1791-1868), 2nd Marquess of Salisbury
- Gascoyne-Cecil, James Edward Hubert, (1861-1947), 4th Marquess of Salisbury
- Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot, (1830-1903), 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, statesman
- Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne, (1814-1906), 1st Earl of Cranbrook, statesman
- Gawler, George, (1796-1869), Colonel Governor of South Australia
- George, David Lloyd, (1863-1945), 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor, statesman
- George V, (1865-1936), King of Great Britain and Ireland
- George VI, (1895-1952), King of Great Britain and Ireland
- Gipps, Sir George, (1791-1847), Knight Colonial Governor
- Gladstone, Herbert John, (1854-1930), 1st Viscount Gladstone, statesman
- Gladstone, Sir John, (1764-1851), 1st Baronet merchant and politician
- Gladstone, William Ewart, (1809-1898), statesman
- Gleig, George Robert, (1796-1888), Chaplain General to the Forces, biographer
- Gloucester, William Frederick, (1776-1834), 2nd Duke of Gloucester
- Gomm, Sir William Maynard, (1784-1875), Knight, Field Marshal
- Goodman, Mervyn, (1928-2004), general practitioner
- Gosset, Sir William, (d 1848), Knight Sergeant at Arms
- Goulburn, Henry, (1784-1856), statesman
- Graham, James, (1799-1874), 4th Duke of Montrose
- Grahame, Sir George Dixon, (1873-1940), Knight Diplomat
- Greene, Richard Wilson, (1791-1861), Baron of Irish Exchequer
- Greenwood, Hamar, (1870-1948), 1st Viscount Greenwood
- Gregson, Matthew, (1749-1824), upholsterer antiquary
- Grenville, Richard Plantagenet Campbell Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-, (1823-1889), 3rd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, statesman
- Grey, Charles, (1764-1845), 2nd Earl Grey, statesman
- Grey, Charles, (1804-1870), General, Private Secretary to Prince Albert and Queen Victoria
- Grey, Sir Edward, (1862-1933), Viscount Grey of Falloden, statesman
- Grey, Henry George, (1802-1894), 3rd Earl Grey, statesman
- Grey, Thomas Philip de, (1781-1859), 2nd Earl de Grey, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
- Haig, Sir Douglas, (1861-1928), 1st Earl Haig of Bermersyde, Field Marshal
- Haking, Sir Richard Cyril Byrne, (1862-1945), Knight General
- Hall, Lawrence, (1864-1940), Cotton Broker Historian
- Hamilton, Frederic Douglas, (1815-1887), Diplomat
- Hamilton, Sir George Alexander, (1802-1871), Knight, politician
- Hamilton, James, (1811-1885), 1st Duke of Abercorn, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
- Hamilton, John, (1922-2006), Labour Party councillor and leader of Liverpool City Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hamilton, Thomas, (1780-1858), 9th Earl of Haddington, statesman
- Hamilton-Gordon, George, (1784-1860), 4th Earl of Aberdeen, statesman
- Handley, Thomas Reginald, (1892-1949), comedian
- Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers, (1877-1963), 1st Baron Hankey of the Chart, civil servant
- Hanley, James, (1901-1985), novelist and playwright
- Hardinge, Sir Arthur Henry, (1855-1933), Knight, diplomat
- Hardinge, Sir Charles, (1858-1944), 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst, Viceroy of India
- Hardinge, Henry, (1785-1856), 1st Viscount Hardinge, Field Marshal
- Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William, (1865-1922), Viscount Northcliffe, newspaper proprietor
- Harris, Sir Edward Alfred John, (1808-1888), Knight, Admiral, diplomat and MP
- Harris, George Francis Robert, (1810-1872), 3rd Baron Harris
- Harris, James Howard, (1807-1889), 3rd Earl of Malmesbury, statesman
- Harris, Sir William Snow, (1791-1867), Knight, electrician
- Head, Sir Francis Bond, (1793-1875), 1st Baronet, colonial governor and author
- Hely-Hutchinson, Richard John, (1823-1866), 4th Earl of Donoughmore
- Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, (1793-1835), poet
- Henderson, Arthur, (1863-1935), Labour Leader and Statesman
- Henderson, Sir Nevile Meyrick, (1882-1942), Knight, diplomat
- Henley, Joseph Warner, (1793-1884), Politician
- Herbert, Henry Howard Molyneux, (1831-1890), 4th Earl of Carnarvon, statesman
- Herbert, Sidney, (1810-1861), 1st Baron Herbert of Lea, statesman
- Herries, John Charles, (1778-1855), statesman and financier
- Hill, Arthur Blundell Sandys Trumbull, (1788-1845), 3rd Marquess of Downshire
- Hill, Arthur Wills Blundell Sandys Trumbull, (1812-1868), 4th Marquess of Downshire
- Hincks, Sir Francis, (1807-1885), Knight Colonial Governor
- Hoare, Samuel John Gurney, (1880-1959), 2nd Baronet and Viscount Templewood, statesman
- Hobhouse, John Cam, (1786-1869), Baron Broughton, statesman
- Hole, Henry Fulke Plantagenet Woolicombe, (d 1820), Wood Engraver
- Holt, Alfred, (1829-1911), shipowner
- Holt, John, (1743-1801), Schoolmaster Antiquary
- Holt, Sir Richard Durning, (1868-1941), 1st Baronet MP
- Hope, George William, (1808-1863), politician
- Hornby, George, (1790-1872), Fellow and Librarian Brasenose College Oxford
- Hornby, Hugh, (1792-1875), Merchant Mayor of Liverpool
- Hornby, James John, (1777-1855), Rector of Winwick Lancashire
- Hornby, Robert Vernon Atherton, (1805-1857), Author
- Horne, Robert Stevenson, (1871-1940), Viscount Horne of Slamannan
- Howley, William, (1766-1848), Archbishop of Canterbury
- Hudaly, David, (d 1974), Editor of Liverpool Jewish Gazette
- Hudson, Brian, (fl1960-1970), academic Liverpool, Lancashire
- Huggins, Samuel, (1811-1885), architect
- Hughes, Geoff, (fl1947-1954) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hughes, Herbert, (c1913 - 2002), official photographer for the Beatles and Everton Football Club Birkenhead, Cheshire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hughes, Olive, (fl1947-1954) Meols, Cheshire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hughes, Sandi, (fl 1970 - 2017), feminist filmmaker, DJ and poet Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Hunt, George Ward, (1825-1877), Statesman
- Huskisson, William, (1770-1830), statesman
- Hussey, Thomas John, (fl 1826-1851), rector and astronomer Hayes, Kent
- Hutchinson, William, (1715-1801), Mariner and Writer On Seamanship
- Inglis, John, (1810-1891), Lord Glencorse President of Court of Session
- Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, (1786-1855), 2nd Baronet, politician
