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Collections information
Businesses (6)
- British Broadcasting Corporation London;Bedford, Bedfordshire
- Gardner Arts Centre, Brighton Brighton, Sussex
- Hogarth Press Ltd, publishers London
- New Statesman, magazine London
- The Daily Mirror News Ltd London
- Turnstile Press London
Organisations (15)
- Association for World Government
- Beyond Boxes, community participation and engagement project
- Common Wealth Party
- Hastings Speaks, life writing community project Hastings, Sussex
- Land Utilization Survey of Britain
- Mass Observation Communities Online
- Mass-Observation
- Royal Commission on Common Land
- rYico Keeping Memories: The Rwandan Community in the UK, commemorative project
- Society of Friends War Victims Relief Committee
- St Anne's Society
- Sussex University Brighton, Sussex
- University of Sussex Resistance Studies Network
- Workers Union: London district committee (?) London
- World Parliament Association
Persons (217)
- Acland, Richard Thomas Dyke, (1906-1990), 15th Baronet, politician
- Adams, Jad, (b 1954), writer and television producer
- Allsop, Kenneth, (1920-1973), Journalist and Broadcaster
- Annan, Noel Gilroy, (1916-2000), Baron Annan, historian and academic administrator
- Ashcroft, Dame Edith Margaret Emily Peggy, (1907-1991), Actress
- Asquith, Emma Alice Margaret, (1864-1945) Countess of Oxford and Asquith, socialite, author, and wit
- Attenborough, Richard Samuel, (1923-2014), Baron Attenborough, actor, film director and producer
- Attlee, Clement Richard, (1883-1967), 1st Earl Attlee, statesman
- Aveling, Edward Bibbins, (1851-1898), Socialist Writer and Propagandist
- Bagnold, Enid Algerine, (1889-1981), author and playwright
- Balcon, Jill Angela Henriette, (fl 1951-1999), actress and broadcaster
- Bartlett, Charles Vernon Oldfeld, (1894-1983), journalist and broadcaster
- Bartlett, William Walter, (fl 1887-1942), Socialist
- Baylis, Peter, (1922-1973), director
- Bell, Anne Olivier, (1916-2018), editor and biographer
- Bell, Arthur Clive Heward, (1881-1964), art critic
- Bell, Julian Heward, (1908-1937), poet
- Bell, Quentin Claudian Stephen, (1910-1996), author and art critic
- Bell, Vanessa, (1879-1961), artist London
- Benson, Arthur Christopher, (1862-1925), writer
- Berger, John Peter, (1926-2017), author and art critic Stoke Newington, Middlesex
- Birrell, Francis Frederick Locker, (1889-1935), Writer
- Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, (1897-1974), Baron Blackett, physicist
- Blunden, Edmund Charles, (1896-1974), poet
- Boden , Margaret Ann, (b1936), OBE FBA, Research Professor of Cognitive Science, University of Sussex
- Boshier, Derek, (b 1937), pop artist
- Brenan, Edward Fitzgerald, (1894-1987), writer and historian
- Calder, Angus Lindsay, (1942-2008), academic and author
- Carlebach, Julius, (1922-2001), sociologist
- Carrington, Charles Edmund, (1897-1990), historian and biographer
- Carrington, Dora, (1893-1932), painter
- Child, Winifred, (fl 1935-1949), governess
- Childe, Vere Gordon, (1892-1957), archaeologist
- Church, Richard, (1893-1972), Author
- Clarke, Desmond Walter Robert, (1945-2017), publisher
- Cole, Dame Margaret Isabel, (1893-1980), writer and political activist
- Colefax, Sibyl, (1872-1950), Lady Colefax, Society Hostess
- Connaught, Arthur William Patrick Albert, (1850-1942), 1st Duke of Connaught, Field Marshal
- Copper, Bob, (1915-2004), Folk singer Rottingdean, Sussex
- Copper, Robert James, (1915-2004), folk singer and author
- Coward, Sir Noel, (1899-1973), Knight, playwright and composer
- Crowther, James Gerald, (1899-1983), science journalist
- Curtis, Lionel George, (1872-1955), colonial historian
- Daghani, Arnold, (1909-1985), labour camp survivor and artist
- Daiches, David, (1912-2005), literary critic and scholar
- Davies, Edward Clement, (1884-1962), Politician
- Davies, Margaret Llewelyn, (1861-1944), social reformer involved in Women's Cooperative Guild Movement
- Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes, (1862-1932), Humanist Historian and Philosopher
- Dimbleby, David, (b 1938), Broadcaster
- Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice, (1902-1984), Physicist
- Donleavy, James Patrick, (b 1926), Author and Playwright
- Draper, Gerald Irving A Dare, (1914-1989), Professor of law, war crimes prosecutor
- Dunsterville, Lionel Charles, (1865-1946), Major General
- Easdale, Gladys Ellen, (1875-1970), author
- Edel, Joseph Leon, (1907-1997), American author
- Ehrenberg, Victor Leopold, (1891-1976), classicist and ancient historian
