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Collections information
Businesses (20)
- Ballantine & Allan, stained glass manufacturers Edinburgh, Midlothian
- Beale & Co, solicitors London
- Beveridge & Co, parliamentary agents London
- Daily Chronicle Investment Corporation Ltd London
- Daily Express, newspaper London
- Evening Standard Co Ltd, newspaper publishers London
- Evening Times, newspaper London
- John Hardman & Co Ltd, artists in stained glass Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Kent, Claridge & Pearce, land agents London
- Merrick & Co, parliamentary agents London
- Pathe Freres Cinema Ltd, film makers London
- Provincial Cinematograph Theatres Ltd, cinema proprietors London
- South Sea Co (Company of Merchants Trading to the South Seas) London
- Sunday Express, newspaper London
- TC Hansard, printers London
- The Three Stars Press Agency, Photographic Studio London
- Vacher & Sons Publications
- W B Gurney & Sons, London, shorthand suppliers London
- Warren Tower Stud Newmarket, Suffolk
- Waterlow & Sons Ltd, printers and engravers, London, Watford and Dunstable London;Dunstable, Bedfordshire;Watford, Hertfordshire
Organisations (43)
- Agricultural Party
- Ashdown Forest Ashdown, Sussex
- Association of Lord-Lieutenants of Counties
- Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments
- Bristol Corporation Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Britain in Europe
- Cambridge University elections Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- Commonwealth Parliamentary Association London
- Complete Peerage Trust
- Department of the Environment
- Electoral Reform Society of Great Britain and Ireland London
- Empire Crusade
- Epping Forest Epping Forest, Essex
- Epsom Common Preservation Committee Epsom, Surrey
- Exchequer (general)
- Hampstead Heath Hampstead, Middlesex
- Haslemere Commons Preservation Committee Haslemere, Surrey
- History of Parliament Trust London
- House of Commons London
- House of Commons Yacht Club London
- House of Lords
- Houses of Parliament
- Houses of Parliament Sports and Social Club London
- Limpsfield Commons Limpsfield, Surrey
- Lords and Commons Cricket Club London
- Ludlow Municipal Charities Ludlow, Shropshire
- Ministry of Public Building and Works
- National Referendum Campaign
- Open Spaces Society London
- Parliamentary Group for World Government London
- Parliamentary Works Office London
- Property Services Agency
- Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England
- Royal Commission on the Press
- Scottish Commissioners for Bridges and Highways
- Society of Clerks at the Table London
- St Mary parish, Wimbledon Wimbledon, Surrey
- Statute Law Committee
- Thomas Eyre Charity, Burley Burley, Hampshire
- Town Meadows, Fulham Fulham, Middlesex
- Unitarian Association
- West Wellow Common West Wellow, Wiltshire
- William and Mary Tercentenary Trust
Persons (764)
- Abbot, Charles, (1757-1829), 1st Baron Colchester, Speaker of the House of Commons
- Abraham, Louis Arnold, (1893-1983), Principal Clerk of Committees House of Commons
- Acland, Richard Thomas Dyke, (1906-1990), 15th Baronet, politician
- Adams, John, (c1670-1738), topographer, cartographer, barrister
- Addison, Christopher, (1869-1951), 1st Viscount Addison of Stallingborough, statesman
- Aitken, Sir John William Maxwell, (1910-1985), 2nd Baronet MP
- Aitken, William Maxwell, (1879-1964), 1st Baron Beaverbrook, newspaper proprietor
- Alexander, Albert Victor, (1885-1965), 1st Earl Alexander of Hillsborough, politician
- Alexander, Stanley Walter, (1895-1980), newspaper proprietor and editor
- Allen, Reginald Clifford, (1889-1939), 1st Baron Allen of Hurtwood, politician
- Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, (1861-1936), 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo, Field Marshal
- Amery, Julian, (1919-1996), Baron Amery of Lustleigh, politician
- Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett, (1873-1955), politician and journalist
- Anderson, Sir John, (1882-1958), 1st Viscount Waverley of Westdean, civil servant
- Ashley, Wilfrid William, (1867-1939), Baron Mount Temple, politician
- Ashley, Sir William James, (1860-1927), Knight, economic historian
- Askwith, George Ranken, (1861-1942), Baron Askwith, civil servant
- Asquith, Emma Alice Margaret, (1864-1945) Countess of Oxford and Asquith, socialite, author, and wit
- Asquith, Herbert Henry, (1852-1928), 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith, statesman
- Astor, John Jacob, (1886-1971), 1st Baron Astor, newspaper proprietor
- Astor, Nancy Witcher, (1879-1964), Viscountess Astor, MP
- Astor, Waldorf, (1879-1952), 2nd Viscount Astor
- Astor, William Waldorf, (1848-1919), 1st Viscount Astor, newspaper proprietor
- Atkin, James Richard, (1867-1944), Baron Atkin, judge
- Atkinson, James, (fl 1884-1928), Clerk of Works
- Attlee, Clement Richard, (1883-1967), 1st Earl Attlee, statesman
- Badeley, Henry John Fanshawe, (1874-1951), Baron Badeley, Knight, Clerk of the Parliaments and Engraver
- Baden-Powell, Sir George Smyth, (1847-1898), Knight, author and politician
- Bailey, Robert Neale Menteth, (1882-1917), Clerk of House of Commons
- Baird, John Lawrence, (1874-1941), 1st Viscount Stonehaven, statesman
- Baker, Arthur Harold, (1890-1962), journalist
- Baldwin, Stanley, (1867-1947), 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, statesman
- Balfour, Arthur James, (1848-1930), 1st Earl of Balfour, statesman
- Balfour, Gerald William, (1853-1945), 2nd Earl of Balfour
- Balfour, Harold Harington, (1897-1988), Baron Balfour of Inchrye, politician
- Ballantine, James, (1807-1877), stained-glass artist and writer
- Balogh, Sir Thomas, (1905-1985), Baron Balogh of Hampstead, economist
- Banbury, Frederick George, (1850-1936), 1st Baron Banbury of Southam
- Baring, Evelyn, (1841-1917), 1st Earl of Cromer, statesman
- Barnes, George Nicoll, (1859-1940), Labour Politician
- Barnes, Thomas, (1785-1841), Editor of the Times
- Barnett, Samuel Augustus, (1844-1913), Canon of Westminster, social reformer
- Barrington-Ward, Robert Mcgowan, (1891-1948), journalist
- Barry, Sir Charles, (1795-1860), Knight, architect and topographical draughtsman
- Barry, Charles, (1823-1900), architect
- Barry, Edward Middleton, (1830-1880), architect
- Baruch, Bernard Mannes, (1870-1965), American Businessman and Statesman
- Bathurst, Charles, (1867-1958), 1st Viscount Bledisloe
- Bathurst, Henry, (1714-1794), 2nd Earl Bathurst, Lord Chancellor
- Batterbee, Sir Harry Fagg, (1880-1976), Knight High Commissioner to New Zealand
- Baxter, Sir Arthur Beverley, (1891-1964), Knight, MP
- Beatty, David, (1871-1936), 1st Earl Beatty, Admiral of the Fleet
- Beauclerk, Aubrey William, (1801-1854), Major MP
- Bedingfield, Sir Henry, (1511-1583), Knight Lieutenant of the Tower of London
- Bedloe, William, (1650-1680), Adventurer
- Bell, Charles Frederic Moberly, (1847-1911), journalist
- Belloc, Joseph Hilaire Pierre Rene, (1870-1953), poet and author
- Benes, Edouard, (1884-1948), Czechoslovak statesman
- Benn, Sir Ion Hamilton, (1863-1961), 1st Baronet MP
- Benn, Sir John Williams, (1850-1922), 1st Baronet MP
- Benn, William Wedgwood, (1877-1960), 1st Viscount Stansgate, statesman
- Bennet, Henry Grey, (1777-1836), MP
- Bennett, Enoch Arnold, (1867-1931), novelist playwright and journalist
- Bennett, Reginald, (1911-2000), MP
- Bennett, Richard Bedford, (1870-1947), Viscount Bennett, Prime Minister of Canada
- Beresford, Charles William de la Poer, (1846-1919), Baron Beresford, MP, Admiral
- Beresford, John Henry de la Poer, (1844-1895), 5th Marquess of Waterford
- Berry, James Gomer, (1907-1968), 1st Viscount Kemsley
- Berry, William Ewart, (1879-1954), 1st Viscount Camrose, newspaper proprietor
- Bertie, Francis Leveson, (1844-1919), 1st Viscount Bertie of Thame
- Bevan, Aneurin, (1897-1960), statesman
- Beveridge, William Henry, (1879-1963), Baron Beveridge, economist