- James, William, (1771-1837), Railway Entrepreneur
- Jennings, David, (1691-1762), Independent Minister
- Jerningham, Sir Hubert Edward Henry, (1842-1914), Knight Diplomat and Colonial Governor
- Jeudwine, Sir Hugh Sandham, (1862-1942), Knight Lieutenant General
- Jevons, Mary Anne, (1795-1845), poet
- John, Augustus Edwin, (1878-1961), painter and etcher
- Jolliffe, William George Hylton, (1800-1876), 1st Baron Hylton, politician
- Jones, James Stewart, (b 1948), Bishop of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Kay-Shuttleworth, Ughtred James, (1844-1939), 1st Baron Shuttleworth, politician
- Kelly, Sir Fitzroy, (1796-1880), Lord Chief Baron
- Kempe, John Edward, (1810-1907), Prebendary of St Paul's Royal Chaplain
- Kennedy, Thomas Francis, (1788-1879), Politician
- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, (1850-1916), 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, Field Marshal
- Knight, Henry Gally, (1786-1846), writer on architecture, MP
- Knollys, Sir William Thomas, (1797-1883), Knight, General
- Kurtz, Andrew George, (1824-1890), chemist and art collector
- Kyffin-Taylor, Gerald, (1863-1949), soldier and politician
- Lamb, George, (1784-1834), Politician and Author
- Lamb, William, (1779-1848), 2nd Viscount Melbourne, statesman
- Lambert, Henry, (1786-1861), MP
- Laurence, Richard, (1760-1838), Archbishop of Cashel biblical scholar
- Law, Andrew Bonar, (1858-1923), Statesman
- Law, Edward, (1790-1871), 1st Earl of Ellenborough, Governor General of India
- Lawless, Valentine Browne, (1773-1853), 2nd Baron Cloncurry, politician
- Lawrence, John Laird Mair, (1811-1879), 1st Baron Lawrence, Governor General of India
- Layard, Sir Austen Henry, (1817-1894), Knight, politician, diplomat and archaeologist
- Le Gallienne, Richard Thomas, (1866-1947), poet and essayist
- Lear, Edward, (1812-1888), landscape painter and writer
- Lees, Sir Harcourt, (1776-1852), 2nd Baronet Politician
- Lennox, Charles, (1791-1860), 5th Duke of Richmond
- Leopold, I, (1790-1865), King of the Belgians
- Le-Poer-Trench, William Thomas, (1803-1872), 3rd Earl of Clancarty
- Leveson-Gower, Granville George, (1872-1939), 3rd Earl Granville, diplomat
- Liddell, Henry Thomas, (1797-1878), 1st Earl of Ravensworth, statesman and poet
- Liebig, Justus von, (1803-1873), Baron von Liebig, German chemist
- Lister, Sir Thomas Villiers, (1832-1902), Knight Assistant Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs
- Littleton, Edward John, (1791-1863), 1st Baron Hatherton, politician
- Lofft, Capell, (1751-1824), writer
- Loftus, Lord Augustus William Frederick Spencer, (1817-1904), diplomat and colonial governor
- Long, Walter Hume, (1854-1924), 1st Viscount Long, statesman
- Longley, Charles Thomas, (1794-1868), Archbishop of Canterbury
- Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, (1817-1887), Viscount Lyons, diplomat
- Macarthur, Sir Edward, (1789-1872), Knight General Colonial Administrator
- MacCreery, John, (1768-1832), Printer and Poet
- MacDonald, James Ramsay, (1866-1937), statesman
- Macdonnell, Eneas, (1783-1858), author
- Mackenzie, William Forbes, (1807-1862), Politician
- Mackinnon, Sir William Henry, (1852-1929), Knight General
- Macready, Sir Cecil Frederick Nevil, (1862-1946), Knight General
- Malcolm, Sir Ian Zachary, (1868-1944), Knight, politician and diplomat
- Malet, Sir Alexander, (1800-1886), 2nd Baronet, diplomat
- Mallet, Sir Louis Du Pan, (1864-1936), Knight, diplomat
- Manners, Charles Cecil John, (1815-1888), 6th Duke of Rutland
- Manners, John James Robert, (1818-1906), 7th Duke of Rutland
- Mansfield, Sir Charles Edward, (1828-1907), Knight Army Officer Diplomat
- Markson, Helena, (b1934), Professor of fine arts Israel;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Marling, Sir Charles Murray, (1862-1933), Knight, diplomat
- Marrat, Frederick Price, (1820-1904), botanist
- Marriott, Fitzherbert Adams, (1811-1890), Archdeacon of Hobart
- Martin, Robert Montgomery, (c1801-1868), historian and statistician
- Martineau, Harriet, (1802-1876), writer
- Mary, (1867-1953), Queen Consort of George V
- Massey, Derek, (fl 1970-2000), photographer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mathias, Thomas James, (? 1754-1835), Satirist and Italian Scholar
- Mayer, Joseph, (1803-1886), antiquary
- McConaghy, Des, (fl 1969-2009), architect public servant and academic Toxteth, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mcghee, Robert James, (1789-1872), writer
- McGhie, Robin, (1922-2012), artist, designer and calligrapher Liverpool, Lancashire
- McGreavy, Anthony, (fl 1966-1967), photographer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Megginson, Charles, (fl 1916), pilot of Liverpool
- Melly, George, (1830-1894), MP
- Mendl, Sir Charles Ferdinand, (1871-1958), Knight, Knight Press Attache to the Paris Embassy
- Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus, (1785-1846), 1st Baron Metcalfe, Colonial Governor
- Middleton, Robert Thomas Charles, (d 1902), consular official
- Molyneux, Charles William Hylton, (1867-1901), 5th Earl of Sefton
- Molyneux, Lady Helena Mary, (1875-1947), Countess of Sefton
- Molyneux, Henry Hervey, (1842-1915), Captain RN Sportsman
- Molyneux, Sir Richard Frederick, (1873-1954), Knight Royal Equerry
- Monsarrat, Nicholas, (1910-1979), writer
- Montgomerie, Archibald William, (1812-1861), 13th Earl of Eglinton, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
- Moore, Sir Arthur William, (1847-1934), Knight Admiral
- Morier, Sir Robert Burnett David, (1826-1893), Knight, diplomat
- Morley, Sir John, (1838-1923), 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn, statesman
- Morton, Thomas Naylor, (1816-1898), antiquary
- Murray, Alexander William Charles Oliphant, (1870-1920), Baron Murray of Elibank, politician
- Murray, Sir Charles Augustus, (1806-1895), Knight, diplomat and author
- Murray, Eustace Clare Grenville, (1824-1881), Diplomat and Journalist
- Murray, Sir George, (1772-1846), Knight, General, statesman
- Muspratt, James, (1793-1886), founder of alkali industry in Lancashire
- Muspratt, James Sheridan, (1821-1871), Chemist
- Napier, Sir George Thomas, (1784-1855), Knight, General
- Nelson, Horatio, (1823-1913), 3rd Earl Nelson
- Newdegate, Charles Newdigate, (1816-1887), politician
- Newport, Sir Simon John, (1756-1843), 1st Baronet MP