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns, (1888-1965), poet
- Eton, Isle Julie, (b 1922), German Jewish refugee
- Eversley, David, (1921-1995), German Jewish refugee
- Feld, Hans, (1902-1992), film critic and journalist
- Fielden, Lionel, (1896-1974), Journalist
- Forster, Edward Morgan, (1879-1970), novelist and critic
- Freeman, John, (b 1915), Politician and Journalist
- Fry, Roger Eliot, (1866-1934), art critic and artist
- Gaitskell, Hugh Todd Naylor, (1906-1963), Statesman
- Gardner, Diana, (b 1913), artist and writer
- Garland, Patrick , (1935-2013), theatre and television director, actor and writer
- Garnett, Angelica Vanessa, (1918-2012), artist and author East Sussex
- Garnett, David, (1892-1981), Author
- Gielgud, Val Henry, (1900-1981), BBC head of Drama
- Glendinning, Victoria, (b 1937), author and journalist
- Gollancz, Sir Victor, (1893-1967), Knight, publisher, author and political campaigner
- Grant, Duncan James Corrowr, (1885-1978), artist
- Greene, Graham, (1904-1991), novelist
- Gregory, Sir Richard Arman, (1864-1952), Knight Scientist
- Hacker, Rose, (1906-2008), socialist, writer and campaigner
- Halpern, Jack, (1927-1973), Journalist
- Harrisson, Thomas, (1911-1976), Anthropologist
- Harrod, Sir Roy Forbes, (1900-1978), Knight, economist
- Hart-Davis, Sir Rupert Charles , (1907-1999) Knight, author, editor and publisher
- Harwood, Harold Marsh, (d 1959), theatrical manager
- Henriques, Fernando , (1916-1976), Director of the Centre for Multi-Racial Studies, University of Sussex
- Hepworth, Dame Jocelyn Barbara, (1903-1975), artist, sculptor Wakefield, Yorkshire;St Ives, Cornwall
- Hewitt, Cecil Rolph, (1901-1994), Journalist and Criminologist
- Hickman, Hannah Gertrud, (1923-2005), German Jewish refugee
- Hogben, Lancelot Thomas, (1895-1975), Zoologist
- Holroyd, Sir Michael de Courcy Fraser, (b 1935), Knight, biographer
- Hutchinson, Jeremy Nicolas, (1915-2017) Lord Hutchinson of Lullington, QC and barrister Lullington, Sussex
- Hutchinson, St John, (1884-1942), barrister and Liberal politician
- Huxley, Sir Julian Sorell, (1887-1975), Knight, zoologist and philosopher
- Jacques, Ali, (1966-2017), artist and actor
- Joad, Cyril Edwin Mitchinson, (1891-1953), Philosopher
- Johnson, Paul Bede, (b 1928), Author
- Kahn, Selma, (1888-1981), writer and poet
- Kenna, John Corbett, (1913-2004), clinical psychologist and historian of psychology
- Keynes, Sir Geoffrey Langdon, (1887-1982), Knight, surgeon and author
- Keynes, John Maynard, (1883-1946), Baron Keynes of Tilton, economist
- Kilham Roberts, Denys, (1903-1976), Writer Secretary General for Society of Authors
- Kipling, John Lockwood, (1837-1911), Architectural Sculptor and Designer
- Kipling, Joseph Rudyard, (1865-1936), author Mumbai, India
- Koteliansky, Samuel Solomonovich, (1880-1955), translator
- Lamb, Sir Walter Rangeley Maitland, (1882-1961), Knight Secretary of Royal Academy of Arts
- Lawson, Hugh Mcdowall, (1912-1997), Engineer and MP
- Lee, Hermione, (b 1948), writer, academic and journalist
- Lehmann, John Frederick, (1907-1987), editor and author
- Lerner, Max, (b 1902), Journalist
- Lessing, Doris May, (1919-2013), CH, author Iran
- Levy, Benn Wolfe, (1900-1973), MP Dramatist
- Levy, Paul, (b 1941), author, broadcaster
- Lewis, John Spedan, (1885-1963), businessman
- Leys, Norman, (1875-1944), writer on colonial affairs
- Light, Alison, (b 1955), author and historian
- Line, Frances, (fl1952-1977), Controller of Radio 2
- Lovell, Sir Alfred Charles Bernard, (1913-2012), Knight, astronomer
- Low, David Morrice, (1890-1972), writer
- Lynder, Frank, (1916-1945), journalist and British Intelligence
- MacCarthy, Sir Charles Otto Desmond, (1877-1952), Knight author and literary critic
- Macdonald Fleming, Alice, (1868-1948), author
- Macinnes, Colin, (1914-1976), Author
- Mackenzie, Norman, (b 1921), journalist
- Madge, Charles, (1912-1996), poet, sociologist
- Mallalieu, Sir Joseph Percival William, (1908-1980), Knight MP
- Martin, Basil Kingsley, (1897-1969), journalist
- Marx, Ludwig, (1891-1964), teacher and writer
- Massingham, Harold John, (1888-1952), Journalist and Author
- Massingham, Hugh, (b 1905), Journalist and Author
- Matusow, Harvey Marshall, (b 1926), American Anti Communist Campaigner
- Mendelssohn, Anna, (1948-2009), poet and artist
- Mendelssohn, Hilda Maria de, (1911-1990), writer
- Mendelssohn, Peter de, (1908-1982), writer
- Middlemas, Robert Keith, (b 1935), historian
- Milford, Sir Humphrey Sumner, (1877-1952), Knight Publisher
- Moore, George Edward, (1873-1958), philosopher
- Morley, Henry, (1822-1894), Author
