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Collections information
Businesses (12)
- Alnwick Corn Exchange Alnwick, Northumberland
- Backbarrow Co, ironmasters Backbarrow, Lancashire
- Bloodaxe Books Ltd, Newcastle Tarset, Northumberland;Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Flambard Press, publishers, Newcastle Upon Tyne Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Iron press, publishers, Newark Newark, Nottinghamshire
- John Bell, printers Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Live Theatre, Newcastle Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Merz & McLellan, consulting engineers Killingworth, Northumberland
- Northumberland Central Railway Co Morpeth, Northumberland
- Pig Press Ltd, poetry publisher
- Wansbeck Railway Co Northumberland;Northumberland
- William Brewis, farmer, Mitford Mitford, Northumberland
Organisations (20)
- Alnwick Union Workhouse Alnwick, Northumberland
- A-N The Artists Information Co. Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland;United Kingdom
- Durham Palatinate Courts Durham;Durham
- Jubilee 2000, campaign group for the cancellation of Third World debt
- Locus+ visual arts agency Newcastle Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Morden Tower, poetry centre and heritage site Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- National Service League
- Newcastle and Gateshead Pathological Society Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland;Gateshead, Durham
- Newcastle Bach Choir Society Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Newcastle Music Festival Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Newcastle Provincial Medical and Surgical Association Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Newcastle upon Tyne Convalescent Society Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Newcastle upon Tyne Dispensary Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Newcastle upon Tyne Medical and Philosophical Society Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- North of England Society for the Promotion of the Fine Arts
- Northumberland Handicrafts Guild Northumberland;Northumberland
- Northumberland militia Northumberland;Northumberland
- Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Tyne Theatre Trust (Northern Stage), Theatre in Education Sunderland, Durham
- Tyneside Campaign for Homosexual Equality
Persons (299)
- Acland, Sir Arthur Herbert Dyke, (1847-1926), 13th Baronet of Columb John, 13th Baronet, MP
- Acland, Sir Francis Dyke, (1874-1939), Knight, politician
- Acland, Henry Wentworth, (1815-1900), 1st Baronet physician
- Adamson, John, (1787-1855), antiquary
- Aitken, William Maxwell, (1879-1964), 1st Baron Beaverbrook, newspaper proprietor
- Almack, Richard, (1799-1875), solicitor and antiquary
- Alvi, Moniza, (b 1954), poet
- Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett, (1873-1955), politician and journalist
- Anderson, Sir Alan Garrett, (1877-1952), Knight, MP
- Anderson, Sir Kenneth Skelton, (1866-1942), Knight, shipowner
- Angell, Sir Ralph Norman, (1874-1967), Knight, peace campaigner and author
- Ashley, Sir Percy Walter Llewellyn, (1876-1945), Knight, public servant
- Asquith, Herbert Henry, (1852-1928), 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith, statesman
- Avery, Bryan Robert, (1944-2017), architect
- Bakewell, Robert, (1725-1795), agriculturist
- Baldwin, Stanley, (1867-1947), 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, statesman
- Balfour, Arthur James, (1848-1930), 1st Earl of Balfour, statesman
- Balfour, John Hutton, (1808-1884), botanist
- Barlow, David, (1927-1975), Composer
- Bates, Henry Walter, (1825-1892), naturalist
- Bathurst, Charles, (1867-1958), 1st Viscount Bledisloe
- Beke, Charles Tilstone, (1800-1874), Abyssinian Explorer
- Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian, (1868-1926), traveller, archaeologist and government official
- Bell, Sir Isaac Lowthian, (1816-1904), Knight Metallurgical Chemist and Pioneer in Industrial Enterprise
- Bell, Thomas, (1785-1860), antiquary
- Bell, Sir Thomas Hugh, (1844-1931), 2nd Baronet Yorkshire industrialist and politician
- Bennet, Peter, (b 1942), poet and teacher
- Beveridge, William Henry, (1879-1963), Baron Beveridge, economist
- Bigge, Arthur John, (1849-1931), 1st Baron Stamfordham, private secretary to George V
- Birrell, Augustine, (1850-1933), author and statesman
- Blake, Sir Francis Douglas, (1856-1940), 1st Baronet MP
- Bosanquet, Bernard, (1848-1923), philosopher
- Bosanquet, Helen, (1860-1925), writer
- Bosanquet, Sir Samuel Ronald Courthope, (1868-1952), Knight Lawyer
- Bradley, Francis Herbert, (1846-1924), philosopher
- Brand, John, (1744-1806), antiquary and historian
- Brassey, Thomas, (1836-1918), 1st Earl Brassey, Governor of Victoria
- Brewster, Sir David, (1781-1868), Knight, natural philosopher
- Brown, Thomas Baker, (1896-1975), private, Northumberland Fusiliers
- Bruce, John Collingwood, (1805-1892), antiquary
- Bryce, James, (1838-1922), Viscount Bryce of Dechmount, statesman
- Buchanan, Sir George William, (1854-1924), Knight Diplomat
- Buckingham, James Silk, (1786-1855), author, traveller and MP
- Buckland, Francis Trevelyan, (1826-1880), naturalist
- Buckland, William, (1784-1856), Dean of Westminster, geologist
- Burgess, Henry, (1781-1863), Banker and Journalist
- Burns, John Elliot, (1858-1943), Politician and Trade Unionist
- Buxton, Sydney Charles, (1853-1934), 1st Earl Buxton, Governor General of South Africa
- Chamberlain, Arthur Neville, (1869-1940), statesman
- Chamberlain, Sir Joseph Austen, (1863-1937), Knight, politician
- Chambers, Robert, (1802-1871), publisher and author
- Chaplin, Michael, (b 1951), journalist and playwright Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Chaplin, Sidney 'Sid', (1916-1986), author, OBE
- Childers, Robert Erskine, (1870-1922), author and politician
- Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer, (1874-1965), Knight, prime minister and historian
- Clilverd, Graham Barry, (1883-1978), artist
- Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth, (1861-1907), poet and novelist
- Collier, John Payne, (1789-1883), Shakespearean scholar and forger, antiquary and journalist
- Combe, George, (1788-1858), phrenologist
- Common, Jack, (1903-1968), Writer
- Constantine, David, (b1944), poet, author and translator
- Cook, Sir Edward Tyas, (1857-1919), Knight Journalist
- Cowen, Joseph, (1821-1900), politician and journalist Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Cox, Harold, (1859-1936), journalist, economist & MP
- Cox, Robert, (1810-1872), Anti Sabbatarian
- Crawhall, Joseph, (1821-1896), artist Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Creedy, Sir Herbert James, (1878-1973), Knight, civil servant
- Crewe-Milnes, Robert Offley Ashburton, (1858-1945), 1st Marquess of Crewe, statesman
- Crook, William Montgomery, (1860-1945), Liberal Politician
- Cruikshank, George, (1792-1878), artist and caricaturist
- Culley, George, (1735-1813), Cattle Breeder
- Darnell, William Nicholas, (1776-1865), Theologian and Antiquary
- Daubeny, Charles Giles Bridle, (1795-1867), chemist and botanist
- David Kay, (fl 1950), neuroscientist
- Davidson, Randall Thomas, (1848-1930), Baron Davidson of Lambeth, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Dick, Robert Burns, (1868-1954), architect
- Dickinson, Peter, (b 1927), writer Zambia
- Dix, Dorothea Lynde, (1802-1887), American Philanthropist and Reformer
- Donaldson, Sir Liam Joseph, (b 1949), chief medical officer and university chancellor Middlesbrough, Yorkshire
