Browse by Records Creators
Gladstone, William Ewart, (1809-1898), statesman
This page summarises records created by this Person
The summary includes a brief description of the collection(s) (usually including the covering dates of the collection), the name of the archive where they are held, and reference information to help you find the collection.
Surname: | Gladstone |
Forenames: | William Ewart |
Gender: | Male |
Date: | 1809-1898 |
Biography: | ODNB link for Gladstone, William Ewart (1809-1898), statesman |
References: | DNB; NCA Rules |
Name authority reference: | GB/NNAF/P275015 (Former ISAAR ref: GB/NNAF/P143596 ) |
Online related resources | Bibliography of British and Irish History link for William Ewart Gladstone |
Number | Description | Held by | Reference | Further information |
1 |
1892 Aug. 19: W E Gladstone First Lord
The National Archives, Kew
T 40/101
2 |
12 July 1867 - 19 Oct.1875: From W.E. Gladstone.
The National Archives, Kew
FO 918/5
3 |
15 May 1870, 23 Feb.1874: To W.E. Gladstone.
The National Archives, Kew
FO 918/5
4 |
22 Dec.1874: Copies of appreciations by Gladstone and Disraeli of Theodore Martin's Life of the...
The National Archives, Kew
FO 918/5
5 |
19th cent-20th cent: corresp and papers
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 44086-44835
6 |
1818-98: corresp and papers
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 44086-835, 44900-01, 56444-53
See HMC Papers of British cabinet ministers 1782-1900, 1982
7 |
c1817-98: personal, family, business and misc papers
Gladstone's Library
Glynne-Gladstone MSS
NRA 14174 Gladstone
See HMC Papers of British colonial governors 1782-1900, 1986 |
8 |
1825-1936: journals, corresp, related papers
Lambeth Palace Library
MSS 1416-55
NRA 21424 Gladstone
9 |
1830-98: letters and misc papers
Bristol University Information Services: Special Collections
NRA 33764
10 |
1845-97: royal corresp
British Library, Manuscript Collections
loan 73
NRA 21658
11 |
1874-80: corresp rel to HJ Gladstone's political career; 1881-85: papers of HJ Gladstone as secretary to his father
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 46044
12 |
1850-97: family corresp
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 46221
13 |
1853-92: letters from politicians, churchmen and others (190 items)
Suffolk Archives - Ipswich
14 |
1854-95: letters (69) to Lord Aberdare
Glamorgan Archives
NRA 13981
15 |
1837-60: corresp with Lord Aberdeen
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 43070-71
16 |
1839-98: corresp with HW Acland
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Acland
NRA 22893
17 |
1875-93: corresp with Arthur James Balfour
British Library, Manuscript Collections
ADD MSS 49692 Passim
18 |
1839-69: letters to Sir Thomas Dyke and Sir CTD Acland, and to the Bishop of Exeter
Devon Archives and Local Studies Service (South West Heritage Trust)
NRA 14687 Acland
19 |
1834-92: letters to Sir Thomas Dyke Acland
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MS Eng lett d 89
20 |
1859-96: corresp with Lord Acton
Cambridge University Library: Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
Add MSS 6443, 8119
NRA 37383 Acton
21 |
1849-93: letters to Duke of Argyll
Collection held privately: enquiries to National Register of Archives for Scotland
NRA 9955 Campbell
22 |
1852-97: letters to Anne Bennett
Gladstone's Library
NRA 27759
23 |
1874-91: corresp with Edward Bickersteth
Lambeth Palace Library
MS 2961
24 |
1865-94: letters to JS Blackie
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
MS.2626-40 passim
25 |
1836-95: letters to Blackwoods
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
MSS 4043-4896 passim
26 |
1833-72: letters (11) to JW Blakesley
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 60391A
27 |
1860-82: corresp with Lord Brabourne
Kent History and Library Centre
U951 C11
NRA 1301 Knatchbull
28 |
1866-91: corresp with Speaker Brand
Parliamentary Archives
NRA 6114
29 |
1869-88: corresp (10 items) with John Bright
Rochdale Local Studies and Archive
30 |
1853-87: corresp with John Bright
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 43385
31 |
1876-96: letters to Henry Broadhurst
London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives and Special Collections
NRA 7521 Broadhurst
32 |
corresp with Lord Brougham