- Morrell, Lady Ottoline Violet Anne, (1873-1938), hostess and literary patron
- Morrell, Philip Edward, (1870-1943), MP
- Mortimer, Charles Raymond Bell, (1895-1980), writer on literature and art critic
- Mott, Sir Nevill Francis, (1905-1996), Knight and physicist
- Muggeridge, Thomas Malcolm, (1903-1990), journalist author and broadcaster
- Murry, Kathleen Mansfield, (1888-1923), author
- Needham, Dorothy Mary Moyle, (1896-1987), biochemist
- Nicolson, Nigel, (1917-2004), MP, journalist, publisher, biographer
- Noel-Baker, Philip John, (1889-1982), Baron Noel-Baker, politician
- Ogden, Charles Kay, (1889-1957), Linguistic Psychologist
- Partridge, Frances Catherine, (1900-2004), writer and literary journalist
- Paul, Kate, (b 1940), writer
- Perkins, Mary, (b 1938), nurse Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Phillips, Morgan Walter, (1902-1963), General Secretary of Labour Party
- Pledge, Humphrey Thomas, (1903-1960), Scientist
- Plomer, William Charles Franklyn, (1903-1973), poet and novelist
- Ponsonby, Sir Henry Frederick, (1825-1895), Knight, General, private secretary to Queen Victoria
- Potter, Mary, (fl 1937-1942), diarist
- Priestley, John Boynton, (1894-1984), writer
- Ramee, Marie Louise de la, (1839-1908), novelist
- Raverat, Gwendolen Mary, (1885-1957), wood engraver and author
- Reckitt, Maurice Bennington, (1888-1980), Writer and Christian Sociologist
- Rees, Thomas Wynford, (1898-1959), Major General
- Richardson, Maurice, (fl 1961), journalist
- Robins, Elizabeth, (1862-1952), actress, author and suffragist
- Robson, William Alexander, (1895-1980), Professor of Public Administration, London University
- Rosenfeld, Leon, (1904-1974), physicist
- Rowse, Alfred Leslie, (1903-1997), historian
- Rylands, George Humphrey Wolferstan, (1902-1999), literary critic and historian
- Sackville-West, Edward Charles, (1901-1965), 5th Baron Sackville, author
- Sackville-West, Victoria Mary, (1892-1962), poet, novelist and biographer
- Sainer, Gerda, (1914-2006)
- Sayers, Dorothy Leigh, (1893-1957), playwright, author and humanist Oxford, Oxfordshire
- Shaw, George Bernard, (1856-1950), author and playwright
- Sigal, Clancy, (b 1926), Author and Journalist
- Simcox, John V, (fl 1945-1946), Author
- Simon, Lady Shena Dorothy, (1883-1972), politician, author, feminist and educationalist
- Sinclair, May, (1863-1946), Author, Suffragist and Critic
- Singer, Charles Joseph, (1876-1960), historian of medicine and science
- Singer, Dorothea Waley, (1882-1964), medical historian
- Sitwell, Dame Edith Louisa, (1887-1964), poet and critic
- Slade, Madeleine, (1892-1982), follower of Gandhi
- Slesser, Sir Henry, (1883-1979), Knight Lord Justice of Appeal MP
- Smallwood, Norah, (1909-1984), publisher
- Smith, Edward Percy, (1891-1968), novelist, playwright and MP
- Sondheimer, Max, (1896-1982), soldier and glue manufacturer
- Spender, Sir Stephen Harold, (1909-1995), Knight, poet
- Squire, Sir John Collings, (1884-1958), Knight, writer and journalist
- Stamp, Sir Laurence Dudley, (1898-1966), Knight, geographer
- Starr Balestier Kipling, Caroline, (1862-1939), household manager and custodian of Rudyard Kipling's literary legacy
- Stevenson, James, (1873-1926), Baron Stevenson of Holmbury
- Stone, Janet, (b 1912), Photographer
- Strachey, Evelyn John St Loe, (1901-1963), statesman and political thinker
- Strachey, Giles Lytton, (1880-1932), Critic and Biographer
- Strachey, James Beaumont, (1887-1967), psychoanalyst
- Strachey, Philippa, (1872-1968), Secretary of the Fawcett Society
- Taylor, Alan John Percivale, (1906-1990), Historian
- Thompson, Silvanus Phillips, (1851-1916), Physicist
- Trevelyan, Robert Calverley, (1872-1951), Poet and Dramatist
- Ursell, Siegfried, (1879-1947), German Jewish paediatrician
- Van Der Post, Sir Laurens Jan, (1906-1996), Knight, author and traveller
- Wallace, Susan, (b 1917), German Jewish refugee
- Walmsley, Anne, (b 1931), lecturer, artist and author
- Walpole, Sir Hugh Seymour, (1884-1941), Knight Novelist and Man of Letters
- Warner, Sylvia Townsend, (1893-1978), novelist and poet
- Waterlow, Sir Sydney Philip, (1878-1944), Knight, diplomat
- Webb, Martha Beatrice, (1858-1943), social reformer
- Webb, Sidney James, (1859-1947), Baron Passfield, statesman
- Wells, Herbert George, (1866-1946), novelist
- White, William Hale, (1831-1913), writer
- Wilberforce, Octavia Margaret, (1888-1963), physician
- Williams, Sir William Emrys, (1896-1977), Knight, Secretary General of the Arts Council
- Wills, William Henry, (1810-1880), journalist
- Wilson, Colin Henry, (1931-2013), philosopher, critic and author Leicester, Leicestershire