- Bevin, Ernest, (1881-1951), statesman and trade union leader
- Bigge, Arthur John, (1849-1931), 1st Baron Stamfordham, private secretary to George V
- Biggs-Davison, Sir John Alec, (1918-1988), Knight MP Indian Civil Servant
- Bigham, Richard Maurice Clive, (b 1934), 4th Viscount Mersey
- Birrell, Augustine, (1850-1933), author and statesman
- Blackburn, Sir Thomas, (1899-1974), Knight, newspaper Chairman
- Blake, Robert Norman William, (1916-2003), Baron Blake, historian and college head
- Blumenfeld, Ralph David, (1864-1948), Editor
- Bond, Maurice Francis, (1916-1983), archivist and historian
- Booth, Charles, (1840-1916), shipowner and social investigator
- Booth, Sir Michael Addison John Wheeler-, (b 1935), Clerk of the House of Lords
- Boothby, Robert John Graham, (1900-1986), Baron Boothby, politician
- Borden, Sir Robert Laird, (1854-1937), Knight Canadian Statesman
- Botha, Louis, (1862-1919), South African General and Statesman
- Bottomley, Arthur George, (1907-1995), Baron Bottomley, politician
- Bowles, Thomas Gibson, (1842-1922), Politician
- Bowyer, Robert, (c 1560-1621), MP, Clerk of Parliaments and archivist
- Boyd, Sir Robert, (1710-1794), Knight General
- Boyes, Roland, (1937-2006), Member of Parliament, Photographer
- Bracken, Brendan Rendall, (1901-1958), 1st Viscount Bracken, politician and publisher
- Bradbury, Sir John Swanwick, (1872-1950), 1st Baron Bradbury, civil servant
- Brade, Sir Reginald Herbert, (1864-1933), Knight, civil servant
- Bradlaugh, Charles, (1833-1891), freethought advocate and politician
- Braine, Bernard Richard, (1914-2000), Baron Braine of Wheatley
- Brand, Henry Bouverie William, (1814-1892), 1st Viscount Hampden of Glynde
- Brett, Reginald Baliol, (1852-1930) 2nd Viscount Esher, politician
- Bridgeman, William Clive, (1864-1935), 1st Viscount Bridgeman, statesman
- Brodrick, William St John Freemantle, (1856-1942), 9th Viscount and 1st Earl Midleton, statesman
- Brogan, Colm, (1902-1977), journalist
- Brougham, Henry Peter, (1778-1868), 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, statesman, Lord Chancellor
- Brown, Anthony Arthur Duncan Montague, (1923-2013), politician
- Brown, Ernest, (1882-1962), Statesman
- Brown, George Alfred, (1914-1985), Baron George-Brown, politician
- Brown, Horatio Robert Forbes, (1854-1926), historian of Venice
- Brown, William John, (1894-1960), Trade Unionist, MP, author and journalist
- Browne, John, (d 1691), clerk of Parliaments
- Browne, Valentine Edward Charles, (1891-1943), 6th Earl of Kenmare
- Browning, Oscar, (1837-1923), educationist, historian and mountaineer
- Bruce, Alexander Hugh, (1849-1921), 6th Baron Balfour of Burghleigh, statesman
- Bruce Lockhart, Sir Robert Hamilton, (1887-1970), Knight, Knight civil servant journalist and author
- Bryant, Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan, (1899-1985), Knight, historian
- Bryce, James, (1838-1922), Viscount Bryce of Dechmount, statesman
- Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton, (1762-1837), 1st Baronet, MP, bibliographer and genealogist
- Buchan, John, (1875-1940), 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, novelist, historian, MP, governor-general of Canada
- Buchanan, Sir George William, (1854-1924), Knight Diplomat
- Burgoyne, Sir John Fox, (1782-1871), 1st Baronet Field Marshal
- Burns, John Elliot, (1858-1943), Politician and Trade Unionist
- Butler, Sir James Ramsay Montagu, (1889-1975), Knight, historian
- Butler, Nicholas Murray, (1862-1947), President of Columbia University Philosopher Educationist
- Buxton, Sydney Charles, (1853-1934), 1st Earl Buxton, Governor General of South Africa
- Byng, Julian Hedworth George, (1862-1935), 1st Viscount Byng of Vimy, Field Marshal
- Cadogan, George Henry, (1840-1915), 5th Earl of Cadogan, statesman
- Camden, William, (1551-1623), antiquary, herald and schoolmaster
- Cameron, Sir David Young, (1865-1945), Knight, painter and etcher
- Campbell, James Henry Musson, (1851-1931), 1st Baron Glenavy, politician
- Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, (1836-1908), statesman
- Campion, Gilbert Francis Montriou, (1882-1958), Baron Campion
- Carnegie, Andrew, (1835-1919), manufacturer and philanthropist
- Carson, Edward Henry, (1854-1935), Baron Carson, politician
- Cartmell, James, (1810-1881), Master of Christ's College Cambridge
- Catesby, Robert, (c1572-1605), Conspirator
- Cave, George, (1856-1928), Viscount Cave, Lord Chancellor
- Cavendish, Spencer Compton, (1833-1908), 8th Duke of Devonshire, statesman
- Cavendish, Victor Christian William, (1868-1938), 9th Duke of Devonshire, Governor General of Canada
- Chamberlain, Arthur Neville, (1869-1940), statesman
- Chamberlain, Joseph, (1836-1914), statesman
- Chamberlain, Sir Joseph Austen, (1863-1937), Knight, politician
- Chaplin, Henry, (1840-1923), 1st Viscount Chaplin
- Charlton, Edmund Lechmere, (1789-1845), MP
- Childers, Robert Erskine, (1870-1922), author and politician
- Chirol, Sir Ignatius Valentine, (1852-1929), Knight, traveller, journalist and author
- Christiansen, Arthur, (1904-1963), Newspaper Editor
- Churchill, Randolph Frederick Edward Spencer, (1911-1968), journalist and politician
- Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer, (1874-1965), Knight, prime minister and historian
- Citrine, Walter Mclennan, (1887-1983), 1st Baron Citrine, trade unionist
- Clarke, George Sydenham, (1848-1933), Baron Sydenham of Combe, civil servant
- Clarke, Tom, (1884-1957), Journalist and Author
- Clemenceau, Georges, (1841-1929), French Statesman
- Clitheroe, Ralph Assheton, (b 1901), Baron Clitheroe, politician
- Clyde, James Avon, (1863-1944), Lord Clyde
- Clynes, John Robert, (1869-1949), Trade Union Leader and Statesman
- Coates, Sir Edward Feetham, (1853-1921), 1st Baronet MP
- Cocteau, Jean, (1889-1963), French Writer and Painter
- Colefax, Sir Arthur, (d 1936), Knight MP
- Collings, Jesse, (1831-1920), Politician
- Collins, Godfrey Pattison, (1875-1936), Liberal politician
- Connor, Sir William Neil, (1909-1967), Knight Journalist
- Cooke, Sir Robert Gordon, (1930-1987), Knight, MP
- Cooper, Alfred Duff, (1890-1954), 1st Viscount Norwich
- Cooper, Lady Diana Olivia Winifred Maud, (1892-1986), actress
- Cornwall, Sir Edwin, (1863-1953), 1st Baronet MP
- Cosgrave, William Thomas, (1880-1965), President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State
- Cowley, John, (1870-1944), Newspaper Chairman
- Cowper, William, (c 1665-1723), 1st Earl Cowper, Lord Chancellor
- Cox, Harold, (1859-1936), journalist, economist & MP
- Craig, Sir Archibald, (d 1927), Knight Chairman of Glasgow Unionist Association
- Craig, James, (1871-1940) 1st Viscount Craigavon, statesman
- Cravath, Paul Drennan, (1861-1940), Lawyer
- Creedy, Sir Herbert James, (1878-1973), Knight, civil servant
- Cremer, Sir William Randal, (1838-1908), Knight Peace Advocate
- Crewe-Milnes, Robert Offley Ashburton, (1858-1945), 1st Marquess of Crewe, statesman
- Croal, John P, (1852-1932), journalist
- Croft, Henry Page, (1881-1947), 1st Baron Croft, politician
- Cromwell, Oliver, (1599-1658), Lord Protector
- Crosfield, Sir Arthur Henry, (1865-1938), 1st Baronet MP
- Cudlipp, Hugh, (1913-1998), Baron Cudlipp of Aldingbourne, journalist
- Cudlipp, Percy, (1905-1962), Editor and Journalist
- Cummings, Arthur John, (d 1957), Journalist
- Cunliffe, Walter, (1855-1919), 1st Baron Cunliffe, businessman
- Cunliffe-Lister, Philip, (1884-1972), 1st Earl of Swinton, politician
- Cunliffe-Owen, Sir Hugo, (1870-1947), Knight, industrialist
- Curzon, George Nathaniel, (1859-1925), Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, statesman
- Cust, Peregrine Francis Adelbert, (1899-1978), 6th Baron Brownlow
- Dalton, Sir Edward Hugh John Neale, (1887-1962), Baron Dalton, statesman
- Dalziel, James Henry, (1868-1935), 1st Baron Dalziel of Kirkcaldy, newspaper proprietor
- Davidson, John Colin Campbell, (1889-1970), 1st Viscount Davidson, politician
- Davies, David, (1880-1944), 1st Baron Davies
