Newcastle University: Special Collections

Browse repositories

Robinson Library

University of Newcastle upon Tyne

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Telephone: 0191 208 7712

Fax: 0191 222 6235

Open: Monday-Friday 9.30-4.30

Closed: Easter and Christmas

  • Book in advance
  • Wheelchair access
  • Proof of identity required

Reprographics: digitisation and photocopying services are provided for a fee; researchers are permitted to take photographs

ARCHON code: 186

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Collections information

Businesses (12)

Organisations (20)

Persons (299)

Families (3)

Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (11)

  • NRA 23118 Gertrude Bell, traveller, archaeologist and government servant: papers
  • NRA 16045 Bernard Bosanquet (philosopher) and Helen Bosanquet: papers and literary MSS
  • NRA 42633 Sid Chaplin, author: diaries, corresp and literary papers
  • NRA 33546 Jack Common, writer: corresp and papers
  • NRA 43026 George Gibson, farm steward: corresp and papers
  • NRA 22955 Thomas Hodgkin, historian: papers
  • NRA 43047 Mary Caroline Moorman, biographer: corresp and literary papers
  • NRA 43027 Newcastle University, Robinson Library: MS collections
  • NRA 13873 Walter Runciman, 1st Viscount Runciman of Doxford: papers
  • NRA 12238 Trevelyan family, baronets, of Wallington, Northumberland: family and political corresp and papers
  • NRA 16802 Frederic Whyte (publisher's reader, author and translator): correspondence and papers


These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.

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