British Library: Asian and African Studies
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Previously called the "Oriental and India Office Library" and "The British Library: Asia, Pacific and African Collections (APAC)"
ARCHON code: 59
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Collections information
Businesses (16)
- All India Radio India
- Burmah Oil Co Ltd London;Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Captain William Hambly, East India Co Maritime Service
- Charles Lambert, free merchant Calcutta, India
- Donisthorpe & Co Ltd, worsted spinners Leicester, Leicestershire
- Dooars Tea Co Ltd, plantation owners London
- East India Co London
- FH Lloyd & Co Ltd, steel castings manufacturers Wednesbury, Staffordshire
- Harry Verelst, Thos Rumbold & W Wilkins, merchants Calcutta, India
- Irrawaddy Flotilla Co Ltd, shipowners Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- John Pendred Scott, agent to the Salt Petre Concern (1777)
- Josias Wordsworth, merchant London
- Kanan Devan Hills Produce Co Ltd, plantation owners Madras, India
- Madras Irrigation & Canal Co Madras, India
- North Travancore Land Planting and Agricultural Society Ltd, plantation owners Madras, India
- Robert Williams & Co, shipowners
Organisations (1249)
- Abberton, east indiaman
- Abercrombie Robinson, east indiaman
- Abercromby, east indiaman
- Abingdon, east indiaman
- Achilles, east indiaman
- Addison, east indiaman
- Admiral Aplin, east indiaman
- Admiral Barrington, east indiaman
- Admiral Gambier, east indiaman
- Admiral Gardner, east indiaman
- Admiral Pocock, east indiaman
- Admiral Rainier, east indiaman
- Admiral Stevens, east indiaman
- Admiral Vernon, east indiaman
- Admiral Watson, east indiaman
- Airly Castle, east indiaman
- Ajax, east indiaman
- Albemarle, east indiaman
- Albion (1), east indiaman
- Albion (2), east indiaman
- Albion (3), east indiaman
- Albion (4), east indiaman
- Alexander (2), east indiaman
- Alexander (3), east indiaman
- Alexander, east indiaman
- Alfred (2), east indiaman
- Alfred (3), east indiaman
- Alfred, east indiaman
- Alligator, east indiaman
- Almorah, east indiaman
- Alnwick Castle, east indiaman
- Althea, east indiaman
- Amazon, east indiaman
- America, east indiaman
- Amity, east indiaman
- Anglesey, east indiaman
- Ankerwyke, east indiaman
- Ann (2), east indiaman
- Ann and Amelia (2), east indiaman
- Ann and Amelia (3), east indiaman
- Ann, east indiaman
- Anna (2), east indiaman
- Anna (3), east indiaman
- Anna, east indiaman
- Anne Royal, east indiaman
- Anson (2), east indiaman
- Anson (3), east indiaman
- Anson, east indiaman
- Anstell, east indiaman
- Antelope (3), east indiaman
- Antelope (4), east indiaman
- Apollo (2), east indiaman
- Apollo, east indiaman
- Arabella, east indiaman
- Arabia Factor, east indiaman
- Archduke Charles, east indiaman
- Ardaseer, east indiaman
- Ariadne, east indiaman
- Arniston, east indiaman
- Arran, east indiaman
- Ascension, east indiaman
- Asia (10), east indiaman
- Asia (2), east indiaman
- Asia (3), east indiaman
- Asia (4), east indiaman
- Asia (5), east indiaman
- Asia (6), east indiaman
- Asia (7), east indiaman
- Asia (8), east indiaman
- Asia (9), east indiaman
- Atlantic, east indiaman
- Atlas (2), east indiaman
- Atlas (3), east indiaman
- Atlas (4), east indiaman
- Atlas, east indiaman
- Augusta, east indiaman
- Aurengzebe, east indiaman
- Aurora, east indiaman
- Auspicious, east indiaman
- Automatia, east indiaman
- Averilla, east indiaman
- Bangalore, east indiaman
- Bangladesh Tea Association London
- Baring (2), east indiaman
- Baring, east indiaman
- Barkworth, east indiaman
- Barnardiston, east indiaman
- Barrington, east indiaman
- Barrosa, east indiaman
- Barwell (2), east indiaman
- Barwell, east indiaman
- Batavia, east indiaman
- Beaufort (2), east indiaman
- Beckenham, east indiaman
- Bedford (2), east indiaman
- Bedford, east indiaman
- Belle, east indiaman
- Bellmont, east indiaman
- Bellona, east indiaman
- Belvedere, east indiaman
- Bencoolen, east indiaman
- Bengal (2), east indiaman
- Bengal (3), east indiaman
- Bengal Merchant (2), east indiaman
- Bengal Merchant (3), east indiaman
- Bengal Merchant, east indiaman
- Bengal, east indiaman
- Benjamin (3), east indiaman
- Benjamin, east indiaman
- Berkeley Castle, east indiaman
- Berrington, east indiaman
- Berwick (2), east indiaman
- Berwick, east indiaman
- Berwickshire, east indiaman
- Bessborough, east indiaman
- Betsy (2), east indiaman
- Betsy, east indiaman
- Bheemoolah, east indiaman
- Blandford, east indiaman
- Blenheim, east indiaman
- Blessing, east indiaman
- Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India
- Boddam, east indiaman
- Boddington, east indiaman
- Bolton, east indiaman
- Bombay Castle (2), east indiaman
- Bombay Castle, east indiaman
- Bombay, east indiaman
- Borneo, east indiaman
- Boscawen, east indiaman
- Bouverie, east indiaman
- Boyd, east indiaman
- Boyne (2), east indiaman
- Boyne (3), east indiaman
- Boyne, east indiaman
- Brampton, east indiaman
- Bridgewater (2), east indiaman
- Bridgewater (3), east indiaman
- Bridgewater (4), east indiaman
- Bridgewater (5), east indiaman
- Bridgewater, east indiaman
- Britain-India Forum, Indian cultural centre, London London
- Britannia (2), east indiaman
- Britannia (3), east indiaman
- Britannia (4), east indiaman
- Britannia (5), east indiaman
- Britannia (6), east indiaman
- Britannia (7), east indiaman
- Britannia (8), east indiaman
- Britannia (9), east indiaman
- Britannia, east indiaman
- British Associate Board of St Christopher's Training College, Madras Madras, India
- British Associate Board of the Christa Seva Vindhyalaya (missionary training centre), Madras
- British Associate Board of the Womens Christian College, Madras Madras, India
- British Association of Malaysia and Singapore
- British Board, Christa Seva Vidhyalaya, Madras Madras, India
- British Burma Commission Association
- British King, east indiaman
- British Merchant, east indiaman
- Brothers, east indiaman
- Broxbornebury, east indiaman
- Brunswick (2), east indiaman
- Brunswick, east indiaman
- Buckinghamshire, east indiaman
- Bull (2), east indiaman
- Bull, east indiaman
- Burma Office
- Busbridge, east indiaman
- Bussorah Merchant, east indiaman
- Bute, east indiaman
- Cabalva, east indiaman
- Cadogan, east indiaman
- Caernarvon (2), east indiaman
- Caernarvon, east indiaman
- Caesar (3), east indiaman
- Caesar (4), east indiaman
- Caesar (5), east indiaman
- Calcutta (2), east indiaman
- Calcutta (3), east indiaman
- Calcutta (4), east indiaman
- Calcutta Dinner, London London
- Calcutta Tent Club Burford, Oxfordshire
- Calcutta, east indiaman
- Caledonia, east indiaman
- Caledonian (2), east indiaman
- Cambridge (2), east indiaman
- Cambridge, east indiaman
- Camden, east indiaman
- Canada, east indiaman
- Canning, east indiaman
- Canton, east indiaman
- Cardigan, east indiaman
- Cardonnel, east indiaman
- Carlton, east indiaman
- Carmarthen, east indiaman
- Carnatic (2), east indiaman
- Carnatic (3), east indiaman
- Carnatic, east indiaman
- Carolina, east indiaman
- Caroline, east indiaman
- Carron, east indiaman
- Cartier, east indiaman
- Castle eden, east indiaman
- Castle Huntley
- Castor, east indiaman
- Catharine (2), east indiaman
- Catharine, east indiaman
- Catherine (2), east indiaman
- Catherine (3), east indiaman
- Catherine (4), east indiaman
- Catherine, part of the Courteen association fleet
- Cecilia, east indiaman
- Ceres (2), east indiaman
- Ceres (3), east indiaman
- Ceres (4), east indiaman
- Ceres, east indiaman
- Ceylon, east indiaman
- Chambers, east indiaman
- Chandos (2), east indiaman
- Chandos, east indiaman
- Chapman, east indiaman
- Charles Grant, east indiaman
- Charles II, east indiaman
- Charles Mills, east indiaman
- Charles, east indiaman
- Charlton, east indiaman
- Chesterfield, east indiaman
- Chichester, east indiaman
- Childe Harold, east indiaman
- China Merchant, east indiaman
- Cirencester, east indiaman
- City of London, east indiaman
- Claudine, east indiaman
- Clinton, east indiaman
- Clive, east indiaman
- Clove, east indiaman
- Clyde (2), east indiaman
- Coaster, east indiaman
- Colchester (2), east indiaman
- Colchester, east indiaman
- Coldstream, east indiaman
- Colebrooke, east indiaman
- Comet (2), east indiaman
- Comet, east indiaman
- Commodore Hayes, east indiaman
- Compton, east indiaman
- Concord (2), east indiaman
- Contractor, east indiaman
- Coopers Hill Society, Egham Egham, Surrey
- Cornwall, east indiaman
- Cornwallis, east indiaman
- Coromandel (2), east indiaman
- Coromandel, east indiaman
- Countess of Harcourt, east indiaman
- Countess of Sutherland, east indiaman
- Courteen Association Fleet 1636, incl Dragon (2), Sun, Catherine, Planter, Anne and Discovery (3)
- Coutts, east indiaman
- Coverdale, east indiaman
- Craggs, east indiaman
- Crown (2), east indiaman
- Cruttenden, east indiaman
- Cuffnells, east indiaman
- Cullands Grove, east indiaman
- Cumberland, east indiaman
- Cumbrian (2), east indiaman
- Cumbrian, east indiaman
- Cuvera, east indiaman
- Dart, east indiaman
- Dartmouth, east indiaman
- Dashwood, east indiaman
- D'auvernge, east indiaman
- David Clark, east indiaman
- David Scott (2), east indiaman
- David Scott, east indiaman
- Dawsonne, east indiaman
- Decker, east indiaman
- Defence (2), east indiaman
- Defence (3), east indiaman
- Defence (4), east indiaman
- Degrave, east indiaman
- Delaware, east indiaman
- Denham, east indiaman
- Deptford (2), east indiaman
- Deptford, east indiaman
- Derby (2), east indiaman
- Derby, east indiaman
- Devaynes, east indiaman
- Devonshire (2), east indiaman
- Devonshire (3), east indiaman
- Devonshire, east indiaman
- Diana (2), east indiaman
- Diligent, east indiaman
- Discovery (2), east indiaman
- Discovery (5)
- Doddington, east indiaman
- Dolphin (3), east indiaman
- Donegal, east indiaman
- Dorrill, east indiaman
- Dorsetshire, east indiaman
- Dover (2), east indiaman
- Dover Castle, east indiaman
- Dragon (5), east indiaman
- Dragon, east indiaman
- Drake (2), east indiaman
- Drake (3), east indiaman
- Drake, east indiaman
- Dublin, east indiaman
- Duchess of Athol, east indiaman
- Duchess, east indiamn
- Duckenfield Hall, east indiaman
- Duff, east indiaman
- Duke of Albany, east indiaman
- Duke of Argyll, east indiaman
- Duke of Athol, east indiamn
- Duke of Buccleugh (2), east indiaman
- Duke of Buccleugh, east indiaman
- Duke of Cambridge, east indiaman
- Duke of Cumberland (2), east indiaman
- Duke of Cumberland (3), east indiaman
- Duke of Cumberland, east indiaman
- Duke of Dorset (2), east indiaman
- Duke of Dorset, east indiaman
- Duke of Gloucester (2), east indiaman
- Duke of Grafton, east indiaman
- Duke of Kingston (2), east indiaman
- Duke of Kingston, east indiaman
- Duke of Lorraine, east indiaman
- Duke of Montrose, east indiaman
- Duke of Newcastle, east indiaman
- Duke of Northumberland, east indiaman
- Duke of Portland, east indiaman
- Duke of Richmond, east indiamn
- Duke of Sussex, east indiaman
- Duke of York (2), east indiaman
- Duke of York, east indiaman
- Dunira, east indiaman
- Durrington, east indiaman
- Dutton (2), east indiaman
- Dutton, East indiaman
- Eagle (2), east indiaman
- Eagle, east indiaman
- Earl Camden, east indiaman
- Earl Cornwallis, east indiaman
- Earl Fitzwilliam, east indiaman
- Earl Howe, east indiaman
- Earl of Abergavenny (1796), east indiaman
- Earl of Abergavenny, east indiaman
- Earl of Ashburnham, east indiaman
- Earl of Balcarras, east indiaman
- Earl of Chesterfield, east indiaman
- Earl of Elgin, east indiaman
- Earl of Hertford, east indiaman
- Earl of Holderness, east indiaman
- Earl of Lincoln, east indiaman
- Earl of Mansfield, east indiaman
- Earl of Middlesex, east indiaman
- Earl of Mornington, east indiaman
- Earl of Oxford, east indiaman
- Earl of Sandwich, east indiaman
- Earl of Wycombe, east indiaman
- Earl Spencer (2), east indiaman
- Earl Spencer (3), east indiaman
- Earl Spencer, east indiaman
- Earl St Vincent (2), east indiaman
- Earl St Vincent, east indiaman
- Earl Talbot (2), east indiaman
- Earl Talbot, east indiaman
- Earl Temple, east indiaman
- East India Association
- East India Co: India Museum
- East India College Haileybury, Hertfordshire
- East India Company
- East India Merchant (3), east indiaman
- East India Yacht, east indiaman
- East Indian Navy
- Eastcourt, east indiaman
- Echo, east indiaman
- Edgebaston, east indiaman
- Edgecote, east indiaman
- Edinburgh, east indiaman
- Edward and Dudley, east indiaman
- Egmont (2), east indiaman
- Egmont, east indiaman
- Eliza (2), east indiaman
- Eliza Ann, east indiaman
- Eliza, east indiaman
- Elizabeth (2), east indiaman
- Elizabeth (3), east indiaman
- Elizabeth (4), east indiaman
- Elizabeth (5), east indiaman
- Elizabeth (7), east indiaman
- Elizabeth, east indiaman
- Ellegood, east indiaman
- Elphinstone, east indiaman
- Enfield, east indiaman
- England, east indiaman
- Essex (2), east indiaman
- Essex (3), east indiaman
- Essex (4), east indiaman
- Essex (5), east indiaman
- Essex, east indiaman
- Euphrates, east indiaman
- Europa (2), east indiaman
- Europa, east indiaman
- Europe (2), east indiaman
- Europe, east indiaman
- Eurydice, east indiaman
- Exchange, east indiaman
- Exeter (2), east indiaman
- Exeter (3), east indiaman
- Exeter, east indiaman
- Expedition (2), east indiaman
- Expedition (4), east indiaman
- Expedition, east indiaman
- Experiment (2), east indiaman
- Experiment (3), east indiaman
- Experiment (4),east indiaman
- Eyles, east indiaman
- Eyre Coote's 84th Regiment of Foot
- Fairford, east indiaman
- Fairlie, east indiaman
- Falcon (2), east indiaman
- Falcon, east indiaman
- Falmouth, east indiaman
- Fame (2), east indiaman
- Fame (3), east indiaman
- Fame (4), east indiaman
- Fame, east indiaman
- Farquharson, east indiaman
- Featherstone, east indiaman
- Fleet, east indiamann
- Florentia, east indiaman
- Fly, east indiaman
- Flying Eagle, east indiaman
- Fordwich, east indiaman
- Formosa, east indiaman
- Fort St George (2), east indiaman
- Fort St George, east indiaman
- Fort William (2), east indiaman
- Fort William (3), east indiaman
- Fort William, east indiaman
- Fortitude (2), east indiaman
- Fortitude, east indiaman
- Foulis, east indiaman
- Fox (2), east indiaman
- Fox (3), east indiaman
- Fox, east indiaman
- Frances, east indiaman
- Francis (2), east indiaman
- Frederick, east indiaman
- Friends of Vellore in the United Kingdom and Ireland India
- Friendship (2), east indiaman
- Friendship (3), east indiaman
- Friendship, east indiaman
- Gabriel, east indiaman
- Ganges (2), east indiaman
- Ganges (3), east indiamn
- Ganges (4), east indiaman
- Ganges, east indiaman
- Gatton, east indiaman
- General Coote, east indiaman
- General Eliott, east indiaman
- General Goddard, east indiaman
- General Graham, east indiaman
- General Harris, east indiaman
- General Hewett, east indiaman
- General Kyd, east indiaman
- General Lawrence, east indiaman
- General Meadows, east indiaman
- General Palmer, east indiaman
- General Stuart, east indiaman
- General Wellesley, east indiaman
- George (3), east indiaman
- George the Fourth, east indiaman
- Georgiana (2),east indiaman
- Georgiana, east indiaman
- Gift of God, east indiaman
- Gilwell, east indiaman
- Glatton (2), east indiaman
- Glatton (3), east indiaman
- Glatton (4), east indiaman
- Glatton, east indiaman
- Globe, east indiaman
- Glory, east indiaman
- Godfrey (2), east indiaman
- Godfrey, east indiaman
- Godolphin (2), east indiaman
- Godolphin (3), east indiaman
- Godolphin, east indiaman
- Golconda, east indiaman
- Good Hope (3), east indiaman
- Goodfellow, east indiaman
- Gracedieu, east indiaman
- Grafton, east indiaman
- Granby, east indiaman
- Grant, east indiaman
- Grantham (2), east indiaman
- Grantham (3), east indiaman
- Grantham, east indiaman
- Greenwich (2), east indiaman
- Greenwich, east indiaman
- Grenville, east indiaman
- Greyhound (3), east indiaman
- Griffin, east indiaman
- Grosvenor (2), east indiaman
- Grosvenor, east indiaman
- Guardian, east indiaman
- Guildford, east indiaman
- Haeslingfield, east indiaman
- Hakluyt Society
- Halifax (2), east indiaman
- Halifax, east indiaman
- Halsewell, east indiaman
- Hampshire (2), east indiaman
- Hampshire, east indiaman
- Hannah, east indiaman
- Hanover, east indiaman
- Harcourt (2), east indiaman
- Harcourt, east indiaman
- Hardwicke (2), east indiaman
- Hardwicke, east indiaman
- Harleston, east indiaman
- Harmony, east indiaman
- Harriet (2), east indiaman
- Harriet (3), east indiaman
- Harriet, east indiaman
- Harrington, east indiaman
- Harriot, east indiaman
- Harrison, east indiaman
- Hart, east indiaman
- Hartwell, east indiaman
- Hastings (2), east indiaman
- Hastings, east indiaman
- Havannah, east indiaman
- Hawke (2), east indiaman
- Hawke (3), east indiaman
- Hawke (4), east indiaman
- Hawke (5), east indiaman
- Hawke, east indiaman
- Heathcote (2), east indiaman
- Heathcote (3), east indiaman
- Heathcote (4), east indiaman
- Heathcote, east indiaman
- Hebe, east indiaman
- Hector (2), east indiaman
- Hector (3), east indiaman
- Hector, east indiaman
- Henry Addington (2), east indiaman
- Henry Addington, east indiaman
- Henry Dundas, east indiaman
- Henry Porcher, east indiaman
- Herbert (2), east indiaman
- Herbert, east indiaman
- Herculean, east indiaman
- Hercules (2), east indiaman
- Hercules, east indiaman
- Herefordshire, east indiaman
- Herne (2), east indiaman
- Herne (3), east indiaman
- Herne, east indiaman
- Hertford (2), east indiaman
- Hertford, east indiaman
- Hester (2), east indiaman
- Highland Chief, east indiaman
- Hillsborough (2), east indiaman
- Hillsborough, east indiaman
- Hinchinbrooke, east indiaman
- Hind (2), east indiaman
- Hind, east indiaman
- Hinde, east indiaman
- Hindostan (2), east indiaman
- Hindostan (3), east indiaman
- Hindostan, east indiaman
- HMS Salsette (1805)
- Holderness, east indiaman
- Hooghly, east indiaman
- Hope (2), east indiaman
- Hope (3), east indiaman
- Hope (4), east indiaman
- Hope (5), east indiaman
- Hope, east indiaman
- Hopewell (2), east indiaman
- Hopewell, east indiaman
- Horsenden, east indiaman
- Hosiander, east indiaman
- Houghton (2), east indiaman
- Houghton (3), east indiaman
- Houghton (4), east indiaman
- Houghton (5), east indiaman
- Houghton, east indiaman
- Howland, east indiaman
- Huddart, east indiaman
- Hugh Inglis, east indiaman
- Huntingdon, east indiaman
- Hurley, east indiaman
- Hyperion, east indiaman
- Hythe, east indiaman
- Ilchester, east indiaman
- Indefatigable, east indiaman
- India Office
- India Pakistan and Burma Association London
- India, east indiaman
- Indian Chief, east indiaman
- Indian Civil Service (Retired) Association
- Indian Medical Services Annual Dinner Club
- Indian Research Fund Association
- Indian Soldiers Fund
- Indian Tea Association London
- Indian Trader, east indiaman
- Indian, east indiaman
- Indispensable, east indiaman
- Indus, east indiaman
- Industry, east indiaman
- Inglis, east indiaman
- Intelligence, east indiaman
- Iris, east indiaman
- Isaac Todd, east indiaman
- Isabella (2), east indiaman
- Isabella, east indiaman
- James and Mary (2), east indiaman
- James Pattison, east indiaman
- James Royal, east indiaman
- James Sibbald, east indiaman
- James, east indiaman
- Jane, Duchess of Gordon, east indiaman
- Jane, east indiaman
- Java, east indiaman
- Jewel, east indiaman
- John (2), east indiaman
- John and James, east indiaman
- John and Rachel, east indiaman
- John Palmer, east indiaman
- Jonas, east indiaman
- Josiah (2), east indiaman
- Julia, east indiaman
- Juliana, east indiaman
- Katherine (2), east indiaman
- Kellie Castle, east indiaman
- Kent (2), east indiaman
- Kent (3), east indiaman
- Kent (4), east indiaman
- Kent (5), east indiaman
- Kent (6), east indiaman
- Kent (7), east indiaman
- King George (3), east indiaman
- King George (4), east indiaman
- King George (5), east indiaman
- King George IV, east indiaman
- King George, east indiaman
- King William (2), east indiaman
- King William (3), east indiaman
- King William, east indiaman
- King's Shropshire Light Infantry (53/85th Regiments)
- Kingston, east indiaman
- Lady Burges, east indiaman
- Lady Campbell, east indiaman
- Lady Carrington, east indiaman
- Lady Castlereagh, east indiaman
- Lady East, east indiaman
- Lady Flora, east indiaman
- Lady Jane Dundas, east indiaman
- Lady Kennaway, east indiaman
- Lady Lushington, east indiaman
- Lady Melville, east indiaman
- Lady Nugent, east indiaman
- Lady Penrhyn, east indiaman
- Lady Raffles, east indiaman
- Lady Shore, east indiaman
- Lansdown, east indiaman
- Lapwing (2), east indiaman
- Lapwing (3), east indiaman
- Lapwing, east indiaman
- Larkins (2), east indiaman
- Larkins, east indiaman
- Lascelles, east indiaman
- Latham (2), east indiaman
- Latham, east indiaman
- Latona, east indiaman
- Layton, east indiaman
- Leghorn, east indiaman
- Lethieullier, east indiaman
- Liampo, east indiaman
- Liberty, east indiaman
- Lincoln, east indiaman
- Lion, east indiaman
- Lioness (2), east indiaman
- Litchfield, east indiaman
- Lively, east indiaman
- Liverpool, east indiaman
- Locko, east indiaman
- London (10), east indiaman
- London (11), east indiaman
- London (12), east indiaman
- London (13), east indiaman
- London (14), east indiaman
- London (2), east indiaman
- London (5), east indiaman
- London (6), east indiaman
- London (7), east indiaman
- London (8), east indiaman
- London (9), east indiaman
- London, east indiaman
- Lord Amherst, east indiaman
- Lord Anson, east indiaman
- Lord Camden (2), east indiaman
- Lord Camden, east indiaman
- Lord Castlereagh (2), east indiaman
- Lord Castlereagh, east indiaman
- Lord Clive, east indiaman
- Lord Duncan, east indiaman
- Lord Eldon, east indiaman
- Lord Forbes, east indiaman
- Lord Hawkesbury, east indiaman
- Lord Holland (2), east indiaman
- Lord Holland, east indiaman
- Lord Hungerford, east indiaman
- Lord Keith, east indiaman
- Lord Lowther, east indiaman
- Lord Lyndoch, east indiaman
- Lord Macartney, east indiaman
- Lord Mansfield (2), east indiaman
- Lord Mansfield, east indiaman
- Lord Melville (1802), east indiaman
- Lord Melville (2), east indiaman
- Lord Mulgrave, east indiaman
- Lord Nelson, east indiaman
- Lord North, east indiaman
- Lord Thurlow, east indiaman
- Lord Walsingham, east indiaman
- Lord William Bentinck, east indiaman
- Lowjee Family, east indiaman
- Lowther Castle, east indiaman
- Loyal Adventure, east indiaman
- Loyal Bliss, east indiaman
- Loyal Cook, east indiaman
- Loyal Merchant (2), east indiaman
- Loyalist, east indiaman
- Lucy Maria, east indiaman
- Lyell (2), east indiaman
- Lyell, east indiaman
- Lynn (2), east indiaman
- Lynn, east indiaman
- Macclesfield, east indiaman
- Macclesfield, east indiaman
- MacNab of MacNab: Kinnell House Kinnell House, Perthshire
- Macqueen, east indiaman
- Madras Merchant, east indiaman
