Browse by Records Creators
Shaw, George Bernard, (1856-1950), author and playwright
This page summarises records created by this Person
The summary includes a brief description of the collection(s) (usually including the covering dates of the collection), the name of the archive where they are held, and reference information to help you find the collection.
Surname: | Shaw |
Forenames: | George Bernard |
Gender: | Male |
Date: | 1856-1950 |
Biography: | ODNB link for Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950), author and playwright |
Name authority reference: | GB/NNAF/P129859 (Former ISAAR ref: GB/NNAF/P25908 ) |
Online related resources | Bibliography of British and Irish History link for George Bernard Shaw |
Number | Description | Held by | Reference | Further information |
1 |
corresp and papers
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 50508-743, 63179-187
2 |
1885-97: diaries
London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives and Special Collections
SR 0293
NRA 30258 Shaw
3 |
c1875-1950: corresp and papers
University of Texas at Austin: Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center Library
G.B. Shaw Collection
NRA 21657
4 |
1887-1946: corresp, literary MSS and papers (c200 items)
Harvard University: Houghton Library
See NUC MS 81-639
5 |
1871-1904: papers (50 items), incl literary MSS
Cornell University Libraries
See Hamer, Archives and MSS in USA 1961
6 |
1877-1950: business corresp and papers incl engagement diaries
London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives and Special Collections
NRA 30258 Shaw
7 |
1851-1944: corresp and papers given to the Fabian Society
London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives and Special Collections
Fabian Soc
NRA 16800
8 |
1933-40: corresp and papers rel to "Political Science in America" lecture
Columbia University Libraries: Rare Book and Manuscript Library
See NUC MS 67-811
9 |
1924-46: corresp etc (12 items)
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 63728
10 |
1895-1950: photographs
London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives and Special Collections
11 |
1893-1910: letters (22) to his Aunt Georgina
National Library of Wales: Department of Collection Services
NLW MS 18157E
See Location register of 20th century English literary MSS 1988
12 |
1896-1934: letters to his wife
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 46505-07
13 |
National Theatre Archive
See Metropolitan Lines (GLAN Newsletter) Feb 2002
14 |
1925-30: letters to Lady Aberconway
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 52556
15 |
1885-1924: corresp with William Archer
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 45296
16 |
1941-50: corresp with R Page Arnot
Hull History Centre (Hull University Archives)
NRA 34112 Arnot
17 |
1928-50: corresp with Nancy Astor
University of Reading: Special Collections
MS 1416/1/4/90-95
NRA 41566 Astor
18 |
corresp with Thomas Bodkin
Trinity College Dublin
MSS 6910-7079
NRA 24102
19 |
1890-1928: corresp with John Burns
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 59784
20 |
1906-40: corresp with GK and FA Chesterton, and others
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 73198 ff.1-120
21 |
1905, 1921-46: letters (100+) to R & R Clark Ltd
National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections
See Annual Report 1974-75 p55
22 |
1909-50: corresp with Constable & Co
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
See NUC MS 62-4410
23 |
1919-42: corresp with Sir Edward Elgar and family
Elgar Birthplace Museum
NRA 12104 Elgar
24 |
1888-9: letters to Henry Havelock Ellis
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 61891
25 |
1903-34: letters to Sir J Forbes-Robertson and family
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 61998
26 |
1907-20: letters (13 incl copies) to AG Gardiner
London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives and Special Collections
See Location register of 20th century English literary MSS 1988
27 |
1895-1942: corresp with the ILP
London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives and Special Collections
BLPES/ILP/Section 4 passim
NRA 42988
28 |
1923-1950: corresp with Sir Barry Jackson
Birmingham: Archives, Heritage and Photography Service
MS 2129
See Annual Return 1997
29 |
1906-07: letters to Holbrook Jackson
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 62992
30 |
1930-43: corresp with Thomas Jones
National Library of Wales: Department of Collection Services
Thomas Jones
NRA 30994 Jones
31 |
letters to Lady Kennet
Cambridge University Library: Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
NRA 12509 Young
32 |
1918-46: letters (14) to John Maynard Keynes
Cambridge University: King's College Archive Centre
NRA 36972
33 |
1904-34: letters (58) to Gertrude Kingston
Cambridge University: King's College Archive Centre
See Location register of 20th century English literary MSS 1988
34 |
notes by Jack Lambert on Shaw's plays
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS. Eng. c. 2345
NRA 41271
35 |
1933-44: corresp with Sir BH Liddell Hart
King's College London: Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives
KCLMA Liddell Hart B H
NRA 19291
36 |
1944: corresp with JH Lloyd
Hull History Centre (Hull University Archives)
NRA 13532 Lloyd
37 |
1926-44: letters to Lady Londonderry
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
NRA 19803 Stewart
38 |
1909-43: letters (19 incl copies) to Edith Lyttelton
Cambridge University: Churchill Archives Centre
See Location register of 20th century English literary MSS 1988
39 |
1918-36: letters to the Manchester Guardian
Manchester University: University of Manchester Library
Guardian archives
NRA 18162 Guardian
40 |