UCL: University College London (UCL) Special Collections
See Irwin and Staveley, The Libraries of London
33 |
1874-96: corresp with James Bryce
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Bryce
NRA 6716 Bryce
34 |
1877-86: corresp with Sir Henry Burdett
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Eng b 2068-69, c 5894-6032, d 2867-89
NRA 39820
35 |
1865-68: corresp with Lady Burdett-Coutts (35ff)
Lambeth Palace Library
MS 1823
36 |
1871-97: corresp with Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 41215
37 |
1842-45: corresp with Lord Canning and Professor Coneybeare
West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds
Canning papers
NRA 7618 Canning
38 |
1868-74: corresp with Lord Cardwell
The National Archives
PRO 30/48
39 |
1863-85: corresp with Lord Carlingford (241 items)
Somerset Heritage Centre (South West Heritage Trust)
NRA 8898 Strachey
40 |
1858-88: corresp with Lord Carnarvon
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 60773, 60783
41 |
1845-47: letters to Lord Cathcart
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
NRA 3946
42 |
1844-85: corresp (46 items) with Sir Edwin Chadwick
UCL: University College London (UCL) Special Collections
NRA 21653 Chadwick
43 |
1834-41: letters to Thomas Chalmers
Edinburgh University: New College Library
NRA 27818 Chalmers
44 |
1880-98: corresp (100 items) with Joseph Chamberlain
University of Birmingham: Cadbury Research Library: Special Collections
JC/5, JC/8/8
NRA 12604 Chamberlain
45 |
1865-1894: corresp with Hugh Childers
Cambridge University Library: Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
Childers papers
NRA 11163
46 |
c1860-70: letters to Lord Clarendon
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Clar dep
NRA 6302
47 |
1841-96: corresp with Richard Cobden
West Sussex Record Office
Cobden papers
NRA 10616 Cobden
48 |
corresp with Sir George Cockburn
Library of Congress, Manuscript Division
NRA 28001
49 |
1860-77: corresp with Lord Cottesloe
Buckinghamshire Archives
NRA 15283 Fremantle
50 |
1880-94: corresp with Leonard Courtney
London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives and Special Collections
NRA 7523
51 |
1853-66: letters to Lord Cowley
The National Archives
FO 519
52 |
1862-66: letters to WF Cowper
University of Southampton Library
NRA 25760 Cowper-Temple
53 |
1843-46: letters (51) to Marquess of Dalhousie
National Records of Scotland (formerly National Archives of Scotland)
NRA 17164
See NRAS 0805 |
54 |
1849-73: corresp (c41 items) with JE Denison
Nottingham University Library, Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections
NRA 205 Denison
55 |
1841-63: letters to 14th Earl of Derby
Liverpool Record Office
920 Der 14, box 135
NRA 20084
56 |
1861-94: letters (10) to 7th Duke and (c200) to 8th Duke of Devonshire
Devonshire Collection Archives, Chatsworth
NRA 20594 Cavendish
57 |
1870-94: corresp with Sir Charles Dilke
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 43875-85 passim
58 |
1853-78: letters (43) to Benjamin Disraeli
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Disraeli
NRA 842 Disraeli
59 |
1853-79: corresp (24 items) with Edward Ellice junior and senior
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
MS 15017
NRA 883
See NRAS 1968 |
60 |
letters to Lord Emly
National Library of Ireland
MS 19337
61 |
1873-79: corresp with Sir James Fergusson, 6th Bt
Collection held privately: enquiries to National Register of Archives for Scotland
NRA 41047 Fergusson
62 |
letters to Alexander Forbes
Dundee University Archive, Records Management and Museum Services
BrMS 1/1-4
NRA 33180
See NRAS 3185 |
63 |
1836-53: corresp with Henry Goulburn
Surrey History Centre
NRA 777
64 |
1839-1861: corresp with Sir James Graham
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Dep. 9374
NRA 2634 Graham
See Annual Return 1994 |
65 |
1868-1874: corresp with 2nd Earl Granville
British Library, Manuscript Collections
See Former ref PRO 30/29
66 |
1880-82: corresp with 2nd Earl Granville
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 43875-80 passim
67 |
1848-93: letters (10) to WA Greenhill
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MS Autogr e 4
68 |
1846-84: corresp (30 items) with 3rd Earl Grey
Durham University Library and Collections
NRA 6228 Grey
69 |
1858-69: corresp with General Charles Grey