- Newstead, Robert, (1859-1947), Entomologist
- Newton, John, (1725-1807), sailor, Anglican clergyman, hymn-writer and poet
- Nightingale, Florence, (1820-1910), reformer of hospital nursing
- Nisbet-Hamilton, Robert Adam, (1804-1877), Conservative politician
- Nixon, Francis Russell, (1803-1879), Bishop of Tasmania
- Norris, Francis Lushington, (1864-1945), Bishop of North China
- Norris, Richard, (1670-1731), Liverpool Merchant
- Northcote, Stafford Henry, (1818-1887), 1st Earl of Iddesleigh, statesman
- Nugent, George Thomas John, (1785-1871), Marquess of Westmeath
- Nugent-Grenville, George, (1788-1850), 2nd Baron Nugent, politician
- O'Connor, Thomas Power, (1848-1929), Journalist and Politician
- Okill, Charles, (c 1779-1847), antiquary
- O'Neill, Charles Henry St John, (1779-1841), Earl O'Neill
- Oulton, P, (fl 2018), photographer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Owen, Evan, (d ? 1924), Writer On Welsh Nonconformity Historian
- Paget, Sir Augustus Berkeley, (1823-1896), Knight, diplomat
- Paget, Henry William, (1768-1854), 1st Marquess of Anglesey, Field Marshal
- Pakington, John Somerset, (1799-1880), 1st Baron Hampton, politician
- Palgrave, William Gifford, (1826-1888), diplomat and traveller
- Palmer, William Waldegrave, (1859-1942), 2nd Earl of Selborne, statesman
- Parker, Charles Stuart, (1829-1910), Politician Historian Biographer Alpinist
- Parker, James, (1782-1813), West India Merchant of Liverpool
- Parker, Sir James, (1803-1852), Knight Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University
- Parker, Robert Townley, (1793-1879), MP
- Parnell, Henry Brooke, (1776-1842), 1st Baron Congleton, politician
- Parsons, William, (1800-1867), 3rd Earl of Rosse, astronomer
- Peacock, George, (1805-1883), naval officer, surveyor, inventor
- Peel, Jonathan, (1799-1879), Major General, politician
- Peel, Sir Robert, (1788-1850), Baronet, 2nd Baronet, statesman
- Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham Fiennes, (1785-1851), 4th Duke of Newcastle
- Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham Fiennes, (1811-1864), 5th Duke of Newcastle, statesman
- Penfold, Arthur Edward, (fl1891) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Percy, Algernon, (1792-1865), 4th Duke of Northumberland, Admiral
- Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry, (1780-1863), 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne, statesman
- Phillpotts, Henry, (1778-1869), Bishop of Exeter
- Phipps, Sir Charles Beaumont, (1801-1866), Knight, Lieutenant Colonel and official of Royal Household
- Phipps, Constantine Henry, (1797-1863), 1st Marquess of Normanby, statesman and author
- Phipps, Sir Eric Clare Edmund, (1875-1945), Knight Diplomat
- Picton, Sir James Allanson, (1805-1889), Knight Architect
- Ponsonby, John William, (1781-1847), 4th Earl of Bessborough, statesman
- Portman, Edward Berkeley, (1799-1888), 1st Viscount Portman
- Primrose, Archibald Philip, (1847-1929), 5th Earl of Rosebery, statesman
- Quincey, Thomas de, (1785-1859), author
- Ramsay, James Andrew Broun, (1812-1860), 1st Marquess of Dalhousie, statesman
- Ramsay, John William, (1847-1887), 13th Earl of Dalhousie
- Rathbone, William, (1819-1902), MP Philanthropist
- Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, (1864-1925), Baron Rawlinson of Trent, General
- Rawlinson, Sir Robert, (1810-1898), Knight, civil engineer
- Read, Sir Herbert, (1893-1968), Knight, art critic, author and anarchist
- Rice, John Charles, (1905-1999), President, North of England Athletic Association
- Richardson, Richard, (fl 1895-1937), Dr, magistrate West Derby, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Riddell, John, (1785-1862), peerage lawyer and genealogist
- Riddell, Maria Banks, (1772-1808), poet, editor and travel writer
- Ridley, Sir Matthew White, (1778-1836), 3rd Baronet MP
- Robinson, Charles James, (1849-1891), curate
- Robinson, Frederick John, (1782-1859), 1st Earl of Ripon, statesman
- Ros, William Lennox Lascelles Fitzgerald-de, (1797-1874), 22nd Baron de Ros, General
- Roscoe, Theodora, (d 1962), Author and Poet
- Roscoe, William, (1753-1831), banker, botanist, historian and politician
- Roscoe, William Caldwell, (1823-1859), poet and essayist Liverpool, Lancashire
- Roscoe, William Stanley, (1782-1843), poet
- Roth, Cecil, (1899-1970), Historian
- Rowden, Edward Wetherell, (1814-1870), Registrar of Oxford University
- Rumbold, Sir Horace, (1829-1913), 8th Baronet Diplomat
- Russell, Edward Richard, (1834-1920), 1st Baron Russell of Liverpool, politician
- Russell, Francis, (1788-1861), 7th Duke of Bedford
- Russell, Lord John, (1792-1878), 1st Earl Russell, statesman
- Russell, Odo William Leopold, (1829-1884), 1st Baron Ampthill, diplomat
- Russell, Sir Odo William Theophilus Villiers, (1870-1951), Knight Diplomat
- Ryder, Dudley, (1798-1882), 2nd Earl of Harrowby, statesman
- Ryle, John Charles, (1816-1900), Bishop of Liverpool
- Sackville-West, Lionel Edward, (1867-1928), 3rd Baron Sackville
- Sadler, John, (1720-1789), pottery printer
- Saker, Marie O'Beirne, (1848-1912), actress and theatre manager
- Salvin, Anthony, (1799-1881), architect
- Sanderson, Thomas Henry, (1841-1923), 1st Baron Sanderson, civil servant
- Sandford, Sir Daniel Keyte, (1798-1838), Knight, classical scholar, MP
- Santley, Sir Charles, (1834-1922), knight, singer
- Sassoon, Sir Philip Albert Gustave David, (1888-1939), 3rd Baronet, politician
- Savile, John, (1818-1896), 1st Baron Savile of Rufford, diplomat
- Scarlett, Robert Campbell, (1794-1861), 2nd Baron Abinger
- Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert, (1880-1960), Knight, architect Hampstead, Middlesex
- Scott, James George, (b 1853), buildings surveyor
- Sheppard, David Stuart, (1929-2005), Baron Sheppard of Liverpool, Bishop of Liverpool
- Sheppard, Grace, (1936-2011), author Liverpool, Lancashire
- Shute, Sir John Joseph, (d 1948), Knight MP Soldier and Businessman
- Simon, John Allsebrook, (1873-1954), 1st Viscount Simon, Lord Chancellor
- Sinclair, Sir George, (1790-1868), 2nd Baronet Politician and Author
- Smith, Frederick Edwin, (1872-1930), 1st Earl of Birkenhead, Lord Chancellor
- Snow, Sir Thomas D'Oyly, (1858-1940), Knight Lieutenant General
- Somerset, Lord Fitzroy James Henry, (1788-1855), 1st Baron Raglan, Field Marshal