1892-1928: letters (15) to AJ Marriott, Fabian
National Library of Ireland
Acc 6762
See Annual Return 2008
41 |
1932-50: corresp with Kingsley Martin (33 items)
Sussex University Library Special Collections
SxMs 11
NRA 20303
42 |
1920s-1949: letters (19) to Dame Laurentia McLachlan
Stanbrook Abbey
See Location register of 20th century English literary MSS 1988
43 |
1898-1950: corresp with Gilbert Murray
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
MSS Gilbert Murray
NRA 16865
44 |
1890-1911: corresp (13 items) with Karl Pearson
UCL: University College London (UCL) Special Collections
NRA 18115 Pearson
45 |
1890-1900: letters to Edward Pease
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 59784
46 |
1909-48: corresp (37 items) with Sir Horace Plunkett
Plunkett Foundation
NRA 16228 Plunkett
47 |
1943-50: corresp with Kingsley Read
University of Reading: Special Collections
See Guide to Reading Univ L Archives, p37
48 |
1889-1901: letters to Edward Rose
Cambridge University Library: Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
MS Add. 9526/238-255
See Annual Return 2004
49 |
1930-48: letters (12) to Lord Reith
BBC Written Archives Centre
See Location register of 20th century English literary MSS 1988
50 |
corresp with Dora Russell
International Institute of Social History
Dora Winifred Russell Papers
See Guide 1989
51 |
1921-22: letters to St Albans Rural District Council
Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies
Acc 3373
See Annual Return 1998
52 |
1909-45: letters to Herbert Samuel
Parliamentary Archives
NRA 11187
53 |
1909-26: corresp with Charles Sarolea (36 items)
Edinburgh University Library, Heritage Collections
Sar coll 34
54 |
1884-1904: corresp with Andreas Scheu
International Institute of Social History
Andreas Scheu Papers
See Guide 1989
55 |
1909-61: corresp with Society of Authors etc
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 56627-637
56 |
1916-52: corresp with Marie Stopes
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 58493
57 |
1892-1922: corresp with Ellen Terry
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MSS 43800-02, 46172g, MS Facs 496
58 |
1924-40: corresp with Ernest Thesiger
Victoria & Albert (V&A) Museum, Theatre and Performance Archives
See Accessions to Repositories 1964
59 |
1888-1928: letters (40) to Graham Wallas
London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives and Special Collections
NRA 7537 Wallas
60 |
1898-1944: letters to Sidney and Beatrice Webb
London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives and Special Collections
NRA 7533 Webb
61 |
1938-43: corresp with Sir Almroth Wright
Trinity College Dublin
TCD MSS 9888
NRA 32069 Almroth Wright
62 |
1887-1934: corresp and literary MSS
University of Victoria: McPherson Library
See Union list of MSS in Canadian repositories , suppl 1976
63 |
1889-1949: letters (11); literary MSS
Huntington Library
See Guide to Literary MSS 1979
64 |
letters, literary MSS and rehearsal notes
Victoria & Albert (V&A) Museum, National Art Library
See Handbook to Depts of Prints and Drawings and Paintings, 1964
65 |
letters (c300)
Boston University Library: Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center
See Ex inf Dan H Laurence, Shaw estate literary adviser, 28.6.74
66 |
Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre
See Guide 1989
67 |
c1890-1944: letters
Victoria & Albert (V&A) Museum, Theatre and Performance Archives
See Location register of 20th century English literary MSS 1988
68 |
New York Public Library: Manuscripts and Archives Division
MssCol 4619
See Location register of 20th century English literary MSS 1988
69 |
Colby College
See Location register of 20th century English literary MSS 1988
70 |
Leo Baeck Institute Archives Division
See Location register of 20th century English literary MSS 1988
71 |
Free Library of Philadelphia
See Location register of 20th century English literary MSS 1988
72 |
20th cent: papers rel to Shaw
Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies
D/EX 975
NRA 3507 Herts RO misc
73 |
1936: typescript of 'The King, the Constitution, and the Lady' with ms alterations
National Library of Ireland
Acc. 6239
See Annual Return 2005
74 |
1908: (copy) 'On driving capital out of the country' corrected ts
British Library, Manuscript Collections
RP 1895
75 |
1945-1950: corresp rel to suggested burial in Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey Library and Muniment Room
WAM 63050-80
76 |
1913-1946: additional papers
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 89058
77 |
1901: letter from George Bernard Shaw to William Wetenhall
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 89199
See Annual Return 2016
78 |
New York Public Library: Manuscripts and Archives Division
Pforz MS
79 |
1935-1950: papers rel to wireless interview with publisher Maurice Webb (1890-1966) in Durban, South Africa, 1935
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 89242
See Annual Return 2017
80 |
1940-1948: corresp with writer and director Herbert Marshall (1906-1991)
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 89243
See Annual Return 2017
81 |
1892-1937: corresp with Tita Brand (1879-1964) and singer Marie Brema (1856-1925),
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 89246
See Annual Return 2017
82 |
1927-1928: corresp and papers rel to his book The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism
London University: Queen Mary University of London
83 |
1947-1976: typescript of 'A Definition of Communism'
British Library, Manuscript Collections
Add MS 89531
See Annual Return 2022
Record creator | Description of relationship | Dates | Category of relationship | |
1 |
founder of the Shaw Society
2 |
Version 7.16 - March 2025 - OffSite