- Madras Sapper Officers Association Madras, India
- Maitland, east indiaman
- Major, east indiaman
- Malabar, east indiaman
- Malcolm, east indiaman
- Mangles, east indiaman
- Mansell, east indiaman
- Manship (2), east indiaman
- Manship, east indiaman
- Marchioness of Ely, east indiaman
- Marchioness of Exeter, east indiaman
- Margaret, east indiaman
- Maria, east indiaman
- Marian, east indiaman
- Marlborough (2), east indiaman
- Marlborough (3), east indiaman
- Marlborough (4), east indiaman
- Marlborough (5), east indiaman
- Marquis Camden, east indiaman
- Marquis Cornwallis (2), east indiaman
- Marquis Cornwallis, east indiaman
- Marquis of Ely, east indiaman
- Marquis of Hastings, east indiaman
- Marquis of Huntly, east indiaman
- Marquis of Lansdown, east indiaman
- Marquis of Rockingham, east indiaman
- Marquis of Wellington (2), east indiaman
- Marquis of Wellington, east indiaman
- Marquis Wellsley, east indiaman
- Mars, east indiaman
- Martha (2), east indiaman
- Martha, east indiaman
- Mary (3), east indiaman
- Mary (4), east indiaman
- Mary (6), east indiaman
- Mary (7), east indiaman
- Mary (8), east indiaman
- Mary (9), east indiaman
- Mary, east indiaman
- Matilda, east indiaman
- Mead, east indiaman
- Medway, east indiaman
- Melville Castle, east indiaman
- Mercury (2), east indiaman
- Mercury, east indiaman
- Metcalfe, east indiaman
- Midas, east indiaman
- Middlesex (2), east indiaman
- Middlesex, east indiaman
- Milderd, east indiaman
- Milford, east indiaman
- Minerva (2), east indiaman
- Minerva (3), east indiaman
- Minerva (4), east indiaman
- Minerva (5), east indiaman
- Minerva (6), east indiaman
- Minerva (7), east indiaman
- Minerva, east indiaman
- Minorca, east indiaman
- Missionary Settlement for University Women, Bombay Bombay, India
- Moffat, east indiaman
- Moira, east indiaman
- Monarch, east indiaman
- Monmouth, east indiaman
- Montagu (2), east indiaman
- Montagu (3), east indiaman
- Montagu (4), east indiaman
- Montagu, east indiaman
- Montfort, east indiaman
- Moon, east indiaman
- Morice, east indiaman
- Mornington, east indiaman
- Morse, east indiaman
- Mountstuart, east indiaman
- Nancy, east indiaman
- Nassau (2), east indiaman
- Nassau (3), east indiaman
- Nassau, east indiaman
- Nathaniel (2), east indiaman
- National Indian Association
- Neptune (2), east indiaman
- Neptune (3), east indiaman
- Neptune (4), east indiaman
- Neptune (5), east indiaman
- Neptune (6), east indiaman
- Neptune, east indiaman
- Nerbudda, east indiaman
- New George, east indiaman
- New Year's Gift, east indiaman
- Newcastle, east indiaman
- Nightingale, east indiaman
- Nile, east indiaman
- Nonsuch, east indiaman
- Norfolk (2), east indiaman
- Norfolk (3), east indiaman
- Norfolk, east indiaman
- Normanton, east indiaman
- Norris, east indiaman
- Northampton (2), east indiaman
- Northampton (3), east indiaman
- Northampton, east indiaman
- Northbrook Society India
- Northington, east indiaman
- Northumberland (2), east indiaman
- Northumberland (3), east indiaman
- Northumberland (4), east indiaman
- Northumberland (5), east indiaman
- Northumberland, east indiaman
- Nottingham (2), east indiaman
- Nottingham (3), east indiaman
- Nottingham (4), east indiaman
- Nottingham, east indiaman
- Nutwell, east indiaman
- Ocean (2), east indiaman
- Ocean (3), east indiaman
- Ocean (4), east indiaman
- Ocean (5), east indiaman
- Ocean (6), east indiaman
- Ocean, east indiaman
- Okham, east indiaman
- Oley, east indiaman
- Onslow (2), east indiaman
- Onslow, east indiaman
- Orford, east indiaman
- Orient, east indiaman
- Oriental, east indiaman
- Orpheus, east indiaman
- Orwell, east indiaman
- Ossory, east indiaman
- Osterley (2), east indiaman
- Osterley (3), east indiaman
- Osterley, east indiaman
- Owen Glendower
- Oxford, east indiaman
- Pacific, east indiaman
- Palsgrave, east indiaman
- Panther, east indiaman
- Parmelia, east indiaman
- Pelham (2), east indiaman
- Pelham, east indiaman
- Penang, east indiaman
- Peppercorn, east indiaman
- Perseus, east indiaman
- Perseverance (2), east indiaman
- Perseverance, east indiaman
- Persia Merchant (2), east indiaman
- Phoenix (2), east indiaman
- Phoenix (3), east indiaman
- Phoenix (4), east indiaman
- Phoenix (5), east indiaman
- Phoenix (6), east indiaman
- Pigot (2), east indiaman
- Pigot, east indiaman
- Pitt (2), east indiaman
- Pitt, east indiaman
- Plassey, east indiaman
- Pocock, east indiaman
- Ponsborne (2), east indiaman
- Ponsborne, east indiaman
- Porcher, east indiaman
- Portfield, east indiaman
- Portobello (2), east indiaman
- Portobello, east indiaman
- Portsea, east indiaman
- Potton, east indiaman
- President, east indiaman
- Preston, east indiaman
- Price Henry (2), east indiaman
- Prime, east indiaman
- Prince Augustus, east indiaman
- Prince Blucher, east indiaman
- Prince Edward, east indiaman
- Prince Frederick, east indiaman
- Prince George, east indiaman
- Prince Henry, east indiaman
- Prince of Orange (3), east indiaman
- Prince of Orange, east indiaman
- Prince of Wales (2), east indiaman
- Prince of Wales (3), east indiaman
- Prince of Wales (4), east indiaman
- Prince of Wales (5), east indiaman
- Prince of Wales (6), east indiaman
- Prince of Wales (7), east indiaman
- Prince of Wales (8), east indiaman
- Prince of Wales, east indiaman
- Prince Regent, east indiaman
- Prince William (2), east indiaman
- Prince William Henry, east indiaman
- Prince William, east indiaman
- Princess Amelia (2), east indiaman
- Princess Amelia (3), east indiaman
- Princess Amelia (4), east indiaman
- Princess Amelia, east indiaman
- Princess Anne of Denmark, east indiaman
- Princess Anne, east indiaman
- Princess Augusta, east indiaman
- Princess Caroline, east indiaman
- Princess Charlotte of Wales, east indiaman
- Princess Charlotte, east indiaman
- Princess Louisa, east indiaman
- Princess Mary (2), east indiaman
- Princess Mary, east indiaman
- Princess of Charlotte, east indiaman
- Princess of Wales (2), east indiaman
- Princess of Wales (3), east indiaman
- Princess of Wales (4), east indiaman
- Princess of Wales, east indiaman
- Princess Royal (2), east indiaman
- Princess Royal (3), east indiaman
- Princess Royal (4), east indiaman
- Princess Royal (5), east indiaman
- Princess Royal, east indiaman
- Protector (2), east indiaman
- Protector, east indiaman
- Providence (2), east indiaman
- Providence, east indiaman
- Pursuit, east indiaman
- Queen (1), east indiaman
- Queen (2), east indiaman
- Queen (3), east indiaman
- Queen (4), east indiaman
- Queen (5), east indiaman
- Queen Caroline, east indiaman
- Queen Charlotte, east indiaman
- Ranger (2), east indiaman
- Ranger (3), east indiaman
- Ranger, east indiaman
- Rapier, east indiaman
- Ravensworth, east indiaman
- Raymond, east indiaman
- Rebow, east indiaman
- Recovery (2), previously Eaton, east indiaman
- Recovery (3), east indiaman
- Recovery (4), east indiaman
- Refuge, east indiaman
- Regent, east indiaman
- Regret, east indiaman
- Reliance, east indiaman
- Repulse, east indiaman
- Resolution (2), east indiaman
- Resolution (3), east indiaman
- Resolution, east indiaman
- Retreat, east indiaman
- Return, east indiaman
- Rhoda, east indiaman
- Richmond (2), east indiaman
- Richmond, east indiaman
- Rising Eagle, east indiaman
- Rising Sun, east indiaman
- Rochester (2), east indiaman
- Rochford, east indiaman
- Rockingham (2), east indiaman
- Rockingham, east indiaman
- Rodney (2), east indiaman
- Rodney, east indiaman
- Roebuck, east indiaman
- Rolla, east indiaman
- Rooke, east indiaman
- Rose (2), east indiaman
- Rose (3), east indiaman
- Rose (4), east indiaman
- Roxburgh Castle, east indiaman
- Royal Admiral (2), east indiaman
- Royal Admiral, east indiaman
- Royal Bishop, east indiaman
- Royal Captain (2), east indiaman
- Royal Captain, east indiaman
- Royal Charlotte (2), east indiaman
- Royal Charlotte (3), east indiaman
- Royal Charlotte (4), east indiaman
- Royal Charlotte (5), east indiaman
- Royal Charlotte, east indiaman
- Royal Duke, east indiaman
- Royal George (2), east indiaman
- Royal George (3), east indiaman
- Royal George (4), east indiaman
- Royal George (5), east indiaman
- Royal George (6), east indiaman
- Royal George, east indiaman
- Royal Guardian, east indiaman
- Royal Henry, east indiaman
- Royal Indian Engineering College Egham, Surrey;India
- Royal James, east indiaman
- Royal Society for India, Pakistan and Ceylon London
- Ruby (4), east indiaman
- Russell, east indiaman
- Salisbury (2), east indiaman
- Salisbury, east indiaman
- Sally, east indiaman
- Sampson (3), east indiaman
- Sampson (4), east indiaman
- Samuel (3), east indiaman
- Samuel and Anna, east indiaman
- Sandwich, east indiaman
- Sarah Christiana, east indiaman
- Sarah, east indiaman
- Sarum, east indiaman
- Scaleby Castle, east indiaman
- Scarborough (2), east indiaman
- Scarborough (3), east indiaman
- Scarborough (4), east indiaman
- Scarborough, east indiaman
- Sceptre, east indiaman
- Scipio, east indiaman
- Scout, east indiaman
- Sea Adventure, east indiaman
- Sea Horse, east indiaman
- Seaford, east indiaman
- Severn (2), east indiaman
- Severn, east indiaman
- Shaftesbury (2), east indiaman
- Shaftesbury, east indiaman
- Shah Brygamore, east indiaman
- Sherborne (2), east indiaman
- Sherborne, east indiaman
- Shrewsbury (3), east indiaman
- Sidney, east indiaman
- Sinclair, east indiaman
- Sir David Scott, east indiaman
- Sir Edward Hamilton, east indiaman
- Sir Edward Hughes, east indiaman
- Sir Godfrey Webster, east indiaman
- Sir John Borlase Warren, east indiaman
- Sir Stephen Lushington, east indiaman
- Sir William Bensley, east indiaman
- Sir William Burroughs, east indiaman
- Sir William Pulteney, east indiaman
- Skelton Castle, east indiaman
- Somers, east indiaman
- Somerset, east indiaman
- South Indian Association in London London
- Southampton, east indiaman
- Sovereign (2), east indiaman
- Sovereign, east indiaman
- Speaker, east indiaman
- Speke, east indiaman
- Spy (2), east indiaman
- St George (2), east indiaman
- St George (3), east indiaman
- St Helena, east indiaman
- Stafford (2), east indiaman
- Stafford, east indiaman
- Stakesby, east indiaman
- Stanhope, east indiaman
- Star, east indiaman
- Stirling castle, east indiaman
- Stormont (2), east indiaman
- Stormont, east indiaman
- Streatham (2), east indiaman
- Streatham (3), east indiaman
- Streatham (4), east indiaman
- Streatham, east indiaman
- Strickland, east indiaman
- Stringer, east indiaman
- Success (3), east indiaman
- Success (4), east indiaman
- Success (5), east indiaman
- Suffolk (2), east indiaman
- Suffolk, east indiaman
- Sugar Cane, east indiaman
- Sulivan, east indiaman
- Sunderland, east indiaman
- Surat Castle (2), east indiaman
- Surat Castle, east indiaman
- Surat Merchant, east indiaman
- Surprise, east indiaman
- Surrey (2), east indiaman
- Surrey, east indiaman
- Susan (2), east indiaman
- Susanna (2), east indiaman
- Susanna, east indiaman
- Sussex, east indiaman
- Swallow (2), east indiaman
- Swallow (3), east indiaman
- Swallowfield, east indiaman
- Swift, east indiaman
- Syren (2), east indiaman
- Syren, east indiaman
- Talbot, east indiaman
- Tankerville, east indiaman
- Tartar, east indiaman
- Taunton Castle, east indiaman
- Tavistock (2), east indiaman
- Tavistock, east indiaman
- Tellicherry, east indiaman
- Thames (2), east indiaman
- Thames (3), east indiaman
- Thames (4), east indiaman
- Thames (5), east indiaman
- Thames, east indiaman
- The Jat Regiment Association
- Thetis (2), east indiaman
- Thetis, east indiaman
- Thistleworth, east indiaman
- Thomas (2), east indiaman
- Thomas Coutts, east indiaman
- Thomas Grenville, east indiaman
- Thornton, east indiaman
- Three Sisters, east indiaman
- Tigris (2), east indiaman
- Tigris, east indiaman
- Tilbury, east indiaman
- Timandra, east indiaman
- Toddington, east indiaman
- Tonquin Merchant, east indiaman
- Tottenham, east indiaman
- Townshend, east indiamn
- Trades Increase, east indiaman
- Trafalgar
- Travers, east indiaman
- Trial (2), east indiaman
- Triplokaine, east indiaman
- Triton (2), east indiaman
- Triton (3), east indiaman
- Triton (4), east indiaman
- Triton, east indiaman
- Trojan, east indiaman
- True Briton (2), east indiaman
- True Briton (3), east indiaman
- True Briton (4), east indiaman
- True Briton, east indiaman
- Trumbal, east indiaman
- Tryal, east indiaman
- Two Brothers, east indiaman
- Tyne, east indiaman
- Union (2), east indiaman
- Union (3), east indiaman
- Union (4), east indiaman
- Union (5), east indiaman
- United Kingdom Citizens Association, ex-patriate organisation, India Calcutta, India
- United Kingdom, east indiaman
- Un-Named Junk
- Upton Castle, east indiamn
- Upton, east indiaman
- Valentine (2), east indiaman
- Valentine (3), east indiaman
- Valentine, east indiaman
- Vansittart (2), east indiaman
- Vansittart (3), east indiaman
- Vansittart (4), east indiaman
- Varuna, east indiaman
- Verelst, east indiaman
- Wager (2), east indiaman
- Wager, east indiaman
- Waller, east indiaman
- Walmer Castle, east indiaman
- Walopole (4), east indiaman
- Walpole (2), east indiaman
- Walpole (3), east indiaman
- Walpole (5), east indiaman
- Walpole, east indiaman
- Walter Boyd, east indiaman
- Walthamstow, east indiaman
- Warley (2), east indiaman
- Warley, east indiaman
- Warren Hastings (2), east indiaman
- Warren Hastings (3), east indiaman
- Warren Hastings (4), east indiaman
- Warren Hastings (5), east indiaman
- Warren Hastings, east indiaman
- Warren, east indiaman
- Warwick (2), east indiaman
- Warwick, east indiaman
- Waterloo (2), east indiaman
- Waterloo, east indiaman
- Wellsley, east indiaman
- Wentworth, east indiaman
- Westmorland, east indiaman
- Wexford, east indiaman
- Whim, east indiaman
- William (3), east indiaman
- William Fairlie, east indiaman
- William Money, east indiaman
- William Pitt (2), east indiaman
- William Pitt (3), east indiaman
- William Pitt, east indiaman
- William, east indiaman
- Wilmington, east indiaman
- Winchelsea (2), east indiaman
- Winchelsea (3), east indiaman
- Winchelsea, east indiaman
- Winchester, east indiaman
- Windham (2), east indiaman
- Windham, east indiaman
- Windsor (2), east indiaman
- Windsor, east indiaman
- Winterton, east indiaman
- Woodbridge, east indiaman
- Woodcot, east indiaman
- Woodford (2), east indiaman
- Woodford, east indiaman
- Worcester (2), east indiaman
- Worcester (3), east indiaman
- Worcester (4), east indiaman
- Wrotham Place Wrotham Place, Kent
- York (2), east indiaman
- York (3), east indiaman
- York (4), east indiaman
- York (5), east indiaman
- York, east indiaman
- Young William, east indiaman
- Zenobia, east indiaman
Persons (1513)
- Abbot, Charles, (1757-1829), 1st Baron Colchester, Speaker of the House of Commons
- Abbott, Sir James, (1807-1896), Knight, General
- Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus, (1827-1902), 1st Baronet, chemist
- Abercromby, Sir Robert, (1740-1827), Knight, army officer and administrator in India
- Abigail, Reginald Philip, (1892-1969), 2/7 Ghurkas Regiment, Indian Civil Service Burma Office Burma
- Abrahams, Sir Lionel, (1869-1919), Knight, Indian administrator
- Acheson, Sir James Glasgow, (1889-1973), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, (1834-1902), 1st Baron Acton, historian
- Adam, John, (1779-1825), Anglo Indian statesman
- Adam, William, (1751-1839), politician, attorney general to Prince of Wales
- Adamson, Alexander, (d1807), Governor of Bombay
- Addington, Henry, (1757-1844), 1st Viscount Sidmouth, statesman
- Addington, Henry Unwin, (1790-1870), civil servant
- Adlercron, John, (d 1766), Lieutenant General
- Agnew, Patrick Alexander, (1765-1813), Major General Indian Army
- Agnew, Sir Patrick Dalreagle, (1868-1925), Knight, Indian administrator
- Aitchison, Sir Charles Umpherston, (1832-1896), Knight, Indian administrator
- Aitchison, Sir John, (1789-1875), Knight, General
- Albert Leopold, (1875-1934), King of the Belgians
- Alexander, James, (1730-1802), 1st Earl of Caledon
- Alexander, William, (1767-1817), Keeper of Prints and Drawings, British Museum and artist
- Alison, Sir Archibald, (1826-1907), 2nd Baronet, General
- Allanson, Cecil John Lyons, (1877-1943), Colonel, colonial administrator Gallipoli, Turkey
- Allen, Sir Charles George Hillersden, (1864-1910), Knight, Indian Civil Service
- Ameer Ali, Sir Torick, (1891-1975), Knight Judge
- Amery, Julian, (1919-1996), Baron Amery of Lustleigh, politician
- Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett, (1873-1955), politician and journalist
- Amherst, Sarah, (1762-1838) Dowager Countess of Plymouth, naturalist and botanist
- Amherst, William Pitt, (1773-1857), 1st Earl Amherst of Arracan
- Amies, Basil Jerome, (b 1897), Indian Army officer
- Amos, Andrew, (1791-1860), lawyer and antiquary
- Anderson, David, (1750-1825), East India Co Official
- Anderson, Henry, (1779-1810), Captain Bengal Army
- Anderson, Sir Henry Lacon, (1807-1879), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Anderson, James Drummond, (1852-1920), Indian Administrator and Linguist
- Anderson, Sir John, (1882-1958), 1st Viscount Waverley of Westdean, civil servant
- Anderson, William, (1803-1858), Lieutenant Colonel Bengal Army
- Andrews, Charles Freer, (1871-1940), Publicist
- Anson, George, (1797-1857), General MP
- Anstruther, Sir Alexander, (1769-1819), Knight , Advocate General at Madras
- Anstruther, Sir John, (1753-1811), Knight, politician and Anglo-Indian judge
- ap Rhys Pryce, Sir Henry Edward, (1874-1950), Knight, General, Royal Indian Army Service Corps, Master General of the Ordinance in India
- Apedaile, Ernest Gordon Stackhouse, (1908-2001), Burma civil servant
- Appleton, George, (1902-1993), Archbishop in Jerusalem
- Arbuthnot, Charles, (1767-1850), diplomat, politician and public servant
- Archer, Mildred Agnes, (1911-2005), art historian and author
- Archer, William George, (1907-1979), Indian civil servant and historian
- Ardagh, Sir John Charles, (1840-1907), Knight Major General Diplomat
- Arnold, Sir Frederick Blackmore, (1906-1968), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Arnold, Matthew, (1822-1888), poet and critic
- Arthur, Sir George, (1784-1854), 1st Baronet Lieutenant General Colonial Governor
- Ashley, Wilfrid William, (1867-1939), Baron Mount Temple, politician
- Asquith, Emma Alice Margaret, (1864-1945) Countess of Oxford and Asquith, socialite, author, and wit
- Astell, William, (1774-1847), MP East India Co Director
- Auber, Peter, (1770-1866), Secretary to East India Co Author
- Auchinleck, Sir Claude John Eyre, (1884-1981), Knight, Field Marshal
- Auden, John Bicknell, (b 1903), Geologist
- Austin, Alfred, (1835-1913), Poet Laureate and journalist
- Babington, Stephen, (1790-1822), Bombay Civil Servant
- Badger, George Percy, (1815-1888), Arabic scholar and missionary
- Bagge, Sir John Picton, (1887-1967), 5th Baronet Diplomat
- Bailey, Frederick, (1840-1912), army officer and Indian administrator
- Bailey, Frederick Marshman, (1882-1967), Lieutenant Colonel Lepidopterist
- Baillie, John, (1772-1833), MP Lieutenant Colonel East India Co Army
- Baird, Sir David, (1757-1829), Knight, General
- Bajpai, Sir Girja Shankar, (1891-1954), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Bake, Arnold Adriaan, (1899-1963), Sanskrit Scholar
- Baker, Sir Thomas Durand, (1837-1893), Knight Lieutenant General
- Balfour, Arthur James, (1848-1930), 1st Earl of Balfour, statesman
- Balfour, Elizabeth Edith, (1867-1942), editor
- Ballantyne, James Robert, (1813-1864), Orientalist
- Barber, Charles Alfred, (1860-1933), botanist and agriculturist, specialist on sugarcane Cape Town, Cape Province
- Barclay, Robert, (1774-1811), Lieutenant Colonel
- Baring, Evelyn, (1841-1917), 1st Earl of Cromer, statesman
- Baring, Sir Francis, (1740-1810), 1st Baronet Merchant Banker MP
- Baring, Rowland Thomas, (1877-1953), 2nd Earl of Cromer
- Baring, Thomas George, (1826-1904), 1st Earl of Northbrook, Viceroy of India
- Barker, Sir Robert, (c 1729-1789), Knight General MP
- Barlow, Charles Anstruther, (1800-1855), Captain RN
- Barlow, Sir George Hilaro, (1762-1846), Knight Governor General of India
- Barlow, Sir Morison, (1835-1889), 3rd Baronet Captain
- Barlow, Sir Richard Wellesley, (1836-1904), 4th Baronet Madras Civil Servant
- Barlow, Sir Robert, (1757-1843), Knight Admiral
- Barlow, Sir Robert, (1797-1857), 2nd Baronet Bengal Civil Servant
- Barnes , George, (1782-1847), Venerable Archdeacon of Bombay
- Barnes, Sir Hugh Shakespear, (1853-1940), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Barrington, William Wildman, (1717-1793), 2nd Viscount Barrington, statesman
- Barrow, Sir Edmund George, (1852-1934), Knight, General
- Barrow, Sir George de Symons, (1864-1959), Knight, General
- Barstow, Sir George Lewis, (1876-1966), Knight civil servant
- Barwell, Richard, (1741-1804), Anglo Indian MP
- Basu, Bhupendra Nath, (1859-1924), Vice Chancellor of Calcutta University
- Bathurst, Henry, (1762-1834), 3rd Earl Bathurst, statesman
- Bayley, Sir Charles Stuart, (1854-1935), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Bayley, Sir Edward Clive, (1821-1884), Knight, Indian statesman and historian
- Bayley, Sir Steuart Colvin, (1836-1925), Knight Indian Administrator
- Bayley, William Butterworth, (1782-1860), Indian Administrator
- Baynham, Arthur Wilfrid, (1851-1936), Anglican Clergyman Antiquary
- Bazalgette, John Evelyn Arnold, (1907-1992), Major, Indian Political Service
- Bazett, Richard Campbell, (1766-1832), East India Company Agent, partner in Bazett, Farquar and Company India
- Beadon, Sir Cecil, (1816-1881), Knight, Indian statesman
- Beames, John, (1837-1902), Indian Civil Servant
- Bean, James, (d 1772), Indian Administrator
- Beatson, Alexander, (1759-1833), Lieutenant General Governor of St Helena
- Beck, Theodore, (1859-1899), Principal of Mahomedan Anglo Oriental College
- Bedingfeld, Sir Felix, (1808-1884), Knight, Barrister, Colonial Secretary
- Bell, Sir Charles Alfred, (1870-1945), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Bell, Frank Owen, (1907-1991), Indian civil servant
- Bell, Mark Sever, (1843-1906), Colonel
- Bell, Sir Robert Duncan, (1878-1953), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Bellasis, Augustus Fortunatus, (1822-1872), Indian Civil Servant
- Benfield, Paul, (1741-1810), MP Anglo Indian Merchant
- Benn, William Wedgwood, (1877-1960), 1st Viscount Stansgate, statesman
- Benn-Walsh, Sir John, (1759-1825), 1st Baronet Indian Administrator
- Bentinck, Arthur Harold Walter, (1876-1964), Indian Civil Servant
- Beresford, Marcus, (1800-1876), General
- Bernard, Sir Charles Edward, (1836-1901), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Bernays, Robert Hamilton, (1902-1945), MP
- Besant, Annie, (1847-1933), theosophist, educationist and Indian politician
- Best, Leslie William Hazlitt Duncan, (1896-1932), private secretary, Indian civil service India