- Somerset, Lord Granville Charles Henry, (1792-1848), Statesman
- Somerset, Henry, (1792-1853), 7th Duke of Beaufort
- Spears, Sir Edward Louis, (1886-1974), Knight Major General, politician and author
- Spencer, John Charles, (1782-1845), 3rd Earl Spencer, statesman
- Spencer-Churchill, John Winston, (1822-1883), 7th Duke of Marlborough, Viceroy of Ireland
- Spiegl, Fritz, (1926-2003), musician, broadcaster and humorist
- Spring-Rice, Thomas, (1790-1866), 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon in Kerry, statesman
- St John, Sir Spenser Buckingham, (1825-1910), Knight Diplomat and Author
- Stafford, Augustus Stafford O'Brien, (1811-1857), Politician
- Stanley, Edward George Geoffrey Smith, (1799-1869), 14th Earl of Derby, statesman
- Stanley, Edward George Villiers, (1865-1948), 17th Earl of Derby, statesman
- Stanley, Edward Henry, (1826-1893), 15th Earl of Derby, statesman
- Stanley, Edward Smith, (1752-1834), 12th Earl of Derby
- Stanley, Edward Smith, (1775-1851), 13th Earl of Derby, MP, naturalist
- Stanley, Elizabeth, (d1776), Countess of Derby
- Stanley, Frederick Arthur, (1841-1908), 16th Earl of Derby, statesman
- Stanley, Mary Catherine, (1824-1900) Countess of Derby, political hostess
- Stanton, Sir Edward, (1827-1907), Knight General Diplomat
- Statter, Thomas, (1816-1891), agent to Earls of Derby, art collector
- Steed, Henry Wickham, (1871-1956), journalist and publicist
- Steel-Maitland, Sir Arthur Herbert Drummond Ramsay, (1876-1935), Knight, politician
- Stenhouse, David, (fl 1970), academic Liverpool, Lancashire
- Stephen, Sir James, (1789-1859), Knight, civil servant and historian
- Stephenson, George, (1781-1848), Railway Engineer Wylam, Northumberland
- Stephenson, George Robert, (1819-1905), Civil Engineer
- Stewart, James, (1787-1875), merchant
- Stockdale, John, (? 1749-1814), publisher
- Stokes, Robert Henry Simpson, (1855-1914), Rear Admiral
- Stonehouse, James, (1809-1890), Liverpool Antiquary
- Stopford, Edward, (1772-1850), Bishop of Meath
- Strachey, George, (1828-1912), Diplomat
- Street, George Edmund, (1824-1881), architect
- Strutt, Joseph, (1749-1802), Author Antiquary Engraver
- Stuart, Sir Campbell, (1885-1972), Knight, newspaper manager
- Stuart, Sir John, (1793-1876), Knight MP Barrister
- Stuart, Robert, (d 1901), Soldier and Diplomat
- Stuart, Sir William, (1824-1896), Knight, Knight Diplomat
- Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, James Archibald, (1776-1845), 1st Baron Wharncliffe, statesman
- Stubbs, William, (1830-1866), artist and architect
- Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw, (1791-1875), 1st Baron St Leonards, Lord Chancellor
- Symmons, Charles, (1749-1826), Poet and Literary Biographer
- Syson, Charles, (d 1912), accountant and money lender
- Taylor, Sir Herbert, (1775-1839), Knight, Lieutenant General
- Taylor, Mike, (fl 2014-2018), cinema projectionist Liverpool, Lancashire
- Temple, Henry John, (1784-1865), 3rd Viscount Palmerston, statesman
- Tennent, Sir James Emerson, (1804-1869), Knight, traveller, politician and author
- Thesiger, Frederic, (1794-1878), 1st Baron Chelmsford, Lord Chancellor
- Thom, John Hamilton, (1808-1894), Unitarian Minister
- Thomson, Sir William Taylour, (1813-1883), Knight, diplomat
- Thornton, Sir Edward, (1817-1906), Knight Diplomat
- Trafford, Sir Cecil, (c1599-1668), Knight, Royalist
- Traill, Thomas Stewart, (1781-1862), physician and specialist in medical jurisprudence
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Edward, (1807-1886), Knight, Governor of Madras
- Twemlow, Jesse Alfred, (1868-1954), Palaeographer
- Tyrrell, Sir William George, (1866-1947), diplomat
- Underhill, John Green, (1814-1835), Antiquary
- Vane, Charles William, (1778-1854), 3rd Marquess of Londonderry, General
- Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart Henry, (1878-1949), 7th Marquess of Londonderry, politician
- Victoria, (1819-1901), Queen of Great Britain and Ireland
- Villiers, George William Frederick, (1800-1870), 4th Earl of Clarendon, statesman
- Vivian, Hussey Crespigny, (1834-1893), 3rd Baron Vivian, diplomat
- Vivian, Richard Hussey, (1775-1842), 1st Baron Vivian, General
- Wade, Sir Thomas Francis, (1818-1895), Knight, diplomat
- Wainewright, William, (1777-1857), Secretary Liverpool Parliamentary Office
- Wakefield, William Heaton, (1861-1936), advertising agent and antiquary
- Wallis, D E, (fl 1955-1956), student at Calder High School for Girls Liverpool, Lancashire
- Walpole, Horace, (1717-1797), 4th Earl of Orford, author collector antiquary MP
- Walpole, Spencer Horatio, (1806-1898), statesman
- Walsham, Sir John, (1830-1905), 2nd Baronet Diplomat
- Warren, Samuel, (1807-1877), lawyer and writer
- Weedon, Tony, (fl 1976-1988), employee of Liverpool Grain Storage Liverpool, Lancashire
- Weir, Esther Jane, (1915-1994), Writer
- Wellesley, Arthur, (1769-1852), 1st Duke of Wellington, Field Marshal, statesman
- Wellesley, Arthur Richard, (1807-1884), 2nd Duke of Wellington, Lieutenant General
- Wellesley, Henry Richard Charles, (1804-1884), 1st Earl Cowley
- Wellesley, Richard Colley, (1760-1842), Marquess Wellesley, statesman
- Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, Charles William, (1786-1857), 5th Earl Fitzwilliam
- Westenra, Warner William, (1765-1842), 2nd Baron Rossmore, politician
- Westmacott, Sir Richard, (1775-1856), Knight, sculptor
- Whately, Richard, (1787-1863), Archbishop of Dublin
- Whiteside, James, (1806-1876), politician and judge
- Wilberforce, Samuel, (1805-1873), Bishop of Oxford and Winchester
- William IV, (1765-1837), King of Great Britain and Ireland
- Williams, David, (1786-1860), warden of New College, Oxford
- Williams, Colonel George, (1765-1880), magistrate, politician and founder of the Liverpool Volunteers
- Williams, Joseph, (fl 1900-1980), builder Liverpool, Lancashire
- Willis, John Walpole, (1793-1877), Judge
- Wilmot-Horton, Sir Robert John, (1784-1841), 3rd Baronet Politician
- Wilson, Sir Henry Hughes, (1864-1922), Knight, Field Marshal
- Wilson, Henry William, (1797-1871), 11th Baron Berners, agriculturalist
- Wilson Patten, John, (1802-1892), Baron Winmarleigh, politician
- Wilson, Sir Robert Thomas, (1777-1849) Knight, General, MP, Governor of Gibraltar
- Wood, Charles, (1800-1885), 1st Viscount Halifax, statesman
