Browse by Records Creators
Wellesley, Arthur, (1769-1852), 1st Duke of Wellington, Field Marshal, statesman
This page summarises records created by this Person
The summary includes a brief description of the collection(s) (usually including the covering dates of the collection), the name of the archive where they are held, and reference information to help you find the collection.
Alternative name(s): |
Surname: | Wellesley |
Forenames: | Arthur |
Gender: | Male |
Date: | 1769-1852 |
Title: | 1st Duke of Wellington |
Biography: | ODNB link for Wellesley, Arthur (1769-1852) 1st Duke of Wellington, Field Marshal, statesman |
References: | DNB; NCA Rules |
Name authority reference: | GB/NNAF/P275311 (Former ISAAR ref: GB/NNAF/P130993 ) |
Online related resources | Bibliography of British and Irish History link for Arthur Wellesley |
Number | Description | Held by | Reference | Further information |
1 |
1826-1963: Constitution Arch, Constitution Hill, and statues of the 1st Duke of Wellington.
The National Archives, Kew
2 |
1814-1822: Foreign Office: General Correspondence before 1906: Continent Conferences
The National Archives, Kew
FO 92
3 |
1834: letter rel to the University of London charter
London University: Senate House Library
See Annual Return 2019
4 |
1790-1852: political, military and official papers
University of Southampton Library
MS 61
NRA 20085
See HMC Papers of British cabinet ministers 1782-1900, 1982 |
5 |
1815: Waterloo Despatch
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 69850
6 |
1807-52: political corresp
University of Southampton Library
MS 69
NRA 35038
7 |
1815-50: corresp
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 63090
8 |
personal, family, legal and estate papers,
Stratfield Saye House
NRA 1286 Wellesley
9 |
1796-1810: corresp and papers rel to India
British Library: Asian and African Studies
10 |
1800: copies of letters to civil and military officers in Madras (1 vol)
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 29238
11 |
1809-14: letters, papers and despatches
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 64131
12 |
1801-05: letter book of corresp with Residents at Poona
British Library: Asian and African Studies
MSS Eur E 216
NRA 27481
13 |
1801-05: letters (14) from various individuals (1 vol)
State Library of New South Wales, Mitchell Library
See Catalogue of MSS, series B, p73
14 |
Walmer Castle
See ASLIB Directory of Literary and Historical Collections 1993
15 |
1809-1853: misc corresp
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
MSS 9815-9933, 10279-10695, 10960-10999 Passim
16 |
1815-46: corresp with 4th Earl of Aberdeen
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 43056-60
17 |
1828: corresp with 1st Marquess of Anglesey
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
NRA 10 Paget
18 |
1828-45: corresp with 1st Marquess of Anglesey
Collection held privately: enquiries to Bangor University, Archives and Special Collections
NRA 10 Paget
19 |
1832-48: letters (14) to Lord Ashburton
Baring Archive
136.1, 189
NRA 30566 Baring Bros
20 |
1813-33: corresp with 3rd Earl Bathurst
British Library, Manuscript Collections
loan 57
NRA 20952
See HMC [76] Bathurst MSS |
21 |
1847: letters from GWP Bentinck and (undated) to Sir Alexander George Woodford
Warwickshire County Record Office
CR 136/B/6262-6425, C/75
NRA 26325 Newdegate
22 |
1809-28: corresp with Lord William Bentinck
Nottingham University Library, Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections
NRA 7628 Cavendish-Bentinck
23 |
1810-11: corresp with Viscount Beresford
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 21504, 36306
24 |
1809-12: letters (39) to Viscount Beresford
Huntington Library
See Guide, pp362-63
25 |
1810-13: letters (11) to Viscount Beresford
North Yorkshire County Record Office
See Guide no 1 1985
26 |