Durham University Library and Collections
NRA 6228 Grey
70 |
1865-92: letters (c35) to Sir WB Gurdon
Suffolk Archives - Ipswich
HA 54
See HMC Papers of British Politicians 1782-1900, 1989
71 |
1854-84: letters to Lord Halifax
Borthwick Institute for Archives: University of York
Halifax papers A4/83
NRA 8128 Wood
72 |
1874-97: corresp with Sir Edward Walter Hamilton
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 48607A,B
NRA 20962
73 |
corresp with Sir William Harcourt
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Harcourt
NRA 3679
74 |
1841-75: letters (11) to Lord Harrowby
Harrowby Manuscripts Trust
NRA 1561 Ryder
75 |
letters to Lord Hatherton
Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Staffordshire County Record Office
D260, 1121, 1178, 4028, 4513, 4787
NRA 4022 Littleton
See NRAS 0044 |
76 |
1845-73: corresp with Edward Hawkins
Oxford University: Oriel College Archives
See Oriel College Record, 1958, p15
77 |
1850-89: corresp with Sidney and Elizabeth Herbert
Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre
NRA 22080 Herbert
78 |
1853-81: corresp with Sir Charles John Herries
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 57466
NRA 4798
79 |
1859-72: corresp with Lord Alfred Hervey
Somerset Heritage Centre (South West Heritage Trust)
1978 list, p28
NRA 3945 Jolliffe
80 |
1881-86: corresp with Sir Michael Hicks Beach
Gloucestershire Archives
NRA 3526
81 |
1879-92: letters to Robert Holt
Liverpool Record Office
920 DUR/10
NRA 8155
82 |
1862-98: corresp with GJ Holyoake
Co-operative Heritage Trust Archive
NRA 16403 Holyoake
83 |
1845-62: corresp with GW Hope
National Records of Scotland (formerly National Archives of Scotland)
NRA 10172 Hope
See NRA(S)1021 |
84 |
1844-46: letters to JJ Hope-Johnstone
Collection held privately: enquiries to National Register of Archives for Scotland
NRA 12630 Hope-Johnstone
85 |
1837-72: corresp with JR Hope-Scott
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
MSS 3669-79 passim
86 |
c1832-77: letters to Charles and Revd HJ Hotham
Hull History Centre (Hull University Archives)
NRA 5408
87 |
1835-84: letters (60) to Lord Houghton
Cambridge University: Trinity College Library
See HMC corresp file 19/2/1987
88 |
1870-84: misc corresp with Joshua Hughs, Bishop of St Asaph
Cambridge University Library: Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
MS Add.9557
NRA 43940
89 |
1873: letters (10) to John Kells Ingram
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
See Report 1966-72 p162
90 |
1853-55: letters to Francis Jeune
Oxford University: Pembroke College Archives
NRA 29439 Oxford Univ Pembroke
91 |
1860-68: letters to Sir WGH Jolliffe
Somerset Heritage Centre (South West Heritage Trust)
NRA 3945 Jolliffe
92 |
1840-65: letters (23) to John Keble
Oxford University: Keble College Archives
NRA 21028 Keble
93 |
1853-94: corresp with Lord Kimberley
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Eng a 2013-14, b 2047-49, c 3933-4514, d 2439-92, e 2790-97
NRA 1274 Wodehouse
94 |
1891-93: letters to Lord Kimberley
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
MS 10244
NRA 22490 Primrose
95 |
letters to AW Kinglake
Cambridge University Library: Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
See Cambridge Univ Reporter, 12/5/1965, p1807
96 |
1861-83: corresp with Sir Austen Layard
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 38987-39140 passim
97 |
1867-77: letters (32) to Joseph Levy
Collection held privately: enquiries to The National Archives, Archives Sector Development
NRA 29865 Lawson
98 |
1841-63: corresp with Sir GC Lewis
National Library of Wales: Department of Collection Services
Harpton Court MSS and MS 21796B
NRA 22798 Duff Gordon
99 |
1871-89: letters (17) to JB Lightfoot
Durham Cathedral Library
Lightfoot papers
NRA 28624 Lightfoot
100 |
c1850-85: letters to TB Lloyd Baker
Gloucestershire Archives
D49, D3549
NRA 10000 Lloyd-Baker
101 |
1858-59: letters (60) to Lord Lytton
Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies
NRA 4598
102 |
1868-98: corresp with Macmillans
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 55243
103 |
1837-91: corresp with HE Manning
Emory University: Pitts Theology Library
MSS 002
104 |
1862-96: letters (40) to Friedrich Max Muller
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Eng c 2805, d 2347