- Best, Robin William Geoffrey Powys, (1923-1998), Second Lieutenant, Indian army officer, 13th Frontier Force Rifles India;United Kingdom
- Best, William, (fl1895-1953), Captain, Indian army officer India;United Kingdom
- Bethune, John Drinkwater, (1762-1844), army officer and military historian
- Beveridge, Annette Susannah, (1842-1929), educationist and translator
- Beveridge, Henry, (1837-1929), Indian administrator
- Beveridge, William Henry, (1879-1963), Baron Beveridge, economist
- Beynon, Sir William George, (1866-1955), Knight Major General
- Bhownagree, Sir Mancherjee Merwanjee, (1851-1933), Knight MP Indian Administrator
- Biddulph, John, (1840-1922), Colonel Indian Administrator
- Bigge, Arthur John, (1849-1931), 1st Baron Stamfordham, private secretary to George V
- Biggs-Davison, Sir John Alec, (1918-1988), Knight MP Indian Civil Servant
- Binyon, Robert Laurence, (1869-1943), poet art historian and critic
- Birdwood, Sir George Christopher Molesworth, (1832-1917), Knight, Indian administrator
- Birdwood, William Riddell, (1865-1951), 1st Baron Birdwood, Field Marshal
- Biscoe, Sir Hugh, (1881-1932), Knight Lieutenant Colonel Resident Persian Gulf
- Bishop, Henry Parlett, (1828-1908), Major General Bengal Artillery
- Blackett, Sir Basil Phillott, (1882-1935), Knight Financier
- Blackwood, William, (1776-1834), publisher
- Blair, Harrison Falkner, (1839-1907), Indian High Court Judge
- Blair, Hugh, (1718-1800), Church of Scotland minister, Professor of Rhetoric
- Blake, Geoffrey Herbert, (1923-2017), Major, Royal Indian Army Service Corps (RIASC) Peterborough, Northamptonshire
- Blake, Henry William, (1815-1908), General
- Blanshard, Harriet, (1745-1822), wife of John Atkinson Blanshard
- Blanshard, John Atkinson, (1747-1806), captain of the York and Rockingham East Indiamen
- Blomefield, John, (1824-1908), Chaplain to Bishop of Calcutta, Rector of Pleasly
- Blood, Sir Hilary Rudolph Robert, (1893-1967), Knight, colonial governor
- Blunden, Alfred Charles, (1891-1962), Indian Police United Provinces
- Blunt, James Henry Tomlinson, (1831-1907), Anglican clergyman Exeter, Devon;India
- Boddam, Rawson Hart, (d 1812), Governor of Bombay
- Bogle, George, (1746-1781), diplomat
- Bolton, Sir Horatio Norman, (1875-1965), Knight, Commissioner, Indian Civil Service India
- Bolton, Sir Horatio Norman, (1875-1965), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Bonaparte, Napoleon, (1769-1821), Emperor of France, military leader and Emperor of France
- Bonsall, Bramwell Seaton, (c1890-1960), Reverend, Methodist missionary to China China
- Bosanquet, Jacob, (c 1756-1828), London Merchant and Banker
- Bottomley, Arthur George, (1907-1995), Baron Bottomley, politician
- Bourdillon, James Dewar, (1811-1883), Madras Civil Servant
- Bourke, Richard Southwell, (1822-1872), 6th Earl of Mayo, Viceroy of India
- Bourke, Robert, (1827-1901), Baron Connemara, Governor of Madras
- Bourne, Sir Frederick Chalmers, (1891-1977), Knight, Indian administrator
- Bowker, Reginald James, (1901-1983), Knight High Commissioner in Burma
- Bowman, Archibald Ian, (1915-1987), Indian civil servant
- Bowrey, Thomas, (1650-1713), sea captain and free merchant
- Bowring, Sir John, (1792-1872), Knight, MP, diplomat, colonial governor, author, traveller
- Bowring, Lewin Bentham, (1824-1910), Indian Civil Servant
- Brackenbury, Sir Henry, (1837-1914), Knight General Writer On Military Subjects
- Bradford, Sir John Fowler, (1805-1889), Knight, General, Bengal Army
- Bradlaugh, Charles, (1833-1891), freethought advocate and politician
- Bradshaw, Paris, (fl 1798-1816), East India Co Agent in Nepal
- Brand, Arthur Reginald, (1895-1971), Indian Forest Service
- Brathwaite, Sir John, (fl 1772-1802), Knight General East India Co Army
- Braund, Sir Henry Benedict Linthwaite, (1893-1969), Knight Judge
- Bray, Sir Denys de Saumarez, (1875-1951), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Brayne, Frank Lugard, (1882-1952), Indian Administrator
- Brebner, Sir Alexander, (1883-1979), Knight, engineer
- Bremner, Claude, (1891-1965), Colonial Civil Servant
- Brett, Reginald Baliol, (1852-1930) 2nd Viscount Esher, politician
- Briggs, John, (1785-1875), General Indian Administrator
- Brind, James, (1808-1888), Knight, officer in the East India Company army service India
- Bristow, John, (d 1803), East India Co Official in Bengal
- Broadfoot, George, (1807-1845), Major
- Brodie, Alexander, (1748-1818), MP, East India Co official
- Brodrick, William, (1763-1819), MP Under Secretary to Board of Control
- Brodrick, William St John Freemantle, (1856-1942), 9th Viscount and 1st Earl Midleton, statesman
- Bromhead, Sir Benjamin Denis Gonville, (1900-1981), 5th Baronet, Indian Political Service
- Brooke, John Cheape, (1818-1899), General
- Brown, Charles Philip, (1798-1884), Indian civil servant and Telugu scholar Madras, India
- Brown, Francis Carnac, (1792-1868), India reformer and author
- Brown, Sir Frank Herbert, (1868-1959), Knight, author and journalist
- Brown, Lewis, (1808-1851), Major, 5th Bombay Native Infantry
- Brown, Murdoch, (1750-1828), East India merchant
- Brown, Percy, (1872-1955), Indian civil servant
- Brown, Sir Stuart Kelson, (1885-1952), Knight, Indian administrator
- Browne, Edward Granville, (1862-1926), Persian scholar and Orientalist
- Browne, Sir George Sackville, (d 1828), Knight and Major General, Bengal Army
- Browne, Sir Samuel James, (1824-1901), Knight General
- Browning, Oscar, (1837-1923), educationist, historian and mountaineer
- Brownrigg, William, (1711-1800), chemist
- Brownsdon, Thomas Edward, (1910-1985), Major
- Bruce, Sir Arthur Atkinson, (b 1895), Knight, banker
- Bruce, Charles Edward, (1876-1950), Lieutenant Colonel
- Bruce, James, (1811-1863), 8th Earl of Elgin, Viceroy of India
- Bruce, John, (1745-1826), historian
- Bruce, Richard Isaac, (1840-1924), Indian Civil Servant
- Bruce, Thomas, (1766-1841), 7th Earl of Elgin
- Bruce, Victor Alexander, (1849-1917), 9th Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Viceroy of India
- Brudenell, James Thomas, (1797-1868), 7th Earl of Cardigan, Lieutenant General
- Brunyate, Sir James, (1871-1951), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Brydges, Sir Harford Jones, (1764-1847), kinght, diplomat and author
- Buchan, George, (1775-1856), Secretary to Governor of Madras
- Buchan, John, (1875-1940), 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, novelist, historian, MP, governor-general of Canada
- Buchanan, Claudius, (1766-1815), missionary in India
- Buchanan, Francis Hamilton, (1762-1829), surgeon and botanist
- Buchanan, James, (fl 1788-1790), Madras Civil Servant
- Buckingham, James Silk, (1786-1855), author, traveller and MP
- Buckle, Henry, (1848-1916), Indian civil service, Burma
- Buckmaster, Stanley Owen, (1861-1934), 1st Viscount Buckmaster, Lord Chancellor
- Bulkeley, Sybil Mary Dorothy, (fl 1889-1970), President National Council for Women Burma
- Buller, Sir Edward, (d 1824), Baronet Vice Admiral
- Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert, (1831-1891), 1st Earl of Lytton, Viceroy of India
- Bulwer-Lytton, Victor Alexander George Robert, (1876-1947), 2nd Earl of Lytton
- Bunsen, Sir Maurice William Ernest de, (1852-1932), Knight, diplomat
- Burgoyne, Sir John, (1739-1785), 7th Baronet General
- Burke, Edmund, (1729-1797), statesman
- Burne, Sir Owen Tudor, (1837-1909), Knight, Major General
- Burnell, Arthur Coke, (1840-1882), Sanskrit Scholar
- Burney, Henry, (1792-1845), Lieutenant Colonel Bengal Army, diplomat
- Burrell, Percy Saville, (1871-1958), Indian educationalist
- Burton, Richard Watkins, (1868-1963), Lieutenant-Colonel, Indian Army India
- Bussy, Dorothy, (1866-1960), writer and translator
- Busteed, Henry Elmsley, (1833-1912), Madras Medical Services
- Butler, Sir George Geoffrey Gilbert, (1887-1929), Knight, MP and historian
- Butler, Henry Montagu, (1833-1918), Headmaster of Harrow Master of Trinity Cambridge
- Butler, Sir Montagu Sherard Dawes, (1873-1952), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Butler, Richard Austen, (1902-1982), Baron Butler of Saffron Walden, politician
- Butler, Sir Spencer Harcourt, (1869-1938), Knight, governor of Burma
- Butler, Spencer Perceval, (1828-1915), Barrister
- Byng, George, (1812-1884), 7th Viscount Torrington
- Cabell, William, (1745-1800), Assistant Secretary to the Board of Control
- Cadell, Sir Patrick Robert, (1871-1961), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Caillaud, John, (1724-1812), Brigadier General East India Co Army
- Caird, Sir James, (1816-1892), Knight Agriculturist and Author
- Call, Sir John, (1732-1801), Baronet MP Military Engineer
- Cambier, E F, (fl 1864-1901), Colonel Royal Artillery
- Cambridge, George William Frederick Charles, (1819-1904) 2nd Duke of Cambridge, Field Marshal
- Came, William Gerald , (b1889), engineer, Public Works Department, Bengal Presidency
- Campbell, Sir Archibald, (1739-1791), Knight, Major General, Colonial Governor
- Campbell, Sir Archibald, (1769-1843), 1st Baronet, General, colonial governor
- Campbell, Colin, (1792-1863), Baron Clyde, Field Marshal
- Campbell, Frederick, (1729-1816), Lord Clerk Register MP
- Campbell, Sir George, (1778-1854), Knight, surgeon
- Campbell, Sir George, (1824-1892), Knight, Lieutenant Governor of Bengal MP
- Campbell, George Douglas, (1823-1900), 8th Duke of Argyll, statesman
- Campbell, John, (1796-1862), 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane
- Campbell, Sir John Nicoll Robert, (1799-1870), Knight, diplomat
- Campbell, Sir Robert, (1771-1858), 1st Baronet Merchant
- Canning, Charles John, (1812-1862), Earl Canning, Governor General of India
- Canning, Charlotte Elizabeth, (1817-1861) Countess Canning, artist and Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Victoria
- Canning, George, (1770-1827), statesman
- Cantor, Theodore Edward, (1809-1854), Zoologist
- Capper, James, (d 1809), Colonel Madras Army
- Carless, Henry Alfred, (1894-1976), Inspector General, Indian Police, United Provinces India
- Carleton, Henry Alexander, (1814-1900), General
- Carnac, Sir James Rivett, (1785-1846), 1st Baronet MP Indian Administrator
- Carnac, John, (1716-1800), Brigadier General Politician
- Carnegie, Andrew, (1835-1919), manufacturer and philanthropist
- Caroe, Sir Olaf Kirkpatrick, (1892-1981), Knight, colonial administrator
- Carrington, Samuel, (1832-1918), engineer
- Carritt, Michael John, (b 1906), Indian civil servant and Communist underground worker
- Carter, Sir Richard Henry Archibald, (1887-1958), Knight, civil servant
- Cary, Lucius Bentinck, (1803-1884), 10th Viscount Falkland
- Case, Robert Charles, (b 1893), Indian civil servant
- Casement, Sir William, (1780-1844), Knight, Indian administrator
- Casey, Richard Gardiner, (1890-1976), Baron Casey, Australian politician
- Catto, Thomas Sivewright, (1879-1959), 1st Baron Catto, banker
- Cavagnari, Sir Pierre Louis Napoleon, (1841-1879), Knight Diplomat
- Cavaye, William Frederick, (1845-1926), Major General
- Cavendish, Spencer Compton, (1833-1908), 8th Duke of Devonshire, statesman
- Cavendish-Bentinck, Lord William Henry, (1774-1839), Lieutenant General Governor General of India
- Chalmers, Sir Mackenzie Dalzell, (1847-1927), Knight Civil Servant and Royal Commissioner
- Chaloner, George Thomas, (1912-1956), 1/10th Baluchi Regiment, Indian Army India
- Chamberlain, Sir Joseph Austen, (1863-1937), Knight, politician
- Chamberlain, Sir Neville Bowles, (1820-1902), Knight, Field Marshal
- Chambers, Sir Robert, (1737-1803), Knight, Indian judge and bibliophile
- Chambers, William, (1748-1793), interpreter to the Supreme Court, Calcutta
- Champion, Alexander, (d 1793), Colonel, East India Co Army
- Champion, Sir Harry George, (1891-1979), Knight, Indian Forest Service Professor of Forestry
- Chapman, Sir Edward Francis, (1840-1926), Knight General
- Chapman, John, (1801-1854), engineer and political economist
- Chapman, John Harold George, (fl 1905-1978), Colonel Indian Army
- Charlewood, Edward Philips, (1813-1894), Commander, naval officer
- Charteris, Francis Richard, (1818-1914), 10th Earl of Wemyss and March
- Cheesman, Geoffrey W, (fl 1916-1919), Lieutenant Attached 21st Lancers
- Chesney, Francis Rawdon, (1789-1872), general explorer and surveyor
- Chesney, Sir George Tomkyns, (1830-1895), Knight General
- Chetwode, Penelope, (1910-1986), writer, traveller and horse trainer
- Chetwode, Sir Philip Walhouse, (1869-1950), 1st Baron Chetwode Field Marshal
- Chetwynd-Talbot, Gerald, (1819-1885), Director General of Military Store Department India Office
- Cheverton, Vera Brooke, (1898-1974), author India
- Childers, Robert Caesar, (1838-1876), Orientalist
- Chintamani, Sir Chirravoori Yajneswara, (1880-1941), Knight Indian Politician
- Chirol, Sir Ignatius Valentine, (1852-1929), Knight, traveller, journalist and author
- Christie, Walter Henry John, (1905-1983), Indian Administrator
- Clague, Sir John, (1882-1958), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Clark, Harold Frederick, (1895-1957), Indian Tea Association Labour Adviser
- Clarke, Sir Alured, (1745-1832), Knight Field Marshal Colonial Governor
- Clarke, George Sydenham, (1848-1933), Baron Sydenham of Combe, civil servant
- Clarke, William Stanley, (1768-1844), Director of East India Co
- Clavering, Sir John, (1722-1777), Knight Lieutenant General
- Clay, Sir Joseph Miles, (1881-1949), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Clerk, Sir George Russell, (1800-1889), Knight, Indian civilian
- Clerk, John, (d 1919), Colonel
- Clifford, Richard Henry, (fl 1835-1878), Bengal Civil Servant
- Clive, Edward, (1754-1839), 1st Earl of Powis, Governor of Madras
- Clive, Meysey George Dallas, (1907-1943), ADC to the Viceroy of India, later Captain, Grenadier Guards India
- Clive, Robert, (1725-1774), 1st Baron Clive, Governor of Bengal
- Clive, Robert Herbert, (1796-1867), East India Co official
- Clogstoun, Herbert Frederick, (1844-1895), Indian administrator
- Close, Sir Barry, (1756-1813), Major General
- Cobb, James, (1756-1818), Secretary to East India Co Dramatist
- Cochrane-Baillie, Charles Wallace Alexander Napier Ross, (1860-1940), 2nd Baron Lamington, Governor of Bombay
- Cockburn, George Fergusson, (1818-1866), Indian Civil Servant
- Cocks, Arthur Herbert, (1819-1881), Indian civil servant
- Coldstream, William, (fl 1846-1899), Indian Civil Servant
- Cole, Arthur Henry, (1780-1844), MP British Resident at Mysore
- Colebrook, Edward Hilder, (1898-1977), Deputy Inspector General, Indian Police
- Colebrooke, Sir George, (1729-1809), 2nd Baronet MP Chairman of the East India Co
- Colebrooke, Henry Thomas, (1765-1837), Sanskrit Scholar
- Colebrooke, Sir William Macbean George, (1787-1870), Knight General Colonial Governor
- Collet, Joseph, (fl 1712-1720), Governor of Madras
- Collins, Sir Arthur John Hammond, (1834-1915), Knight, Chief Justice of Madras
- Collins, Sir Charles Henry, (1887-1983), Knight, Ceylon civil servant
- Collins, Francis, (1832-1925), surgeon, antiquary
- Collins, John, (d 1807), Colonel, East India Co Army
- Colvile, Sir James William, (1810-1880), Knight Judge
- Colville, Sir Charles, (1770-1843), Knight, General
- Colvin, Sir Auckland, (1838-1908), Knight Anglo Indian and Egyptian Administrator
- Colvin, Sir Elliot Graham, (1861-1940), Knight, colonial administrator
- Colvin, John, (1794-1839), Surgeon Bengal Medical Service
- Colvin, John Russell, (1807-1857), Indian Administrator
- Comrie, Martin Cameron, (1886-1975), Deputy Commissioner, Indian Civil Service
- Connaught, Arthur William Patrick Albert, (1850-1942), 1st Duke of Connaught, Field Marshal
- Conolly, Arthur, (1807-? 1842), Captain Traveller
- Conway, Thomas Henry Somerset, (d 1837), Brigadier General East India Co Army
- Cook, Edwin Thomas, (1910-1943), Captain and Aide-de-Camp to Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith, Governor of Burma Burma
- Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt, (1825-1914), Botanist
- Cooper, Sir Grey, (c1726-1801), 2nd Baronet and politician
- Coote, Sir Eyre, (1726-1783), Knight, General
- Corbett, Sir Geoffrey Latham, (1881-1937), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Cordery, John Graham, (1833-1900), Indian civil servant
- Corfield, Sir Conrad Laurence, (1893-1980), Knight Indian Administrator
- Corneille, John, (b 1727), Major
- Cornwallis, Charles, (1738-1805), 1st Marquess Cornwallis, General, statesman
- Cornwallis, Sir William, (1744-1819), Knight, Admiral
- Cotton, Sir Harry Evan Auguste, (1868-1939), Knight Politician
- Cotton, Sir Henry John Stedman, (1845-1915), Knight MP Indian Civil Servant
- Cotton, Sir John Richard, (b 1909), Knight Diplomat
- Cotton, Stapleton, (1773-1865), 1st Viscount Combermere, Field Marshal
- Cotton, Sir Willoughby, (1783-1860), Knight General
- Couchman, Lady Isabella, (1875-1961), wife of Sir Francis Dundas Couchman
- Courtney, William Leonard, (1850-1928), Author and Journalist
- Coutts, Thomas, (1735-1822), banker
- Cowell, Edward Byles, (1826-1903), Sanskrit Scholar and Man of Letters
- Craig, James Thomson Gibson, (1799-1886), antiquary
- Craik, Sir Henry Duffield, (1876-1955), 3rd Baronet Indian Civil Servant
- Cravath, Paul Drennan, (1861-1940), Lawyer
- Crawfurd, Gavin Ralston, (1793-1849), Lieutenant Colonel Bengal Army
- Crawfurd, John, (1783-1868), Orientalist Historian
- Creagh Coen, Sir Terence Bernard, (1903-1970), Knight Indian Administrator
- Crewe-Milnes, Robert Offley Ashburton, (1858-1945), 1st Marquess of Crewe, statesman
- Croft, Sir William Dawson, (1892-1964), Knight, civil servant
- Cross, Richard Assheton, (1823-1914), 1st Viscount Cross, statesman
- Crosthwaite, Sir Charles Hawkes Todd, (1835-1915), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Cubbon, Sir Mark, (1784-1861), Knight, Major General
- Cubitt, William Martin, (1864-1932), lawyer and Major in Indian Army
- Cumming, James, (1775-1827), Indian Administrator
- Cunliffe, Walter, (1855-1919), 1st Baron Cunliffe, businessman
- Cunningham, Sir George, (1888-1963), Knight Governor of North West Frontier Province
- Cunningham, Joseph Davey, (1812-1851), Historian of the Sikhs
- Cunningham, Captain William, (1793-1837), Madras Army
- Curry, John Court, (b 1887), Indian Police Service
- Curtis, Lionel George, (1872-1955), colonial historian
- Curzon, Alfred Nathaniel Holden, (1831-1916), 2nd Viscount Scarsdale
- Curzon, George Nathaniel, (1859-1925), Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, statesman
- Curzon, Mary Victoria, (1870-1906), Baroness Curzon
- Cust, Robert Needham, (1821-1909), Orientalist
- D'Aguilar, Sir Charles Lawrence, (1821-1912), Knight General
- Dalbiac, Sir James Charles, (1776-1847), Knight Lieutenant General
- Dallas, Sir George, (1758-1833), 1st Baronet Political Writer
- Dalrymple, Alexander, (1737-1808), hydrographer to the Navy
- Dalton, John, (1726-1811), Captain East India Co Army
- Dane, Sir Louis William, (1856-1946), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Daniell, William, (1769-1837), landscape painter
- Dash, Sir Arthur Jules, (1887-1974), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Datta, Surendra Kumar, (1878-1942), Principal Forman Christian College Lahore
- Davidson, Alexander, (1742-1791), Acting Governor of Madras
- Davidson, Cuthbert, (1810-1862), Colonel Resident at Hyderabad
- Davies, David, (1809-1851), Surgeon Bombay Army
- Davis, Sir Edmund, (d 1939), Knight, mining co-director and art collector
- Davis, John William, (1873-1955), US lawyer and politician
- Davis, Samuel, (1760-1819), director, East India Co
- Dawkins, Sir Clinton Edward, (1859-1905), Knight, civil servant
- Dawkins, Francis Henry, (1796-1847), Colonel
- Dawson, George Geoffrey, (1874-1944), editor of The Times
- Day, Sir John, (fl 1774), Knight Indian Judge
- Dean, John, (d 1747), Naval Officer
- Denison, Sir William Thomas, (1804-1871), Knight Lieutenant General Colonial and Indian Governor
- Denman, Sir Richard Douglas, (1876-1957), Knight, MP
- Deo, Bhanja, (1908-1982), Rajah of Kanika
- Devaynes, William, (c 1730-1809), London Merchant and Banker
- Devi, Phoolan, (1963-2001), campaigner, politician India
- Dickens, Richard Mark, (d 1808), Major General
- Dickson-Poynder, John Poynder, (1866-1936), 1st Baron Islington, politician
- Digby, William, (1849-1904), Merchant and Journalist
- Dillon, Sir Martin Andrew, (1826-1913), Knight, General
- Dimmock, Henry Peers, (1857-1921), Lieutenant Colonel
- Dirom, Alexander, (d 1830), Lieutenant General
- Disraeli, Benjamin, (1804-1881), Earl of Beaconsfield, statesman
- Donnison, Frank Siegfried Vernon, (b 1898), Indian civil servant, historian
- Dorman-Smith, Sir Reginald Hugh, (1899-1977), Knight, politician, soldier and colonial governor
- Doveton, Sir John, (1768-1847), Knight Lieutenant General Madras Army
- Dow, Sir Hugh, (1886-1978), Knight, Governor of Sind and Bihar
- D'Oyly, Christopher, (c 1717-1795), Politician
- Drake, Dawson, (fl 1753-1764), Deputy Governor of Manila
- Drake, Roger, (fl 1737-1757), Indian Administrator
- Druitt, Robert, (1814-1883), General Practitioner and Medical Journalist
- Drummond, Sir Edmund, (1813-1895), Indian civil servant
- Dubois, Jean Antoine, (1765-1848), Missionary
- Duke, Sir Frederick William, (1863-1924), Knight Colonial Administrator
- Duleep Singh, Victor Albert Jay, (1866-1918), Prince, Army Officer
- Duncan, Jonathan, (1756-1811), Governor of Bombay
- Dundas, Henry, (1742-1811), 1st Viscount Melville, statesman
- Dundas, Lawrence John Lumley, (1876-1961), 2nd Marquess of Zetland, politician and Orientalist
- Dunlop, Andrew Vans, (1805-1880), surgeon, East India Co
- Dupleix, Joseph Francis, (1697-1763), Marquis Dupleix, French Colonial Administrator
- Durand, Sir Henry Marion, (1812-1871), Knight, Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab
- Durand, Sir Henry Mortimer, (1850-1924), Knight, Indian civil servant and diplomat
- Durham, Andrew, (d 1811), Physician General at Bombay
- Dyneley, Henry Ellenborough, (1829-1893), Lieutenant General Indian Army
- Eastwick, Edward Backhouse, (1814-1883), orientalist, politician and diplomat
- Eden, Sir Ashley, (1831-1887), Knight, Indian administrator
- Eden, George, (1784-1849), Earl of Auckland, Governor General of India, statesman
- Edge, Sir John, (1841-1926), Knight, Indian judge
- Edmonstone, Neil Benjamin, (1765-1841), Indian administrator
- Edward VII, (1841-1910), King of Great Britain and Ireland
- Edward VIII, (1894-1972), King of Great Britain and Ireland, afterwards Duke of Windsor
- Edwardes, Sir Herbert Benjamin, (1819-1868), Knight Indian Administrator
- Elles, Sir William Kidstone, (1837-1896), Knight Lieutenant General
- Elliot, Sir Charles, (1801-1875), Knight Admiral Colonial Governor
- Elliot, Sir Henry Miers, (1808-1853), Knight, Indian civil servant and historian
- Elliot, Sir Walter, (1803-1887), Knight, Indian civil servant and archaeologist
- Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Sir Gilbert, (1751-1814), 1st Earl of Minto, Governor General of India
- Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert John, (1845-1914), 4th Earl of Minto, Viceroy of India
- Elliott, Charles, (1776-1856), Indian Administrator
- Elliott, Sir Charles Alfred, (1835-1911), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Ellis, Charles Howard, (1875-1975), diplomat
- Ellis, Francis Whyte, (d 1819), Madras civil servant and Orientalist
- Ellis, Welbore, (1713-1802), 1st Baron Mendip, statesman
- Elphinstone, James Drummond Buller, (1788-1857), Lieutenant Colonel MP
- Elphinstone, John, (1807-1860), 13th Baron Elphinstone
- Elphinstone, Mountstuart, (1779-1859), Governor of Bombay, historian of India
- Elphinstone, William Fullerton, (1740-1834), Director of East India Co
- Elphinstone, William George Keith, (1782-1842), Major General
- Elwes, Henry John, (1846-1922), traveller and botanist
- Elwin, Verrier, (1902-1964), Writer and Anthropologist
- Erskine, John Francis Ashley, (1895-1953), Lord Erskine Politician Governor of Madras
- Erskine, Walter Coningsby, (1810-1872), 12th Earl of Kellie
- Erskine, William, (1773-1852), historian and orientalist
- Etherton, Percy T, (1879-1963), Colonel Consul at Kashgar
- Euan-Smith, Sir Charles Bean, (1841-1910), Knight, Colonel
- Evans, William Harry, (1876-1956), Brigadier
- Ewart Larkins, Emma, (1808-1857), letter writer
- Ewbank, Sir Robert Benson, (1883-1967), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Eyre, Sir Vincent, (1811-1881), Knight General
- Fagan, George Hickson, (1778-1821), Adjutant General East India Co Army
- Falconar, Alexander, (fl 1787-1808), civil servant Madras, India
- Falconer, Alexander, (fl 1795-1801), East India Co official
- Fane, Sir Henry, (1778-1840), Knight General
- Fanshawe, Herbert Charles, (1840-1923), Indian civil servant
- Farr, George Charles, (1848-1922), Lawyer
- Fearon, Robert Bryce, (d 1851), Major General
- Felix, Orlando, (1790-1860), Major General, traveller and Egyptologist
- Fell, Douglas Yates, (b 1910), Prime Minister Kalat State
- Fenton, Alexander Bulstrode, (1856-1942), Brigadier General, Indian Army
- Ferguson, Adam, (1723-1816), philosopher
- Fergusson, Sir James, (1832-1907), 6th Baron of Kilkerran, 6th Baronet Colonial Governor
- Fife, James George, (1824-1894), Lieutenant General Royal Engineers
- Finlay, Robert Bannatyne, (1842-1929), 1st Viscount Finlay, Lord Chancellor
- Finlayson, George, (fl 1790-1823), Surgeon and Naturalist
- Fitzclarence, Lord Frederick, (1799-1854), Lieutenant General, son of William IV
- Fitzclarence, Geoffrey, (1906-1975), 5th Earl of Munster
- Fitzgerald, James Edward, (1818-1896), Prime Minister of New Zealand
- Fitzgerald, Patrick Gerald, (1820-1910), Surgeon General
- Fitzgerald, Sir William Gerald Seymour Vesey, (1841-1910), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Fitzgerald, Sir William Robert Seymour Vesey, (1818-1885), Knight, MP Governor of Bombay
- Fitzmaurice, Henry Charles Keith, (1845-1927), 5th Marquess of Landsdowne, statesman
- Fitzroy, Sir Almeric William, (1851-1935), Knight Clerk of the Privy Council
- Fitzroy, Yvonne Alice Gertrude, (1891-1971), Private Secretary to Marchioness of Reading
- Flahault, Margaret Mercer, (1788-1867), Viscountess Keith and Baroness Nairn
- Fleming, Charles Elphinstone, (1774-1840), Admiral MP
- Fleming, Robert Peter, (1907-1971), Author and War Correspondent
- Forbes, Sir Charles, (1774-1849), 1st Baronet Politician
- Forbes, Henry Erskine, (fl 1869-1891), Lieutenant Colonel
- Forbes, James, (1749-1819), author, Indian civil servant
- Forchhammer, Emmanuel, (1851-1890), Professor and author Burma
- Forde, Francis, (d 1770), Colonel Indian Army
- Fordyce, Sir John, (1806-1877), Knight Lieutenant General
- Forrest, Sir George William David Starck, (1845-1926), Knight, historian
- Fortescue, Thomas, (1784-1872), Secretary to Lord Cowley
- Foster, Sir William, (1863-1951), Knight, historian and archivist
- Fowke, Francis, (1754-1820), Resident at Benares
- Fowke, Joseph, (1716-1800), Indian Administrator and Diamond Merchant
- Fowler, Sir Henry Hartley, (1830-1911), 1st Viscount Wolverhampton, statesman
- Fox, Edwin Aubrey Storrs, (1888-1975), clergyman
- Francis, Sir Philip, (1740-1818), Knight, politician
- Franklin, Sir Eric Alexander, (1910-1996), Knight, colonial administrator
- Fraser, Alexander George, (1785-1853), 16th Baron Saltoun, General
- Fraser, Sir Andrew Henderson Leith, (1848-1919), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Fraser, Charles, (1760-1837), Lieutenant Colonel
- Fraser, Charles, (1799-1868), Indian Administrator
- Fraser, Hastings, (1829-1892), Lieutenant Colonel
- Fraser, Simon James Gordon, (1824-? 1905), Inspector of Schools
- Fraser-Tytler, Sir William Kerr, (1886-1963), Knight Minister to Afghanistan
- Frederick, Edward, (1784-1866), General
- Freeman-Thomas, Freeman, (1866-1941), 1st Marquess of Willingdon, Viceroy of India
- French, Joseph Charles, (1883-1954), Indian Civil Servant
- French, Leslie Harold Vincent, (b 1912), Indian Civil Servant
- Frere, Sir Henry Bartle Edward, (1815-1884), 1st Baronet, statesman
- Froude, James Anthony, (1818-1894), historian
- Fry, Sir Leslie Alfred Charles, (1908-1976), Knight Diplomat and Indian Administrator
- Fryer, Sir Frederick William Richards, (1845-1922), Knight Lieutenant Governor of Burma
- Fullarton, William, (1754-1808), MP Commissioner of Trinidad
- Fuller, Sir Joseph Bampfylde, (1854-1935), Knight, Indian Administrator
- Fullerton, John, (fl 1730-1740), surgeon, East India Co
- Fullerton, Robert, (fl 1824-1826), Governor of Prince of Wales Island
- Fytche, Albert, (1820-1892), General
- Gambier, Robert, (fl1775-1781) India
- Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, (1869-1948), Indian Nationalist Leader
- Gardner, William Linnaeus, (1771-1835), Colonel, Indian Army
- Garrod , William Francis, (1893-1964), Revd, Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment
- Garrod, Isobel Agnes, (1898-1976), wife of William Francis Garrod (1893-1964), Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment
- Garvin, James Louis, (1868-1947), Newspaper Editor
- Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot, (1830-1903), 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, statesman
- Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne, (1814-1906), 1st Earl of Cranbrook, statesman
- Geddes, Auckland Campbell, (1879-1954), 1st Baron Geddes, statesman
- Geddes, Sir Eric Campbell, (1875-1937), Knight, industrialist and statesman
- George V, (1865-1936), King of Great Britain and Ireland
- George VI, (1895-1952), King of Great Britain and Ireland
- Ghose, Sudhindra Nath, (1899-1965), Bengali Novelist
- Gibbs, James, (1825-1886), Indian civil servant
- Gleig, George Robert, (1796-1888), Chaplain General to the Forces, biographer
- Glen, William, (1811-1857), Missionary
- Gloucester, William Frederick, (1776-1834), 2nd Duke of Gloucester
- Goddard, Thomas, (? 1740-1783), Brigadier General, East India Co army
- Godfrey, Stuart Hill, (1861-1941), Lieutenant Colonel
- Godley, John Arthur, (1847-1932), 1st Baron Kilbracken, civil servant
- Goldney, Philip, (1802-1857), Lieutenant Colonel Bengal Army
- Goldsmid, Sir Frederic John, (1818-1908), Knight Major General
- Gomm, Sir William Maynard, (1784-1875), Knight, Field Marshal
- Gonne, Henry, (1831-1857), Bengal Civil Servant
- Goodenough, Sir William Edmund, (1867-1945), Knight Admiral
- Goschen, George Joachim, (1866-1952), 2nd Viscount Goschen
- Gough, Harry, (1681-1751), Captain and chairman, East India Company India
- Gowdie, Francis, (fl 1809-1810), Major General East India Co Army
- Graham, Sir Lancelot, (1880-1958), Knight, Indian administrator
- Graham, Sir Robert, (1876-1947), Knight, tea merchant
- Grant, Sir Alfred Hamilton, (1872-1937), 12th Baronet Indian Civil Servant
- Grant, Charles, (1746-1823), statesman and philanthropist
- Grant, Charles, (1778-1866), Baron Glenelg, politician
- Grant, Sir Charles, (1836-1903), Knight Foreign Secretary to Government of India
- Grant, James Augustus, (fl 1799-1803), East India Co Official
- Grant, Sir John Peter, (1774-1848), Knight, MP, Chief Justice of Calcutta
- Grant, Sir John Peter, (1807-1893), Knight, Indian and colonial governor
- Grant, Sir Patrick, (1804-1895), Knight Field Marshal
- Grant, Sir Robert, (1779-1838), Knight MP Governor of Bombay
- Grant, Sir William Keir, (1772-1852), Knight General
- Grant-Duff, Sir Evelyn, (1863-1926), Knight Diplomat
- Grant-Duff, James Cunningham, (1789-1858), Historian Resident of Satara
- Grant-Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone, (1829-1906), Knight statesman and author
- Gray, Charles Edward, (1896-1966), Brigadier
- Gray, George, (d 1781), Surgeon
- Green, Samuel Arnold Collier, (1891-1933), Indian Civil Servant
- Green, Sir William Henry Rodes, (1823-1912), Knight Major General
- Greenfield, Sir Harry, (1898-1981), Knight, Indian administrator
- Gregory, Sir Theodore Emanuel Gugenheim, (1890-1970), Knight Economist
- Gresley, Francis, (1807-1880), Indian Army Officer
- Gresley, William, (1801-1876), Prebendary of Lichfield Novelist Theologian
- Greville, Charles Francis, (1749-1809), MP, dilettante
- Grey, Sir Edward, (1862-1933), Viscount Grey of Falloden, statesman
- Grey, Sir William, (1818-1878), Knight, colonial governor
- Grierson, Sir George Abraham, (1851-1941), Knight, philologist
- Griesbach, Charles Ludolf, (1847-1907), Director Indian Geological Survey
- Griffin, Sir Lepel Henry, (1838-1909), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Griffith, William, (1810-1845), Botanist
- Griffiths, John Coldwell, (b 1913), Indian and colonial administrator
- Griffiths, Sir Percival Joseph, (1899-1992), Knight, Indian administrator, businessman and historian
- Grigg, Sir Percy James, (1890-1964), Knight Civil Servant
- Grose, Frank Samuel, (1881-1941), Burma civil servant
- Grose, John, (1743-1771), Indian Civil Servant
- Guest, Frederick Edward, (1875-1937), Politician and Aviation Pioneer
- Gwatkin, Sir Frederick, (1885-1969), Knight Major General
- Gwyer, Sir Maurice Linford, (1878-1952), Knight Chief Justice of India
- Gwynne, Howell Arthur, (1865-1950), journalist
- Hadow, Sir Raymond Patrick, (1879-1962), Knight Engineer
- Haig, Sir Douglas, (1861-1928), 1st Earl Haig of Bermersyde, Field Marshal
- Haig, Sir Harry Graham, (1881-1956), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Hailey, William Malcolm, (1872-1969), 1st Baron Hailey
- Haldane, Richard Burdon, (1856-1928), 1st Viscount Haldane, Lord Chancellor
- Hallett, Sir Maurice Garnier, (1883-1969), Knight, Indian administrator
- Hamilton, Arthur Francis, (1880-1965), Lieutenant Colonel
- Hamilton, Lord George Francis, (1845-1927), statesman
- Hamilton, Sir Robert North Collie, (1802-1887), 6th Baronet Indian Administrator
- Hamilton, Thomas, (1780-1858), 9th Earl of Haddington, statesman
- Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple, (1826-1902), 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava, diplomat
- Hammond, Sir Egbert Laurie Lucas, (1854-1936), Knight, Indian administrator
- Handley, Leonard Mourant, (b 1890), Major Author
- Handscomb, Isaac Henley, (1805-1857), Lieutenant Colonel
- Hardin, Dr Kris L, (b1954), Anthropologist Sierra Leone
- Hardinge, Sir Arthur Edward, (1828-1892), Knight, General, Governor of Gibraltar
- Hardinge, Sir Charles, (1858-1944), 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst, Viceroy of India
- Hardinge, Henry, (1785-1856), 1st Viscount Hardinge, Field Marshal
- Hardwicke, Thomas, (1757-1835), Major General, naturalist
- Hardy, Edmund Armitage, (1824-1903), Lieutenant Colonel Bombay Cavalry
- Hare, William Francis, (1906-1997) 5th Earl of Listowel
- Harland, Sir Robert, (? 1715-1784), 1st Baronet Admiral
- Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William, (1865-1922), Viscount Northcliffe, newspaper proprietor
- Harris, Charles, (b 1817), Colonel Afghanistan
- Harris, George, (1746-1829), 1st Baron Harris, General
- Harris, George Robert Canning, (1851-1932), 4th Baron Harris, Governor of Bombay
- Harrison, Frederic, (1831-1923), author and positivist
- Hart, Ernest, (1875-1928), Indian Administrator
- Hartog, Sir Philip Joseph, (1864-1947), Knight Educationalist
- Hartt, William Edward, (1848-1916), railway traffic superintendent, India
- Harwood, William, (b 1744), East India Co Official
- Hastings, Lady Flora Elizabeth, (1806-1839), Lady of the Bedchamber to Duchess of Kent
- Hastings, Warren, (1732-1818), Governor General of India
- Haughton, Henry Lawrence, (1883-1955), Major General
- Haughton, John Colpoys, (1817-1887), Lieutenant General
- Havell, Ernest Binfield, (1861-1934), Art Historian and Educationalist
- Havelock, Sir Arthur Elibank, (1844-1908), Knight Colonial Governor
- Havelock, Sir Henry, (1795-1857), Knight, Knight Major General
- Haviland, Thomas Fioth de, (1775-1866), army engineer
- Hay, Charles John Bruce, (1877-1940), Major-General
- Hay, Edward, (fl 1784-1790), East India Co Official
- Hay, George, (1787-1876), 8th Marquess of Tweeddale, Field Marshal
- Hayward, Sir Maurice Henry Weston, (1868-1964), Knight Indian Administrator
- Heber, Reginald, (1783-1826), Bishop of Calcutta
- Henderson, Sir Alan Gerald Russell, (1886-1963), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Henderson, Arthur, (1893-1968), Baron Rowley, politician
- Henderson, Robert, (1810-1862), Major General Madras Engineers
- Herbert, Charles, (1820-1897), Major General
- Herbert, Henry Arthur, (1703-1772), 1st Earl of Powis
- Herbert, Sir John Arthur, (1895-1943), Knight Lieutenant Colonel Governor of Bengal
- Herries, William Robert, (d 1846), Major British Army
- Herschel, Sir William James, (1833-1917), 2nd Baronet, Bengal Civil Servant
- Hervey, Albert Henry Andrew, (1814-1877), Soldier Madras Army
- Hewett, Sir John Prescott, (1854-1941), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Heyne, Benjamin, (1770-1819), missionary and botanist
- Heysham, Barrington Frederick, (fl 1880), Lieutenant Colonel
- Hickey, William, (1749-1830), Barrister Author of Memoirs
- Higham, Sir Thomas, (1847-1910), Knight Indian Public Works Dept
- Hight, Henry Whitlock, (1900-1983), Colonel, Indian Army
- Hill, Sir Claude Hamilton Archer, (1866-1934), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Hill, David, (1786-1866), East India Co Official
- Hill, Wills, (1718-1793), 1st Marquess of Downshire, statesman
- Hirachand, Walchand, (1882-1953), Chairman of Premier Automobiles Ltd
- Hirst, Francis Wrigley, (1873-1953), Lawyer Economist Biographer
- Hirst, Hugo, (1863-1943), Baron Hirst, businessman
- Hirst, William Alfred, (1870-1948), Writer On Indian Affairs Principal of Gujerat College
- Hirtzel, Sir Frederick Arthur, (1870-1937), Knight Civil Servant
- Hoare, Samuel John Gurney, (1880-1959), 2nd Baronet and Viscount Templewood, statesman
- Hobart, Robert, (1760-1816), 4th Earl of Buckinghamshire, statesman
- Hobhouse, Sir Benjamin, (1757-1831), 1st Baronet MP
- Hobhouse, John Cam, (1786-1869), Baron Broughton, statesman
- Hoddinott, M H O, (b1925), meteorological officer, Royal Air Force India
- Hodgson, Brian Houghton, (1800-1894), Indian Civil Servant Naturalist
- Hodgson, John Anthony, (1777-1848), Major General
- Hoernle, Augustus Frederic Rudolf, (1841-1918), German orientalist
- Hogg, Sir Adam George Forbes, (1836-1908), Knight Lieutenant General
- Hogg, James Macnaghton McGarel, (1823-1890), 1st Baron Magheramorne
- Hogg, Sir James Weir, (1790-1876), 1st Baronet Chairman of East India Co
- Hohler, Sir Thomas Beaumont, (1871-1946), Knight, diplomat
- Holderness, Sir Thomas William, (1849-1924), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Holford, George Peter, (1767-1839), MP Secretary of Board of Control
- Holford, Robert, (d 1763), Member of the Bombay Council
- Hollond, John, (fl 1760-1790), Governor of Madras
- Hollweg, Theobold von Bethmann-, (1856-1921), German Chancellor
- Holwell, John Zephaniah, (1711-1798), Governor of Bengal
- Hood, Samuel, (1910-1981), 6th Viscount Hood, Statesman
- Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, (1817-1911), Knight, botanist, explorer, Director of Kew Gardens
- Hooper, Clement William Robert, (1859-1942), Commander, Royal Indian Marine
- Hope, Sir Theodore Cracraft, (1831-1915), Knight, Indian administrator
- Hope, Victor Alexander John, (1887-1952), 2nd Marquess of Linlithgow, Viceroy of India
- Hopkinson, Arthur John, (1894-1953), Indian Civil Servant
- Hornby, William, (d 1803), Governor of Bombay
- Horsburgh, James, (1762-1836), East India Co Hydrographer and Geographer
- Horsfield, Thomas, (1773-1859), Naturalist
- Horwood, William Spry, (fl 1820-1849), Captain Bombay Army
- Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, Thomas John, (1838-1916), 5th Baron Thurlow, diplomat
- Howell, Arthur Pearse, (1834-1911), Indian civil servant
- Howell, Sir Evelyn Berkeley, (1877-1971), Knight, Indian civil servant
- How-Martyn, Edith, (1875-1954), suffragist and feminist
- Hubback, Sir John Austen, (1878-1968), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Hudson, Robert, (1750-1816), Captain, East India Co Army
- Hughes, Sir Edward, (? 1720-1794), Knight Admiral
- Humberston, Thomas Frederick Mackenzie, (1753-1783), Colonel
- Humbley, William Wellington Waterloo, (fl 1816-1872), Lieutenant Colonel
- Hume, Andrew Parke, (1904-1965), Colonial Civil Servant
- Hunt, Edmund Henderson, (1874-1952), Chief Medical Officer Hyderabad
- Hunter, Frederick Mercer, (1844-1898), Lieutenant Colonel, political agent in British Somaliland Scotland;Bengal, India;Somaliland;India
- Hunter, Sir William Guyer, (1829-1902), Knight Surgeon General Bombay Army MP for Central Hackney
- Hurrell, Ian Murray, (1914-1989), Diplomat Indian Civil Servant
- Hutchinson, Alexander Ross Elliott, (fl 1843-1877), Major General
- Hutchinson, George, (1826-1899), Major General Bengal Army
- Hutchinson, James Alexander Cauldwell, (1828-1895), surgeon India
- Hutton, Charles Herbert, (1860-1950), engineer, Public Works Department
- Hutton, John Henry, (1885-1968), Indian civil servant, anthropologist
- Hydari, Sir Muhammad Saleh Akbar, (1894-1948), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Hyde, Henry, (1825-1887), Major General
- Hyde, Thomas, (1636-1703), Orientalist
- Hyndman Stein, Archibald, (1903-1990), Indian Forest Service
- Ibbetson, Sir Denzil Charles Jelf, (1847-1908), Knight Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab
- Ilbert, Sir Courtenay Peregrine, (1841-1924), Knight, Clerk of House of Commons
- Iliff, Sir William Angus Boyd, (1898-1972), Knight Civil Servant
- Impey, Sir Elijah, (1732-1809), Knight Chief Justice of Bengal
- Inglis, Sir Hugh, (1744-1822), 1st Baronet Chairman of the East India Co
- Inglis, Robert Loveday, (1839-1857), cadet in the Bengal Army
- Innes, Sir Charles Alexander, (1874-1959), Knight, Governor of Burma
- Innes, John, (d 1838), MP East India Merchant
- Isaacs, Alice Edith, (1865-1930), charity worker, GBE
- Isaacs, Gerald Rufus, (1889-1960), 2nd Marquess of Reading, statesman
- Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, (1860-1935), 1st Marquess of Reading, Viceroy of India
- Jackson, Sir Francis Stanley, (1870-1947), Knight, politician, cricketer and Governor of Bengal
- Jacob, Sir George Le Grand, (1805-1881), Knight Major General Indian Army
- Jacob, John, (1812-1858), Brigadier General Indian Army
- Jacob, Sir Lionel Montague, (1853-1934), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- James, Henry, (1828-1911), 1st Baron James of Hereford, statesman
- Jeffrey, Francis, (1773-1850), Lord Jeffrey Scottish judge and critic
- Jehanghir, Sir Cowasji, (1853-1934), 1st Baronet Indian Businessman
- Jenkins, Sir Evan Meredith, (1896-1985), Knight Indian Administrator
- Jenkins, Francis, (1793-1866), Major General
- Jenkins, Sir Lawrence Hugh, (1857-1928), Knight Judge of High Court of Calcutta
- Jenkins, Richard, (1785-1853), Chairman of the East India Co
- Jogendra Singh, Sir Sardar, (1877-1946), Knight Minister of Agriculture for the Punjab
- Johnson, Sir Allen Bayard, (1829-1907), Knight General
- Johnson, Richard, (fl 1772-1803), East India Co Official
- Johnstone, George, (1730-1787), MP Commodore RN
- Jones, Reginald Trevor, (1888-1974), chief engineer, Punjab
- Jones, Sir Richard, (1754-1835), Knight Lieutenant General Indian Army
- Jones, Sir William, (1746-1794), Knight, orientalist and jurist
- Jones, William Brittain, (1834-1912), Indian Civil Servant
- Jopling, Lindsay Millais, (1875-1967), Indian Administrator
- Jowett, Benjamin, (1817-1893), biblical and classical scholar Master of Balliol College Camberwell, Surrey;Oxford, Oxfordshire
- Kaulback, Ronald John Henry, (b 1909), Writer and Traveller
- Keane, John, (1781-1844), 1st Baron Keane, Lieutenant General
- Keatinge, Richard Harte, (1825-1904), General, Indian administrator
- Keeling, Sir Hugh Trowbridge, (1865-1955), engineer
- Keene, Henry George, (1781-1864), Persian scholar
- Kennaway, Sir John, (1758-1836), 1st Baronet, British Resident at the Court of the Nizam of Hyderabad
- Kennedy, Sir Charles Malcolm, (1831-1908), Knight, diplomat
- Kennedy, Robert, (b 1882), Indian Medical Officer
- Kenrick, George Harry Blair, (d 1952), Advocate General of Bengal
- Keogh, Sir Alfred, (1857-1936), Knight Lieutenant General
- Ker, Charles Murray, (1906-1989), Indian Civil Servant China;India
- Ker, William Paton, (1855-1923), literary scholar India;China
- Kerr, James, (1738-1782), Surgeon and Botanist
- Kerr, Philip Henry, (1882-1940), 11th Marquess of Lothian, statesman
- Kershaw, Sir Louis James, (1869-1947), Knight Colonial Administrator
- Keyes, Sir Charles Patton, (1823-1896), Knight General Madras Army
- Keyes, Sir Terence Humphrey, (1877-1939), Knight, Brigadier General, Indian Political Service
- Khan, Liaquat Ali, (1895-1951), Prime Minister of Pakistan
- King, John Bishop, (1829-1900), Bengal Medical Service
- King, William, (1786-1865), Promoter of Cooperation
- Kinglake, Alexander William, (1809-1891), MP, historian and traveller
- Kinneir, Sir John Macdonald, (1782-1830), Knight, traveller and diplomat
- Kirk, Sir John, (1832-1922), Knight, naturalist and political agent
- Kirke, Sir Walter Mervyn St George, (1877-1949), Knight General
- Kirkpatrick, James Achilles, (1764-1805), Resident of Hyderabad
- Kirkpatrick, Thomas, (1827-1864), Captain Madras Native Infantry
- Kirkpatrick, William, (1754-1812), Major General Orientalist
- Kisch, Sir Cecil, (1884-1961), Knight, civil servant
- Kisch, Hermann Michael, (1850-1942), Indian civil servant
- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, (1850-1916), 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, Field Marshal
- Knatchbull, Michael Herbert Rudolf, (1895-1939), 5th Baron Brabourne
- Knolles, Robert W, (fl 1800-1820), Captain British Army
- Knollys, Francis, (1837-1924), 1st Viscount Knollys
- Kyd, Robert, (1746-1793), Lieutenant Colonel Botanist