- Wood, Edward Cuthbert, (1879-1966), dentist, antiquary
- Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley, (1881-1959), 1st Earl of Halifax, statesman
- Woodhouse, Sir Percy, (1856-1931), Knight Businessman
- Wormald, Dame Ethel May, (1901-1993), Lord Mayor of Liverpool
- Wyke, Sir Charles Lennox, (1815-1897), Knight, Diplomat
- Yorke, Charles Philip, (1799-1873), 4th Earl of Hardwicke, Admiral
- Yorke, Courtenay, (1884-1970), physician
Diaries (61)
- Alexander, Louis, Cabinetmaker Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ascherson, Edward, (fl1857)
- Baines, Hilda, (b 1907), Music Teacher Liverpool, Lancashire
- Barkla, Neil, (fl 1932-1949), composer
- Bender, Charles, Rabbi And Zionist Liverpool, Lancashire
- Boult, Wilfred Swanwick, (fl 1877-1879), civil and electrical engineer
- Brown, Hugh Stowell, (fl 1866-1869), Baptist pastor Liverpool, Lancashire
- Chaplin, CG, (fl 1940-1942), engineer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Chrichlow, Thomas Liverpool, Lancashire
- Clegg, William, (c1930-1949), of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Cohen, Cherry Liverpool, Lancashire
- Cohen, Sheila, (b c1931), Evacuee Carmel, Caernarfonshire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Cox, Stanley, (fl1946), schoolboy Yverdon, Switzerland
- Crowley, Doreen, (b c1928), Evacuee Carmel, Caernarfonshire;Cesarea, Caernarfonshire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Dodd, Ernest, (fl 1952), secretary to the Lord Mayor of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ekarte, G Daniels, Pastor Of African Churches Mission Liverpool, Lancashire
- Gardner, Katy, (fl 1993), academic researcher Liverpool, Lancashire
- Gayle, Lilian H Liverpool, Lancashire
- Gordon, Charles Gordon Snowdon, (1886-1961), magistrate Liverpool, Lancashire
- Gorten, William, (fl 1768) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Greenhill, Hilda, Schoolteacher Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hazlehurst, Jimmy, (1901-1991) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hollinghurst, Frances, Chief School Meals Organiser Liverpool, Lancashire
- Horn, William, (fl 1853-1865) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hughes, Margaret, (b c1931), evacuee Carmel, Caernarfonshire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hughes, Sheila, (b c1928), evacuee Carmel, Caernarfonshire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jeffery, James Redcliffe, (fl 1868-1870), draper
- Kaplan, Louis, Zionist And Labour Lord Mayor Liverpool, Lancashire
- Knipe, Hilda, (fl 1995), nurse Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lea, John, Liverpool City Councillor Liverpool, Lancashire
- Levin, Ian, Lord Mayor Liverpool, Lancashire
- Maginsky, Olga, (fl 1950-1980), novelist and playwright Liverpool, Lancashire
- Makin, Barbara, (b c1930), Evacuee Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mcgunigle, Fred, (b c1928), Evacuee Carmel, Caernarfonshire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Miller, Kenneth, (fl 1964-1995), supporter of Everton Football Club
- Naylor, William Todd, Merchant Liverpool, Lancashire;New York, New York
- O'hanlon, R, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Parker, Charles L, (b 1932), evacuee Liverpool, Lancashire
- Parkinson, Dorothy, (b c1930), Evacuee Carmel, Caernarfonshire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Poole, Reginald, (fl 1939-1941), Chief Control Officer of the Air Raid Precaution, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Pritchard, George Frederick Liverpool, Lancashire
- Roberts, Charles B Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ronson, Robert Herbert, (d2000), diarist Liverpool, Lancashire
- Rose, Louis, Trade Unionist Stoke-upon-Trent, Staffordshire;Liverpool, Lancashire;Manchester, Lancashire
- Sewill, Joseph, Watch And Clock Maker Liverpool, Lancashire
- Smith, May Liverpool, Lancashire
- Tickle, Eileen, Teacher Liverpool, Lancashire
- Tickle, Marjorie, (b1920), Schoolgirl Liverpool, Lancashire
- Tinsley, Richard Norman Liverpool, Lancashire
- Tomlin, Alfred John, (fl 1844-1872), curate
- Turney, Rev T A, (fl1944)
- Unnamed male, (fl 1861-1864), horse breeder Liverpool, Lancashire
- Vasmer, David, (fl 1971-2001), Liberal councillor
- Viner, Muriel Chester, Cheshire
- Watson, James Leadley, (c1803-1872), travel diarist Liverpool, Lancashire;Jamaica;United States of America;Peru;Chile
- Webster, John, (fl 1794-1795), steward to Sir William Philip Molyneux, 2nd Earl of Sefton
- Wharton, Richard W, Grocer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Whitehead, Samuel, Pupil, Turners Academy Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wilkinson, Dorothy, Secretary United States of America
- Wilson, Henry Threlfall, (fl 1850-1869), shipbroker Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wilson, James Moncrieff, (fl 1865-1866), actuary Liverpool, Lancashire
Families (20)
- Aston family, baronets, of Aston Hall Aston Hall, Cheshire;Stanford-in-the-Vale, Berkshire;Nuneaton, Warwickshire;Awsworth, Nottinghamshire;Kingsbury, Warwickshire;Southery, Norfolk
- Baron family of Holt Hall Academy Prescot, Lancashire
- Bold family of Farnworth and Liverpool Farnworth, Lancashire
- Brancker family of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Earle family of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Gascoyne family of Childwall Childwall, Lancashire;Barking, Essex;Ilford, Essex;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Gascoyne-Cecil family, Marquesses of Salisbury Hatfield, Hertfordshire;Beachampton, Buckinghamshire;St Michael's Mount, Cornwall;Cranborne, Dorset;Barking, Essex;Ilford, Essex;Brockworth, Gloucestershire;Theobalds, Hertfordshire;Bermondsey, Surrey;Cobham, Kent;Childwall, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire;Carlby, Lincolnshire;Westminster, Middlesex;Edmonton, Middlesex;Brigstock Parks, Northamptonshire;Selston, Nottinghamshire;Rum, Inverness-shire
- Molyneux family, Earls of Sefton Lancashire;Lancashire
- Moore family of Bankhall Bankhall, Lancashire
- Nicholson family of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Norris family of Speke Hall Speke Hall, Lancashire
- Parker family of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Plumbe family of Liverpool, Aughton and Ormskirk Liverpool, Lancashire