NRA 12354 Muller
105 |
1853-91: letters (28) to Frederick Meyrick
Pusey House Library
NRA 30605 Meyrick
106 |
1865-76: letters to George Moffat
Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre
NRA 39474 Moffatt
107 |
1864-1875: corresp with Sir Robert Morier
Oxford University: Balliol College Historic Collections
NRA 26599 Morier
108 |
1871-94: letters (c35) to AJ Mundella
Sheffield University: Special Collections and Archives
MS 6 - 9, MS 22
NRA 6510
109 |
1832-65: corresp with Dukes of Newcastle
Nottingham University Library, Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections
NRA 7411 Pelham
110 |
1846-98: letters (105) to Barons Northbourne
Collection held privately: enquiries to Kent History and Library Centre
NRA 23887 James
111 |
1852-85: corresp with Sir Stafford Northcote
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 50014
NRA 5873
112 |
1864-81: corresp with Lord O'Hagan
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
NRA 18813 O'Hagan
113 |
1851-65: corresp (200 items) with Lord Palmerston
University of Southampton Library
MS 62
NRA 12889
114 |
1843-75: letters to Sir Anthony Panizzi
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 36715-26 passim
115 |
1841-49: corresp with Sir Robert Peel
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 40469-70
116 |
1858-66: corresp with Sir Thomas Phillipps
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Phillipps-Robinson
NRA 26260
117 |
letters to Henry Phillpotts
Exeter Cathedral Library and Archives
NRA 25909 Phillpotts
118 |
1859-92: letters (37) to Lord Playfair
Imperial College Archives and Corporate Records Unit
L. Playfair
NRA 11556 Playfair
119 |
1870-94: corresp with Sir Henry Ponsonby
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 45724
120 |
1886-89: letters to Sir Henry Primrose
Duke University: William R Perkins Library
NRA 29599 Primrose
121 |
1835-75: letters to Edward Pusey
Pusey House Library
NRA 19807 Pusey House coll
122 |
1865-95: corresp with William Rathbone
University of Liverpool: Special Collections and Archives
Rathbone papers
NRA 7187 Rathbone
123 |
1887-97: corresp (c80 items) with Lord Rendel; notes of conversations
National Library of Wales: Department of Collection Services
NLW MSS 19440-67, 20569-72, 23028-35
NRA 7517 Rendel
124 |
1857-96: corresp with Lord Ripon
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 43513-15
125 |
1854-87: letters (20) to JE Thorold Rogers
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Eng misc c 583-86, d 902, e 855, f 476-98, g 100-01; Eng lett c 334; Eng poet e 131, f 31
NRA 12396 Rogers
126 |
1872-97: corresp with Lord Rosebery
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
NRA 22490 Primrose
127 |
1859-74: corresp with CW Russell
National University of Ireland, Maynooth: Russell Library
NRA 28335 Russell
128 |
1859-65: corresp with Lord John Russell
The National Archives
129 |
1867-74: corresp with Lord Odo Russell
The National Archives
FO 918
130 |
1845-85: letters to Robert Scott
Pusey House Library
NRA 29545 Scott
131 |
1852-1860: letters to William Scott
Lambeth Palace Library
NRA 26478
132 |
1850-94: corresp with Lord Selborne etc
Lambeth Palace Library
MSS 1861-1906
NRA 11918
133 |
letters (30) to Joseph Severn
Harvard University: Houghton Library
See Reports xxx-xxxiv
134 |
1842-95: corresp with GJ Shaw-Lefevre
Collection held privately: enquiries to National Register of Archives for Scotland
NRA 9758
135 |
1872-91: letters to WH Smith
University of Reading: Special Collections
NRA 4812 Smith
136 |
1854-55: letters to William Smythe of Methven re Trinity College, Glenalmond (13 items)
National Records of Scotland (formerly National Archives of Scotland)
GD190 3/364
NRA 34095 Smythe
137 |
1859-61: letters (17) to Duke of Somerset
Devon Archives and Local Studies Service (South West Heritage Trust)
1392M 1392M/L15-19 1799Madd2
NRA 12798 Seymour
138 |
1859-66: letters (73) to Duke of Somerset
Buckinghamshire Archives
NRA 11704 Ramsden
139 |
1861-65: letters to THS Sotheron Estcourt
Gloucestershire Archives
NRA 2630 Sotheron
140 |
1873-96: letters (9) to Herbert Spencer
London University: Senate House Library
MS 791
NRA 16253 Spencer
141 |
1835-75: corresp with Lord Stanhope
Kent History and Library Centre
NRA 25095
142 |
1851-98: corresp with Lord Stanmore