- Davies, Edward Clement, (1884-1962), Politician
- Davies, Sir John Thomas, (1881-1938), Knight, Private Secretary to David Lloyd George
- Davies, Joseph Edward, (b 1876), American Lawyer and Diplomat
- Dawson, Bertrand Edward, (1864-1945), 1st Viscount Dawson, physician
- Dawson, George Geoffrey, (1874-1944), editor of The Times
- Dering, Sir Edward, (1625-1684), 2nd Baronet MP
- Dewar, David, (fl 1962-1973), Parliament Office clerk
- Dewar, George Albemarle Bertie, (1862-1934), Author and Editor
- Dicey, Albert Venn, (1835-1922), jurist
- Digby, John, (1580-1653), 1st Earl of Bristol, statesman
- Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, (1843-1911), Knight, 2nd Baronet, politician and author
- Dilke, Emilia Frances, (1840-1904), art historian and trade unionist
- Dillon, John, (1851-1927), Irish nationalist
- Diplock, William John Kenneth, (1907-1985), Baron Diplock, Lord of Appeal in Ordinary
- Disraeli, Benjamin, (1804-1881), Earl of Beaconsfield, statesman
- Doidge, Sir Frederick Widdowson, (1884-1954), Knight, High Commissioner for New Zealand and journalist
- Donald, Sir Robert, (1860-1933), Knight Journalist
- Donnelly, Desmond Louis, (1920-1974), MP
- Dowding, Hugh Caswall Tremenheere, (1882-1970), 1st Baron Dowding, Air Chief Marshal
- Drake, Sir William, (1606-1669), Knight MP
- Drennan, Basil St George, (1903-1976), parliamentary clerk
- Driberg, Thomas Edward Neil, (1905-1976), Baron Bradwell, politician and journalist
- Drummond, James Eric, (1876-1951), 16th Earl of Perth
- Ducane, Sir John Philip, (1865-1947), Knight General
- Duke, Henry Edward, (1855-1939), 1st Baron Merrivale, politician
- Duncan, Sir Patrick, (1870-1943), Knight, South African statesman and Governor General
- Duncan, Ronald Frederick Henry, (1914-1982), poet, playwright and librettist
- Duncan-Sandys, Duncan Edwin , (1908-1987) Baron Duncan Sandys, politician
- Durie, John, (1596-1680), theologian
- Eddy, Sir John Montague, (1881-1949), Knight Banker and Company Director
- Eden, Robert Anthony, (1897-1977), 1st Earl of Avon, prime minister
- Edge, Sir William, (1880-1948), Knight MP
- Edward VII, (1841-1910), King of Great Britain and Ireland
- Edward VIII, (1894-1972), King of Great Britain and Ireland, afterwards Duke of Windsor
- Edwards, Alfred George, (1848-1937), Archbishop of Wales
- Einstein, Albert, (1879-1955), physicist
- Elias, Julius Salter, (d 1946), 1st Viscount Southwood, publisher
- Elland, Percy, (1908-1960), Newspaper Chairman
- Elliot, Sir John, (1898-1988), Sir, Knight Transport Expert
- Elliot, Walter Elliot, (1888-1958), politician
- Ellis, Sir Clough, (1883-1978), Knight, architect
- Elsynge, Henry, (1577-1635), clerk of the parliaments
- Emmott, Alfred, (1858-1926), 1st Baron Emmott, politician
- Evans, Stanley Norman, (1898-1970), MP and industrialist
- Evans, Sir Worthington Laming Worthington-, (1868-1931), 1st Baronet, politician
- Eyton, Robert William, (1815-1881), rector of Ryton, antiquary
- Fell, Sir Bryan Hugh, (1869-1955), Knight, House of Commons Principal Clerk
- Finlay, Robert Bannatyne, (1842-1929), 1st Viscount Finlay, Lord Chancellor
- Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens, (1865-1940), historian and statesman
- Fisher, John Arbuthnot, (1841-1920), 1st Baron Fisher of Kilverstone, Admiral of the Fleet
- Fisher, Sir Norman Fenwick Warren, (1879-1948), Knight, Knight Civil Servant
- Fisher, William Hayes, (1853-1920), 1st Baron Downham, politician
- Fitzalan-Howard, Edmund Bernard, (1855-1947), 1st Viscount Fitzalan of Derwent, politician
- Fitzgibbon, Gerald, (1837-1909), Lord Justice of Appeal in Ireland
- Fitzmaurice, Henry Charles Keith, (1845-1927), 5th Marquess of Landsdowne, statesman
- Fleming, Ian Lancaster, (1908-1964), writer
- Fletcher, Reginald Thomas Herbert, (1885-1961), Baron Winster
- Foot, Michael, (1913-2010), politician and author
- Ford, Ford Madox, (1873-1939), author and critic
- Fraser, Sir John Malcolm, (1878-1949), Knight, MP
- Freeman-Thomas, Freeman, (1866-1941), 1st Marquess of Willingdon, Viceroy of India
- French, John Denton Pinkstone, (1852-1925), 1st Earl of Ypres, Field Marshal
- Frewen, Moreton, (1853-1924), MP monetary reformer
- Fulford, Sir Roger Thomas Baldwin, (1902-1983), Knight Historian
- Fuller-Acland-Hood, Alexander, (1853-1917), 1st Baron St Audries
- Furniss, Harry, (1854-1925), caricaturist and illustrator
- Gaitskell, Hugh Todd Naylor, (1906-1963), Statesman
- Gardiner, Sir Frederick Crombie, (1855-1937), Knight Businessman and Civil Servant
- Gardner, Herbert Coulston, (1846-1921), Baron Burghclere
- Garvin, James Louis, (1868-1947), Newspaper Editor
- Gascoyne-Cecil, Edgar Algernon Robert, (1864-1958), Viscount Cecil of Chelwood
- Gascoyne-Cecil, Hugh Richard Heathcote, (1869-1956), Baron Quickswood, politician
- Gascoyne-Cecil, James Edward Hubert, (1861-1947), 4th Marquess of Salisbury
- Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur James, (1893-1972), 5th Marquess of Salisbury
- Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot, (1830-1903), 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, statesman
- Geddes, Auckland Campbell, (1879-1954), 1st Baron Geddes, statesman
- Geddes, Sir Eric Campbell, (1875-1937), Knight, industrialist and statesman
- George, David Lloyd, (1863-1945), 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor, statesman
- George V, (1865-1936), King of Great Britain and Ireland
- Gerhardie, William Alexander, (1895-1977), writer
- Gibbs, Sir Vicary, (1751-1820), Knight MP Chief Justice of Common Pleas
- Gibson, Edward, (1837-1913), 1st Baron Ashbourne, Lord Chancellor of Ireland
- Giffard, Hardinge Stanley, (1823-1921), 1st Earl of Halsbury, Lord Chancellor
- Gilbert, Sir Martin John, (b 1936), Knight and historian
- Gladstone, Herbert John, (1854-1930), 1st Viscount Gladstone, statesman
- Gladstone, William Ewart, (1809-1898), statesman
- Glyn, Ralph George Campbell, (1885-1960), 1st Baron Glyn of Farnborough
- Goodman, Arnold Abraham, (1913-1995), Baron Goodman, lawyer
- Goodman, Sir Victor Martin Reeves, (1899-1967), Knight and Clerk of the Parliaments
- Gordon, John Campbell, (1847-1934), 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair
- Gordon, John Rutherford, (1890-1974), newspaper editor
- Goschen, George Joachim, (1831-1907), 1st Viscount Goschen, statesman
- Gosse, Sir Edmund William, (1849-1928), Knight, poet, biographer and literary critic
- Gough, Sir Hubert de la Poer, (1870-1963), Knight, General
- Gould, Sir Francis Carruthers, (1844-1925), Knight Political Cartoonist
- Goulding, Edward Arthur, (1862-1936), Baron Wargrave, politician
- Gower, Sir Robert Patrick Malcolm, (1887-1964), Knight, civil servant and Conservative publicity officer
- Greene, Thomas, (1794-1872), MP
- Greenwood, Hamar, (1870-1948), 1st Viscount Greenwood
- Greville, Frances Evelyn, (1861-1938), social reformer
- Greville, Leopold Guy Francis Maynard, (1882-1928), 6th Earl of Warwick Brigadier General
- Grey, Albert Henry George, (1851-1917), 4th Earl Grey, Governor General of Canada
- Grey, Sir Edward, (1862-1933), Viscount Grey of Falloden, statesman
- Grey, Sir George, (1799-1882), 2nd Baronet, statesman
- Griffith, Arthur, (1872-1922), Irish Political Leader
- Griffith-Boscawen, Sir Arthur Sackville Trevor , (1865-1946), Knight, politician
- Grigg, Edward William Macleay, (1879-1955), 1st Baron Altrincham, politician
- Grosvenor, Sir Richard, (1584-1645), 1st baronet MP
- Grosvenor, Robert Wellesley, (1834-1918), 2nd Baron Ebury, politician
- Grubb, Sir Kenneth George, (1900-1980), Knight, chairman of House of Laity Church Assembly
- Guedalla, Philip, (1889-1944), historian and essayist
- Guest, Frederick Edward, (1875-1937), Politician and Aviation Pioneer
- Guest, Ivor Churchill, (1873-1939), 1st Viscount Wimborne
- Guest, Leslie Haden-, (1877-1960), 1st Baron Haden Guest, author, physician
- Gunn, Herbert Smith, (1904-1962), newspaper editor