- Rathbone family of Greenbank Greenbank, Lancashire
- Stanley family, Earls of Derby Glassmore, Cambridgeshire;Crag Hall, Cheshire;Macclesfield, Cheshire;Wildboarclough, Cheshire;Corney, Cumberland;Whicham, Cumberland;Bradworthy, Devon;South Weald, Essex;Hamerton, Huntingdonshire;Bickerstaffe, Lancashire;Bolton-cum-Adgarley, Lancashire;Bury, Lancashire;Knowsley, Lancashire;Lathom, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire;Manchester, Lancashire;Pilkington, Lancashire;Preston, Lancashire;Epworth, Lincolnshire;London;Colham, Middlesex;Hillingdon, Middlesex;Brackley, Northamptonshire;Fleetham, Northumberland;Eynsham, Oxfordshire;Milton, Oxfordshire;Ellesmere, Shropshire;Knockin, Shropshire;Newmarket, Suffolk;East Lavant, Sussex;Halnaker, Sussex;Meriden, Warwickshire;Beetham, Westmorland;Witherslack, Westmorland;Burton in Lonsdale, Yorkshire;Kirkby Malzeard, Yorkshire;Mewith Head, Yorkshire;Thirsk, Yorkshire;Hawarden, Flintshire;Hope, Flintshire;Mold, Flintshire;Coonagh, County Limerick;Clonmore, County Louth;Smithstown, County Louth;Priestown, County Meath;Lyonstown, County Tipperary
- Tarleton family of Bashall Eaves Bashall Eaves, Yorkshire
- Tarleton family of Pendle Forest Pendle Forest, Lancashire
- Watt family of Speke Hall Speke Hall, Lancashire
- Woodhouse family of Bronte House, Everton Bronte House, Lancashire
- Woodhouse family of Burghill Court Burghill, Herefordshire
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (242)
- NRA 16665 African Company of Merchants trading from Liverpool
- NRA 28316 Alder Hey Childrens Hospital, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 17042 Allerton Urban District Council
- NRA 16607 Altcar Rifle Range Committee
- NRA 9869 Aston family of Aston Hall: estate papers
- NRA 16265 Charles Baron, schoolmaster, Prescot: corresp and accounts link to online catalogue
- NRA 16112 Thomas H Bickerton, opthalmic surgeon: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 17046 Thomas Herbert Bickerton, opthalmologist: historical papers
- NRA 16264 John Ireland Blackburne, MP: account book link to online catalogue
- NRA 18441 Bold family of Farnworth and Liverpool: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16597 Booth Steamship Co Ltd, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 16110 Wilfred Swanwick Boult, engineer: business papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 10624 CT Bowring & Co Ltd, shipowners, general merchants and insurance brokers, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 17050 John Broadbent, architect: business and private papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 18445 Brown family, baronets, of Liverpool: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16023 George Alexander Brown, businessman: memoirs and diaries link to online catalogue
- NRA 25880 Sir George Benvenuto Buckley-Mathew, colonial governor and diplomat: corresp
- NRA 16090 Bullen family, Liverpool: family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16107 Thomas Henry Hall Caine, journalist and novelist: misc corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 16589 Chester and Birkenhead Railway Co link to online catalogue
- NRA 16604 Childwall Urban District Council
- NRA 26517 City of Liverpool Officers' Club link to online catalogue
- NRA 16101 Isaac Cooke, artist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 44095 Co-operative Retail Services, Liverpool
- NRA 16109 Constance Copeman and John Finnie, artists: accounts and notebooks
- NRA 16742 James Currie, physician: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 30138 David Lewis Northern Hospital, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 26489 Harold Chaloner Dowdall, Lord Mayor of Liverpool: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 16650 Duke of York Own Rifle Corps: Captain Tempest's company
- NRA 16113 Ellison family, Liverpool and Birkenhead: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16268 Peter Entwistle: Liverpool potteries MS collection
- NRA 18343 Sir Edward Evans, politician: corresp and papers
- NRA 43840 Everton Township
- NRA 44537 Fazakerley Hospital link to online catalogue
- NRA 16608 Fifty-fifth (West Lancashire) Division
- NRA 30141 Fire Salvage Association of Liverpool Ltd link to online catalogue
- NRA 30750 Fountains Road Synagogue, Liverpool
- NRA 28319 Fountains Road United Reformed Church, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 43958 Alfred Edwin Francis, theatre, opera and television administrator and song writer: musical scores
- NRA 16256 George Hervey Garraway, painter: journals and misc papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16662 Garston Urban District Council
- NRA 7839 Gascoyne-Cecil family, Marguesses of Salisbury: Lancs estate papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 10629 William Ewart Gladstone, statesman: miscellaneous letters link to online catalogue
- NRA 18453 William Frederick, 2nd Duke of Gloucester: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 30751 Greenbank Drive Synagogue, Liverpool
- NRA 26476 Lawrence Hall, Liverpool local historian: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16664 James Hanley, novelist: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 26482 Felicia Dorothea Hemans, poet: collected letters and poems link to online catalogue
- NRA 16089 Gilbert Henderson and Robert Vining, merchants, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 31998 Higsons Brewery Ltd, Liverpool
- NRA 8155 Holt family of Liverpool: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 26485 John Holt & Co (Liverpool) Ltd, West Africa merchants link to online catalogue
- NRA 17047 John Holt, schoolmaster and antiquary: collections and papers
- NRA 26492 Hope Street Unitarian Church, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 16263 Hugh Hornby, merchant, Wavertree: account book link to online catalogue
- NRA 26475 David Hudaly, journalist: corresp and papers rel to Jewish local history
- NRA 17180 Hundred of West Derby Agricultural Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 26514 Hunt's Hotel (Liverpool) Ltd link to online catalogue
- NRA 26483 William Huskisson, statesman: collected corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 16111 William Hutchinson, Liverpool dock master: journals