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 49209
NRA 20961
143 |
1878-96: corresp with WT Stead (15 items)
Cambridge University: Churchill Archives Centre
NRA 32593
144 |
letters to John Swinton
Collection held privately: enquiries to National Register of Archives for Scotland
NRA 10561
145 |
1852-82: corresp with AC Tait
Lambeth Palace Library
NRA 8476 Tait
146 |
1836-89: letters to Sir Henry Taylor etc
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MS Eng lett c 1
147 |
1844-84: letters to Martin Tupper
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MS Eng lett e 1
148 |
1843-1856: corresp with David Urquhart
Oxford University: Balliol College Historic Collections
NRA 11691 Urquhart
149 |
corresp with HH Vivian
National Library of Wales: Department of Collection Services
NRA 25196 Vivian
150 |
1866-70: letters (17) to SH Walpole
Collection held privately: enquiries to The National Archives, Archives Sector Development
NRA 23819 Walpole
See HMC corresp file - Holland, David |
151 |
1859-1896: letters (15) to George Frederic Watts
National Portrait Gallery
NRA 34418 Watts
152 |
1859-80: corresp with Lord Wemyss
Collection held privately: enquiries to National Register of Archives for Scotland
NRA 10743 Charteris
153 |
1870-97: letters (10) to Duke of Westminster
Collection held privately: enquiries to Cheshire Archives and Local Studies
NRA 13470 Grosvenor
154 |
1838-54: letters (24) to Robert Wilberforce
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Wilberforce; Don e 164-65
NRA 7132 Wilberforce
155 |
1834-73: corresp with Samuel Wilberforce
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Wilberforce d 35-38, e 2
NRA 7132 Wilberforce
156 |
letters (18) to George Wilson
Manchester Archives and Local Studies
157 |
1848-70: letters (20) to HA Woodgate
Pusey House Library
NRA 28341 Woodgate
158 |
1830-91: corresp with Charles Wordsworth
Lambeth Palace Library
MS 1823
159 |
1843-84: corresp with Christopher Wordsworth
Lambeth Palace Library
MS 2184
160 |
1838-97: misc letters (c50) from him
Liverpool Record Office
920 GLA
NRA 10629
161 |
1876-90: postcards (16) to editor of Jewish Chronicle
Jewish Museum, London
MS 193
NRA 30955
162 |
c1873-95: corresp among Viscount Cobham papers
Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service
NRA 14331 Edgley & Co
163 |
1889-90: proofs with amendments of On books and the housing of them
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MS Don c 94
See Accessions to Repositories 1968
164 |
1841-97: letters (26) from him and (43) from his wife
National Library of Wales: Department of Collection Services
See Annual Report 1978-79, p61
165 |
1841-1904: misc letters and papers (52 items)
Duke University: William R Perkins Library
See Guide, 1980, p200
166 |
1836-97: letters to various correspondents
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MS Don a 9
167 |
1841-93: letters (33)
Huntington Library
See Guide to literary MSS 1979
168 |
1839-1895: misc corresp
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
MSS 9812-10290, 10708-10997 Passim
169 |
1886: letters (3)
North East Wales Archives (NEWA), Hawarden (formerly Flintshire Record Office)
170 |
1854, 1888: letter concerning the decaying fabric of Westminster Abbey; letters rel to the Westminster Abbey Bill 1888
Westminster Abbey Library and Muniment Room
WAM OAA/1; WAM 61636, 61661B
171 |
c1890-2002: magic lantern slide showing Gladstone's study at Hawarden Castle and other items rel to the Gladstone family
North East Wales Archives (NEWA), Hawarden (formerly Flintshire Record Office)
AN4741 & AN4775
See Annual Return 2013
172 |
copies of some documents in the Glynne-Gladstone Manuscripts held in the Flintshire Record Office
Nottinghamshire Archives
173 |
1841-1908: corresp
Princeton University Library
174 |
c1891-1900: family photographs and copies of the "Gladstone Memorial Number" published by the Black and White Publishing Co with the Daily Mail and "The Funeral of WE Gladstone" published by The Graphic newspaper
North East Wales Archives (NEWA), Ruthin (formerly Denbighshire Archives)
AN5103, AN5137, AN5138
See Annual Return 2017
Record creator | Description of relationship | Dates | Category of relationship | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Family home
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