- Gwynne, Howell Arthur, (1865-1950), journalist
- Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, (1856-1925), Knight, novelist
- Haig, Sir Douglas, (1861-1928), 1st Earl Haig of Bermersyde, Field Marshal
- Haines, William Henry, (1825-1891), Chief Clerk in the House of Lords and Purse Bearer to Lord Chancellor Cottenham and Lord Lyndhurst
- Haldane, Richard Burdon, (1856-1928), 1st Viscount Haldane, Lord Chancellor
- Haldane, Sir William Stowell, (1864-1951), Knight, Crown Agent for Scotland
- Hall, Sir Alfred Daniel, (1864-1942), Knight, educationalist administrator and scientific research worker
- Hamilton, Lord Claud John, (1843-1925), Lord of the Treasury
- Hamilton, Lord George Francis, (1845-1927), statesman
- Hamilton, Sir Ian Standish Monteith, (1853-1947), Knight, General
- Hamilton, James, (1838-1913), 2nd Duke of Abercorn
- Hamilton, John Andrew, (1859-1934), Viscount Sumner, judge
- Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers, (1877-1963), 1st Baron Hankey of the Chart, civil servant
- Hannon, Sir Patrick Joseph Henry, (1874-1964), Knight, businessman and politician
- Hansard, Thomas Curson, (1776-1833), Printer
- Harcourt, Lewis, (1863-1922), 1st Viscount Harcourt
- Harcourt, Simon, (1714-1777), 1st Earl Harcourt, General
- Hardinge, Sir Charles, (1858-1944), 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst, Viceroy of India
- Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William, (1865-1922), Viscount Northcliffe, newspaper proprietor
- Harmsworth, Cecil Bisshopp, (1869-1948), 1st Baron Harmsworth, politician
- Harmsworth, Esmond Cecil, (1898-1978), 2nd Viscount Rothermere, newspaper proprietor
- Harmsworth, Harold Sidney, (1868-1940), 1st Viscount Rothermere, newspaper proprietor
- Harrel, Sir David, (1841-1939), Knight Irish Public Servant
- Harris, Frederick Leverton, (1864-1926), MP
- Harris, Sir Percy Alfred, (1876-1952), 1st Baronet MP
- Hastings, Warren, (1732-1818), Governor General of India
- Hatsell, John, (1733-1820), Clerk of the House of Commons
- Haviland-Burke, Edmund, (1836-1886), MP for Christchurch
- Hazen, Sir John Douglas, (1860-1937), Knight Canadian Politician
- Healy, Timothy Michael, (1855-1931), politician and first governor-general of the Irish Free State
- Heaton, Sir John Henniker, (1848-1914), 1st Baronet, postal reformer
- Henderson, Arthur, (1863-1935), Labour Leader and Statesman
- Hennessy, Sir Patrick, (1898-1981), Knight Industrialist
- Herbert, Auberon Edward William Molyneux, (1838-1906), political philosopher and author
- Herbert, Henry Howard Molyneux, (1831-1890), 4th Earl of Carnarvon, statesman
- Herbison, Margaret McCrorie, (1907-1996), Member of Parliament
- Hewart, Gordon, (1870-1943), 1st Viscount Hewart, Lord Chief Justice
- Hicks Beach, Michael Edward, (1837-1916), 1st Earl St Aldwyn, statesman
- Hicks, Sir Maxwell, (1878-1959), Knight Accountant
- Hoare, Samuel John Gurney, (1880-1959), 2nd Baronet and Viscount Templewood, statesman
- Hodge, John, (1855-1937), Labour Leader
- Hodgson, John Stuart, (1877-1950), Writer and Editor of the Daily News
- Hogg, Douglas McGarel, (1872-1950), 1st Viscount Hailsham, Lord Chancellor
- Hogg, Quentin McGarel, (1907-2001), Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone, Lord Chancellor
- Hollis, Sir Leslie Chasemore, (1897-1963), Knight General
- Holms, John, (1830-1891), Politician
- Holt, Sir Herbert S, (1856-1941), Knight, Chairman of the Royal Bank of Canada
- Hoover, Herbert Clark, (1874-1965), President of the United States of America
- Hope, James Fitzalan, (1870-1949), 1st Baron Rankeillour
- Hopwood, Francis John Stephens, (1860-1947), 1st Baron Southborough, civil servant
- Hore-Belisha, Leslie, (1898-1957), Baron Hore Belisha, statesman
- Horne, Robert Stevenson, (1871-1940), Viscount Horne of Slamannan
- Horwood, Sir William Thomas Francis, (1868-1943), Knight Brigadier
- House, Edward Mandell, (1858-1938), Colonel American Statesman and Diplomat
- Howard, Esme William, (1863-1939), 1st Baron Howard of Penrith, diplomat
- Howard, William, (1614-1680), 1st Viscount Stafford
- Hudson, Derek Rommel, (1911-2003), journalist and biographer
- Hughes, Garnet Burk, (1880-1937), Major General
- Hughes, Sir Sam, (1853-1921), Knight Canadian Soldier and Politician
- Hughes, William Morris, (1864-1952), Premier of Australia
- Hulton, Sir Edward George Warris, (1906-1988), Knight, magazine publisher and writer
- Hunt, Isobel Violet, (1866-1942), novelist and founder of Women Writer's Suffrage League
- Hunter, Sir Ellis, (1892-1961), Knight, industrialist
- Hutchinson, Robert, (1873-1950), 1st Baron Hutchinson of Montrose, politician
- Hyde, Harford Montgomery, (1907-1989), MP, barrister and biographer
- Ilbert, Sir Courtenay Peregrine, (1841-1924), Knight, Clerk of House of Commons
- Illingworth, Albert Holden, (1865-1942), 1st Baron Illingworth, politician
- Illingworth, Percy Holden, (1869-1915), MP
- Inge, William Ralph, (1860-1954), Dean of St Paul's
- Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, (1860-1935), 1st Marquess of Reading, Viceroy of India
- Jeffreys, Arthur Frederick, (1848-1906), MP
- Jellicoe, John Rushworth, (1859-1935), 1st Earl Jellicoe, Admiral of the Fleet
- Jenkins, Sir Leoline, (1623-1685), Knight, civilian and diplomat
- Jenkins, Roy Harris, (1920-2003), Baron Jenkins of Hillhead, politician
- Jerome, Jerome Klapka, (1859-1927), novelist and playwright Walsall, Staffordshire
- Jones, George, (1786-1869), painter
- Jones, Sir Thomas George, (1881-1948), Knight, newspaper proprietor and politician
- Jowitt, William Allen, (1885-1957), Baron Jowitt, Lord Chancellor
- Joynson-Hicks, William, (1865-1932), Viscount Brentford, statesman
- Kavanagh, Arthur Macmorrough, (1831-1889), MP
- Kaye, Sir William Squire Barker, (1831-1901), Knight Irish Politician
- Kearley, Gerald Chester, (b 1890), 2nd Viscount Devonport
- Kearley, Hudson Ewbanke, (1856-1934), 1st Viscount Devonport
- Kellaway, Frederick George, (1870-1933), MP Businessman
- Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, (1888-1969), American Businessman and Diplomat
- Kerr, Philip Henry, (1882-1940), 11th Marquess of Lothian, statesman
- Keynes, John Maynard, (1883-1946), Baron Keynes of Tilton, economist
- King, Cecil Harmsworth, (1901-1987), Newspaper Proprietor
- King, William Lyon Mackenzie, (1874-1950), prime minister of Canada
- Kingsley, Mary Henrietta, (1862-1900), traveller and writer
- Kipling, Joseph Rudyard, (1865-1936), author Mumbai, India
- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, (1850-1916), 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, Field Marshal
- Kitson, James, (1835-1911), 1st Baron Airedale
- Lambton, Antony Claud Frederick, (b 1922), Politician
- Lansbury, George, (1859-1940), Labour Politician
- Laski, Harold Joseph, (1893-1950), political scientist
- Laud, William, (1573-1645), Archbishop of Canterbury
- Laurie, Arthur Pillans, (1861-1949), chemist
- Law, Andrew Bonar, (1858-1923), Statesman
- Lawson, Harry Lawson Webster Levy, (1862-1933), Viscount Burnham, newspaper proprietor
- Layton, Sir Walter Thomas, (1884-1966), 1st Baron of Danehill, economist
- Le Cras, Bessie, (fl 1909-1924), suffrage campaigner and election agent
- Le Marchant, Sir Denis, (1795-1874), 1st Baronet Politician
- Leader, John Temple, (1810-1903), Politician and Connoisseur
- Leasor, Thomas James, (b 1923), Writer
- Lee, Arthur Hamilton, (1868-1947), 1st Viscount Lee of Fareham, statesman
- Lee, Sir George, (1700-1758), Knight, lawyer and politician
- Lee, Jennie, (1904-1988), Baroness Lee, MP
- Legh, Thomas Wodehouse, (1857-1942), 2nd Baron Newton, politician
- Lennox-Boyd, Alan Tindal, (1904-1983), 1st Viscount Boyd, politician
- Lenwood, Gertrude, (fl1892-1895), daughter of Henry Joseph Wilson, MP (Lib) for Holmfirth Sheffield, Yorkshire;Holmfirth, Yorkshire
- Lever, William Hesketh, (1851-1925), 1st Viscount Leverhulme, industrialist
- Leveson-Gower, George Granville Sutherland, (1888-1963), 5th Duke of Sutherland