1829-30: corresp with Lord John De La Poer Beresford
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
NRA 19564 Beresford
27 |
1810: corresp with Vice Admiral Berkeley rel to naval and military co-operation
British Library, Manuscript Collections
RP 1083/3
28 |
1834: letters to William Draper Best, 1st Baron Wynford
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 63084
29 |
1800-44: letters (6) to General Lord De Blaquiere
Victoria & Albert (V&A) Museum, National Art Library
Forster Collection
NRA 38887 Forster
30 |
1843: military corresp with Sir Edward Blakeney and others
McGill University Archives
NRA 5379 Hardinge
31 |
1833-51: corresp with 1st Baron Brougham
UCL: University College London (UCL) Special Collections
See HMC Prime ministers papers 1801-1902, 1968
32 |
1832-45: letters to 5th Duke of Buccleuch, Lord and Lady Montagu
Collection held privately: enquiries to National Register of Archives for Scotland
NRA 10169 Douglas-Home
33 |
1795-1845: corresp with 1st and 2nd Marquesses Camden
Kent History and Library Centre
U840/C135-36, 266
NRA 8410
34 |
1814-27: corresp with George Canning
West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds
NRA 9205 Canning
35 |
1805-21: corresp with Viscount Castlereagh
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
NRA 12865 Stewart
36 |
1821-54: corresp with 1st and 2nd Earls Cathcart and with Sir George Cathcart,
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
NRA 3946
37 |
letters to 2nd Earl of Clare and his mother
Keele University Library Special Collections and Archives
See HMC Prime ministers papers 1801-1902, 1968
38 |
1811-37: letters (39) to Sir Henry Clinton
Manchester University: University of Manchester Library
See HMC Prime ministers papers 1801-1902, 1968
39 |
1810-1846: military and personal corresp with Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole and Lady Frances Cole
Collection held privately: enquiries to The National Archives, Archives Sector Development
NRA 39457 Cole
40 |
c1830-40: personal corresp with Christopher Collins, confidential servant, and related papers
University of Southampton Library
MS 69
NRA 35038
41 |
1801-16: corresp with Sir John Malcolm (1769-1833)
University of Southampton Library
See Annual Return 2001
42 |
1810-46: letters to Sir Charles Colville and Viscount Colville
Collection held privately: enquiries to National Register of Archives for Scotland
NRA 10112
43 |
c1817-38: letters to 1st Marquess of Conyngham, his wife and 2nd Marquess
Collection held privately: enquiries to Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
NRA 6509 Conyngham
44 |
1798-1841: corresp with 1st Baron Cottesloe, with related papers
Buckinghamshire Archives
NRA 15283 Fremantle
45 |
1810: letters (copies) from 1st Baron Cowley (1 vol)
The National Archives
FO 519
46 |
1832-52: letters to JW Croker
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 38078
47 |
1822-48: corresp with Duke of Cumberland
Niedersachsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv in Hannover
Dep 103
NRA 28404 Ernest Augustus
48 |
1822-51: corresp with 9th and 11th Earls and Marquess of Dalhousie
National Records of Scotland (formerly National Archives of Scotland)
NRA 17164
See NRA(S)0805 |
49 |
1835-52: corresp with Earl de Grey
Bedfordshire Archives
L 29/700/28, 30/18/62
NRA 6283 Wrest Park
50 |
1838-52: corresp with 14th Earl of Derby
Liverpool Record Office
920 Der 14, box 133
NRA 20084
51 |
1825-48: letters (10) to the Drummond family
Collection held privately: enquiries to The National Archives, Archives Sector Development
NRA 14022 Drummond
See HMC File: Drummond, Walden |
52 |
letters to Helen, Countess of Dufferin
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
See Report,1954-59, p41
53 |
1810-14: corresp (copies) with Sir Benjamin D'Urban
National Army Museum Templer Study Centre
NRA 23422 D'Urban
54 |