- Winch, Donald Norman, (b 1935), economist
- Wiskemann, Elizabeth, (1901-1971), writer
- Woodman, Dorothy, (1902-1970), journalist with the New Statesman
- Woolf, Adeline Virginia, (1882-1941), author and critic Kensington, Middlesex
- Woolf, Leonard Sidney, (1880-1969), editor, author and civil servant
- Wrinch, Dorothy Maud, (1895-1976), crystallographer, mathematician and biochemist
- Young, Wayland Hilton, (1923-2009), 2nd Baron Kennet, author and politician
- Zilliacus, Konni, (1894-1967), MP
- Zuckerman, Solly, (1904-1993), Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe, scientist and public servant
Diaries (249)
- Kidd, Mary, (fl 1958-2000) South Africa;England
- Mandel, Tina, (fl 1913-1959), of Vienna and London
- Masel, Nina, (fl 1930-1979), diarist and employee of Mass Observation
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939-1947), actress London
- Unnamed female, (b 1914), actress Beccles, Suffolk
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), Air Raid Warden London
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), architect Warminster, Wiltshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), architect's assistant Southampton, Hampshire
- Unnamed female, (b 1905), art student London
- Unnamed female, (b 1922), art student Northampton, Northamptonshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), book keeper Leyton, Essex
- Unnamed female, (b 1905), civil servant Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- Unnamed female, (b 1915), civil servant Croydon, Surrey
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946-1947), civil servant Barnet, Hertfordshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1949), civil servant Winchester, Hampshire
- Unnamed female, (b 1913), civil servant London
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), clerical worker Liverpool, Lancashire
- Unnamed female, (b 1918), clerk Sheffield, Yorkshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), clerk, Ministry of Labour Windsor, Berkshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), cookery demonstrator Margate, Kent
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), diarist Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946-1951), diarist Sheffield, Yorkshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), diarist Burnley, Lancashire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1839), diarist Huddersfield, Yorkshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), diarist Portsmouth, Hampshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), diarist London
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), diarist Cheadle, Cheshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), diarist Broomfield, Essex
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939-1947), diarist Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939-1967), diarist Otley, Yorkshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939-1966), diarist Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946-1952), diarist Birtley, Durham
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), diarist Gateshead, Durham
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946), diarist Bishop Auckland, Durham
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946-1947), diarist Beckenham, Kent;Sevenoaks, Kent
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), diarist Leeds, Yorkshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), diarist Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Unnamed female, (fl 1953), diarist Batley, Yorkshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1948-1951), diarist Morden, Surrey
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), diarist London
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), domestic worker Hassocks, Sussex
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939-1946), filmstrip producer London
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), fish fryer and home help Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946-1950), freelance writer Slough, Buckinghamshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), garage attendent Snettisham, Norfolk
- Unnamed female, (fl 1947), House of Commons clerk London
- Unnamed female, (b 1912), invalid Lymington, Hampshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939-1941), journalist Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Unnamed female, (b 1908), journalist London
- Unnamed female, (b 1905), journalist London
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), journalist and schoolteacher London