- D'Orsey, Alexander James Donald, (1812-1894), Scottish Episcopal clergyman and Portuguese scholar
- Dow, Neal, (1804-1897), Advocate of Temperance
- Duff, John Wight, (1866-1944), Classical Scholar
- Eddison, Eric Rucker, (1882-1945), Author
- Ellacombe, Henry Thomas, (1790-1885), Vicar of Clyst St George Antiquary
- Elliot, Alistair, (1932-2018), librarian, poet and translator
- Ellis, Sir Henry, (1777-1869), Knight, Principal Librarian of the British Museum and antiquary
- Ellison, Henry, (1811-1880), author
- Emmott, Alfred, (1858-1926), 1st Baron Emmott, politician
- Evetts, Leonard Charles, (1909 - 1997), artist and conservationist
- Farrell, Sir Terry, (b 1938), architect
- Fenwick, Sir John, (? 1645-1697), Knight, Jacobite conspirator
- Fitzmaurice, Henry Charles Keith, (1845-1927), 5th Marquess of Landsdowne, statesman
- Forbes, Alexander Penrose, (1817-1875), Bishop of Brechin
- Forbes, Edward, (1815-1854), naturalist
- France, Gerald Ashburner, (1870-1935), MP
- Franks, Sir Augustus Wollaston, (1826-1897), Knight Antiquary
- Gascoyne-Cecil, Edgar Algernon Robert, (1864-1958), Viscount Cecil of Chelwood
- Gaye, Sir Arthur Stretton, (1881-1960), Knight Civil Servant
- George, David Lloyd, (1863-1945), 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor, statesman
- Gibb, Charles John, (1824-1916), Physician
- Gibbs, Sir Philip Armand Hamilton, (1877-1962), Knight Author
- Gibson, George, (fl 1800-1850), Farm Steward to Sir Mw Ridley of Blagdon Newcastle
- Gibson, William Sidney, (1814-1871), author and antiquary
- Giles, John Allen, (1808-1884), Historian Editor and Translator
- Gillies, Robert Pearse, (1788-1858), Author
- Gillray, James, (1757-1815), caricaturist
- Gladstone, Herbert John, (1854-1930), 1st Viscount Gladstone, statesman
- Gooch, George Peabody, (1873-1968), MP, historian
- Goschen, Sir William Edward, (1847-1924), 1st Baronet Diplomat
- Gray, John Edward, (1800-1875), naturalist
- Greenwell, William, (1820-1918), rector of St Mary Durham, archaeologist
- Gregory, William, (1803-1858), Chemist
- Greville, Robert Kaye, (1794-1866), botanist
- Grey, Albert Henry George, (1851-1917), 4th Earl Grey, Governor General of Canada
- Grey, Sir Edward, (1862-1933), Viscount Grey of Falloden, statesman
- Grey, Sir George, (1799-1882), 2nd Baronet, statesman
- Grey, Henry George, (1802-1894), 3rd Earl Grey, statesman
- Gulland, John William, (1864-1920), Liberal MP
- Haldane, Richard Burdon, (1856-1928), 1st Viscount Haldane, Lord Chancellor
- Hancock, John, (1808-1890), Botanist
- Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers, (1877-1963), 1st Baron Hankey of the Chart, civil servant
- Harcourt, Lewis, (1863-1922), 1st Viscount Harcourt
- Harmsworth, Cecil Bisshopp, (1869-1948), 1st Baron Harmsworth, politician
- Harrison, Anthony, (b 1937), poet, translator and playwright
- Havelock, Sir Thomas Henry, (1877-1968), Knight Mathematician
- Henslow, John Stevens, (1796-1861), botanist and Church of England clergyman
- Hepburn, Sir George Buchan, (1739-1819), Baron of the Scottish Exchequer
- Herschel, Alexander Stewart, (1836-1907), astronomer
- Heslop-Harrison, John William, (1881-1967), Botanist
- Hewitson, William Chapman, (1806-1878), Naturalist
- Hibbert-Ware, Samuel, (1782-1848), antiquary and geologist
- Hill, Selima, (b 1945), poet
- Hirst, Francis Wrigley, (1873-1953), Lawyer Economist Biographer
- Hobhouse, Sir Charles Edward Henry, (1862-1941), 4th Baronet MP
- Hodgkin, Thomas, (1831-1913), Historian
- Hodgson, John, (1779-1845), Antiquary and Historian
- Holland, Vincenza, (1923-2018), Poet Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland;Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Holt, Sir Richard Durning, (1868-1941), 1st Baronet MP
- Honigmann, Professor Ernst Anselm Joachim, (1927-2011), professor of English literature and author
- Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, (1817-1911), Knight, botanist, explorer, Director of Kew Gardens
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, (1785-1865), Knight, botanist Norwich, Norfolk
- Horan, Charles Trevor, (1863-1932), Archdeacon of Cairo
- Houston, Sir Robert Paterson, (1853-1926), Baronet MP Shipowner
- Hunt, William Holman, (1827-1910), painter
- Hurd, Sir Archibald, (1869-1959), Knight Naval Writer
- Hutton, William, (1798-1860), Geologist
- Isaac, Peter, (1921-2002), professor, engineer, bibliographer and historian of the British book trade
- Johnston, George, (1797-1855), naturalist
- Johnston, Sir Henry Hamilton, (1858-1927), Knight, explorer and colonial administrator
- Jones, Sir Clement Wakefield, (1880-1963), Knight, public servant
- Jones, Herbert Gresford, (1870-1958), Bishop of Warrington
- Kelaart, Edward Frederick, (c 1818-1860), Botanist
- Kinglake, Alexander William, (1809-1891), MP, historian and traveller
- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, (1850-1916), 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, Field Marshal
- Lake, William Charles, (1817-1897), Dean of Durham
- Law, Andrew Bonar, (1858-1923), Statesman
- Lawrence, John Laird Mair, (1811-1879), 1st Baron Lawrence, Governor General of India
- Lawson, Sir Wilfrid, (1829-1906), 2nd Baronet Liberal Politician
- Layard, Sir Austen Henry, (1817-1894), Knight, politician, diplomat and archaeologist
- Lee, Jennie, (1904-1988), Baroness Lee, MP
- Lee, Matthew Henry, (1832-1890), Vicar of Hanmer Antiquary
- Lepsius, Karl Richard, (1810-1884), German Egyptologist and philologist
- Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, (1806-1863), 2nd Baronet Statesman and Author
- Lindley, John, (1799-1865), botanist
- Lindsay, William Lauder, (1829-1880), Botanist
- Lister, Hal, (1921-2010), geographer, polar explorer
- Long, Walter Hume, (1854-1924), 1st Viscount Long, statesman
- Loraine, Sir Percy Lyham, (1880-1961), 12th Baronet, 12th Baronet Diplomat
- Loudon, Jane Wells, (1807-1858), horticultural writer
- Macdonald, Alexander, (? 1791-1850), antiquary
- MacDonald, James Ramsay, (1866-1937), statesman
- Macinnes, Rennie, (1870-1931), Bishop of Jerusalem
- Mackay, James Lyle, (1852-1932), 1st Earl of Inchcape
- Maclean, Sir Donald, (1864-1932), Knight Politician
- Maclean, Sir John, (1811-1895), Knight, archaeologist and civil servant
- Maconochie, Alexander, (1787-1860), Governor of Norfolk Island
- MacSweeney, Barry, (1948-2000), poet Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Macvicar, John Gibson, (1800-1884), writer on science
- Mallet, Sir Charles Edward, (1862-1947), Knight MP Historian Biographer
- Mansbridge, Albert, (1876-1952), Educationist
- Mapanje, Jack, (b 1944), poet
- Massingham, Henry William, (1860-1924), Journalist and Author
- Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney, (1874-1927), politician, author and journalist
- Matthew, Reginald Walter, (1879-1928), Civil Servant
- McKenna, Reginald, (1863-1943), statesman and banker
- McLane, Val, (b1943), actor, scriptwriter and director Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Mclintock, Sir William, (1873-1947), 1st Baronet Public Servant
- Merz, Charles Hesterman, (1874-1940), Consulting Engineer
- Montagu, Edwin Samuel, (1879-1924), Statesman
- Moorman, John Richard Humpidge, (1905-1989), Bishop of Ripon Ripon, Yorkshire
- Moorman, Mary Caroline, (1905-1994), biographer
- Morant, Sir Robert Laurie, (1863-1920), Knight Educationalist
- Morel, Edmund Dene, (1873-1924), MP Author and Journalist
- Morley, Sir John, (1838-1923), 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn, statesman
- Morrison, George Ernest, (1860-1920), journalist
- Muirhead, John Henry, (1855-1940), philosopher
- Munro, Alexander, (1825-1871), sculptor
- Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey, (1792-1871), 1st Baronet geologist
- Murry, John Middleton, (1889-1957), writer and journal editor
- Nash, Vaughan, (1861-1932), Civil Servant
- Neill, Patrick, (1776-1851), naturalist
- Nightingale, Florence, (1820-1910), reformer of hospital nursing
- O'Brien, Sean, (b 1952), poet
- O'Casey, Sean, (1880-1964), playwright and writer
- Oldroyd, Sir Mark, (1843-1927), Knight Industrialist and Politician
- Palmer, William Waldegrave, (1859-1942), 2nd Earl of Selborne, statesman
- Pattinson, Sir Lawrence Arthur, (1890-1955), Knight, Air Marshal London;India;China
- Pease, Joseph Albert, (1860-1943), 1st Baron Gainford
- Perceval, Spencer George, (1838-1922), Antiquary and Geologist
- Perks, Sir Robert William, (1849-1934), Knight MP for Louth
- Philipps, Owen Cosby, (1863-1937), Baron Kylsant, shipowner
- Phillipps, Sir Thomas, (1792-1872) 1st Baronet Phillips, antiquary, collector of MSS and books
- Phillpotts, Henry, (1778-1869), Bishop of Exeter
- Pillans, James, (1778-1864), classicist and educational reformer
- Plater, Charles Dominic, (1875-1921), Roman Catholic Theologian
- Plowden, Lady Bridget Horatia, (1910-2000), educationalist and civil servant
- Plowman, Mark, (1883-1941), writer, editor and and pacifist
- Ponsonby, Arthur Augustus William Harry, (1871-1946), 1st Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede, politician
- Poole, John, (? 1786-1872), Dramatist and Miscellaneous Author
- Power, John Arthur, (1810-1886), Entomologist
- Price, Morgan Philips, (1885-1973), MP and journalist
- Price, William Robert, (1886-1975), botanist
- Prior, Matthew, (1664-1721), poet and diplomat
- Pybus, Frederick Charles, (1883-1975), surgeon Aand antiquary
- Raine, James, (1791-1858), antiquary and topographer
- Raine, James, (c 1829-1896), Chancellor of York Antiquary
- Rattenbury, John Ernest, (1870-1963), Methodist Minister
- Rees, Sir Richard Lodowick Edward Montagu, (1900-1970), 2nd Baronet Author
- Richmond, Sir Herbert William, (1871-1946), Knight, Admiral and Master of Downing College, Cambridge
- Ritson, Joseph, (1752-1803), Literary Critic
- Robinson, George Frederick Samuel, (1827-1909), 1st Marquess of Ripon, statesman
- Rodd, James Rennell, (1858-1941), 1st Baron Rennell, diplomat
- Rolleston, George, (1829-1881), physician, zoologist and archaeologist
- Rossetti, Christina Georgina, (1830-1894), poet
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, (1828-1882), painter and poet
- Rossetti, William Michael, (1829-1919), man of letters and art critic
- Runciman, Hilda, (1869-1956), Viscountess Runciman of Doxford, politician
- Runciman, Walter, (1847-1937), 1st Baron Runciman, MP, shipowner
- Runciman, Walter, (1870-1949), Viscount Runciman of Doxford, statesman
- Ruskin, John, (1819-1900), author, artist and social reformer
- Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, (1872-1970), 3rd Earl Russell, philosopher
- Samuel, Herbert Louis, (1870-1963), 1st Viscount Samuel, statesman
- Sanders, Sir Charles John Ough, (1865-1938), Knight Civil Servant
- Scott, William Bell, (1811-1890), poet and painter
- Scudamore, William Edward, (1813-1881), Rector of Ditchingham, Author
- Seeley, Sir John Robert, (1834-1895), Knight, historian
- Seely, John Edward Bernard, (1868-1947), 1st Baron Mottistone
- Sharp, Thomas, (1901-1978), Town and Country Planner Architect and Architectural Writer
- Shaw, Alexander, (1883-1944), 2nd Baron Craigmyle
- Simon, John Allsebrook, (1873-1954), 1st Viscount Simon, Lord Chancellor
- Simpson, James, (1781-1853), educationalist and author
- Skipsey, Joseph, (1832-1903), Poet
- Smith, Charles Roach, (1807-1890), antiquary
- Smith, Sir Edmund Charles Wyldbore, (1877-1938), Knight, public servant
- Smith, Sir Hubert Llewellyn, (1864-1945), Knight, civil servant
- Smyth, Herbert Warington, (d 1943), civil servant