- Leveson-Gower, William George Gresham, (1883-1918), Clerk in the Parliament Office
- Levick, Sir Hugh Gwynne, (1870-1937), Knight Banker
- Levy, Benn Wolfe, (1900-1973), MP Dramatist
- Lewis, Sir John Herbert, (1858-1933), Knight MP
- Liddell Hart, Sir Basil Henry, (1895-1970), Knight, military historian
- Lindsay, David Alexander Edward, (1871-1940), 27th Earl of Crawford and 10th Earl of Balcarres, politician
- Lindsay, Sir Martin Alexander, (1905-1981), Knight and Conservative MP
- Lloyd George, Frances Louise, (1888-1972), secretary
- Lloyd George, Lady Megan, (1902-1966), politician
- Locker-Lampson, Oliver Stillingfleet, (1880-1954), soldier and politician London
- Loder, John de Vere, (1895-1970), 2nd Baron Wakehurst, Colonial Governor
- Long, Walter Hume, (1854-1924), 1st Viscount Long, statesman
- Lonsdale, John Brownlee, (1850-1924), 1st Baron Armaghdale
- Low, Sir David Alexander Cecil, (1891-1963), Knight, cartoonist and caricaturist
- Lowe, Robert, (1811-1892), Viscount Sherbrooke, statesman
- Lowther, James William, (1855-1949), 1st Viscount Ullswater, Speaker of the House of Commons
- Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry, (1858-1945), Baron Lugard, colonial administrator, soldier and author
- Lygon, William, (1872-1938), 7th Earl Beauchamp, colonial governor
- Lyon, Laurance, (1875-1932), Author and MP
- Lyttelton, Alfred, (1857-1913), lawyer, statesman and cricketer
- MacDonald, James Ramsay, (1866-1937), statesman
- MacDonald, Malcolm John, (1901-1981), politician and diplomat
- Mackay, James Lyle, (1852-1932), 1st Earl of Inchcape
- Maclaren, Murray, (1861-1942), Colonel Surgeon Canadian MP
- Maclay, Joseph Paton, (1857-1951), 1st Baron Maclay
- Maclean, Sir Donald, (1864-1932), Knight Politician
- Macmillan, Maurice Harold, (1894-1986), 1st Earl of Stockton, Prime Minister
- Macnamara, Thomas James, (1861-1931), Politician
- Macphail, John Andrew, (1864-1938), Knight pathologist and writer
- Macpherson, James Ian, (1880-1937), 1st Baron Strathcarron, politician
- Macready, Sir Cecil Frederick Nevil, (1862-1946), Knight General
- Maisky, Ivan Mikhailovich, (1884-1975), USSR Ambassador to Britain
- Malcolm, Sir Ian Zachary, (1868-1944), Knight, politician and diplomat
- Mallet, Sir Bernard, (1859-1932), Knight, civil servant, statistician & biographer
- Mann, Thomas, (1856-1941), Trade Unionist and Communist
- Manners, John James Robert, (1818-1906), 7th Duke of Rutland
- Manwaring, Roger, (1590-1653), Bishop of St Davids
- Margesson, Henry David Reginald, (1890-1965), 1st Viscount Margesson Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- Marlowe, Anthony Alfred Harmsworth, (1904-1965), Conservative MP
- Martin, Basil Kingsley, (1897-1969), journalist
- Mason, David Marshall, (1865-1945), MP Banker
- Massey, Vincent, (1887-1967), Canadian Statesman
- Massey, William Ferguson, (1856-1925), Prime Minister of New Zealand
- Massingham, Henry William, (1860-1924), Journalist and Author
- Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney, (1874-1927), politician, author and journalist
- Mattinson, Sir Miles, (1854-1944), Knight MP Lawyer
- Maugham, William Somerset, (1874-1965), novelist and playwright
- Maxse, Ernest George Berkeley, (1863-1943), Diplomat
- Maxse, Leopold James, (1864-1932), journalist and author
- Maxwell, William Hamilton, (1792-1850), novelist
- May, Thomas Erskine, (1815-1886), Baron Farnborough, historian and jurist
- Mccallum, Sir William Alexander, (1883-1959), Knight, industrialist
- Mccurdy, Charles Albert, (1870-1941), Politician
- Mcgowan, Harry Duncan Mcgowan, (1874-1961), Baron Mcgowan of Ardeer, chairman of ICI
- McKenna, Reginald, (1863-1943), statesman and banker
- McNeil, Hector, (1907-1955), Politician
- McNeill, Ronald John, (1861-1934), Baron Cushendun, politician
- Meighen, Arthur, (1874-1960), Canadian Prime Minister
- Menzies, Sir Frederick Norton Kay, (1875-1949), Knight Medical Officer of Health
- Mildmay, Sir Walter, (fl1520-1589), Knight Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Millington-Drake, Sir John Henry Eugen Vanderstegen, (1889-1972), Knight Diplomat
- Milner, Alfred, (1854-1925), 1st Viscount Milner, statesman
- Molesworth, Sir William, (1810-1855), 8th Baronet politician
- Monckton, Walter Turner, (1891-1965), 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley
- Mond, Alfred Moritz, (1868-1930), 1st Baron Melchett, industrialist and politician
- Mond, Henry, (1898-1949), 2nd Baron Melchett, industrialist and financier
- Money, Sir Leo George Chiozza, (1870-1944), Knight, politician, author and journalist
- Montagu, Edward, (1602-1671), 2nd Earl of Manchester
- Montagu, Edwin Samuel, (1879-1924), Statesman
- Montagu, Samuel, (1832-1911), 1st Baron Swaythling, banker
- Montague-Barlow, Sir Clement Anderson, (1868-1951), 1st Baronet MP
- Montgomery, Bernard Law, (1887-1976), 1st Viscount Montgomery, Field Marshal
- Moore, Edward, (fl 1765-1778), House of Commons Journal indexer
- Morant, Sir Robert Laurie, (1863-1920), Knight Educationalist
- Morel, Edmund Dene, (1873-1924), MP Author and Journalist
- Morison, Stanley, (1889-1967), editor, typographer
- Morley, Sir John, (1838-1923), 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn, statesman
- Morris, John William, (1896-1979), Baron Morris of Borth Y Gest, judge
- Morris, Michael, (1826-1901), Baron Morris and Killanin, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland
- Morrison, Herbert Stanley, (1888-1965), 1st Baron Morrison of Lambeth, statesman
- Morrison-Bell, Sir Arthur Clive, (1871-1956), Baronet MP
- Mosley, Leonard, (1913-1992), war correspondent
- Mosley, Sir Oswald Ernald, (1896-1980), 6th Baronet, statesman and founder of the British Union of Facists
- Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, (1900-1979), 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Admiral of the Fleet
- Muir, John Ramsay Bryce, (1872-1941), historian politician
- Munro, Robert, (1868-1955), 1st Baron Alness, politician
- Murray, Alexander William Charles Oliphant, (1870-1920), Baron Murray of Elibank, politician
- Murray, George Gilbert Aime, (1866-1957), classicist and internationalist
- Murray, Gideon, (1877-1951), 2nd Viscount Elibank
- Nathan, Harry Louis, (1889-1963), 1st Baron Nathan, politician
- Nathan, Sir Matthew, (1862-1939), Knight Lieutenant Colonel Colonial Governor
- Neave, Airey Middleton Sheffield, (1916-1979), MP, author
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, (1889-1964), Indian statesman
- Nevinson, Henry Wood, (1856-1941), Essayist Philanthropist Journalist
- Nichol, Muriel Edith, (1893-1983), Labour MP for the constituency of Bradford North Bradford, Yorkshire
- Nicolson, Sir Arthur, (1849-1928), 11th Baronet and 1st Baron Carnock, diplomat
- Nicolson, Sir Harold George, (1886-1968), KCVO CMG, Knight, diplomatist, politician, journalist and writer
- Nicolson, William, (1655-1727), Bishop of Derry, antiquary
- Nitti, Francesco Saverio, (1868-1953), Italian Economist and Statesman
- Noel-Baker, Philip John, (1889-1982), Baron Noel-Baker, politician
- Noel-Buxton, Noel Edward, (1869-1948), 1st Baron Noel Buxton, politician
- Northcote, Stafford Henry, (1818-1887), 1st Earl of Iddesleigh, statesman
- Oates, Titus, (1649-1705), Anti Catholic Agitator
- O'Connor, Sir James, (1872-1931), Knight Attorney General for Ireland
- O'Connor, Thomas Power, (1848-1929), Journalist and Politician
- Onslow, Arthur, (1691-1768), Speaker of the House of Commons
- Orde-Powlett, Thomas, (1740-1807), 1st Baron Bolton, politician
- Orpen, Sir William Newenham Montague, (1878-1931), Knight Painter
- Owen, Frank, (1905-1979), journalist
- Owen, Humphrey Frank, (1905-1979), Journalist and Author
- Owen, John, (1854-1926), Bishop of St Davids
- Pakenham, Francis Aungier, (1905-2001), 7th Earl of Longford, politician, writer, and philanthropist
- Palmer, William Waldegrave, (1859-1942), 2nd Earl of Selborne, statesman