- NRA 10626 Inman Steamship Co Ltd link to online catalogue
- NRA 26486 William James, railway promoter: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16266 James Redcliffe Jeffery, draper and local politician: letter book link to online catalogue
- NRA 44546 Jewish Archive Collection
- NRA 35528 Robert Kelly & Sons Ltd, tool mfrs and merchants, Liverpool
- NRA 18463 Kennedy family travel diary link to online catalogue
- NRA 16652 King's (Liverpool) Regiment: 2nd Volunteer Battalion
- NRA 42521 Edmund Kirby & Sons, architects and surveyors, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 16581 John Knight, merchant, Liverpool: account book link to online catalogue
- NRA 43542 Andrew George Kurtz, chemist and art collector: diaries and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16033 Richard Le Gallienne, poet and literary critic: corresp, literary MSS and printed works link to online catalogue
- NRA 18454 J Watson Leadley: diary link to online catalogue
- NRA 16593 Little Woolton Urban District Council
- NRA 26488 Liverpool & Kano Trading Co Ltd, London office link to online catalogue
- NRA 16032 Liverpool Academy of Arts
- NRA 17087 Liverpool: Amicable Book Society
- NRA 26515 Liverpool and District Ramblers Federation
- NRA 16590 Liverpool and Manchester Railway Co link to online catalogue
- NRA 18458 Liverpool Bishopric Committee
- NRA 44536 Liverpool B'nai B'rith
- NRA 16022 Liverpool Borough
- NRA 17181 Liverpool Botanic Garden
- NRA 43711 Liverpool Building Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 17178 Canning Club, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 26516 Liverpool: Chatham Society
- NRA 26512 Liverpool Chemists Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 44349 Liverpool City Magistrates Court
- NRA 18464 Liverpool: collection of autograph letters
- NRA 43700 Liverpool Collegiate School link to online catalogue
- NRA 16026 Liverpool Coopers Friendly Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 16594 Liverpool Cotton Association Ltd link to online catalogue
- NRA 16031 Liverpool Council of Social Service press cuttings link to online catalogue
- NRA 11603 Liverpool Court of Passage link to online catalogue
- NRA 26511 Liverpool District Missionary Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 16505 Liverpool Domestic Mission Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 30137 Liverpool Ear, Nose and Throat Infirmary link to online catalogue
- NRA 26513 Liverpool Engineering Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 17184 Liverpool Female Penitentiary link to online catalogue
- NRA 18443 Liverpool Garrick Club link to online catalogue
- NRA 20273 Liverpool Hahnemann Hospital and British Homeopathic Society: Liverpool branch link to online catalogue
- NRA 43719 Liverpool Harriers and Athletic Club link to online catalogue
- NRA 16024 Liverpool Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest
- NRA 44566 Liverpool Hospitals link to online catalogue
- NRA 16030 Liverpool House of Help link to online catalogue
- NRA 16653 Liverpool Independent Rifle Corps link to online catalogue
- NRA 18461 Liverpool Italian Literary Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 17182 Liverpool: JG Underhill local history collection
- NRA 18459 Liverpool Library and Lyceum Club link to online catalogue
- NRA 18460 Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 18432 Liverpool Marine Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 28317 Liverpool Maternity Hospital link to online catalogue
- NRA 18532 Liverpool Methodist Circuits
- NRA 17187 Liverpool: miscellaneous postal records
- NRA 16989 Liverpool Municipal Officers' Guild link to online catalogue
- NRA 16259 Liverpool Museum of Japanese Art link to online catalogue
- NRA 18465 Liverpool musical societies
- NRA 30753 Liverpool Old Hebrew Congregation
- NRA 27188 Liverpool Organists Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 10627 Liverpool Overhead Railway Company Ltd link to online catalogue
- NRA 17183 Liverpool Parliamentary Debating Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 17048 Liverpool Parliamentary Office: corresp and papers
- NRA 16598 Liverpool Peace Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 17185 Liverpool Polytechnic Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 30754 Liverpool Progressive Synagogue link to online catalogue
- NRA 2664 Liverpool Record Office: misc accessions
- NRA 8553 Liverpool: Roman Catholic parishes
- NRA 17186 Liverpool Rotary Club: Golden Jubilee records link to online catalogue
- NRA 19056 Liverpool Royal Infirmary link to online catalogue
- NRA 27187 Liverpool Sanitary Science Instruction Committee
- NRA 18435 Liverpool School of Science
- NRA 18437 Liverpool Science Students' Association
- NRA 16946 Liverpool Select Vestry (Boards of Guardians) link to online catalogue
- NRA 17044 Liverpool: shipping miscellanea
- NRA 26510 Liverpool Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children link to online catalogue
- NRA 16258 Liverpool Society of Fine Arts
- NRA 18444 Liverpool: Society of the Lovers of Old Liverpool
- NRA 16948 Liverpool Society of Tin Plate Workers link to online catalogue
- NRA 43544 Liverpool Stock Exchange link to online catalogue
- NRA 18514 Liverpool Theatre Royal
- NRA 16947 Liverpool Trades Council and Labour Party
- NRA 18457 Liverpool turnpike trust
- NRA 18436 Liverpool Unanimous Society
- NRA 8551 Liverpool United Tramways & Omnibus Co
- NRA 26491 Liverpool: Walton Park cemetery
- NRA 18451 Liverpool: Wellington Testimonial Fund
- NRA 18433 Liverpool Welsh Luncheon Club
- NRA 26519 Liverpool: Women Police Movement Committee
- NRA 9702 Liverpool: American Chamber of Commerce link to online catalogue
- NRA 9703 Liverpool: Catholic Benevolent Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 9704 Liverpool: Catholic Reformatory Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 9705 Liverpool: Central Relief and Charity Organisation Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 16108 Liverpool: George III statue corresp and committee papers
- NRA 16596 Liverpool: Incorporated Chamber of Commerce link to online catalogue
- NRA 18438 Liverpool: Lord Mayor of Liverpool's War Fund link to online catalogue