- Snow, William Parker, (1817-1895), Mariner Explorer and Author
- Sopwith, Thomas, (1803-1879), mining engineer
- Spender, John Alfred, (1862-1942), journalist and author
- Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers, (1852-1924), Knight composer and conductor
- Stanley, Albert Henry, (1874-1948), Baron Ashfield
- Stead, William Thomas, (1849-1912), journalist and author
- Stogdon, Edgar, (1870-1951), Vicar of Harrow Schoolmaster
- Swettenham, Sir Frank Athelstane, (1850-1946), Knight, colonial administrator
- Swinburne, Algernon Charles, (1837-1909), poet
- Talbot, William Henry Fox, (1800-1877), MP pioneer of photography
- Temple, Sir Richard, (1826-1902), 1st Baronet, MP, Anglo Indian administrator
- Tennant, Harold John, (1865-1935), MP for Berwickshire
- Tomlinson, Sir Bernard, (1920-2017), neuropathologist and health adminstrator
- Tonks, Rosemary, (1928-2014), author and poet
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Edward, (1807-1886), Knight, Governor of Madras
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Philips, (1870-1958), 3rd Baronet Politician
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay, (1876-1962), historian
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, (1838-1928), 2nd Baronet Statesman and Historian
- Trevelyan, Sir John, (1761-1846), 5th Baronet
- Trevelyan, Pauline, (1816-1866), art patron and critic
- Trevelyan, Robert Calverley, (1872-1951), Poet and Dramatist
- Trevelyan, Sir Walter Calverley, (1797-1879), 6th Baronet, naturalist
- Wallis, Peter John, (1918-1992), Historian of Mathematics Bibliographer
- Walmsley, Anne, (b 1931), lecturer, artist and author
- Ward, Dorothy Mary, (1874-1964), daughter of Mrs Humphry Ward
- Watson, Hewett Cottrell, (1804-1881), Botanist
- Watson, Sir John William, (1858-1935), Knight Poet
- Watts, George Frederic, (1817-1904), painter and sculptor
- Wedgwood, Josiah Clement, (1872-1943), 1st Baron Wedgwood, politician
- Wells, Herbert George, (1866-1946), novelist
- White, Robert, (1802-1874), antiquary
- Whittaker, William Gillies, (1876-1944), composer
- Whyte, Frederic, (1867-1941), Writer and Translator
- Wigram, Clive, (1873-1960), 1st Baron Wigram, private secretary to George V
- Wilkinson, Ellen Cicely, (1891-1947), Labour Politician
- Williams, Arthur Frederic Basil, (1867-1950), historian
- Wilson, Sir Daniel, (1816-1892), Knight, archaeologist
- Winch, Nathaniel John, (? 1769-1838), Botanist
- Wood, Charles, (1800-1885), 1st Viscount Halifax, statesman
- Wood, Thomas McKinnon, (1855-1927), politician
- Woodman, William, (fl 1848), antiquary
- Woodward, Benjamin, (1815-1861), architect
- Woolner, Thomas, (1825-1892), sculptor and poet
Families (3)
- Milbanke family, baronets, of Halnaby Halnaby, Yorkshire
- Ridley family, Viscounts Ridley Blagdon, Northumberland
- Trevelyan family, baronets, of Wallington Wallington Hall, Northumberland
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (11)
- NRA 23118 Gertrude Bell, traveller, archaeologist and government servant: papers
- NRA 16045 Bernard Bosanquet (philosopher) and Helen Bosanquet: papers and literary MSS
- NRA 42633 Sid Chaplin, author: diaries, corresp and literary papers
- NRA 33546 Jack Common, writer: corresp and papers
- NRA 43026 George Gibson, farm steward: corresp and papers
- NRA 22955 Thomas Hodgkin, historian: papers
- NRA 43047 Mary Caroline Moorman, biographer: corresp and literary papers
- NRA 43027 Newcastle University, Robinson Library: MS collections
- NRA 13873 Walter Runciman, 1st Viscount Runciman of Doxford: papers
- NRA 12238 Trevelyan family, baronets, of Wallington, Northumberland: family and political corresp and papers
- NRA 16802 Frederic Whyte (publisher's reader, author and translator): correspondence and papers
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.