- Unnamed female, (b 1910), librarian Bideford, Devon
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946), librarian Oxford, Oxfordshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946-1948), local government clerk Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
- Unnamed female, (b 1906), masseuse Redhill, Surrey
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), mental health nurse Ovingham-on-Tyne, Northumberland
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), music teacher Rotherham, Yorkshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946), nurse Salisbury, Wiltshire;Clitheroe, Lancashire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), nurse Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), nurse Leigh-on-Sea, Essex
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939-1947), nurse Steyning, Sussex
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), office services agency proprietor London
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946-1948), part time lecturer Leeds, Yorkshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1950), photographer and film maker Wareham, Dorset
- Unnamed female, (b 1902), psychiatrist London
- Unnamed female, (fl 1948-1959), retired civil servant Morecambe, Lancashire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946), retired music teacher Tavistock, Devon
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), retired school teacher London
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946-1955), retired school teacher Bingley, Yorkshire;Brighton, Sussex
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), school teacher Burwash Weald, Sussex
- Unnamed female, (b 1897), school teacher Watford, Hertfordshire
- Unnamed female, (b 1915), school teacher Macclesfield, Cheshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), school teacher Taunton, Somerset
- Unnamed female, (b 1904), school teacher Cullercoats, Durham
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), school teacher Cosham, Hampshire
- Unnamed female, (b 1913), school teacher Liverpool, Lancashire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), school teacher Bebington, Cheshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), school teacher and ambulance attendent London
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), secretary London
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), secretary Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946-1948), secretary Altrincham, Cheshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946), shop assistant
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), shopkeeper Launceston, Cornwall
- Unnamed female, (b 1917), shorthand typist Grays Thurrock, Essex
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), social worker London
- Unnamed female, (b 1910), social worker Surrey;Surrey
- Unnamed female, (b 1922), student Romford, Essex
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), telephonist Southampton, Hampshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1948), translator Austria
- Unnamed female, (b 1892), voluntary worker Swansea, Glamorgan
- Unnamed female, (fl 1946-1949), voluntary worker Coventry, Warwickshire
- Unnamed female, (fl 1939), welding researcher Sheffield, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1901), accountant Ilford, Essex
- Unnamed male, (b 1900), accountant Sheffield, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1951), accountant Cheadle, Cheshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), advertising agent Wallasey, Cheshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1915), aircraft engineer Wembley, Middlesex
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1940), aircraft fitter Southampton, Hampshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1918), airframe contract estimator Hayes, Middlesex;Barnet, Hertfordshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1940), analytical chemist Luton, Bedfordshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1948), analytical chemist Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1946-1949), antiques dealer
- Unnamed male, (b 1918), apprentice Liverpool, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1942), architect and soldier Sevenoaks, Kent
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1940), architect's assistant Billericay, Essex;London
- Unnamed male, (fl 1946-1948), army clergyman Boston, Lincolnshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1901), ARP worker and works manager Belmont, Surrey