c1829-52: corresp with Thomas Edmonston
Shetland Museum and Archives
NRA 13501
55 |
1820-1837: letters to 1st Earl of Eldon
Collection held privately: enquiries to The National Archives, Archives Sector Development
NRA 24582 Scott
56 |
1828-30: corresp with 1st Earl of Ellenborough
The National Archives
57 |
1835-52: corresp with 1st Earl of Ellenborough
The National Archives
PRO 30/12
58 |
letters to Cuthbert Ellison
Surrey History Centre
NRA 777
59 |
1827-48: letters (207) to Tower Major JH Erlington
Huntington Library
See Guide, pp362-63
60 |
1799-1849: corresp with Maurice Fitzgerald
Collection held privately: enquiries to Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
NRA 29433 FitzGerald
61 |
1798-1841: papers and corresp with Sir WH Fremantle
Buckinghamshire Archives
NRA 15283 Fremantle
62 |
1837-46: corresp with WE Gladstone
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 44086-835 passim
63 |
1827-28: letters (24) to Viscount Goderich,
Buckinghamshire Archives
64 |
1825-46: corresp with Viscount Goderich
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 40306-877
65 |
c1804-09: corresp with Sir James Willoughby Gordon
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 49481
66 |
1819-50: letters to Henry Goulburn, with related papers
Surrey History Centre
NRA 777
67 |
1839-1850: corresp with Sir James Graham
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Dep. 9374
NRA 2634 Graham
See Annual Return 1994 |
68 |
1826-1834: corresp with 1st Earl Granville,
British Library, Manuscript Collections
See Former ref PRO 30/29
69 |
1806-16: letters to Lord Grenville
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 58990
70 |
letters (35) to Grenville family
Huntington Library
See Guide, p172
71 |
1829-41: letters (72) to AF Greville
West Sussex Record Office
Goodwood MSS
NRA 850 Gordon Lennox
See HMC Principal family and estate collections A-K, 1996 [42a] |
72 |
1839-52: corresp (191 items) with 3rd Earl Grey
Durham University Library and Collections
NRA 6228 Grey
73 |
1833-43: corresp with Colonel John Gurwood, editor of his Dispatches
University of Southampton Library
MS 69/3/1-33
NRA 35038
74 |
1837-50: corresp with GW Hall and Francis Jeune
Oxford University: Pembroke College Archives
NRA 29439 Oxford Univ Pembroke
75 |
1834-37: letters to RD Hampden
Oxford University: Oriel College Archives
See HMC Papers of British churchmen 1780-1940, 1987
76 |
1823-55: letters (60) to 1st Viscount Hardinge
McGill University Archives
NRA 7539 Hardinge
77 |
1842-48: corresp with 1st Viscount Hardinge and others mainly rel to Ireland
Kent History and Library Centre
(VIII, IX) 143, 166-67
NRA 5379 Hardinge
78 |
1809-39: letters (13) to 1st Earl of Harrowby etc
Harrowby Manuscripts Trust
vols 16,18,19,23,26
NRA 1561 Ryder
79 |
1850-1852: letters to Harriet and Elizabeth Frances Hatton
Collection held privately: enquiries to The National Archives, Archives Sector Development
NRA 39457 Cole
80 |
1812-52: corresp with John Charles Herries
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 57368
NRA 4798
81 |
1817: letters to Colonel Hervey
Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society
NRA 12923 Dukes Leeds
82 |
c1813-52: letters to Sir John Hill
Collection held privately: enquiries to The National Archives, Archives Sector Development
NRA 44729
83 |
1808-40: corresp with Sir Rowland Hill
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 35059-60
84 |
1838: corresp with William Holmes rel to Wellington's health
University of Southampton Library
MS 272
See Annual Return 1996
85 |
1812-45: corresp with Sir Alexander Hope and GW Hope
National Records of Scotland (formerly National Archives of Scotland)
NRA 10172 Hope
See NRA(S)1021 |
86 |
1813-14: letters to 4th Earl of Hopetoun
Collection held privately: enquiries to National Register of Archives for Scotland
NRA 17684 Hope