- NRA 8550 Liverpool: miscellaneous business records link to online catalogue
- NRA 17049 Liverpool: Molyneux Charity link to online catalogue
- NRA 18442 Liverpool: Northern Medical Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 16592 Liverpool: Princes Park plans link to online catalogue
- NRA 18439 Liverpool: Roscoe Club and Liverpool Athenaeum link to online catalogue
- NRA 17083 Liverpool: Society of St Vincent de Paul: Conference of St Mary's minute book link to online catalogue
- NRA 17179 Liverpool: Wellington Club records link to online catalogue
- NRA 16507 Liverpool: YZ Club link to online catalogue
- NRA 9707 Macfie & Sons, sugar refiners, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 16027 George Melly, MP: family and political corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 32459 Merseyside schools
- NRA 9738 Mill Lane, Wavertree, Independent Methodist Church, Liverpool
- NRA 27185 Missions to Seamen: Mersey branch link to online catalogue
- NRA 30140 Molyneux family, Earls of Sefton: diaries and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16262 William Philip Molyneux, 2nd Earl of Sefton: account book
- NRA 18447 Moore family of Bankhall: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 17045 Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 10628 Muspratt family, industrial chemists: correspondence and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 43957 National Federation of Building Trade Employers: Liverpool branch link to online catalogue
- NRA 28320 National Graphical Association: Liverpool Daily Post and Echo chapel link to online catalogue
- NRA 18455 John Newton, slave-trader and priest: letters
- NRA 26481 Nicholson family, merchants, of Liverpool: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 18448 Norris family of Speke: family papers
- NRA 17177 North End Domestic Mission, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 30752 Nusach Ari Synagogue, Liverpool
- NRA 26490 Evan Owen: papers rel to the history of Liverpool Baptists link to online catalogue
- NRA 16091 John Owen, bank manager, Flintshire and Liverpool: corresp and papers
- NRA 5182 Parker family: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 26487 George Peacock, merchant navy officer and explorer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 18440 Pilkington family papers
- NRA 18449 Plumbe and Tempest families: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16651 Prescot militia rolls
- NRA 9708 Railway Clerks Association: Liverpool branch link to online catalogue
- NRA 30142 William Rathbone MP: letters from Florence Nightingale link to online catalogue
- NRA 16949 Sir Robert Rawlinson: corresp and papers rel to St George's Hall, Liverpool
- NRA 16267 Thomas Reay, surgical instrument mfr: scrapbook
- NRA 43780 John Charles Rice, athletics coach: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16100 Thomas Rogerson, solicitor, West Derby
- NRA 18450 William Roscoe, banker, poet and social reformer, Liverpool: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 26426 Royal Liverpool Childrens Hospital
- NRA 27184 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Liverpool branch link to online catalogue
- NRA 30143 Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 16257 Edward Richard Russell, 1st Baron Russell of Liverpool corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16260 John Sadler, ceramic printer: memorandum book link to online catalogue
- NRA 17051 Marie Saker, actress-manager: autograph album
- NRA 43543 Salisbury House School, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 44094 Sandon Studios Society
- NRA 16255 Sir Charles Santley, opera singer: corresp and papers
- NRA 26484 Sea Insurance Co Ltd, Liverpool
- NRA 43709 Sefton General Hospital, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 26508 Skelmersdale township
- NRA 16606 Skelmersdale Township
- NRA 7035 Speke estate
- NRA 43718 St Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Seel Street, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 20084 Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby, statesman: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 18456 Elizabeth Stanley, Countess of Derby: recipe book
- NRA 20761 Stanley family, Earls of Derby: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16600 John Steel, pharmacist, Liverpool: prescription book
- NRA 18446 Rev Peter Steele of Warrington: papers
- NRA 16506 George Stephenson, engineer: corresp
- NRA 16877 James Stonehouse, antiquary: papers
- NRA 7189 Tarleton family papers
- NRA 17188 Thirty Club, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 16649 Thirty-ninth (Welsh) Lancashire Rifle Volunteers
- NRA 26477 Alfred John Tomlin, Chester diocesan secretary of the Additional Curates Society: corresp and paper link to online catalogue
- NRA 16945 Toxteth Park Board of Guardians
- NRA 16605 Toxteth Park Township
- NRA 3496 Toxteth Unitarian Church, Liverpool
- NRA 16663 Sir Cecil Trafford, Royalist: corresp and misc papers
- NRA 10625 David Tuohy, merchant: business and slave trading papers
- NRA 16504 Jesse Alfred Twemlow, palaeographer: working papers
- NRA 3491 Ullet Road Unitarian Church, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 43715 Union of Post Office Workers: Liverpool amalgamated branch link to online catalogue
- NRA 8552 William Heaton Wakefield, antiquary and business historian: papers
- NRA 26480 Percy Culverwell Brown and Edward Cuthbert Woods: Wallasey local history collections
- NRA 26509 Walton-on-the-Hill township
- NRA 43959 Wavertree Congregational Church
- NRA 43956 Wavertree Township
- NRA 43779 Esther Jane Weir, writer: diaries and literary MSS link to online catalogue
- NRA 18497 West Derby Board of Guardians
- NRA 18452 West Derby recusant roll
- NRA 9706 West Derby Savings Bank
- NRA 28318 Westminster Road United Reformed Church, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 35529 Williams, Harvey & Co Ltd, tin smelters, Liverpool
- NRA 30139 The Women's Hospital, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 10630 Woolton and District Nursing Society
- NRA 27183 Much Woolton Urban District Council
- NRA 18434 Ye Ugly Face Club, Liverpool link to online catalogue
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.