- Unnamed male, (b 1917), bank clerk Chiseldon, Wiltshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1922), bank clerk Sidcup, Kent
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940-1946), bank clerk London
- Unnamed male, (b 1919), bank clerk Bradford, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1946-1956), bank clerk and Royal Air Force officer Bradford, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), bookstall assistant London
- Unnamed male, (b 1906), Brazilian consular official Brighton, Sussex
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1945), buyer for aircraft factory Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1914), chemist London;Greater London
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), chemist London
- Unnamed male, (b 1922), civil servant Dalton-in-Furness, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (b 1916), civil servant London
- Unnamed male, (b 1920), civil servant London
- Unnamed male, (b 1913), civil servant Leeds, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1941), civil servant London
- Unnamed male, (b 1906), civil servant Cardiff, Glamorgan
- Unnamed male, (fl 1950), clergyman
- Unnamed male, (b 1901), clerk Sheffield, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1925), clerk Margate, Kent
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1941), clerk Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey
- Unnamed male, (fl 1947), clerk Chilwell, Nottinghamshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1917), clerk Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), clerk Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Unnamed male, (b 1915), clerk London
- Unnamed male, (b 1920), clerk Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Unnamed male, (b 1921), clerk Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1943), clothing manufacturer's assistant Ipswich, Suffolk
- Unnamed male, (b 1906), cobbler Barnsley, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1911), commercial artist Bromley, Kent
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940-1943), commercial traveller Wembley, Middlesex
- Unnamed male, (b 1867), consulting engineer Claygate, Surrey
- Unnamed male, (b 1874), diarist Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), diarist Camberley, Surrey
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), diarist Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1945), draughtsman Manchester, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1947), draughtsman Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1940), draughtsman London
- Unnamed male, (b 1901), electrician Blackburn, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1945), electrician Farnborough, Hampshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1945), electricity substation attendant Fleet, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (b 1903), engineer Plumstead, Kent
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1945), engineer Wolverhampton, Staffordshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1913), engineer Manchester, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), engineering draughtsman Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1941-1950), factory worker Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), farm worker Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1915), farmer Hastings, Sussex
- Unnamed male, (b 1909), farmer Pwlheli, Caernarfonshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), Forestry Commission employee Norwich, Norfolk
- Unnamed male, (fl 1946-1947), hospital worker Truro, Cornwall
- Unnamed male, (b 1907), insurance clerk Newport, Monmouthshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1915), journalist Horley, Surrey
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), journalist Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), journalist Bradford, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1940), journalist Manchester, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939), journalist Gateshead, Durham
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939), journalist New Milton, Hampshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1904), journalist and clerk Renfrew, Renfrewshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), journalist and Private, Royal Air Force Leeds, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1917), journalist and soldier Tunbridge Wells, Kent
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), lecturer Switzerland