87 |
1818-47: corresp with John Robert Hume
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
GD 1
88 |
1810-28: corresp with W Huskisson
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 38738-56
89 |
1821-49: letters to Sarah, Countess of Jersey
The London Archives: City of London
405, 435
NRA 935
90 |
1824-30: letters to Sir Andrew Leith-Hay
National Records of Scotland (formerly National Archives of Scotland)
NRA 10212 Leith-Hay
See NRA(S)0132 |
91 |
1814-34: corresp with Prince Lieven
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 47259
92 |
1807-45: letters to Earls of Liverpool
British Library, Manuscript Collections
loan 72
NRA 21672
93 |
1807-40: letters to Earls of Liverpool
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 38196
94 |
1815-39: letters to William and Louisa Lloyd
National Library of Wales: Department of Collection Services
Aston Hall Vol 3 nos 1099-1104, Vol 6 nos 6818-6845
NRA 30036 Aston Hall
95 |
c1822-52: corresp with 3rd Marquess of Londonderry
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
NRA 12865 Stewart
96 |
1809-50: corresp with 3rd Marquess of Londonderry
The Story Durham (formerly Durham County Record Office)
NRA 11528 Vane-Tempest-Stewart
97 |
1829: letters to 1st Earl of Lonsdale
Cumbria Archive Centre, Carlisle
NRA 17777 Lowther
98 |
1830-46: letters (11) mainly to Lord Lyndhurst
Cambridge University: Trinity College Library
NRA 20697 Copley
99 |
1810-38: corresp with 1st Baron Lynedoch
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
MSS 3606-21
100 |
1834-39: letters (10) to Sir John and Lady Macdonald
Baring Archive
NRA 11212 Baring
101 |
1812-46: corresp with Frederick Maitland, with other copy corresp
National Army Museum Templer Study Centre
NRA 23388 Maitland
102 |
c1815-23: corresp with 3rd Viscount Melbourne
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 60411-15
NRA 23026
103 |
1824-38: letters to 2nd Viscount Melville
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 41084
104 |
1808-30: letters to 2nd Viscount Melville
National Records of Scotland (formerly National Archives of Scotland)
NRA 10188 Dundas
105 |
1807-17: corresp with Lord Mornington
Gwent Archives
NRA 28994
106 |
1800-04: letters (24) to Sir Thomas Munro
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 29239
107 |
1799-1803: letters to Sir Thomas Munro
British Library: Asian and African Studies
MSS Eur F 151
NRA 27541
108 |
1808-39: letters to Sir George Murray
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
Adv MSS 46.1.1-47.7.4
109 |
1824-45: corresp with Sir George Murray
The National Archives
WO 80
110 |
1825-48: corresp with Sir William Napier, with other copy corresp
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MS Eng lett c 250
NRA 13979 Napier
111 |
1825-45: corresp with 4th and 5th Dukes of Newcastle
Nottingham University Library, Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections
NRA 7411 Pelham
112 |
1809, 1832-52: letters mainly to the North family
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS North
NRA 837 North
113 |
1824-46: letters to Duchess of Northumberland
North East Wales Archives (NEWA), Hawarden (formerly Flintshire Record Office)
NRA 26972
114 |
1820-41: corresp with 3rd Viscount Palmerston
University of Southampton Library
MS 62
NRA 12889
115 |
1822-46: letters (8 vols) to Sir Robert Peel
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 40306-10, 40549-61
116 |
letters to Henry Phillpotts
Exeter Cathedral Library and Archives
NRA 25909 Phillpotts
117 |
corresp with Earl of Powis
National Library of Wales: Department of Collection Services
Powis Castle
NRA 20151 Herbert
118 |
1815-52: corresp with Lord Raglan
Gwent Archives
NRA 28994
119 |
1837-51: corresp (48 items) with 1st Earl of Redesdale
Gloucestershire Archives
NRA 23794 Freeman-Mitford
120 |