- La Bouchardiere, Basil Richard Emile, (b1913), ex-Indian Police and Indian Police Association India
- La Touche, Thomas Henry Digges, (fl 1881-1910), Geologist
- Laithwaite, Sir John Gilbert, (1894-1986), Knight Indian Administrator
- Lake, Gerard, (1744-1808), 1st Viscount Lake, General
- Lally, Thomas Arthur, (1700-1766), Count De Lally, General
- Lamb, Sir Lionel Henry, (1900-1992), Knight Diplomat
- Lamb, William, (1779-1848), 2nd Viscount Melbourne, statesman
- Lambrick, Hugh Trevor, (1904-1982), Indian administrator and historian
- Lamont, Thomas William, (1870-1948), Businessman
- Lampen, Graham Dudley, (1899-1960), colonial administrator
- Landon, Samuel, (c1775-1813), Captain, East Indiaman
- Lane, Hugh Thompson, (b 1914), Indian Administrator
- Langham-Carter, Reginald Robert, (1903-1996), Indian Civil Service, Burma Burma
- Langham-Carter, William, (1869-1940), Malayan Civil Service
- Langlands, Eric Wilfrid, (1897-1995), Brigadier
- Latimer, Sir Courtenay, (1880-1944), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Lattimer, Phillis, (1912-1987), governess to the family of Lt Col Frank O'Neil Ford of Burma Rifles Burma
- Law, Edward, (1790-1871), 1st Earl of Ellenborough, Governor General of India
- Lawley, Beilby, (1849-1912), 3rd Baron Wenlock
- Lawrence, Sir George St Patrick, (1804-1884), Knight, General
- Lawrence, Sir Henry Montgomery, (1806-1857), Knight, Brigadier General
- Lawrence, Sir Henry Staveley, (1870-1949), Knight and Indian civil servant
- Lawrence, Isaac, (1639-1679), East India Merchant
- Lawrence, John Laird Mair, (1811-1879), 1st Baron Lawrence, Governor General of India
- Lawrence, Richard Charles, (1817-1896), General India
- Lawrence, Stringer, (1697-1775), Major General
- Lawrence, Sir Walter Roper, (1857-1940), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Lawrence, William, (1634-1697), Landowner
- Lawson, Sir Wilfrid, (1829-1906), 2nd Baronet Liberal Politician
- Layard, Sir Austen Henry, (1817-1894), Knight, politician, diplomat and archaeologist
- Le Bas, Charles Webb, (1779-1861), Principal of East India College Haileybury
- Le Mesurier, Sir Havilland, (1866-1931), Knight Indian Administrator
- Leeke, Sir Henry John, (? 1790-1870), Knight Admiral
- Leese, Sir Alexander William, (1909-1979), 4th Baronet and soldier, Indian Army
- Lee-Warner, Sir William, (1846-1914), Knight, Indian civil servant and author
- Legge, George, (1755-1810), 3rd Earl of Dartmouth
- Leighton, Stanley, (1837-1901), MP
- Le-Poer-Trench, Richard, (1767-1837), 1st Viscount Clancarty, diplomat
- Leslie, Arthur Kempster, (d 1931), Lieutenant Colonel
- Leslie, George Arthur James, (1826-1904), Major General
- Lethbridge, Sir Roper, (1840-1919), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Lewes, George Henry, (1817-1878), author
- Lewin, Thomas Herbert, (1839-1916), Indian Administrator
- Lewis, Sir Clinton Gresham, (1885-1978), Knight Brigadier Surveyor General of India
- Lewis, Gilbert Cecil Gaunt, (1899-1987), Captain, Indian Army India
- Lewis, James, (1809-1853), geographer and archaeologist
- Lewis, Lesley, (1909-2010), art historian
- Lewis, William, (fl 1760-1797), Bombay Civil Servant
- Lewis, Sir William Hawthorne, (1888-1970), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Leyden, John, (1775-1811), physician and poet
- Lines, Roy Nicholas, (b 1914), Indian civil servant
- Liston, Sir Robert, (1742-1836), Knight, diplomat
- Littler, Sir John Hunter, (1783-1856), Knight Deputy Governor of Bengal
- Lloyd, George Ambrose, (1879-1941), 1st Baron Lloyd, politician and colonial administrator
- Lloyd, Herbert, (c1751-1818), Colonel, East India Co Army
- Lloyd Jones, Cyril Walter, (1881-1981), Managing Director, State Railway, India Hyderabad, India
- Loinsworth, Frederick Albert, (1787-1842), Indian Civil Servant
- Loraine, Sir Percy Lyham, (1880-1961), 12th Baronet, 12th Baronet Diplomat
- Lorimer, David Lockhart Robertson, (1876-1962), Lieutenant Colonel Indian Army Linguist
- Lorimer, Emily Overend, (1881-1949), philologist and editor of Basrah Times
- Lothian, Sir Arthur Cunningham, (1887-1962), Knight, Indian administrator
- Louis, Sir John, (1785-1863), 2nd Baronet Rear Admiral
- Lovett, Beresford, (1839-1926), Major General
- Lowe, Sir Hudson, (1769-1844), Knight, Lieutenant and General Governor of St Helena
- Lowis, Cecil Champain, (1864-1948), Indian Civil Servant
- Lowndes, Sir George Rivers, (1862-1943), Knight Indian Judge
- Luard, Charles Eckford, (1869-1927), Lieutenant Colonel Indian Army
- Lubbock, John, (1834-1913), 1st Baron Avebury, politician
- Luce, Arthur Richard, (1906-1929), Indian civil service
- Ludlow, Frank, (1885-1972), botanist, Indian civil servant
- Ludlow, John, (1801-1882), Major General
- Ludwig, Emil, (1881-1948), German Writer
- Lumley, Lawrence Roger, (1896-1969), 11th Earl of Scarbrough, Governor General of India
- Lupton, Walter James, (1871-1955), Indian Civil Servant Physician
- Lushington, Charles, (1785-1866), East India Co Official MP
- Lushington, Charles Manners, (1819-1864), MP
- Lushington, Sir James Law, (1779-1859), Knight General
- Lushington, Stephen Rumbold, (1776-1868), MP Governor of Madras
- Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyn, (1835-1911), Knight Indian Civil Servant Writer
- Lyall, Charles, (fl 1828-1889), Banker
- Lyall, George, (1784-1853), MP Chairman of East India Co
- Lyall, Sir James Broadwood, (1838-1916), Knight Indian Governor
- Lyall, John Edwardes, (1811-1845), Advocate General in Bengal
- Lygon, William, (1872-1938), 7th Earl Beauchamp, colonial governor
- Lynch, Henry Blosse, (1807-1873), Explorer
- Lyttelton, Alfred, (1857-1913), lawyer, statesman and cricketer
- Lyttelton, Edward, (1855-1942), Headmaster Haileybury and Eton
- Lyttelton, Sir Neville Gerald, (1845-1931), Knight General
- Lyttelton, Octavia Laura, (1862-1886), member of Soul clique
- Macartney, George, (1737-1806), Earl Macartney
- Macartney, Sir George, (1867-1945), Knight, consul at Kashgar
- MacDonnell, Antony Patrick, (1844-1925), 1st Baron MacDonnell of Swinford, civil servant
- Macdougall, Sir Raibeart Macintyre, (1892-1949), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Macgregor, Sir Charles Metcalfe, (1840-1887), Knight Major General Traveller
- Machell, Thomas, (1824-1862), traveller and planter
- Mackay, Donald James, (1839-1921), 11th Baron Reay, Governor of Bombay
- Mackenzie, Colin, (1753-1821), Colonel Surveyor General of India
- Mackenzie, Holt, (1787-1876), Indian civil servant, member of the Board of Control
- Maclagan, Robert, (1820-1894), General
- Maclean, Sir Fitzroy Hew Royle, (1911-1996), 1st Baronet, diplomat, MP, soldier, historian
- Macleod, Sir Donald Friell, (1810-1872), Knight, Indian administrator
- Macleod, Sir John Macpherson, (1792-1881), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Macnab, Archibald Corrie, (1886-1970), Indian Administrator
- Macnabb, Sir Donald Campbell, (1833-1913), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Macnabb, James Munro, (1790-1860), Private Secretary to Lord Hastings
- Macnaghten, Sir William Hay, (1793-1841), 1st Baronet Diplomat
- Macnair, John Frederick, (1846-1908), tea merchant and partner in the firm of Begg Dunlop & Co.
- Maconachie, Sir Richard Roy, (1885-1962), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Macpherson, Allan, (1740-1816), Colonel East India Co Army
- Macpherson, Charles, (1870-1927), Organist of St Paul's
- Macpherson, Donald, (1894-1989), colonial administrator
- Macpherson, John, (1745-1821), Baronet MP Governor General of Bengal
- Macrobert, Sir Alexander, (1854-1922), 1st Baronet, businessman
- Maddock, Sir Thomas Herbert, (1790-1870), Knight, Indian administrator
- Maffey, John Loader, (1877-1969), 1st Baron Rugby
- Magniac, Charles, (1827-1891), MP
- Magraw, Beatrice Irene, (1888-c1970), author
- Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner, (1822-1888), Knight, jurist and historian
- Malcolm, Sir John, (1769-1833), Knight, Indian administrator and diplomat
- Malet, Sir Charles Warre, (1752-1815), 1st Baronet Indian Administrator and Diplomat
- Malkin, Sir Benjamin Heath, (1797-1837), Knight Calcutta Judge
- Mallet, Sir Louis, (1823-1890), Knight, civil servant and economist
- Manesty, Samuel, (fl 1784-1812), Envoy to Persia
- Mannerheim, Baron Gustav, (1867-1951), Field Marshal and President of Finland
- Mansfield, William, (1855-1921), 1st Viscount Sandhurst
- Mansfield, William Rose, (1819-1876), 1st Baron Sandhurst
- Mare, Walter John de la, (1873-1956), author and poet
- Markham, Sir Clements Robert, (1830-1916), Knight, geographer and historian
- Marriott, Randolph, (1736-1807), writier, East India Co Official
- Marris, Sir William Sinclair, (1873-1945), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Marsden, William, (1754-1836), Orientalist and Numismatist Secretary to the Admiralty
- Marshman, John Clark, (1794-1877), Missionary Historian
- Martin, Sir Roger, (1778-1854), 5th Baronet, Indian civil servant
- Martin, William, (fl 1801-1815), Colonel
- Martyn, Philip Docton, (b 1904), Indian civil servant
- Mason, John Frederick Arthur, (1920-2011), Major, Transport Training Officer, Indian Army India
- Massy, Charles Francis, (1846-1915), Lieutenant Colonel Indian Army
- Master, Alfred, (1883-1978), Lecturer in Indian Philology
- Master, Streynsham, (1640-1724), Captain RN
- Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney, (1874-1927), politician, author and journalist
- Maughan, Thomas, (1805-1861), Colonel 12th Bombay Native Infantry
- Maxwell, William Ernest, (1898-1951), Comptroller of the Viceroy's household; instructor, Indian Military Academy India
- Maybury, Maurice Alfred, (1914-1995), Colonial Administrator
- Maynard, Charles, (1752-1824), 2nd Viscount Maynard
- Maynard, Sir Herbert John, (1865-1943), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Mayo, Katherine, (1867-1940), American writer and founder of British Apprentices Club
- Mccall, Anthony Gilchrist, (1895-1978), Indian Civil Servant
- McClean, Sir Francis Kennedy, (1876-1955), pioneer aviator
- Mcclelland, John, (1800-1883), Physician and Zoologist
- McDonnell, Schomberg Kerr, (1861-1915), Knight, civil servant
- Mcgowan, Harry Duncan Mcgowan, (1874-1961), Baron Mcgowan of Ardeer, chairman of ICI
- McKenna, Reginald, (1863-1943), statesman and banker
- Mcmahon, Sir Arthur Henry, (1862-1949), Knight Colonel Administrator and Commissioner
- Mcmahon, Sir Thomas, (1779-1860), Knight, Major General
- McNeill, Sir John, (1795-1883), Knight, diplomatist and surgeon
- Mcpherson, Alan, (fl 1914-1978), Brigadier
- McVean, Colin Hector, (1912-2006), Lieutenant Colonel, Indian Army
- Meade, Sir Richard John, (1821-1894), Knight General Resident at Hyderabad
- Mears, Gerald Grimwood, (1896-1979), Brigadier ADC to George VI
- Medows, Sir William, (1738-1813), Knight General
- Meinertzhagen, Richard, (1878-1967), colonial administrator ornithologist
- Melvill, Sir James Cosmo, (1792-1861), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Melvill, James Cosmo, (fl 1838-1871), East India Co Official
- Melvill, Sir Peter Melvill, (1803-1895), Knight Major General Bombay Army
- Merewether, Sir William Lockyer, (1825-1880), Knight, Indian military officer and administrator
- Merivale, Herman, (1806-1874), civil servant
- Merrington, Herbert Fagent, (1904-1984), civil engineer
- Meston, James Scorgie, (1865-1943), 1st Baron Meston, Indian civil servant
- Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus, (1785-1846), 1st Baron Metcalfe, Colonial Governor
- Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus, (1785-1846), 1st Baron Metcalfe
- Metcalfe, Sir Theophilus John, (1828-1883), 5th Baronet Indian Civil Servant
- Metcalfe, Sir Thomas Theophilus, (1795-1853), 4th Baronet Agent to Governor General of India
- Meycalfe, Sir Herbert Aubrey Francis, (1883-1957), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Michell, James William Abbot, (1840-1927), Indian Army officer and explorer
- Middleton, Nathaniel, (d 1807), East India Co official
- Miles, William, (d 1860), Major General Orientalist
- Miller, Sir John Ontario, (1857-1943), Knight, civil servant
- Milman, Henry Hart, (1791-1868), Dean of St Paul's
- Milne, William Stanley, (c1875-1917), Indian administrator, scholar and linguist
- Mir, Mahbub Ali Khan, (1866-1911), Nizam of Hyderabad
- Mitchell, Harold Charles, (b 1896), Indian Police United Provinces
- Mitter, Sir Provash Chandra, (1875-1934), Knight Bengali Politician
- Molony, James, (b 1785), East India Co official in China
- Molyneux, Edward Mary Joseph, (1866-1913), Artist Major in the Indian Army
- Mond, Alfred Moritz, (1868-1930), 1st Baron Melchett, industrialist and politician
- Monro, Sir Charles Carmichael, (1860-1929), 1st Baronet General
- Monson, George, (1730-1776), Brigadier General Indian Administrator
- Montagu, Edwin Samuel, (1879-1924), Statesman
- Montagu, Horatio, (c 1797-1862), Clergyman
- Monteath, Sir David Taylor, (1887-1961), Knight Indian Administrator
- Monteith, William, (1790-1864), Lieutenant General Diplomat and Historian
- Montgomery, Sir Robert, (1809-1887), Knight Indian Administrator
- Montmorency, Sir Geoffrey Fitzhervey de, (1876-1955), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Mookerjee, Sir Rajendra Nath, (1854-1936), Knight Civil Engineer
- Moon, Sir Edward Penderel, (1905-1987), Knight, Indian civil servant and historian
- Moorcroft, William, (1765-1825), Veterinary Surgeon Traveller
- Moore, Frederic, (1830-1907), Entomologist
- Moore, Peter, (1753-1828), Politician
- Moorsom, Henry Martin, (1839-1921), Lieutenant Colonel
- Moorsom, Sir Robert, (1760-1835), Knight Admiral
- Moorsom, William Robert, (1834-1858), son of WS Moorsom, killed at Lucknow
- Moorsom, William Scarth, (1804-1863), Civil Engineer and Soldier
- Morier, James Justinian, (1782-1849), diplomat, traveller and novelist
- Morison, Peter, (1902-1985), Colonel
- Morison, Sir Theodore, (1863-1936), Knight Educationalist and Writer
- Morison, William, (1785-1867), Colonel Bombay Army
- Morley, Sir John, (1838-1923), 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn, statesman
- Morley, William Hook, (1815-1860), Barrister Orientalist Librarian to Royal Asiatic Society
- Morrison, George Ernest, (1860-1920), journalist
- Morshead, Henry Treise, (1882-1931), Lieutenant Colonel
- Mostyn, Thomas, (1735-1779), Indian Civil Servant
- Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, (1900-1979), 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Admiral of the Fleet
- Moxham, Roy, (fl1992-2001), author Evesham, Worcestershire;India
- Muddiman, Sir Alexander Phillips, (1875-1928), Knight, colonial administrator
- Mudie, Sir Robert Francis, (1890-1976), Knight Indian Administrator Antiquary
- Muir Mackenzie, Kenneth Augustus, (1845-1930), Baron Muir Mackenzie
- Muirhead, Anthony John, (1890-1939), Lieutenant Colonel MP
- Mullane, Jeremiah, (1850-1897), Lieutenant Colonel and Surgeon Indian Army
- Muller, Friedrich Max, (1823-1900), German orientalist and philologist
- Munro, Sir Hector, (1726-1805), Knight General
- Munro, Sir Thomas, (1761-1827), Knight, Major General, Governor of Madras
- Murchison, Kenneth, (1751-1780), Surgeon Indian Medical Service
- Murray, Sir John, (1768-1827), 8th Baronet General
- Murray, Thomas, (1781-1846), Major General
- Muspratt, Sir Sydney Frederick, (1878-1972), Knight, General
- Mylne, Louis George, (1843-1921), Bishop of Bombay
- Naidu, Sarojini, (1879-1949), Indian Poet and Reformer
- Namgyal, Sir Tashi, (1893-1963), Maharajah of Sikkim, Knight
- Naoroji, Dadabhai, (1825-1917), MP Indian Political Leader
- Napier, Sir Charles, (1786-1860), Knight, Knight, Admiral
- Napier, Sir Charles James, (1782-1853), Knight, General, colonial governor
- Napier, Francis, (1819-1898), 10th Baron Napier and 1st Baron Ettrick
- Napier, Sir George Thomas, (1784-1855), Knight, General
- Napier, Henry Dundas, (1864-1941), Lieutenant Colonel
- Napier, Robert Cornelis, (1810-1890), 1st Baron Napier of Magdala, Field Marshal
- Nash, John, (1752-1835), Architect
- Nazimuddin, Sir Al-haj Khwaja, (1894-1964), Knight Prime Minister of Pakistan
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, (1889-1964), Indian statesman
- Neill, James George Smith, (1810-1857), Brigadier General
- Nepean, Sir Evan, (1751-1822), 1st Baronet Statesman Governor of Bombay
- Newbolt, Sir Henry John, (1862-1938), Knight, poet and author
- Nicholetts, Henry, (c 1840-1857)
- Nicholl, Thomas, (1831-1903), General
- Nicholson, John, (1821-1857), Brigadier General
- Nicolls, Gustavus, (1780-1860), General
- Nicolls, Sir Jasper, (1778-1849), Knight Lieutenant General
- Niemeyer, Sir Otto Ernest, (1883-1971), Treasury official
- Nightingale, Florence, (1820-1910), reformer of hospital nursing
- Nightingall, Sir Miles, (1768-1829), Knight Lieutenant General
- Nihill, Sir John Harry Barclay, (1892-1975), Knight Colonial Judge
- Noble, Sir Thomas Alexander Fraser, (1918-2003), Knight, colonial administrator, economist and Principal of Aberdeen University
- Noble, William Henry, (1834-1892), Major General Royal Artillery
- Noel-Hill, William, (1773-1842), 3rd Baron Berwick, diplomat
- Norman, Sir Francis Booth, (1830-1901), Knight, Lieutenant General
- Norman, Sir Henry, (1858-1939), 1st Baronet, journalist, politician and public servant
- Norman, Sir Henry Wylie, (1826-1904), Knight, Field Marshal and colonial governor
- Norman, Montagu Collet, (1871-1950), Baron Norman, banker
- North, Frederick, (1732-1792), 2nd Earl of Guildford; Lord North, statesman
- Northcote, Henry Stafford, (1846-1911), 1st Baron Northcote, Governor General of Australia
- Norton, Charles Eliot, (1827-1908), American Author and Educationist
- Norton, George, (1792-1877), Advocate General of Madras and president of Madras University
- Norton, John Bruce, (1815-1883), Indian Legal Expert
- Noyce, Sir Frank, (1878-1948), Knight Indian Administrator
- Oakeley, Sir Charles, (1751-1826), 1st Baronet Governor of Madras
- Ochterlony, Sir David, (1758-1825), Knight, Major General, conqueror of Nepal
- O'Connor, Sir William Frederick Travers, (1870-1943), Knight Lieutenant Colonel Colonial Administrator
- Oldfield, Henry Ambrose, (1822-1871), Bengal Medical Service
- Oldham, Charles Evelyn Arbuthnot William, (1869-1949), Indian Administrator
- Olivier, Sydney Haldane, (1859-1943), 1st Baron Olivier, statesman
- Oppenheimer, Sir Francis Charles, (1870-1961), Knight, diplomat
- Orme, Robert, (1728-1801), East India Company official and historian
- Orpen-Palmer, Olga, (1886-1964), Beijing socialite China
- O'Shaughnessy, Sir William Brooke, (1809-1889), Knight Director General of Indian Telegraphs
- Outram, Sir James, (1803-1863), Knight Lieutenant General
- Ouwerkerk, Louise, (1904-1989), Teacher
- Paget, Sir Edward, (1775-1849), Knight General
- Palmer, George, (1772-1853), commander of East India Company ship Boddam, businessman and politician
- Palmer, William, (d1814), Lieutenant General, East India Co Army
- Palmer, William Waldegrave, (1859-1942), 2nd Earl of Selborne, statesman
- Parker, John, (1772-1840), 1st Earl of Morley
- Parker, Neville Fraser, (1841-1915), Major General
- Parker, Sir William, (1781-1866), 1st Baronet, Admiral of the Fleet
- Parkinson, Sir Arthur Charles Cosmo, (1884-1967), Knight Politician
- Parsons, Sir Arthur Edward Broadbent, (1884-1966), Knight Major General
- Paterson, George, (1734-1817), Physician Secretary of Mission to Nawab of the Carnatic
- Paton, Frederick Walter Ferrier Noel, (1861-1914), Director General of Commercial Intelligence India
- Paton, William, (1886-1943), Secretary International Missionary Council
- Pattullo, Eva, (b1900), diarist
- Pearce, Sir Charles Frederick Byrde, (1892-1964), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Pears, Sir Thomas Townsend, (1809-1892), Knight Major General Royal Engineers
- Pearse, George Godfrey, (1827-1905), General
- Pearson, David, (c 1774-1840), Head Jailor Calcutta
- Pechell, Paul William, (d 1821), Indian Judge
- Peel, Sir Robert, (1788-1850), Baronet, 2nd Baronet, statesman
- Peel, William Robert Wellesley, (1867-1937), 1st Earl Peel
- Peile, Frederick Weston, (1828-1902), Lieutenant-General, Royal Engineers Stamford Hill, Middlesex;India
- Peile, Sir James Braithwaite, (1833-1906), Knight Indian Administrator
- Peirse, Sir Noel Monson de la Poer Beresford-, (1887-1953), Knight, Lieutenant General
- Pellew, Edward, (1757-1833), 1st Viscount Exmouth, Admiral
- Pellew, Edward, (1811-1876), 3rd Viscount Exmouth
- Pellew, Pownoll Bastard, (1786-1833), 2nd Viscount Exmouth
- Pelly, Sir John Henry, (1777-1852), 1st Baronet Governor of the Hudson's Bay Co
- Pelly, Sir Lewis, (1825-1892), Knight, General, Indian administrator
- Penny, Sir James Downing, (1886-1978), Knight Indian Administrator
- Penny, Nicholas, (1790-1858), Major General
- Percy-Smith, Herbert Kendall, (1897-1975), Lieutenant Colonel, Indian Army India
- Pereira, George Edward, (1865-1923), Brigadier General Traveller
- Perry, Sir Thomas Erskine, (1806-1882), Knight MP Indian Judge
- Pester, John, (1778-1850), Lieutenant Colonel East India Co Army
- Pethick-Lawrence, Frederick William, (1871-1961), 1st Baron Pethick Lawrence, statesman
- Petrie, William, (d 1816), Governor of Prince of Wales Island
- Phayre, Sir Arthur Purves, (1812-1885), Knight First Commissioner of British Burma
- Pickford, Hon Mary Ada, (1884-1934), Conservative MP
- Pierce, Thomas, (1828-1885), Major General Bengal Army
- Pigot, George, (1719-1777), 1st Baron Pigot, Governor of Madras
- Pinnell, Leonard George, (b 1896), Indian Civil Servant
- Pitt, John, (1756-1835), 2nd Earl of Chatham, General
- Plowden, Richard Chicheley, (1743-1830), Director of East India Co
- Pole, David Graham, (1877-1952), Labour MP and solicitor
- Pollock, Sir Frederick Richard, (1827-1899), Knight, Major General
- Pollock, Sir George, (1786-1872), Knight, Field Marshal
- Pomeroy-Colley, Sir George Pomeroy, (1835-1881), knight, major-general, governor of Natal
- Ponsonby, Sir Henry Frederick, (1825-1895), Knight, General, private secretary to Queen Victoria
- Portal, Betram Percy, (1866-1949), ADC to Sir Arthur Havelock
- Portal, Melville Edward Bertram, (b1900), Captain, British Army
- Potter, Arthur Kingscote, (b 1905), Civil Servant
- Pottinger, Sir Henry, (1789-1856), 1st Baronet, 1st Baronet Lieutenant General Diplomat and Colonial Governor
- Powell, Richard Ashmore, (1816-1892), Vice Admiral
- Powell, Sidney Henry, (1866-1945), Major General
- Powell, Thomas Sidney, (d 1857), Lieutenant Colonel
- Powell, Thomas Walter, (d 1839), Lieutenant Colonel
- Pownall, John, (1720-1795), MP Civil Servant
- Prendergast, Sir Harry North Dalrymple, (1834-1913), Knight, General
- Price, William, (1780-1830), orientalist
- Primrose, Archibald Philip, (1847-1929), 5th Earl of Rosebery, statesman
- Primrose, Sir Henry William, (1846-1923), Knight, civil servant
- Prinsep, Edward, (fl 1847-1874), Commissioner of the Punjab