- Pannell, Thomas Charles, (1902-1980), Baron Pannell, politician
- Parker, Sir Horatio Gilbert George, (1863-1932), Knight, author and politician
- Parker, John, (1906-1987), Labour politician and author
- Pearson, Sir Cyril Arthur, (1866-1921), Knight Newspaper Proprietor
- Pease, Joseph Albert, (1860-1943), 1st Baron Gainford
- Perceval, John, (1683-1748), 1st Earl of Egmont
- Perceval, Spencer, (1762-1812), statesman
- Percy, Alan Ian, (1880-1930), 8th Duke of Northumberland
- Percy, Henry George, (1846-1918), 7th Duke of Northumberland
- Perley, Sir George Halsey, (1857-1938), Knight and Canadian High Commissioner in London
- Perris, George Herbert, (1866-1920), writer and speaker on international affairs
- Peto, Sir Basil, (1862-1945), 1st Baronet Businessman
- Petrie, Sir Charles Alexander, (1895-1977), 3rd Baronet of Carrowcarden, 3rd Baronet, historian
- Philipps, Sir Ivor, (1861-1940), Knight Major General and Businessman
- Philipps, John Wynford, (1860-1938), 1st Viscount St Davids, financier
- Phillimore, Walter George Frank, (1845-1929), 1st Baron Phillimore, judge
- Phillips, Sir Percival, (1877-1937), Knight Press Correspondent
- Phipps, Sir Eric Clare Edmund, (1875-1945), Knight Diplomat
- Pickering, Sir Edward Davies, (b 1912), Knight Newspaper Editor and Executive
- Pike, Edmund, (fl1885-1910), House of Commons Postmaster
- Plunket, David Robert, (1838-1919), Baron Rathmore, politician
- Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon, (1854-1932), Knight, Irish statesman
- Pollock, Ernest Murray, (1861-1936), 1st Viscount Hanworth, judge
- Pollock, Sir Frederick, (1845-1937), 3rd Baronet Jurist and Historian
- Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Grey, (1867-1935), 1st Baron Sysonby
- Ponsonby, John William, (1781-1847), 4th Earl of Bessborough, statesman
- Ponsonby, Vere Brabazon, (1880-1956), 9th Earl of Bessborough
- Pretyman, Ernest George, (1860-1931), MP
- Price, George Ward, (1886-1961), journalist
- Price, Thomas Phillips, (1844-1932), MP
- Primrose, Albert Edward Harry Meyer Archibald, (1882-1974), 6th Earl of Rosebery
- Primrose, Archibald Philip, (1847-1929), 5th Earl of Rosebery, statesman
- Primrose, Neil James Archibald, (1882-1917), MP
- Pringle, William Mather Rutherford, (1874-1928), Politician
- Prothero, Rowland Edmund, (1851-1937), 1st Baron Ernle
- Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore, (1812-1852), architect
- Pugin, Edward Welby, (1834-1875), Architect
- Randolph, Edward, (1640-1700), Colonial Administrator
- Redmond, John Edward, (1856-1918), politician
- Reeves, William Pember, (1857-1932), Journalist Politician and Economist
- Reid, James Scott Cumberland, (1890-1975), Baron Reid, Lord Advocate
- Reith, John Charles Walsham, (1889-1971), 1st Baron Reith
- Relfe, John, (1621-1711), parliamentary clerk
- Remnant, James Farquharson, (1863-1933), 1st Baron Remnant, politician
- Renton, Alexander Leslie, (1868-1947), Major and MP
- Renton, David Lockhart-Mure, (1908-2007), Baron Renton of Huntingdon, MP
- Repington, Charles A'Court, (1858-1925), Lieutenant Colonel Author and Journalist
- Ribbentrop, Joachim von, (1893-1946), German diplomat
- Rich, Sir Nathaniel, (c 1585-1636), Knight Merchant Adventurer MP
- Riddell, George Allardice, (1865-1934), Baron Riddell, newspaper proprietor
- Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, (1832-1914), 1st Earl Roberts of Kandahar, Field Marshal
- Roberts, George Henry, (1869-1928), Labour Leader
- Robertson, John Ewart, (1892-1960), Newspaper Chairman
- Robertson, Myrtle Olive Felix, (1934-2000), 11th Baroness Wharton, photographer, Vice President of the RSPCA
- Robertson, Sir William Robert, (1860-1933), Knight, Knight Field Marshal
- Robinson, George Frederick Samuel, (1827-1909), 1st Marquess of Ripon, statesman
- Rodd, James Rennell, (1858-1941), 1st Baron Rennell, diplomat
- Root, Elihu, (1845-1937), American Statesman
- Rose, George, (1744-1818), politician and publicist
- Ross, William Benjamin, (1854-1929), Canadian Conservative Senator
- Ross, William Donald, (1869-1947), Canadian Banker
- Rowland, Sir John, (1877-1941), Knight Administrator
- Rowntree, Benjamin Seebohm, (1871-1954), sociologist and manufacturer
- Royle, Charles, (1896-1975), Baron Royle of Pendleton, politician
- Rumbold, Sir Horace George Montagu, (1869-1941), 9th Baronet, diplomat
- Runciman, Walter, (1870-1949), Viscount Runciman of Doxford, statesman
- Runge, Norah Cecil, (1884-1978), politician
- Russell, Arthur Oliver Villiers, (1869-1935), 2nd Baron Ampthill, Governor of Madras
- Russell, Edward, (1653-1727), Earl of Orford, Admiral
- Russell, Edward Richard, (1834-1920), 1st Baron Russell of Liverpool, politician
- Russell, Hastings William Sackville, (1888-1953), 12th Duke of Bedford
- Russell, Lord John, (1792-1878), 1st Earl Russell, statesman
- Rutherford, Ernest, (1871-1937), Baron Rutherford of Nelson, physicist
- Sainty, Sir John Christopher, (b 1934), Clerk of Parliaments
- Salvidge, Sir Archibald Tutton James, (1863-1928), Knight, political organiser
- Samuel, Herbert Louis, (1870-1963), 1st Viscount Samuel, statesman
- Samuel, Sir Stuart Montagu, (1856-1926), 1st baronet, MP
- Sandars, John Satterfield, (1853-1934), private secretary to AJ Balfour
- Sanders, Robert Arthur, (1867-1940), 1st Baron Bayford
- Sanderson, Sir Frank Bernard, (1880-1968), Knight MP
- Sassoon, Sir Philip Albert Gustave David, (1888-1939), 3rd Baronet, politician
- Scott, Charles Prestwich, (1846-1932), journalist, politician and editor of the Manchester Guardian Bath, Somerset
- Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert, (1880-1960), Knight, architect Hampstead, Middlesex
- Scott, Sir Leslie Frederic, (1869-1950), Knight, judge and MP
- Seely, John Edward Bernard, (1868-1947), 1st Baron Mottistone
- Selby, Sir Walford Harmood Montague, (1881-1965), Knight, civil servant and diplomat
- Selfridge, Harry Gordon, (1858-1947), department store owner
- Seymour, Edward, (? 1506-1552), 1st Duke of Somerset
- Seymour, Edward Adolphus, (1804-1885), 12th Duke of Somerset, statesman
- Shackleton, Sir David James, (1863-1938), Knight MP
- Shackleton, Edward Arthur, (1911-1994), Baron Shackleton, politician
- Shanks, Edward Richard Buxton, (1892-1953), Writer
- Shaw, George Bernard, (1856-1950), author and playwright
- Shawcross, Hartley William, (1902-2003), Baron Shawcross, politician
- Shaw-Lefevre, George John, (1831-1928), Baron Eversley, statesman
- Shaw-Lefevre, Sir John George, (1797-1879), Knight, civil servant
- Shields, Frederick James, (1833-1911), Painter
- Shortt, Edward, (1862-1935), Statesman
- Sichel, Walter, (1855-1933), Barrister Biographer
- Sickert, Walter Richard, (1860-1942), painter
- Simon, John Allsebrook, (1873-1954), 1st Viscount Simon, Lord Chancellor
- Sims, Reginald Frank Manley, (1878-1951), Brigadier General
- Sinclair, Archibald Henry Macdonald, (1890-1970), 1st Viscount Thurso, politician
- Smith, Arthur Lionel, (1850-1924), historian, Master of Balliol
- Smith, Frederick Edwin, (1872-1930), 1st Earl of Birkenhead, Lord Chancellor
- Smith, Goldwin, (1823-1910), journalist and historian
- Smith, Sir Hubert Llewellyn, (1864-1945), Knight, civil servant
- Smith, William Henry, (1825-1891), statesman
- Smuts, Jan Christiaan, (1870-1950), statesman
- Snowden, Ethel, (1881-1951), Suffragist and Socialist
- Snowden, Philip, (1864-1937), Viscount Snowden, statesman
- Soane, Sir John, (1753-1837), Knight Architect
- Sorensen, Reginald William, (1891-1971), Baron Sorensen, MP
- Soskice, David, (1869-1943), MP
- Soskice, Frank, (1902-1979), Baron Stow Hill, politician
- Soskice, Juliet, (d 1944), Writer
- Soskice, Peter David, (d 1972), Writer
- Southby, Sir Archibald Richard James, (1886-1969), 1st Baronet Politician
- Spears, Sir Edward Louis, (1886-1974), Knight Major General, politician and author
- Spencer, George John, (1758-1834), 2nd Earl Spencer, statesman
- Spencer, John Charles, (1782-1845), 3rd Earl Spencer, statesman