- Unnamed male, (b 1920), librarian Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Unnamed male, (b 1916), librarian Leeds, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1912), local government solicitor London
- Unnamed male, (b 1917), medical student Reigate, Surrey
- Unnamed male, (b 1916), medical student Edinburgh, Midlothian
- Unnamed male, (b 1921), medical student Torquay, Devon
- Unnamed male, (fl 1948), Methodist clergyman Northumberland
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1940), newsagent and post master Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Unnamed male, (b 1913), office manager Cirencester, Gloucestershire;London
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1941), painter and decorator Eastcote, Middlesex
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1943), park keeper London
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), police officer London
- Unnamed male, (b 1903), police officer and bank cashier Batley, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1915), post sorter London
- Unnamed male, (fl 1948), potter Stoke-upon-Trent, Staffordshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1940), printer Thrapston, Northamptonshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1915), printer Worthing, Sussex
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1940), printer's agent Preston, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (b 1908), production manager Loughborough, Leicestershire
- Unnamed male, (b 1922), pupil Manchester, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (b 1923), pupil St Albans, Hertfordshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1924), pupil Aldershot, Hampshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1904), research chemist Broxbourne, Hampshire;St Peters, Buckinghamshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1866), retired clerk Portobello, Midlothian
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1951), retired clerk Letchworth, Hertfordshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940-1944), retired police officer Upton by Birkenhead, Cheshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1948-1949), retired sailor Fareham, Hampshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), Royal Air Force Cranwell, Lincolnshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1920), Royal Air Force Redcar, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1919), Royal Air Force clerk Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1948), Royal Air Force officer and textile dealer Manchester, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940-1942), Royal Army Medical Corps Leeds, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1911), school teacher Plymouth, Devon;Sheffield, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1907), school teacher Llandovery, Carmarthenshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940-1943), school teacher Twickenham, Middlesex
- Unnamed male, (b 1892), school teacher Tunbridge Wells, Kent
- Unnamed male, (b 1904), school teacher Bishop Auckland, Durham
- Unnamed male, (b 1914), schoolteacher Chatteris, Cambridgeshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1948-1951), shipping company employee
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), shop assistant
- Unnamed male, (b 1920), shop assistant Great Baddow, Essex
- Unnamed male, (b 1892), shopkeeper Deptford, Kent
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1945), shopkeeper Leeds, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1940), shopkeeper Launceston, Cornwall
- Unnamed male, (b 1922), soldier Ascot, Berkshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1941), soldier Goodmayes, Essex
- Unnamed male, (b 1916), soldier Earley, Berkshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939), soldier Ickenham, Middlesex
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), stock exchange clerk
- Unnamed male, (fl 1941-1942), student Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939), student Oxford, Oxfordshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1921), student Bradford, Yorkshire;Oxford, Oxfordshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1918), student Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), student Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), student Wallasey, Cheshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939), student Cambridge, Cambridgeshire;London
