Sussex University Library Special Collections

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The Keep

Woollards Way

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Telephone: 01273 482 349


Open: Tuesday-Wednesday 10-4; Thursday 10-1; Friday 10-4; Saturday 10-1

Closed: Sundays & Mondays

  • Wheelchair access
  • Proof of identity required

If readers wish to consult archival material, they must register via The Keep's website and then book a seat in the Reading Room in advance. Registration is not needed for using electorial registers, directories and similar resources and facilities in the Reference Room. Please see website for more information.

  • Photocopying, printing from microform and digital imaging services available.
  • ARCHON code: 181

    If you are an archivist or custodian of this archive you can use the archive update form to add or update the details in Discovery

    Collections information

    Persons (217)

    Diaries (249)

    Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (27)


    These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.

    Other finding aids

    Link to repository's catalogue

    Links to networks containing more information about this archive