- Spencer-Churchill, Clementine Ogilvy, (1885-1977), Baroness Spencer-Churchill
- Spender, John Alfred, (1862-1942), journalist and author
- Spring-Rice, Sir Cecil Arthur, (1859-1918), Knight, diplomat
- Squire, Sir John Collings, (1884-1958), Knight, writer and journalist
- Stanley, Albert Henry, (1874-1948), Baron Ashfield
- Stanley, Edward George Geoffrey Smith, (1799-1869), 14th Earl of Derby, statesman
- Stanley, Edward George Villiers, (1865-1948), 17th Earl of Derby, statesman
- Stapledon, Sir Reginald George, (1882-1960), Knight Botanist
- Stavert, Sir William Ewen, (1861-1937), Knight Canadian Financial Adviser
- Stavridi, Sir John, (1867-1948), Knight Consul General for Greece
- Stead, William Thomas, (1849-1912), journalist and author
- Steel-Maitland, Sir Arthur Herbert Drummond Ramsay, (1876-1935), Knight, politician
- Stone, Sir John Benjamin, (1838-1914), Knight, MP, photographer Birmingham, Warwickshire;Aston, Warwickshire
- Storr, Lancelot, (1874-1944), Military Official
- Storrs, Sir Ronald, (1881-1955), Knight, administrator and historian
- Stovin, Sir Frederick, (1783-1865), Knight General
- Strachey, Evelyn John St Loe, (1901-1963), statesman and political thinker
- Strachey, John St Loe, (1860-1927), editor and proprietor of the Spectator
- Sutherland, Graham Vivian, (1903-1980), painter
- Sylvester, Albert James, (1889-1989), Principal Private Secretary to David Lloyd George
- Symonds, Richard, (fl1617-1692), antiquary
- Szarvasy, Frederick Alexander, (c1875-1948), businessman
- Talbot, Sir George John, (1861-1938), Knight Judge
- Taylor, Alan John Percivale, (1906-1990), Historian
- Taylor, Sir Ernest Augustus, (1876-1971), Knight Vice Admiral MP
- Taylor, Frederic Richard, (1876-1929), Canadian Barrister
- Taylor, Sir John, (1876-1971), Knight, solicitor and local Conservative politician
- Telford, Thomas, (1757-1834), civil engineer
- Temple, Henry John, (1784-1865), 3rd Viscount Palmerston, statesman
- Thomas, David Alfred, (1856-1918), Viscount Rhondda
- Thomas, James Henry, (1874-1949), Trade Union Leader and Statesman
- Thomson, Sir Basil Home, (1861-1939), Knight, Colonial Governor and Assistant Commissioner of Metropolitan Police
- Thomson, George Malcolm, (1899-1996), journalist historian and biographer
- Thomson, Roy Herbert, (1894-1976), Baron Thomson of Fleet, newspaper proprietor
- Thwaites, Sir William, (1868-1947), Knight General
- Tickell, Thomas, (1686-1740), Poet Secretary to Lords Justices of Ireland
- Tillett, Ben, (1860-1943), Labour Leader MP
- Tilney, Sir John Dudley Robert Tarleton, (1907-1994), Knight, politician
- Touche, Sir George Alexander, (1861-1935), Knight, politician
- Townsend, Meredith White, (1831-1911), editor of The Spectator
- Townshend, Hayward, (c 1577-c 1603), MP
- Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, (1889-1975), historian
- Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm, (1852-1917), Knight, actor manager
- Trench, Frederick Oliver, (1868-1946), 3rd Baron Ashtown
- Trenchard, Hugh Montague, (1873-1956), 1st Viscount Trenchard, Marshal of the Royal Air Force
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Philips, (1870-1958), 3rd Baronet Politician
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, (1838-1928), 2nd Baronet Statesman and Historian
- Turberville, Arthur Stanley, (1888-1945), historian
- Turnour, Edward, (1883-1962), 6th Earl Winterton
- Valera, Eamon de, (1882-1975), Irish statesman
- Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart, (1852-1915), 6th Marquess of Londonderry
- Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart Henry, (1878-1949), 7th Marquess of Londonderry, politician
- Vansittart, Robert Gilbert, (1881-1957), Baron Vansittart, diplomat
- Vargas, Peter, (d 1879), Private Secretary to the Government Whips
- Verney, Sir Harry, (1801-1894), 2nd Baronet MP
- Verney, Richard Greville, (1869-1923), 19th Baron Willoughby De Broke
- Victoria, (1819-1901), Queen of Great Britain and Ireland
- Villiers, George, (1592-1628), 1st Duke of Buckingham
- Villiers, George, (1628-1687), 2nd Duke of Buckingham, statesman
- Vincent, Sir Edgar, (1857-1941), 16th Baronet Viscount D'Abernon, financier and diplomat
- Vulliamy, Benjamin Lewis, (1780-1854), clockmaker
- Walker, Sir Edward, (1612-1677), Knight, Garter King of Arms
- Walker, Peter Edward, (b 1932), Politician
- Wallas, Graham, (1858-1932), political psychologist
- Walmisley, Edward, (1819-1894), Solicitor and Parliamentary Agent
- Ware, Sir Fabian Arthur Goulstone, (1869-1949), Knight, editor, and War Graves Commissioner
- Waterhouse, Sir Ronald Dockray, (1878-1942), Knight Lieutenant Colonel Prime Minister's Principal Private Secretary
- Watson, Robert Spence, (1837-1911), Politician and Reformer
- Webb, Martha Beatrice, (1858-1943), social reformer
- Webb, Sidney James, (1859-1947), Baron Passfield, statesman
- Wedgwood, Josiah Clement, (1872-1943), 1st Baron Wedgwood, politician
- Weir, Andrew, (1865-1955), 1st Baron Inverforth
- Weir, William Douglas, (1877-1959), 1st Viscount Weir, industrialist
- Weizmann, Chaim, (1874-1952), chemist, scholar and Zionist leader
- Wells, Herbert George, (1866-1946), novelist
- Wemyss, Rosslyn Erskine, (1864-1933), 1st Baron Wester Wemyss, Admiral of the Fleet
- Wentworth, Thomas, (1593-1641), 1st Earl of Strafford, statesman
- West, Dame Rebecca, (1892-1983), critic and novelist
- Weston, Samuel Ryder, (1746-1821), Canon of Canterbury and St Paul's
- Weston, Willard Garfield, (1898-1978), Industrialist and Conservative MP
- White, Arnold Henry, (1848-1925), journalist and author
- White, Henry Graham, (1880-1965), MP
- Whitehead, Sir James, (1834-1917), 1st Baronet Politician
- Whitehead, Sir Rowland Edward, (1863-1942), 3rd Baronet MP
- Whitehurst III, John, (1788-1855), horologist, designer of Great Clock mechanism for Palace of Westminster Derby, Derbyshire
- Widdrington, Sir Thomas, (d 1664), Knight, Speaker of the House of Commons
- Wilde, Thomas, (1782-1855), 1st Baron Truro, Lord Chancellor
- Williams, Sir Arthur Leonard, (1904-1972), Knight, Labour Party general secretary
- Williams, Sir Evan Owen, (1890-1969), Knight, civil engineer and architect
- Williams, Sir Herbert Geraint, (1884-1954), 1st Baronet MP
- Williams, Thomas, (1888-1967), Baron Williams, politician
- Willis, James, (fl 1850-1900), Senior Clerk Office of Works
- Wilson, Charles Mcmoran, (1882-1977), 1st Baron Moran, physician
- Wilson, Sir Henry Hughes, (1864-1922), Knight, Field Marshal
- Wilson, Sir Horace John, (1882-1972), Knight, civil servant
- Wilson, Sir Leslie Orme, (1876-1955), Knight Soldier and Politician
- Wilson, Thomas Woodrow, (1856-1924), President of the United States of America
- Wingate, Sir Francis Reginald, (1861-1953), 1st Baronet General
- Winn, Godfrey Herbert, (1908-1971), author, broadcaster and lecturer
- Wintour, Charles Vere, (b 1917), Journalist
- Wise, Edward Frank, (1885-1933), economist, civil servant and Labour Party politician Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
- Wistrich, Ernest, (b 1923), Director of European Movement Writer
- Wolf, Lucien, (1857-1930), journalist
- Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley, (1881-1959), 1st Earl of Halifax, statesman
- Wood, Sir Henry Evelyn, (1838-1919), Knight, Field Marshal
- Wood, Sir Howard Kingsley, (1881-1943), Knight MP
- Woods, Maurice Henry, (1882-1929), Private Secretary to Lord Beaverbrook
- Wrench, Sir John Evelyn Leslie, (1882-1966), Knight author and politician
- Wyatt, Woodrow Lyle, (1918-1997), Baron Wyatt of Weeford, politician journalist
- Young, Charles Kenneth, (1916-1985), Biographer
- Young, Edward Hilton, (1879-1960), 1st Baron Kennet, politician
- Young, Francis Brett, (1884-1954), author
- Younger, George, (1851-1929), 1st Viscount Younger of Leckie
Families (9)
- Barker family of Pontefract Pontefract, Yorkshire
- Browne family of Twickenham and Whitton Twickenham, Middlesex
