National Theatre Archive

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NT Studio

83-101 The Cut

Correspondence address:

Royal National Theatre, South Bank, London SE1 9PX

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Telephone: 020 7452 3135


Open: Monday-Thursday 10-1, 2-5

  • Book in advance
  • Wheelchair access
  • Proof of identity required

The National Theatre Archive is a treasure trove of material, encompassing all of the creative, technical and administrative records of the National Theatre. The Archive is open to everyone by appointment.

The collection covers the movement to found the National Theatre and the period from the start of the company in 1963 right up to the present day. An online catalogue for the material in the collection is accessible via the website.

The Archive provides research space and free screening facilities for individuals as well as groups, including schools and universities, and can accommodate up to 25 people for screenings.

  • Reprographics: a copying service is available on request for certain types of material
  • ARCHON code: 2080

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