- Unnamed male, (fl 1941-1942), student Andover, Hampshire;Oxford, Oxfordshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1920), student Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1921), student Bristol, Gloucestershire;York, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1921), student Wigan, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (b 1917), student Prestwick, Ayrshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), student Ryde, Isle of Wight
- Unnamed male, (b 1921), student Bradford, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1946-1951), student Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1917), student Manchester, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (b 1920), student County Armagh
- Unnamed male, (b 1920), student Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1920), student London
- Unnamed male, (b 1916), tea merchant Weston-on-Naze, Essex
- Unnamed male, (fl 1942), telegraphist Doncaster, Yorkshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939-1940), textile salesman Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1946), textile worker and chemist Manchester, Lancashire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1940), trainee draughtsman Leicester, Leicestershire
- Unnamed male, (fl 1939), trainee film maker Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1922), trainee surveyor Trowbridge, Wiltshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1911), unemployed Swindon, Wiltshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1928), unemployed Bexhill, Sussex
- Unnamed male, (b 1909), voluntary temperance worker Peterborough, Northamptonshire
- Unnamed male, (b 1885), voluntary worker Cardiff, Glamorgan
- Unnamed male, (b 1894), weaver Huddersfield, Yorkshire
- Unnamed, (fl 1880-1881), travel diarist Algeria;Italy;Egypt;Greece
Families (3)
- Bambridge family of Wimpole Wimpole, Cambridgeshire
- Ehrenberg family of Germany and the United Kingdom Prague, Bohemia
- Fein family, German-Jewish refugees
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (27)
- NRA 19480 William Walter Bartlett, Socialist author, broadcaster and journalist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 42621 Anne Olivier Bell, editor and biographer: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 35631 Clive Bell, writer and Vanessa Bell, painter: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 35632 Francis Frederick Locker Birrell, author: letters and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19484 Common Wealth Party (incl Sir Richard Acland and Hugh Lawson papers) link to online catalogue
- NRA 20136 Sir Richard Gregory, author and astronomer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 32976 Cecil Rolph Hewitt 'CH Rolph', journalist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 22631 Rudyard Kipling and family: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 25064 Benn Wolfe Levy MP, dramatist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20303 Kingsley Martin, editor and journalist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 36187 Mass-Observation Archive: diaries link to online catalogue
- NRA 24301 Mass-Observation Archive: file reports link to online catalogue
- NRA 42308 Mass-Observation Archive: topic collections link to online catalogue
- NRA 37835 Mass-Observation Archive: Worktown and Britain Revisted project papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20886 Harvey Marshall Matusow, anti-communist campaigner, USA: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 38437 New Statesman, magazine link to online catalogue
- NRA 20887 Parliamentary Association for World Government and World Association of Parliamentarians for World link to online catalogue
- NRA 18599 Humphrey Thomas Pledge, scientist author and librarian: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31770 Maurice Reckitt, writer and Christian socialist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19483 Mark Rutherford (William Hale White) letters link to online catalogue
- NRA 19482 Edith Sitwell: letters to Choura Tchelitchew link to online catalogue
- NRA 20462 Sir Laurence Dudley Stamp, geographer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 23420 James Stevenson, Baron Stevenson: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19481 Sussex University foundation papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 41274 Sussex University Library: misc accessions
- NRA 19479 Adeline Virginia Woolf, novelist and critic: corresp and literary papers (Monks House Papers) link to online catalogue
- NRA 42924 Leonard Sidney Woolf, editor, author and colonial civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.