- Le Marchant family of Chobham Chobham, Surrey
- Montagu family, Dukes of Manchester Pertonhall, Bedfordshire;Swineshead, Bedfordshire;Doddington, Cambridgeshire;March, Cambridgeshire;Thorney, Cambridgeshire;Wimblington, Cambridgeshire;Kelvedon, Essex;Little Leighs, Essex;Mucking, Essex;Hertfordshire;Brampton, Huntingdonshire;Ellington, Huntingdonshire;Grafham, Huntingdonshire;Houghton, Huntingdonshire;Keyston, Huntingdonshire;Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire;Kimbolton Castle, Huntingdonshire;Little Stukeley, Huntingdonshire;St Ives, Huntingdonshire;Wyton, Huntingdonshire;Cornhill, London;London;Holborn, Middlesex;Westminster, Middlesex;West Dereham, Norfolk;Dogsthorpe, Northamptonshire;Longthorpe, Northamptonshire;Thorpe Hall, Northamptonshire;Bloxwich, Staffordshire;Shenstone, Staffordshire;Walsall, Staffordshire;Stoke by Clare, Suffolk;Knowle, Warwickshire;Ballymore, County Armagh;Portadown, County Armagh;Tanderagee, County Armagh;Tanderagee Castle, County Armagh;Bermuda;New Zealand;Virginia
- Orde-Powlett family, Barons Bolton Basing, Hampshire;Hackwood, Hampshire;Kingsclere, Hampshire;Nether Wallop, Hampshire;Bolton Hall, Yorkshire;Castle Bolton, Yorkshire;Leyburn, Yorkshire;Wensley, Yorkshire
- Shaw-Lefevre family, Barons Eversley Heckfield, Hampshire;Burley, Hampshire;Putham, Hampshire
- Spencer family, Earls Spencer Biggleswade, Bedfordshire;Millow, Bedfordshire;Shellingford, Berkshire;Cippenham, Buckinghamshire;Stantonbury, Buckinghamshire;Wolverton, Buckinghamshire;Mappowder, Dorset;Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset;Holywell, Hertfordshire;St Albans, Hertfordshire;Sandridge, Hertfordshire;Agney, Kent;Theddingworth, Leicestershire;Marlborough House, London;Spencer House, London;Westminster, Middlesex;North Creake, Norfolk;Althorp, Northamptonshire;Brington, Northamptonshire;Harlestone, Northamptonshire;Nobottle, Northamptonshire;Pytchley, Northamptonshire;Steane, Northamptonshire;Mattersey, Nottinghamshire;Wiseton, Nottinghamshire;Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire;St Thomas, Staffordshire;Sow, Staffordshire;Battersea, Surrey;Coombe, Surrey;Croydon, Surrey;Wandsworth, Surrey;Wimbledon, Surrey;Lurgashall, Sussex;Verdley, Sussex;Priors Marston, Warwickshire;Wormleighton, Warwickshire;Queens Ferry, Flintshire
- Townshend family, Marquesses Townshend Calverton, Buckinghamshire;Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire;Ely, Cambridgeshire;Fordham, Cambridgeshire;Soham, Cambridgeshire;Ashbourne, Derbyshire;Walton-upon-Trent, Derbyshire;East Donyland, Essex;Great Bentley, Essex;Wivenhoe, Essex;Kempsford, Gloucestershire;Amwell, Hertfordshire;Balls Park, Hertfordshire;Bengeo, Hertfordshire;Gorhambury, Hertfordshire;Wigston Magna, Leicestershire;London;Canonbury, Middlesex;Clerkenwell, Middlesex;Binham, Norfolk;Coxford, Norfolk;East Raynham, Norfolk;Great Yarmouth, Norfolk;Helhoughton, Norfolk;Horsham St Faith, Norfolk;Langham, Norfolk;Morston, Norfolk;Oxwich with Pattesley, Norfolk;Raynham Hall, Norfolk;Stiffkey, Norfolk;Weasenham, Norfolk;Wellingham, Norfolk;West Rudham, Norfolk;Elkington, Northamptonshire;Tamworth, Staffordshire;Tettenhall, Staffordshire;Akenham, Suffolk;Great Thurlow, Suffolk;Kentford, Suffolk;Rendlesham, Suffolk;Flecknoe, Warwickshire;Lea Marston, Warwickshire;Wellesbourne, Warwickshire;Hannington, Wiltshire;Inglesham, Wiltshire;Ramsbury, Wiltshire;Risby, Yorkshire
- Verney family, Barons Willoughby de Broke Long Stanton, Cambridgeshire;Steeple Morden, Cambridgeshire;Poyntington, Dorset;East Leach Turville, Gloucestershire;Tytherington, Gloucestershire;Cottered, Hertfordshire;Brasted, Kent;Northbourne, Kent;Otford, Kent;Allexton, Leicestershire;Horninghold, Leicestershire;Kimcote and Walton, Leicestershire;Frampton, Lincolnshire;Helpringham, Lincolnshire;North Ingelby, Lincolnshire;Scredington, Lincolnshire;London;Hackney, Middlesex;Stepney, Middlesex;Westminster, Middlesex;Collyweston, Northamptonshire;Coton, Northamptonshire;Long Buckby, Northamptonshire;Ravensthorpe, Northamptonshire;Sulby, Northamptonshire;Cottesmore, Rutland;Bramshall, Staffordshire;Penkridge, Staffordshire;Tutbury, Staffordshire;East Sheen, Surrey;Richmond, Surrey;Burton Dassett, Warwickshire;Chadshunt, Warwickshire;Chesterton, Warwickshire;Combrook, Warwickshire;Compton Verney, Warwickshire;Drayton, Warwickshire;Kineton, Warwickshire;Lighthorne, Warwickshire;Walsgrave On Sowe, Warwickshire
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (33)
- NRA 19284 William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Lord Beaverbrook: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20882 William Wedgwood Benn, 1st Viscount Stansgate: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 13874 Ralph Blumenfeld, journalist: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 6114 Sir Henry Bouverie William Brand, 1st Viscount Hampden: letters and diaries link to online catalogue
- NRA 17340 George Henry Cadogan, 5th Earl Cadogan: family and political papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 7116 Cave family, Barons Braye: parliamentary collection link to online catalogue
- NRA 35843 Commons, Open Spaces and Footpaths Preservation Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 33872 John Colin Campbell Davidson, 1st Viscount Davidson: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 42004 Sir Robert Donald, journalist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27945 Thomas Erskine May, 1st Baron Farnborough: corresp and misc family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 18808 Edward Gibson, 1st Baron Ashbourne: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 17127 Edward Arthur Goulding, 1st Baron Wargrave: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 17128 Sir Patrick Hannon, MP: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 717 House of Lords proxies link to online catalogue
- NRA 7117 House of Lords: journals, minutes and committee books link to online catalogue
- NRA 7119 House of Lords: papers and petitions link to online catalogue
- NRA 7118 House of Lords: Parliament Office papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19286 Andrew Bonar Law corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 42341 John Temple Leader, politician and connoisseur: personal and family corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 15700 David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor: personal and political papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 8681 Robert Lowe, Viscount Sherbrooke: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19854 William MR Pringle, MP: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 40217 Major Alexander Leslie Renton MP: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 11187 Herbert Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 28247 Sir John George Shaw-Lefevre, public servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 18378 Reginald William Sorensen, 1st Baron Sorensen: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19657 Frank Soskice, Baron Stow Hill: political and family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19285 John St Loe Strachey, journalist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 21684 Richard Greville Verney, 19th Baron Willoughby de Broke: political corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 28248 Robert Spence Watson, political, social and educational reformer: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 19853 Sir James Whitehead, lord mayor of London, and Sir Rowland Whitehead, MP: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20336 RM & RW Willcocks (booksellers), London: misc Duke of Manchester and Smyth of Nibley (Glos) family link to online catalogue
- NRA 17437 James Willis papers, incl Office of Works, Woods and Forests staff corresp link to online catalogue
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.