- Prinsep, Sir Henry Thoby, (1792-1878), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Prinsep, James, (1799-1840), Architect and Orientalist
- Pritzler, Theophilus, (d 1839), Brigadier General
- Probyn, Sir Dighton Macnaghten, (1833-1924), Knight General Officer of Royal Household
- Pybus, John, (b 1728), East India Co Writer
- Raffles, Thomas, (1788-1863), Independent Minister, antiquary
- Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford, (1781-1826), Knight, colonial governor
- Raffles-Flint, Stamford Raffles, (1847-1925), Archdeacon of Cornwall
- Raikes, Frederick Duncan, (1848-1915), Lieutenant Colonel, Commissioner in Burma
- Raleigh, Sir Thomas, (1850-1920), Knight, lawyer
- Ramee, Marie Louise de la, (1839-1908), novelist
- Ramsay, James Andrew Broun, (1812-1860), 1st Marquess of Dalhousie, statesman
- Ramsay, William, (fl 1771-1817), East India Co Secretary
- Rance, Sir Hubert Elvin, (1898-1974), Knight Major General
- Ranking, George Speirs Alexander, (1852-1934), Lieutenant Colonel, Indian Medical Service and orientalist
- Raper, Robert William, (1842-1915), Vice President of Trinity College Oxford Environmentalist
- Rassam, Hormuzd, (1826-1910), Assyriologist Archaeologist and Diplomat
- Rathbone, Eleanor Florence, (1872-1946), politician and campaigner for women's rights
- Ravenscroft, Edward William, (1831-1911), Indian Civil Servant
- Rawdon-Hastings, Francis, (1754-1826), 1st Marquess of Hastings, General statesman
- Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke, (1810-1895), 1st Baronet Archaeologist Diplomat MP
- Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, (1864-1925), Baron Rawlinson of Trent, General
- Ray, Gordon Meredith, (1912-1993), Indian civil servant, Bihar
- Rayne, Middleton, (1830-1882), Indian Public Works Department
- Reade, Edward Anderdon, (1807-1886), Bengal civil servant and historian
- Rees, Sir John David, (1854-1922), Knight Colonial Administrator and Writer On Indian Affairs
- Rees, Thomas Wynford, (1898-1959), Major General
- Reeve, Henry, (1813-1895), journalist and writer
- Reid, Sir Robert Niel, (1883-1964), Knight and Indian administrator
- Rennie, Sir Gilbert Michael, (b 1895), Knight Colonial Administrator
- Reveley, Algernon, (1786-1870), Bengal Civil Servant
- Rich, Claudius James, (1787-1820), Orientalist
- Richards, Sir Henry Erle, (1861-1922), Knight Indian Legal Administrator
- Richardson, Hugh Edward, (1905-2001), Indian administrator
- Ricketts, Charles Milner, (1776-1867), Indian administrator
- Ricketts, George Henry Mildmay, (1827-1914), Indian civil servant
- Ridgeway, Sir Joseph West, (1844-1930), Knight, Colonel, diplomat and colonial governor
- Risley, Sir Herbert Hope, (1851-1911), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Ritchie, Sir Richmond Thackeray Willoughby, (1854-1912), Knight, civil servant
- Ritchie, William, (1816-1862), Advocate General of Bengal
- Rivett-Carnac, John Henry, (1838-1923), Colonel, Indian civil servant
- Roberts, Charles Henry, (1865-1959), politician
- Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, (1832-1914), 1st Earl Roberts of Kandahar, Field Marshal
- Roberts, Sir Henry Gee, (1800-1860), Knight Major General
- Roberts, Thomas Turner, (1778-1855), Captain Bombay Infantry
- Robertson, Sir Donald, (1847-1930), Knight Lieutenant Colonel Resident in Mysore
- Robertson, Thomas Campbell, (1789-1863), Indian Civil Servant
- Robinson, Charles Gilbert, (1835-1915), Major General RA
- Robinson, Sir Ernest William, (1862-1924), 5th Baronet Indigo Planter
- Robinson, Frederick John, (1782-1859), 1st Earl of Ripon, statesman
- Robinson, Sir George Abercrombie, (1758-1832), Knight, Chairman of East India Co
- Robinson, Sir George Best, (1797-1855), 2nd Baronet Chief Superintendent of Trade in China
- Robinson, George Frederick Samuel, (1827-1909), 1st Marquess of Ripon, statesman
- Robinson, John, (1727-1802), politician
- Robinson, John Innes, (1833-1892), Major General
- Robinson, William Le Fleming, (1830-1895), Indian administrator
- Rodd, James Rennell, (1858-1941), 1st Baron Rennell, diplomat
- Romney, James, (fl 1779-1804), Lieutenant Colonel Bombay Army
- Roos-Keppel, Sir George Orlof, (1866-1921), Knight Soldier and Administrator
- Rose, Hugh Henry, (1801-1885), 1st Baron Strathnairn, Field Marshal
- Ross, Harry, (1869-1938), Colonel Indian Army
- Rothenstein, Sir William, (1872-1945), Knight, painter
- Roughsedge, Edward, (1774-1822), Major, East India Company, and political agent
- Routh, Guy Montgomery, (1882-1963), lieutenant colonel
- Rowan, Sir Charles, (? 1782-1852), Knight First Commissioner of Police
- Rowland, John Edward Maurice, (1882-1969), Sir, Captain, Indian State Railways and Burma Railways
- Rowlands, Sir Archibald, (1892-1953), Knight Civil Servant
- Roxburgh, Sir Thomas James Young, (1892-1974), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Roxburgh, William, (1751-1815), botanist
- Royle, John Forbes, (1799-1858), Surgeon and Naturalist
- Rumbold, Sir Horace Algernon Fraser, (1906-1993), UK Civil Servant, and President of the Tibet Society of the United Kingdom
- Rumbold, Sir Thomas, (1736-1791), 1st Baronet Indian Administrator
- Runciman, Walter, (1870-1949), Viscount Runciman of Doxford, statesman
- Russell, Arthur Oliver Villiers, (1869-1935), 2nd Baron Ampthill, Governor of Madras
- Russell, Charles, (1700-1754), Lieutenant Colonel Coldstream Guards
- Russell, Claud, (1733-1820), Member of the Madras Council
- Russell, Sir Henry, (1783-1852), 2nd Baronet British Representative at Court of Hyderabad
- Russell, Odo William Leopold, (1829-1884), 1st Baron Ampthill, diplomat
- Russell, Patrick, (1727-1805), Physician and Naturalist
- Ryley, John, (fl 1795-1800), Indian Judge
- Sadleir, Anthony, (d 1793), East India Co Official
- Saklatvala, Shapurji, (1874-1936), Communist MP
- Salar Jang, Sir Michael, (1829-1883), Knight Prime Minister of Hyderabad
- Sale, Florentia, (1790-1853), Lady Sale
- Sanderson, Sir Lancelot, (1863-1944), Knight Chief Justice of Bengal
- Sankey, John, (1866-1948), Viscount Sankey, Lord Chancellor
- Sapru, Sir Tej Bahadur, (1875-1949), Knight Indian Jurist and Politician
- Sassoon, Sir Ellice Victor, (1881-1961), 3rd Baronet Banker Member of Indian Legislative Assembly
- Saunders, Charles Burslem, (1821-1888), Bengal Civil Servant
- Saunders-Dundas, Robert, (1771-1851), 2nd Viscount Melville, statesman
- Savage, Rose Mary, (c1893-1939), Ulster VAD nurse
- Sawers, Robert Orr, (1837-1880), General Manager of National Bank of India
- Saxton, George Harper, (fl 1838-1898), Major General Indian Army
- Scattergood, John, (1681-1723), East India Merchant
- Schomberg, Reginald Charles Francis, (1880-1958), Colonel and Consul in India
- Scott, David, (1746-1805), Chairman of East India Co
- Scott, David, (1786-1831), Indian civil servant
- Scott, Donald Langham, (1887-1942), postmaster India
- Scott, Sir James George, (1851-1935), Knight, administrator in Burma and author
- Scott, John Baliol, (fl 1772-1783), East India Co official
- Scott, Sir Leslie Frederic, (1869-1950), Knight, judge and MP
- Scott-Moncrieff, Sir George, (1855-1924), Knight, Major General, Royal Engineers
- Scrafton, Luke, (d 1769), Director of East India Co
- Seal, Pulin Behari, (1900-c1983), Journalist and Indian political activist
- Seaton, Sir Thomas, (1806-1876), Knight Major General
- Serle, William Ambrose, (fl 1850), Registrar of the Supreme Court Madras
- Seton Karr, George Berkeley, (1818-1862), East India Company official in the Southern Mahratta Country
- Seton, Sir Malcolm Cotter Cariston, (1872-1940), Knight Public Servant
- Seymour, Edward Adolphus, (1775-1855), 11th Duke of Somerset
- Shah, Sir Mohamed, (1877-1957), Knight Aga Khan (iii)
- Shakespear, Alexander, (1821-1884), magistrate and collector at Bijnor, India India
- Shakespear, Sir Richmond Campbell, (1812-1861), Knight Bengal Civil Service
- Shakespear, William Henry Irvine, (1878-1915), Captain Indian Political Service
- Shaw, Robert Barkley, (1839-1879), Traveller
- Shawe, Merrick, (fl 1803-1842), Colonel, secretary to Marquess Wellesley
- Sheil, Sir Justin, (1803-1871), Knight General and Diplomat
- Shepherd, John, (1792-1859), Chairman of East India Co
- Shore, Charles John, (1796-1885), 2nd Baron Teignmouth
- Shore, Frederick John, (1799-1837), Indian Civil Servant
- Shore, John, (1751-1834), 1st Baron Teignmouth, Governor General of India
- Short, John Mcloughlin Short, (1897-1969), Major Indian Army
- Shuttleworth, Henry Lee Hadwen, (1882-1960), Orientalist
- Siepmann, Harry Arthur, (1889-1963), economist and banker
- Sifton, Sir James David, (1878-1952), Knight Bombay Civil Servant
- Simon, John Allsebrook, (1873-1954), 1st Viscount Simon, Lord Chancellor
- Sinclair, Ronald, (1889-1988), British Agent Writer and Traveller
- Singh, Sir Duleep, (1837-1893), Maharajah of the Panjab
- Singh, Frederick Duleep, (1868-1926), Prince, antiquary
- Sinha, Sasadhar, (1901-1972), Indian Civil Servant Author
- Sinha, Satyendra Prasanno, (1864-1925), Baron Sinha of Raipur, Indian politician
- Sircar, Sir Nripendra Nath, (d 1945), Knight Indian Lawyer
- Skelly, Francis, (fl 1785-1792), Lieutenant Colonel
- Skelton, John, (1764-1841), Lieutenant General Lieutenant Governor of St Helena
- Skrine, Sir Clarmont Percival, (1888-1974), Knight, consular official
- Sladen, Sir Edward Bosc, (1827-1890), Knight Indian Army Officer
- Smith, Charles, (b 1736), Madras civil servant
- Smith, Sir Colvin Colvin-, (1829-1913), Knight, Surgeon General, Madras Medical Service
- Smith, Courtenay, (1773-1843), Bengal administrator
- Smith, Frederick Edwin, (1872-1930), 1st Earl of Birkenhead, Lord Chancellor
- Smith, George, (1833-1919), journalist and Principal of Doveton College, Calcutta
- Smith, Sir Harry George Wakelyn, (1787-1860), 1st Baronet of Aliwal, Lieutenant General, colonial governor
- Smith, Sir Henry Babington, (1863-1923), Knight, public servant
- Smith, James Robert Dunlop, (1858-1921), Lieutenant Colonel
- Smith, Joseph, (1733-1790), Brigadier General
- Smith, Sir Lionel, (1778-1842), Knight, Lieutenant General
- Smith, Richard, (1734-1803), MP and Brigadier General
- Smith, Richard Baird, (1818-1861), Colonel Engineer and Master of Mint at Calcutta
- Smith, Robert Percy, (1770-1845), Advocate General of Bengal
- Smith, William Harvey Saumarez, (b 1911), Indian civil servant
- Somerset, Lord Fitzroy James Henry, (1788-1855), 1st Baron Raglan, Field Marshal
- Somerset, Sir Henry, (1794-1862), Knight Lieutenant General
- Sorabji, Cornelia, (1867-1954), Indian Feminist
- Spencer, George Trevor, (1799-1866), Bishop of Madras
- Spencer, John, (fl 1725-1770), Governor of Bengal
- Spender, John Alfred, (1862-1942), journalist and author
- Spielman, Percy Edwin, (1881-1964), Chemist
- Spilsbury, George Green, (1786-1857), Physician Bengal Army
- Sprigge, Sir Samuel Squire, (1860-1937), Knight Medical Editor and Author
- Spring-Rice, Sir Cecil Arthur, (1859-1918), Knight, diplomat
- St John, Sir Oliver Beauchamp Coventry, (1837-1891), Knight, Lieutenant Colonel and writer
- Stanford, John Keith, (1892-1971), Indian Civil Servant
- Stanhope, Edward, (1840-1893), statesman
- Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy, (1776-1839), traveller
- Stanley, Edward George Villiers, (1865-1948), 17th Earl of Derby, statesman
- Stanley, Edward Henry, (1826-1893), 15th Earl of Derby, statesman
- Stanley, Sir George Frederick, (1872-1938), Knight, MP, Governor of Madras
- Staunton, Sir George Leonard, (1737-1801), 1st Baronet Diplomat
- Stein, Sir Mark Aurel, (1862-1943), Knight Scholar Explorer Archaeologist
- Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, (1829-1894), 1st Baronet, judge
- Stephenson, Sir Hugh Lansdown, (1871-1941), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Steuart, Hew, (1732-1782), Governor of Fort Marlborough
- Steuart-Denham, Sir James, (1712-1780), 7th Baronet, economist
- Stevenson, Henry Noel Cochrane, (1903-1984), Burma Frontier Service and Director of Frontier Areas Administration Burma
- Stewart, Sir Donald Martin, (1824-1900), Knight and Field Marshal
- Stewart, Robert, (1769-1822), 2nd Marquess of Londonderry, statesman
- Stewart, Sir Samuel Findlater, (1879-1960), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Stewart, Sir Thomas Alexander, (1888-1964), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Stewart, Vincent Ernest William , (1913-2010), engineer with Royal Indian Engineers and Burmah Oil Company
- Stewart-Murray, Katharine Marjory, (1874-1960), Duchess of Atholl, Conservative MP
- Stirling, Andrew, (? 1793-1830), Indian Civil Servant
- Stopford, Robert Jemmett, (1895-1978), Civil Servant
- Strachey, Edward, (1774-1832), Soldier Bengal Army
- Strachey, Giles Lytton, (1880-1932), Critic and Biographer
- Strachey, Sir Henry, (1736-1810), 1st Baronet Politician
- Strachey, Sir Henry, (1772-1858), 2nd Baronet
- Strachey, Lady Jane Maria, (1840-1928), suffragist and writer
- Strachey, Joan Pernel, (1876-1951), Principal of Newnham College Cambridge
- Strachey, Sir John, (1823-1907), Knight, Anglo-Indian administrator
- Strachey, Philippa, (1872-1968), Secretary of the Fawcett Society
- Strachey, Sir Richard, (1817-1908), Knight, Lieutenant General, consulting engineer
- Strachey, Richard Charles, (1781-1847), diplomat
- Strange, Thomas Lumisden, (1808-1884), Indian Civil Servant
- Stuart, James, (d 1793), Major General
- Stuart, James, (1741-1815), General
- Stuart, John Lewis, (1780-1827), Lieutenant Colonel Bengal European Regiment
- Stubbs, Francis William, (d 1911), Major General, Bengal Artillery
- Sturdy, William Arthur, (1877-1958), Auditor of Indian Home Accounts
- Sturt, John Venables, (1834-1899), Indian civil servant
- Suhrawardy, Sir Hassan, (1884-1946), Knight Lieutenant Colonel Surgeon
- Sulivan, Laurence, (1713-1786), Director East India Co
- Sullivan, John, (1749-1839), politician and civil servant
- Sutherland, Sir George Henry, (1866-1937), Knight Businessman
- Swinton, Sir Ernest Dunlop, (1868-1951), Knight, Major General, military historian
- Swinton, George, (d 1854), Secretary to Governor General of India
- Sydenham, Thomas, (1780-1816), Diplomat and Indian Administrator
- Sykes, Sir Frederick Hugh, (1877-1954), Knight Major General
- Sykes, William Henry, (1790-1872), MP, naturalist, army officer and author
- Sylvester, John Henry, (1830-1903), Deputy Surgeon General in India
- Symington, David, (1904-1986), Indian Administrator Author
- Symon, Sir Alexander Colin Burlington, (1902-1974), Knight, High Commissioner in Pakistan
- Symon, Lady Doris Olive, (1899-1987), society figure India
- Tagore, Sir Rabindranath, (1861-1941), Knight Hindu Poet
- Talbot, Sir Adelbert, (1845-1920), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Tasker, Sir Theodore James, (1884-1981), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Tawney, Richard Henry, (1880-1962), historian
- Taylor, Sir George, (1904-1993), Knight, botanist
- Taylor, Sir Herbert, (1775-1839), Knight, Lieutenant General
- Taylor, R D, (1923-1944), Royal Air Force officer India
- Taylor, Reynell George, (1827-1886), General Indian Army
- Taylor, William Selby, (1813-1850), Plantation Manager
- Temple, Frederick Charles, (1879-1957), Engineer
- Temple, Henry John, (1784-1865), 3rd Viscount Palmerston, statesman
- Temple, Sir Richard, (1826-1902), 1st Baronet, MP, Anglo Indian administrator
- Temple, Sir Richard Carnac, (1850-1931), 2nd Baronet Indian Army Officer and Orientalist
- Tennant, Sir William Robert, (1892-1969), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Tennent, Sir James Emerson, (1804-1869), Knight, traveller, politician and author
- Terry, Sidney, (1801-1847), Merchant of Alexandria and Bombay
- Theodore, II, (1818-1868), King of Abyssinia
- Thesiger, Frederic John Napier, (1868-1933), 1st Viscount Chelmsford, Viceroy of India
- Thomas, Frederick William, (1867-1956), Orientalist
- Thomas, Ivor Cradock, (1861-1942), Administrator Indian Telegraph Department
- Thomas, Sir Roger, (1886-1960), Knight Agriculturalist
- Thompson, Charles William, (1815-1896), soldier
- Thompson, Edward John, (1886-1946), Writer
- Thompson, Sir John Perronet, (1873-1935), Knight Indian Administrator
- Thomson, Sir James, (1848-1929), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Thornhill, Sir Henry Beaufoy, (1854-1942), Knight Lieutenant Colonel
- Thornton, Edward Parry, (1811-1893), Bengal Civil Servant Author
- Thynne, Thomas, (1734-1796), 1st Marquess of Bath
- Todd, Elliot D'Arcy, (1808-1845), Major Bengal Artillery
- Tottenham, Henry Loftus Alexander, (1836-1886), Major General, Bengal Army
- Tottenham, John Loftus, (1804-1847), Major, Bengal Army
- Townshend, Thomas, (1733-1800), 1st Viscount Sydney, statesman
- Toye, Claude Hugh Morley, (b 1917), Colonel
- Tremenheere, George Borlase, (1806-1896), Major General
- Trenchard, Hugh Montague, (1873-1956), 1st Viscount Trenchard, Marshal of the Royal Air Force
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Edward, (1807-1886), Knight, Governor of Madras
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, (1838-1928), 2nd Baronet Statesman and Historian
- Trower, Charles Farquhar, (1811-1846), Captain Bengal Army
- Tucker, Henry St George, (1771-1851), Indian financier
- Tucker, Henry St George, (1804-1851), Indian army officer
- Tudsbery, Sir Francis Cannon, (1888-1968), Knight, CBE, lecturer in merchant law India
- Tun, Sir Paw, (d 1953), Knight, Prime Minister of Burma
- Tupper, Sir Charles Lewis, (1848-1910), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Turner, Frederick Charles, (1872-1950), Indian Civil Service, Deputy Commissioner in Raipur
- Turner, Gurney, (1813-1848), Surgeon to the Commander in Chief India
- Turner, Sir Ralph Lilley, (1888-1983), Knight Orientalist
- Turnour, Edward, (1883-1962), 6th Earl Winterton
- Twynam, Sir Henry Joseph, (1887-1966), Knight Indian Administrator
- Tyson, Sir John Dawson, (1893-1976), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Upward, Edward Falaise, (1903-2009), Author
- Urmston, Henry Brabazon, (1829-1898), Colonel, Indian Army India
- Vansittart, George, (1745-1825), MP
- Vansittart, Henry, (1732-1770), Governor of Bengal
- Vaughan, Sir John Luther, (1820-1911), Knight General
- Verelst, Harry, (c 1733-1785), Governor of Bengal
- Verney, Sir Ralph, (1879-1959), 1st Baronet Secretary to Speaker of the Commons
- Vernon, Herbert Bowater, (1883-1969), Lieutenant Colonel, Indian Army
- Vernon, Robert, (1800-1873), 1st Baron Lyveden, statesman
- Vibart, Edward Daniel Hamilton, (1837-1923), Colonel 15th Bengal Infantry
- Vibart, Henry Meredith, (1839-1917), Colonel Royal Engineers
- Victoria, (1819-1901), Queen of Great Britain and Ireland
- Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise, (1840-1901), Empress consort of Emperor Frederick of Germany
- Vignoles, Charles Blacker, (1793-1875), Civil Engineer
- Villiers, George William Frederick, (1800-1870), 4th Earl of Clarendon, statesman
- Vincent, Sir Edgar, (1857-1941), 16th Baronet Viscount D'Abernon, financier and diplomat
- Vincent, Henry Alexander, (1846-1914), Colonel, Bombay Army
- Vincent, Sir William Henry Hoare, (1866-1941), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Waight, Leonard, (1895-1970), Civil Servant
- Waite, Herbert William, (1887-1967), Indian Police
- Walker, Alexander, (1764-1831), Brigadier and General Governor of St Helena St Helena
- Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie, (1841-1919), Knight, journalist
- Wallace, Walter Ian James, (b 1905), Indian civil servant
- Wallich, Nathaniel, (1786-1854), botanist
- Wallis, Leonard George Coke, (1900-1974), Indian and Commonwealth Administrator
- Wallop, John Fellowes, (1859-1925), 7th Earl of Portsmouth
- Walpole, Sir Horatio George, (1843-1926), Knight Assistant Under Secretary for India
- Walsh Atkins, Leonard Brian, (1915-1997), Diplomat Public Servant
- Walsh, John, (1726-1795), Secretary to Lord Clive, naturalist
- Walton, Sir John Charles, (1885-1957), Knight Indian Administrator
- Wangchuck, Jigme Dorji, (1929-1972), Maharajah of Bhutan
- Ward, Dudley, (1885-1957), international civil servant
- Waring, Edward John, (1819-1891), physician
- Warner, Richard, (1853-1858), army captain
- Warren, Dawson Stockley, (1830-1908), Major General
- Warren, John Byrne Leicester, (1835-1895), 3rd Baron De Tabley, poet
- Waterfield, William, (fl 1852-1880), Indian Civil Servant
- Watson , Henry, (1732-1786), Colonel and chief engineer, Bengal
- Watson, Charles, (1714-1757), Rear Admiral
- Watson, Sir Charles Cunningham, (1874-1934), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Watson, Francis Leslie, (1907-1988), art critic and author
- Watson, Henry, (1737-1786), Lieutenant Colonel Bengal Army
- Wauchope, Sir Arthur Grenfell, (1874-1947), Knight General
- Waugh, Sir Andrew Scott, (1810-1878), Knight, Major General and Indian Surveyor General
- Waugh, Gilbert, (1783-1844), Major General
- Wavell, Archibald Percival, (1883-1950), 1st Earl Wavell, Field Marshal
- Webbe, Josiah, (1768-1804), East India Co Official
- Webster, Hannah, (1802-1883), wife of Mr Edward Webster, mother-in-law of Sir M.E. Grant Duff
- Wedderburn, Alexander, (1733-1805), 1st Earl of Rosslyn, Lord Chancellor
- Welby, Sir Reginald Earle, (1832-1915), 1st Baron Welby, civil servant
- Welldon, James Edward Cowell, (1854-1937), Headmaster of Dulwich,Harrow; Bishop of Calcutta
- Wellesley, Arthur, (1769-1852), 1st Duke of Wellington, Field Marshal, statesman
- Wellesley, Henry, (1773-1847), 1st Baron Cowley, diplomat
- Wellesley, Henry Richard Charles, (1804-1884), 1st Earl Cowley
- Wellesley, Richard Colley, (1760-1842), Marquess Wellesley, statesman
- Wells, Frances Janet, (1830-1906), wife of Warrick Walter Wells, Bengal Medical Service Allahabad, India;Lucknow, India
- Welsh, James, (1775-1861), General Indian Army
- West, Sir Edward, (1782-1828), Knight, economist and Indian administrator
- West, Edward William, (1824-1905), civil engineer and orientalist
- West, Lady Lucretia Georginia, (d 1828) India
- Westcott, Foss, (1863-1949), Bishop of Calcutta
- Westlake, Alan Robert Cecil, (1894-1978), Indian administrator
- Westland, Sir James, (1842-1903), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Westwood, John Obadiah, (1805-1893), Entomologist Antiquary
- Wheeler, Sir Henry, (1870-1950), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Wheeler-Bennett, Sir John Wheeler, (1902-1975), Knight, historian
- Wheeler-Cuffe, Otway, (1866-1934), civil engineer
- Wheler, Edward, (1733-1784), Member of the Supreme Council Bengal
- White, Arthur John Stanley, (1896-1991), Indian civil servant
- White, Sir George Stuart, (1835-1912), Knight, Field Marshal
- White, Sir Herbert Thirkell, (1855-1931), Knight, Lieutenant Governor of Burma
- Whitehead, John Randolph, (1924-1999), lawyer and writer Burma;Esher, Surrey
- Whitehill, John, (b 1735), Governor of Madras