1807-29: corresp with 4th Duke of Richmond:
National Library of Ireland
MSS 58-75
121 |
1832-42: letters (16) to 5th Duke of Richmond
West Sussex Record Office
vol 3
NRA 850 Gordon Lennox
122 |
1814-52: corresp with Lord John Russell
The National Archives
123 |
1850-52: letters to Marchioness of Salisbury
Hatfield House Library and Archives
See A Great Man's Friendship, ed Lady Burghclere, 1927
124 |
c1800-04: letters (1 vol) to James George Scott
British Library: Asian and African Studies
MSS Eur D 828
125 |
1819-33: letters (19) to 1st Viscount Sidmouth:
Devon Archives and Local Studies Service (South West Heritage Trust)
See HMC Prime ministers papers 1801-1902, 1968
126 |
1830-51: corresp with 5th Earl of Stanhope
Kent History and Library Centre
NRA 25095
127 |
1836-51: letters (84) to Emily, Countess of Stanhope
Lincolnshire Archives
NRA 6329
128 |
1802-3: letters (21) mainly to Lt-General James Stuart
Cleveland Public Library
NRA 26059 White
129 |
1815-22: corresp with Baron Stuart De Rothesay:
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
MSS 3840, 6160-6246, 9818, 10997, 15386-90
130 |
1844-48: letters (30) to Benjamin Symons
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MS Eng lett d 193
NRA 10089 Symons
131 |
1828-30: corresp (13 items) with George Tierney and his father
Hampshire Archives
NRA 14626 Tierney
132 |
letters to Lord Tweeddale
British Library: Asian and African Studies
MSS Eur F 96
NRA 27520
133 |
1838-1840: letters to David Urquhart
Oxford University: Balliol College Historic Collections
NRA 11691 Urquhart
134 |
1799-1801: corresp with Alexander Walker
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
135 |
1841-52: letters to James Walker re Dover harbour
Institution of Civil Engineers
NRA 16921 Civil Engineers
136 |
c1828-48: letters to Lady Wellesley
Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society
NRA 12923 Dukes Leeds
137 |
1799-1842: corresp with Marquess Wellesley
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 13669-74, 13772-78, 37288-315, 37415
138 |
1831-44: corresp with 1st Baron Wharncliffe
Sheffield City Archives
NRA 1077
139 |
1829-35: letters (10) to Sir David Wilkie
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
See Annual Report 1981-82 p52
140 |
1823-29: letters to Sir RJ Wilmot-Horton
Derbyshire Record Office
NRA 27876 Wilmot-Horton
141 |
1821-41: corresp with BD Wyatt rel to Apsley House
Victoria & Albert (V&A) Museum, National Art Library
NRA 38891 V & A Museum
142 |
1840-44: corresp (c100 items) with Rev Philip Wynter
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS. Eng. c. 6071-6073, d. 2916, e. 3047
NRA 27382
143 |
1808-18: letters to Charles Yorke
Kresen Kernow (formerly Cornwall Record Office)
April-June 1969
NRA 5235 Cornwall RO misc
144 |
corresp rel to Tralee Borough
Unknown location
NRA 478 Rowan
145 |
1832-38: letters on Hants Lieutenancy matters
Unknown location
NRA 433 Pollen
146 |
1809-14: copies of Peninsula and Waterloo despatches
Suffolk Archives - Bury St Edmunds Branch
E18/740/7 (pp184-205)
NRA 41001 Bunbury
147 |
1809-14: letters, papers and despatches from Peninsular War (1 vol)
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 64131
148 |
1820-48: misc corresp
Duke University: William R Perkins Library
NRA 24153 Wellesley
149 |
1810-11: corresp rel to Cadiz
Badminton Muniments
NRA 6282 Somerset
150 |
1806-50: misc letters (18)
Cambridge University: Fitzwilliam Museum
See HMC visit, JRS 1992
151 |
1810-47: letters (20) on Scottish garrisons and the Peninsular War
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
See Accessions to Repositories 1975
152 |
1808-51: political and military letters
McGill University Archives
See Union list of MSS in Canadian repositories 1975
153 |
1899: letter rel to pensions
British Library: Asian and African Studies
MSS Eur F 597
Version 7.16 - February 2025 - OffSite