- Whiteman, John Clarmont, (1797-1866), East Indian Company maritime services
- Whiteway, Richard Stephen, (d 1926), Indian civil servant and author
- Whyte, Sir Alexander Frederick, (1883-1970), Knight, politician
- Wigram, Clive, (1873-1960), 1st Baron Wigram, private secretary to George V
- Wigram, Sir Kenneth, (1875-1949), Knight General
- Wilberforce-Bell, Sir Harold, (1885-1956), Knight Lieutenant Colonel Indian Political Service
- Wilkins, Sir Charles, (?1749-1836), Knight Orientalist
- Wilks, Thomas, (d 1791), Archivist India Records
- William IV, (1765-1837), King of Great Britain and Ireland
- Williams, David Rees Rees-, (1903-1976), Baron Ogmore
- Williams, Richard Myrddin, (1890-1960), Businessman
- Willock, Sir Henry, (1790-1858), Knight, Chairman of East India Co
- Willoughby, Sir John Pollard, (1798-1866), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Wilson, Sir Arnold Talbot, (1884-1940), Knight Soldier Explorer Politician Author
- Wilson, Daniel, (1778-1858), Bishop of Calcutta
- Wilson, Sir Guy Douglas Arthur Fleetwood, (1850-1940), knight, colonial administrator, and civil servant
- Wilson, Horace Hayman, (1786-1860), Orientalist
- Wilson, James, (1805-1860), politician and economist
- Wilson, Sir Leslie Orme, (1876-1955), Knight Soldier and Politician
- Wilson, Thomas, (1779-1856), Lieutenant General
- Wilson, Thomas Woodrow, (1856-1924), President of the United States of America
- Wilson, William, (1715-1795), Captain, East India Company Marine Service India
- Wiseman, Sir William George Eden, (1885-1962), 10th Baronet Banker
- Wodehouse, John, (1826-1902), 1st Earl of Kimberley, statesman
- Wodehouse, Sir Philip Edmond, (1811-1887), Knight, colonial governor
- Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, (1833-1913), 1st Viscount Wolseley, Field Marshal
- Wood, Charles Lindley, (1839-1934), 2nd Viscount Halifax
- Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley, (1881-1959), 1st Earl of Halifax, statesman
- Wood, Sir Henry Hastings Affleck, (1826-1904), Knight General
- Woodburn, David, (1745-1804), Colonel Bengal Army
- Woodburn, Sir John, (1843-1902), Knight Lieutenant Governor of Bengal
- Woodfall, William, (fl1745-1803), journalist and newspaper editor
- Woodhead, Sir John Ackroyd, (1881-1973), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Woolley, Sir Charles Campbell, (1893-1981), Knight Colonial Governor
- Wootton, Kenneth, (1923-2008), engineer
- Worsley, Sir Henry, (1768-1841), Knight Major General
- Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel William, (1751-1831), 1st Baronet MP Traveller Author
- Wright, James Allen, (1823-1882), Lieutenant Colonel
- Wylie, Sir Francis Verner, (1891-1970), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Wynter, Daniel, (1803-1842), army captain, 11th Native Infantry Regiment, Madras Madras, India
- Yang, Gladys Margaret, (1919-1999), translator China
- Young, Ralph, (1825-1897), Major General
- Young, William, (fl1864-1871), soldier with 76th Regiment of Foot, India India
- Young, Sir William Mackworth, (1840-1924), Knight, Indian administrator
- Younghusband, Dame Eileen Louise, (1902-1981), Social Work Consultant
- Younghusband, Sir Francis Edward, (1863-1942), Knight Soldier Diplomat Explorer and Mystic
- Younghusband, John William, (1823-1907), Major General
- Youngson, William, (fl 1797-1830), Colonel Madras Army
- Younie, John, (1893-1942), Indian Civil Servant
- Yule, Sir George Udny, (1813-1886), Knight and Indian administrator
- Yule, George Udny, (1871-1951), statistician
- Yule, Sir Henry, (1820-1889), Knight, geographer and Indian administrator
- Yule, Udney, (1766-1830), Colonel, Bengal army
- Yule, William, (1764-1839), Major, Bengal army and Orientalist
- Zinkin, Maurice, (1915-2002), Indian administrator
- Zuylestein, William Henry, (1717-1781), 4th Earl of Rochford, statesman
Diaries (89)
- Baggally, Henry Charles, Assistant Engineer South Indian Railway India
- Barnes, Mrs M O, (fl 1929-1940) India
- Barns, Margarita, (fl 1923-1954), Indian News Agency Owner India
- Bax, John, (c1808-1840), Bombay Civil Servant
- Biscoe, Dudley Hugh, (b 1909), Major, Indian Political Service India
- Bremner, Mrs Anne, Indian Civil Service Officer's Wife India
- Butterfield, Constance Eileen, (1916-2008), missionary in South India India
- Butterworth, John, (fl 1867-1900), Corporal, King's Royal Rifle Corps India;South Africa
- Cartwright, Henry Durance, Partner In Firm Of Managing Agents Bombay, India
- Chadwick, Richard Augustus, (1832-1891), Major, Madras Staff Corps Weymouth, Dorset;Sherborne, Dorset;Singapore
- Connell, William Alexander, (fl 1829-1856), Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, Bombay Army Bombay, India
- Cracklow, George, Lieutenant In The Bengal Horse Artillery India
- Crawford, Edward, Engineer, East India Railway Dundee, Angus
- Crawley, William, (fl 1797-1798) China
- Curtis, Gerald Colville Seymour, (b 1904), Indian Political Service India
- Dean, John, Sailor Scarborough, Yorkshire
- Dick, Effie Geraldine, (fl 1893-1951), Wife Of George Paris Dick, Government Advocate, India India
- Dundas, William, Bengal Civil Servant India
- Ellerton, Hannah, Calcutta Resident
- Emerson, Gerald Herbert, Indian Political Service India
- Gardiner, R, Forest Officer Lever Brothers Burma
- Gaskill, Samuel, (b 1837), private India
- Grarsby, Cyril George, India Police Bengal India
- Hall, Mrs Margery, (fl 1938-1947), wife of member of Indian Political Service India
- Hancock, Cyril Percy, (b1896), Lt Col, Indian Political Service India
- Hardcastle, Richard, (1832-1923), Major Royal Horse Artillery India
- Hawes, Derek Gordon Harrington, (1907-1986), Major, Indian Army India
- Henderson, C Piercy, (fl 1869-1888)
- Hight, Charles, (1821-1905), Knight General India;Afghanistan
- Hight, Terence Henry Whitlock, (1900-1983), Colonel Iraq;Burma
- Hodder, George Norman Patrick, (b 1903), Lt-col in Supply Department India
- Hodson, Robert Vivian Eric, Major, Indian Political Service India
- Hopkins, John, (fl 1775-1783), Captain, Bombay Army Bombay, India
- Howgego, Reginald Mortimer, (1895-1980), British Army Sergeant
- Hume, Arthur Henry, (1868-1960), Soldier Royal Engineers Norfolk;Norfolk
- Hume, Clara, (1874-1957) India;China;Japan
- Hume, Marian India
- Hunt, Margaret, (b1907), Lecturer In English Dept Madras, India
- Karr, Walter Scott Seton-, (1822-1910), Indian civil servant and author
- Kay, Richard, Cotton Factor India;China
- Le Mesurier, George Paul, (fl1849-1851), Colonel, 22nd Bombay Native Infantry Egypt
- Leyden, Albrecht von, (fl 1927-1967), Managing Director, Agfa Ltd India
- Liardet, Charles Frederick, (1803-1867), Lieutenant China
- Lloyd, John, (fl1766-1796), Captain, East India Co Marine Service India
- Lydall, Edward Francis, (b 1907), Indian Civil Service India
- Macleod, Roderick, (fl 1854-1904), Indian Civil Servant India
- Mcfarlane, David, (1797-1854), Indian Civil Servant India
- Mitchell, Alfred Norvall, Indian Civil Service India
- Money, William James, (fl 1844-1886), Indian administrator India
- Moore, Thomas, (fl1853-1858) India
- Morris, Doris, Mission School Teacher Mandalay, Burma
- Porter, William, Private, Madras Artillery
- Prinsep, William, (1794-1874), Businessman Calcutta, India
- Rance, Hugh Dunstan Holwell, (b 1912), Major, Indian Political Service India
- Redpath, Alexander William, (b 1909), Major, Indian political service India
- Reynolds, Lady Blanche India
- Rice, Percival Stanley Pitcairn, (1869-1944), Indian civil servant
- Roaks, Samuel, (b1821), Staff Sergeant, 2nd Batt Bengal Artillery Fort William, India;Peshawar, India
- Roberts, Henry Prescott, (1846-1918), surgeon India
- Robinson, Sarah Rosalie, (1784-1818), wife of James Robinson, Assistant-Surgeon, Bengal Army India
- Roche, D M, Traffic Manager, East India Railway India
- Rogers, Thomas Edward, (b 1912), Indian Civil Service And Foreign Office Spain;India;Argentina;Canada;Yugoslavia;Colombia
- Romney, James, (fl 1779-1804), soldier, Bombay Army India
- Roskell, John Robert, (1824-1866), Madras Army India
- Rowland, John Edward Maurice, (1882-1969), Knight Captain Burma
- Satow, Michael G, (d1995), Consultant To The Rail Transport Museum, New Delhi India
- Sewell, Ormandy Ballantine Fane, (b 1889), Indian Police India
- Sheridan, Barney, (b1825), Gunner, 5th Battalion Bengalk Artillery
- Sherman, Walter Cecil, (fl1900-1970), civilian internee Burma
- Sitaram, K N, (fl 1920-1930), museum curator Lahore, India
- Smith, Victor William, (1891-1968), Indian police and intelligence officer India
- Snelling, Cyril Grey, (fl 1916-1929), captain, Indian Army India
- Steel Smith, Viola, (fl 1920-1947) India
- Stein, Alice Gregory Hyndman, (1903-1997) India
- Stokes, Euphemia Margaret, Educational Missionary In Madras Madras, India
- Stuart, James Douglas, (fl 1905), engineer Japan
- Thompson, Joseph Herbert, (1898-1984), Knight, Indian civil and political service India
- Touche, James Norman Digges La, (1857-1939), railway engineer India
- Trench, Mary Chevenix India
- Turner, Caroline, (fl 1895-1901) India
- Unnamed male, (fl 1870-1882), Deputy Commisioner, Naga Hills India
- Unnamed male, (fl 1857-1858), infantry officer India
- Vine, James Chancellor de, (fl 1920-1956), Indian police officer India;Burma
- Warneford, Thomas L J, (fl 1866-1889), Chaplain, Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment Calcutta, India
- Warren, Dawson Stockley, Soldier Sudan;India;Russia
- Whitlock, William Henry, (1833-1900), general India;Afghanistan
- Wilson, Constance, Nurse India
- Womack, Ada, (fl 1906), Wife of Arthur Shaw Womack, Indian Civil Service
- Wynne, Henry Le Poer, (d 1874), Indian Civil Servant India
Families (27)
- Abney-Hastings family, Earls of Loudoun and Barons Donington Englefield, Berkshire;Brill, Buckinghamshire;Cippenham, Buckinghamshire;Congleton, Cheshire;Boscastle, Cornwall;Calke, Derbyshire;Chellaston, Derbyshire;Church Gresley, Derbyshire;Melbourne, Derbyshire;Overseal, Derbyshire;Repton, Derbyshire;Stokenham, Devon;Puddletown, Dorset;Ringwood, Hampshire;Ripley, Hampshire;Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire;Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire;Blackfordby, Leicestershire;Castle Donington, Leicestershire;Donington House, Leicestershire;Framland, Leicestershire;Hoton, Leicestershire;Loughborough, Leicestershire;Packington, Leicestershire;Willesley, Leicestershire;Rippingale, Lincolnshire;Ropsley, Lincolnshire;London;Howe, Norfolk;Astwell, Northamptonshire;Bulwick, Northamptonshire;Harringworth, Northamptonshire;East Leake, Nottinghamshire;Belton, Rutland;Aller, Somerset;Somerton, Somerset;Hastings, Sussex;Heytesbury, Wiltshire;Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire;Ledsham, Yorkshire;Ledston, Yorkshire;Rawdon, Yorkshire;Galston, Ayrshire;Loudoun, Ayrshire;Mauchline, Ayrshire;Rowallan, Ayrshire;Lawers, Perthshire;Ballynahinch, County Down;Moira, County Down;Dublin, County Dublin;County Fermanagh;Termonfeckin, County Louth;Rathmullan, County Meath;County Tyrone;Florida
- Amherst family, Earls Amherst Montreal House, Kent;Hampton Lodge, Surrey
- Boscawen family India
- Bulwer-Lytton family, Earls of Lytton Knebworth, Hertfordshire
- Campbell family of Edenwood Edenwood, Fife
- Campbell family, Dukes of Argyll Achalick, Argyllshire;Barbreck, Argyllshire;Campbeltown, Argyllshire;Craignure, Argyllshire;Glenure, Argyllshire;Inveraray, Argyllshire;Kintyre, Argyllshire;Lismore, Argyllshire;Mull, Argyllshire;Tiree, Argyllshire;Castle Campbell, Clackmannanshire;Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire;Rosneath, Dunbartonshire;Kinlochmoidart, Inverness-shire;Duddingston, Midlothian;Holyrood House, Midlothian;Whim, Peeblesshire;Whitton, Middlesex;Chirton, Northumberland;Adderbury, Oxfordshire
- Cavendish family, Dukes of Devonshire Latimer, Buckinghamshire;Carlisle, Cumberland;Castle Sowerby, Cumberland;Penrith, Cumberland;Ashford, Derbyshire;Baslow, Derbyshire;Birchover, Derbyshire;Buxton, Derbyshire;Chatsworth, Derbyshire;Hardwick, Derbyshire;Hartington, Derbyshire;High Peak, Derbyshire;Monsall Dale, Derbyshire;Pentrich, Derbyshire;Shottle, Derbyshire;Staveley, Derbyshire;Winster, Derbyshire;Sawtry, Huntingdonshire;Brindle, Lancashire;Cartmel Fell, Lancashire;Holker, Lancashire;Inskip, Lancashire;Muchland, Lancashire;Barrowby, Lincolnshire;London;Chiswick, Middlesex;Fotheringhay, Northamptonshire;Long Sutton, Somerset;Pitney, Somerset;Wearne, Somerset;Ecton, Staffordshire;Whiston, Staffordshire;Compton Place, Sussex;Eastbourne, Sussex;Polegate, Sussex;Wilmington, Sussex;Appletreewick, Yorkshire;Baldersby, Yorkshire;Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire;Dore, Yorkshire;Keighley, Yorkshire;Londesborough, Yorkshire;Market Weighton, Yorkshire;Skipton, Yorkshire;Staincliffe, Yorkshire;Wetherby, Yorkshire;Youghal, County Cork;Dungarvan, County Waterford;Lismore, County Waterford
- Dundas family, Marquesses of Zetland Moor Park, Hertfordshire;London;Aske, Yorkshire;Loftus, Yorkshire;Marske, Yorkshire;Clackmannan, Clackmannanshire;Ballinbreich, Fife;Flisk, Fife;Falkirk, Stirlingshire;Grangemouth, Stirlingshire;Kerse, Stirlingshire
- Elphinstone family, Barons Elphinstone: Carberry Tower Carberry, East Lothian
- Greville family, Earls Brooke and Earls of Warwick Warwick, Warwickshire;Hogshaw, Buckinghamshire;Leweston, Dorset;Lillington, Dorset;Easton Lodge, Essex;Great Easton, Essex;Frocester, Gloucestershire;Breamore, Hampshire;Bagworth, Leicestershire;Algarkirk, Lincolnshire;Fosdyke, Lincolnshire;Thorpe Latimer, Lincolnshire;Holborn, Middlesex;Passenham, Northamptonshire;Wellingborough, Northamptonshire;Clutton, Somerset;Penkridge, Staffordshire;Alcester, Warwickshire;South Wraxall, Wiltshire
- Gwatkin family, of India and Canada India;Canada
- Hay family, Marquesses of Tweeddale Fyvie, Aberdeenshire;Dryburgh, Berwickshire;Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire;Snaid, Dumfriesshire;Dunfermline, Fife;Belton, East Lothian;Carfrae, East Lothian;Yester, East Lothian;Edinburgh, Midlothian;Locherworth, Midlothian;Pinkie, Midlothian;Lyne, Peeblesshire;Stobo, Peeblesshire;Wester Hopprew, Peeblesshire;Achmore, Perthshire;Ettrick, Selkirkshire;Bath, Somerset;Highgate, Middlesex
- Herbert family, Earls of Powis Anglesey;Llanengan, Caernarfonshire;Eglwys Newydd, Cardiganshire;Esgair Mwyn, Cardiganshire;Nash, Monmouthshire;St Julians, Monmouthshire;Trelleck, Monmouthshire;Usk, Monmouthshire;Berriew, Montgomeryshire;Cydewain, Montgomeryshire;Guilsfield, Montgomeryshire;Llanfyllin, Montgomeryshire;Lymore, Montgomeryshire;Mathraval, Montgomeryshire;Montgomeryshire, Montgomeryshire;Newtown, Montgomeryshire;Powis Castle, Montgomeryshire;Beguildy, Radnorshire;Cefnllys, Radnorshire;Presteigne, Radnorshire;Okehampton, Devon;Crayford, Kent;Hendon, Middlesex;Westminster, Middlesex;Heyford, Northamptonshire;Bishop's Castle, Shropshire;Bromfield, Shropshire;Caus, Shropshire;Chirbury, Shropshire;Clun, Shropshire;Ludlow, Shropshire;Lydbury North, Shropshire;Montford, Shropshire;Oakly Park, Shropshire;Oswestry, Shropshire;Styche Hall, Shropshire;Walcot Park, Shropshire;Claremont, Surrey;Ribbesford, Worcestershire;Castle Island, County Kerry
- Hope family, Marquesses of Linlithgow Castle Campbell, Clackmannanshire;Wamphray, Dumfriesshire;Luffness, East Lothian;Ormiston, East Lothian;Craighall, Fife;Rankeillour, Fife;Rosyth, Fife;Hildestoun, Lanarkshire;Leadhills, Lanarkshire;Costertoun, Midlothian;Airthrey, Stirlingshire;Bathgate, West Lothian;Hopetoun, West Lothian;Humbie, West Lothian;Kirkliston, West Lothian;Priestinch, West Lothian;Lubenham, Leicestershire;Papillon Hall, Leicestershire;Kensington, Middlesex
- Lawley family, Barons Wenlock Bole, Nottinghamshire;Wenlock, Shropshire;Monk Hopton, Shropshire;Canwell, Staffordshire;Angram, Yorkshire;Escrick, Yorkshire;Hutton Wandesley, Yorkshire;Riccall, Yorkshire;Skipwith, Yorkshire
- Ledger family of Southwark Southwark, Surrey
- Lumley family, Earls of Scarbrough Lumley, Durham;Longney, Gloucestershire;Hayling, Hampshire;Greenwich, Kent;Warrington, Lancashire;Glentworth, Lincolnshire;Reasby, Lincolnshire;Saxby, Lincolnshire;Skegness, Lincolnshire;Winteringham, Lincolnshire;Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland;Edwinstowe, Nottinghamshire;Rufford Abbey, Nottinghamshire;Yatton, Somerset;Nonsuch Palace, Surrey;Stainton (Tickhill), Yorkshire;Stansted, Sussex;Malvern, Worcestershire;Doncaster, Yorkshire;Kilton, Yorkshire;Sandbeck Park, Yorkshire;Scampston, Yorkshire;Slade Hooton, Yorkshire;Stone, Yorkshire;Tickhill, Yorkshire;Thornton, Yorkshire
- Master family of Barrow Green Court Barrow Green Court, Surrey;Codnor, Derbyshire;Dale Abbey, Derbyshire;Stanley Grange, Derbyshire;Edenbridge, Kent;Ashton in Makerfield, Lancashire;London;Limpsfield, Surrey;Oxted, Surrey
- Maynard family, Viscounts Maynard Easton Lodge, Essex;Great Easton, Essex;Bagworth, Leicestershire;Passenham, Northamptonshire
- Outram family, baronets, formerly of Alfreton Alfreton, Derbyshire
- Peel family, Earls Peel Eyworth, Bedfordshire;Sandy, Bedfordshire
- Raban family of England and India England;India;Ireland;Jamaica;West Indies;United States of America
- Stewart-Murray family, Dukes of Atholl Balnaguard, Perthshire;Blairington, Perthshire;Blair Atholl, Perthshire;Dunkeld, Perthshire;Glencarse, Perthshire;Mukkersy, Perthshire;Strowan, Perthshire;Tullibardine, Perthshire;Banner Cross, Derbyshire;Westminster, Middlesex
- Verelst family of Aston Hall Aston Hall, Yorkshire;Penistone, Yorkshire;Minster, Kent
- Walsh family, Barons Ormathwaite Warfield, Berkshire;Newcastle Court, Radnorshire
- Wood family, Earls of Halifax Garrowby, Yorkshire;Hickleton, Yorkshire;Monk Bretton, Yorkshire
- Wordsworth family of Wadsworth Wadsworth, Yorkshire;Penistone, Yorkshire
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (267)
- NRA 39221 John Adam, Anglo-Indian statesman: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27449 Elizabeth, Lady Agnew: family corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 27498 Major-General Patrick Alexander Agnew: personal and family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 28585 William Pitt Amherst, 1st Earl Amherst: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 28583 Basil Jerome Amies, Indian Army officer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27559 John Anderson, 1st Viscount Waverley: corresp and papers as governor of Bengal link to online catalogue
- NRA 34761 William George Archer, Indian civil servant and writer and Mildred Agnes Archer, art historian: cor link to online catalogue
- NRA 30189 Sir Frederick Blackmore Arnold, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers rel to Burma link to online catalogue
- NRA 27465 Babington family: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 21883 Lt-Colonel Frederick Marshman Bailey, Indian army and political officer: personal and family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 39214 Arnold Adriaan Bake, Sanskrit scholar: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27448 Lt-General Sir Thomas Durand Baker: papers rel to second Afghan war link to online catalogue
- NRA 11218 Thomas George Baring, 1st Earl of Northbrook: Indian corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 27551 Barlow family, baronets, of Fort William, Bengal: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27513 General Sir Edmund Barrow: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27510 Major John Evelyn Arnold Bazalgette, Indian Political Service: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27440 Theodore Beck, principal of the Mahomedan Anglo Oriental College, Aligarh: family corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 27463 Frank Owen Bell, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27515 Sir Charles Alfred Bell, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27439 Paul Benfield MP and East India Co official: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27437 Henry Beveridge, Indian civil servant, and Annette Beveridge: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27457 Field Marshal William Riddell Birdwood, 1st Baron Birdwood: misc corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 28587 Sir George Birdwood, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27509 Sir Basil Phillott Blackett, financier: corresp and papers mainly rel to India link to online catalogue
- NRA 20537 FT Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava: Indian Papers (printed) link to online catalogue
- NRA 27484 George Bogle, diplomat: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27511 Bombay Dinner Organising Committee link to online catalogue
- NRA 31342 Archibald Ian Bowman, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27542 Frank Lugard Brayne, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 39217 British Association of Malaysia and Singapore link to online catalogue
- NRA 32692 Brown family, Indian civil servants: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20503 Sir Frank Brown, Indian journalist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31774 Sir Stuart Kelson Brown, civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 6185 James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin: viceregal papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27545 Richard Isaac Bruce, Indian civil servant, and Lt-Colonel Charles Edward Bruce: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20533 Victor Alexander Bruce, 9th Earl of Elgin: Indian papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27474 Major-General Sir Owen Tudor Burne: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27526 Sir Harcourt Butler, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31775 Sir Montagu Sherard Dawes Butler, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 39240 Calcutta Dinner, London link to online catalogue
- NRA 39239 Calcutta Tent Club link to online catalogue
- NRA 27502 Campbell family of Edenwood, Fife: family corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 39225 Sir Robert Campbell, 1st Bt, merchant and Sir John Nicholl Robert Campbell, 2nd Bt, diplomat: corres link to online catalogue
- NRA 27558 Sir Olaf Caroe, Indian civil servant and author: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 8273 Major George Carter: India Bermuda and Nova Scotia (Canada) papers and visual records link to online catalogue
- NRA 36732 Sir Harry George Champion, professor of forestry: diaries and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 32691 John Chapman, political writer and engineer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 30188 Sir John Clague, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers rel to Burma link to online catalogue
- NRA 27446 Sir George Russell Clerk, Indian civil servant, and Claude Clerk: personal and family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 29349 Robert Clive, 1st Baron Clive: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27485 Robert Clive, 1st Baron Clive: letters to Henry Verelst link to online catalogue
- NRA 35286 Arthur Herbert Cocks, Indian civil servant: diaries, corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31330 John Russell Colvin and Sir Elliot Graham Colvin, Indian civil servants: diaries and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 34757 Sir Henry John Stedman Cotton, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20535 Richard Assheton Cross, 1st Viscount Cross: Indian Papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27456 Sir George Cunningham, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20536 George Nathaniel Curzon, Marquess Curzon of Kedleston: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27442 Sir Arthur Dash, Indian civil servant: memoirs link to online catalogue
- NRA 27553 Surendra Kumar Datta, principal of Forman Christian College, Lahore: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27469 Vincent Ellis Davies, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 36729 John Alec Biggs-Davison, MP and Indian civil servant: diaries, corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 25885 William Digby, merchant and journalist: corresp and papers rel to Dadabhai Naoroji MP link to online catalogue
- NRA 30616 Sir Hugh Dow, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 24627 Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant-Duff, statesman and author: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 20539 Lawrence John Lumley Dundas, 2nd Marquess of Zetland: Indian Corresp and misc papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27462 Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, Indian civil servant and diplomat: corresp and misc papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 10647 Captain Cecil Moncrieff Eales: diary link to online catalogue
- NRA 27538 Gilbert Elliot, 1st Earl of Minto: corresp with Sir Stamford Raffles rel to Java link to online catalogue
- NRA 27517 Elphinstone family, Barons Elphinstone: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27473 Verrier Elwin, anthropologist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27453 John Francis Ashley Erskine, Lord Erskine: corresp as governor of Madras link to online catalogue
- NRA 28581 Walter Coningsby Erskine, 12th Earl of Kellie: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27479 Sir James Fergusson: corresp as governor of Bombay link to online catalogue
- NRA 31327 Captain Robert FitzGerald, Bombay Army: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 8657 Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne: viceregal papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 41375 Yvonne Alice Gertrude FitzRoy, private secretary to Lady Reading as Vicereine of India: diaries and link to online catalogue
- NRA 27488 Sir William Foster, registrar and superintendent of the India Office records: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 39222 Edwin Aubrey Storrs Fox, clergyman: corresp and sermons link to online catalogue
- NRA 28834 Lt-Colonel Charles Fraser: personal and family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27516 Sir Bartle Frere, Indian civil servant and colonial governor: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 33524 Friends of Vellore in the United Kingdom and Ireland link to online catalogue
- NRA 39208 Sir Leslie Alfred Charles Fry, diplomat and Indian administrator: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27503 Sir Frederic William Richards Fryer, lieutenant-governor of Burma: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27543 Sudhindra Nath Ghose, writer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27512 Lt-Colonel Stuart Hill Godfrey, Indian Political Service, and Guendolin Godfrey: personal and famil link to online catalogue
- NRA 27523 John Arthur Godley, 1st Baron Kilbracken: India Office papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 25897 Major-General Sir Frederic John Goldsmid: corresp and papers rel to Persian boundary commissions link to online catalogue
- NRA 27452 George Joachim Goschen, 2nd Viscount Goschen: corresp as governor of Madras link to online catalogue
- NRA 27455 Sir Hamilton Grant, foreign secretary to the government of India: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 27497 Sir Robert Grant, governor of Bombay, and Sir Charles Grant, Indian civil servant: personal and fam
- NRA 30185 Sir Theodore Emanuel Gugenheim Gregory, economist: corresp and papers as economic adviser to the gov link to online catalogue
- NRA 29350 John Coldwell Griffiths, Indian and colonial civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 28582 Howell Arthur Gwynne, journalist: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27525 Sir Harry Graham Haig, governor of the United Provinces: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27482 William Malcolm Hailey, 1st Baron Hailey: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 10867 Lord George Hamilton: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 5379 Hardinge family, Barons Hardinge of Penshurst: family corresp and papers
- NRA 27490 George Robert Canning Harris, 4th Baron Harris: corresp as governor of Bombay link to online catalogue
- NRA 20507 Sir Philip Hartog, educationist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27447 William Harwood, East India Co official: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 10869 Warren Hastings: corresp with Randolph and Elizabeth Marriott link to online catalogue
- NRA 11220 John Colpoys Haughton, Commissioner of Cooch Behar: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 27520 George Hay, 8th Marquess of Tweeddale: corresp and papers as governor of Madras link to online catalogue
- NRA 32694 Henderson family, Indian Army officers: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 39228 Sir William James Herschel, 2nd Bt, Bengal civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 10870 Major-General Albert Hervey: letters from his brothers
- NRA 20540 Samuel John Gurney Hoare, 1st Viscount Templewood: Indian papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27784 John Cam Hobhouse, Baron Broughton: letter books as president of Board of Control link to online catalogue
- NRA 27501 Sir James Weir Hogg, 1st Bt, and James Macnaghten McGarel Hogg, 1st Baron Magheramorne: corresp and link to online catalogue
- NRA 20532 John Hope, 2nd Marquess of Linlithgow: Indian papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27458 Sir Theodore Cracraft Hope, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27475 Arthur John Hopkinson, Indian Political Service: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31557 Andrew Parke Hume, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 29354 Edmund Henderson Hunt, Indian medical officer: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 36737 Ian Murray Hurrell, diplomat: diaries and corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 27487 Major-General George Hutchinson: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27451 Sir Courtenay Peregrine Ilbert, parliamentary draftsman: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 25125 India Office Library and Records: misc accessions
- NRA 27459 India Office: corresp of permanent under secretaries of state link to online catalogue
- NRA 31339 India, Pakistan and Burma Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 34760 Indian Civil Service (Retired) Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 33525 Indian Police Collection link to online catalogue
- NRA 30617 Indian Political Service Collection link to online catalogue
- NRA 39220 Indian Soldiers Fund link to online catalogue
- NRA 29779 Indian Tea Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 27505 Irrawaddy Flotilla Co, Burma link to online catalogue
- NRA 20531 Rufus Daniel Isaacs, 1st Marquess of Reading: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27514 Brigadier-General John Jacob, Bombay Army: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 34756 Jat Regiment Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 36819 Major-General Francis Jenkins, Bengal Army: journals and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27557 Cyril Walter Lloyd Jones, Indian railway administrator and engineer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27438 Lt-General Sir Richard Jones, Bombay Army: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 32693 Kanan Devan Hills Produce Co Ltd, plantation owners, Madras link to online catalogue
- NRA 27477 Sir Louis Kershaw, civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27529 Brigadier-General Sir Terence Humphrey Keyes, Indian Political Service: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27640 General Sir Charles Keyes, Indian Army: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27508 General Sir Walter Mervyn St George Kirke: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27432 Hermann Michael Kisch, Indian civil servant: letters to his family link to online catalogue
- NRA 27521 Michael Herbert Rudolf Knatchbull, 5th Baron Brabourne: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 11213 Robert Kyd, founder of Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, India: misc papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 44006 Sir John Gilbert Laithwaite, Indian administrator: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 29352 Lakher Pioneer Mission, Assam link to online catalogue
- NRA 29403 Hugh Trevor Lambrick, Indian civil servant and historian: papers rel to Sind link to online catalogue
- NRA 27450 Beilby Lawley, 3rd Baron Wenlock: corresp and papers as governor of Madras link to online catalogue
- NRA 11215 John Lawrence, 1st Baron Lawrence: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 11214 Sir Henry Lawrence corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27535 Sir Walter Lawrence, 1st Bt, public servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 34762 Sir William Hawthorne Lewis, Indian civil servant: personal and family corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27782 Major William Lindsay, Bengal Army: family corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 34758 FH Lloyd & Co Ltd, steel casting mfrs, Wednesbury: papers rel to Chittaranjan steel works link to online catalogue
- NRA 27552 Emily Overend Lorimer, journalist and philologist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27536 Sir Arthur Cunningham Lothian, Indian Political Service: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 36734 Lawrence Roger Lumley, 11th Earl of Scarbrough: papers rel to India link to online catalogue
- NRA 27530 Sir Alfred Comyn Lyall, Indian civil servant and writer: personal and family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 25554 Victor Alexander George Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 2nd Earl of Lytton: corresp and papers as governor of link to online catalogue
- NRA 32695 Ian Hay Macdonald, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 10746 Macnabb family, Indian civil servants: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 44007 Sir John Macpherson, 1st Bt, governor-general of Bengal: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27539 Sir Charles Warre Malet, East India Co official: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 33523 Sir Benjamin Heath Malkin, supreme court judge, Calcutta: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 30190 Sir Herbert John Maynard, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 29351 Anthony Gilchrist McCall, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers mainly rel to Assam link to online catalogue
- NRA 30186 Sir John McNeill, diplomat: corresp and papers mainly rel to Persia link to online catalogue
- NRA 11217 James Cosmo Melvill: East India Company letters link to online catalogue
- NRA 27454 Colonel Sir William Lockyer Merewether: corresp and papers as member of the council of India link to online catalogue
- NRA 27532 James Scorgie Meston, 1st Baron Meston: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27641 Sir Havilland Le Mesurier, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31341 Missionary Settlement for University Women, Bombay link to online catalogue
- NRA 36833 Harold Charles Mitchell, Indian Police officer, United Provinces: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20541 Edwin Samuel Montagu, secretary of state for India: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27476 Sir Robert Montgomery, lieutenant-governor of the Punjab: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 34759 Sir Edward Penderel Moon, Indian civil servant and historian: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 12601 Moorsom family: estate and Indian army corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 10408 John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27546 Sir Francis Mudie, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27541 Major-General Sir Thomas Munro, governor of Madras: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27472 Katharine Marjory Stewart-Murray, Duchess of Atholl: corresp and papers rel to India link to online catalogue
- NRA 29355 General Sir Sydney Frederick Muspratt, Indian Army: diaries and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20504 Dadabhai Naoroji (politician) corresp and papers
- NRA 10012 Robert Cornelis Napier, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala and Carynton: official papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27478 Brigadier-General John Nicholson, Bengal Army: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 27550 Lt-General Sir Jasper Nicolls: corresp and journals link to online catalogue
- NRA 33383 Louise Ouwerkerk, teacher in India and West Africa: diaries, corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27507 George Paterson: diaries of negotiations with the Nawab of the Carnatic link to online catalogue
- NRA 27527 Lt-General Sir Lewis Pelly, Indian Political Service: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31331 Arthur Kingscote Potter, civil servant: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 39215 Major-General Sidney Henry Powell: personal and family corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27443 Edward Augustus Prinsep, Indian civil servant: corresp and misc papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27464 Sir Stamford Raffles, founder of Singapore: personal and family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27548 Major-General Sir Hubert Rance: corresp and papers rel to Burma link to online catalogue
- NRA 27524 Hormuzd Rassam: papers incl corresp with King Theodore of Abyssinia link to online catalogue
- NRA 9375 Field Marshal Henry Seymour Rawlinson, Baron Rawlinson: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 36736 Gordon Meredith Ray, Indian civil servant: diaries and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 39211 Major-General Thomas Wynford Rees: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27492 Sir Robert Niel Reid, governor of Assam: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 10868 Sir Henry Earle Richards, legal member of the Viceroy's Council, India: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 26044 Ricketts, Metcalfe and Bayley families: corresp and papers rel to India link to online catalogue
- NRA 27494 Sir Herbert Hope Risley, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27783 Charles Henry Roberts, under secretary of state for India: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 39223 Major-General Sir Henry Gee Roberts: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 39002 Michael W Roberts: oral history collection rel to Ceylon link to online catalogue
- NRA 27534 Robinson family, baronets, of Batts House: corresp and papers mainly rel to India link to online catalogue
- NRA 27435 Colonel Harry Ross, Indian Army: memoirs link to online catalogue
- NRA 27433 Sir William Rothenstein: corresp rel to Indian art link to online catalogue
- NRA 6585 Mary Rowlatt: Terry family corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 27537 Royal Society for India, Pakistan and Ceylon link to online catalogue
- NRA 27486 Arthur Oliver Villiers Russell, 2nd Baron Ampthill: corresp and papers as governor of Madras link to online catalogue
- NRA 39207 Michael G Satow: corresp and papers rel to railways in India link to online catalogue
- NRA 27445 David Scott MP, chairman of the East India Co: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 39210 Sir James George Scott, administrator in Burma and author: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27491 Sir Malcolm Cotter-Cariston Seton, civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27496 Frederick John Shore, Bengal civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27556 Major John McLoughlin Short, Indian Army: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 28584 John Allsebrook Simon, 1st Viscount Simon: Indian statutory commission papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 34755 Major Ronald Sinclair, British agent, writer and traveller: diaries and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27506 Maharajah Duleep Singh: misc family corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 39209 Satyendra Prasanno Sinha, 1st Baron Sinha: copies of official papers rel to Paris Peace Conference link to online catalogue
- NRA 27499 Skelton family: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27544 Sir Clarmont Skrine, Indian Political Service: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27493 Lt-Colonel Sir Edward Box Sladen, Indian Army: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27434 Colonel Richard Baird Smith, engineer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27480 Colonel Sir Reginald Hugh Dorman-Smith: corresp and papers as governor of Burma link to online catalogue
- NRA 20534 Frederick Edwin Smith, 1st Earl of Birkenhead: Indian papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27547 Lt-Colonel Sir James Dunlop Smith, Indian Army: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31343 Captain Cyril Grey Snelling, Indian Political Service: diaries and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 28586 Cornelia Sorabji, barrister and social reformer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 36820 Archibald Hyndman Stein, Indian Forest Service: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27471 Sir Findlater Stewart, civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 8898 Strachey family, Barons Strachie: family and estate papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27528 Lt-General Sir Richard Strachey: personal and family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27540 Major-General Sir Frederick Sykes: corresp and papers mainly as governor of Bombay link to online catalogue
- NRA 30184 David Symington, Indian civil servant and author: misc corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27468 Sir Theodore James Tasker, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27441 Sir George Taylor, botanist: corresp with Colonel RCF Schomberg link to online catalogue
- NRA 27522 Lt-Colonel Sir Richard Carnac Temple, oriental scholar: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 11216 Sir Richard Temple, 1st Bt, and Sir Richard Carnac Temple, 2nd Bt, corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20538 Frederic John Napier Thesiger, 1st Viscount Chelmsford: Indian papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27549 Evelyn Maude Werge Thomas: papers rel to India link to online catalogue
- NRA 27519 Freeman Freeman-Thomas, 1st Marquess of Willingdon: misc corresp rel to India link to online catalogue
- NRA 35287 Sir Roger Thomas, agriculturalist: papers rel to India and Pakistan link to online catalogue
- NRA 27533 Sir John Perronet Thompson, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27639 Thomas La Touche, Indian Geological Survey: corresp with his family link to online catalogue
- NRA 27500 Sir John Tyson, Indian civil servant: letters to his family and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 29780 Harry Verelst, governor of Bengal: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31776 Robert Vernon, 1st Baron Lyveden: corresp as President of the Board of Control link to online catalogue
- NRA 27531 Colonel Edward Vibart, 15th Bengal Cavalry, and Colonel Henry Vibart, Royal Engineers: corresp and link to online catalogue
- NRA 36821 James Chancellor de Vine, Indian Police officer: diaries and papers rel to Burma link to online catalogue
- NRA 27467 Sir Horatio George Walpole: India Office corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 24532 Walsh family, Barons Ormathwaite: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 30183 Sir John Charles Walton, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27518 Sir William Lee-Warner, Indian civil servant and author: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27554 Major-General Sir Andrew Scott Waugh, Bengal Engineers: personal and family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27481 Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington: letters to the resident at Poona link to online catalogue
- NRA 27470 Sir Edward West, chief justice of Bombay: misc corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 7638 Field Marshal Sir George White: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27489 Sir Herbert Thirkell White, lieutenant-governor of Burma: corresp and papers
- NRA 27466 Sir Frederick Whyte, MP and civil servant: diaries link to online catalogue
- NRA 27444 Lt-Colonel Sir Henry Willock, diplomat: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 39226 Sir John Pollard Willoughby, 4th Bt, Indian civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27495 Horace Hayman Wilson, sanskrit scholar: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 27483 Sir Guy Fleetwood Wilson, civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27461 Sir Philip Edmond Wodehouse: corresp as governor of Bombay link to online catalogue
- NRA 29353 Womens Christian Colleges, Madras link to online catalogue
- NRA 27436 Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax: printed corresp and papers as viceroy of India link to online catalogue
- NRA 27555 Woodburn family: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 29781 Sir Francis Edward Younghusband, soldier, diplomat and explorer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27504 Yule family: Indian corresp and papers link to online catalogue
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.