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Republic of Ireland
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Businesses (15)
- Cartoon Saloon, animation studio, Kilkenny Kilkenny, County Kilkenny
- Charles Herries and Co, bankers London
- Collen Group Ltd, building contractors, Dublin Dublin, County Dublin
- Cuala Industries, printing press, Churchtown
- Edward Hardman, merchant Drogheda, County Louth
- Graisberry & Campbell, printers Dublin, County Dublin
- Harry Clarke Stained Glass Studios Dublin, County Dublin
- John Fitzharris, baker and corn factor, Dublin Dublin, County Dublin
- MH Gill & Son Ltd, publishers and printers Dublin, County Dublin
- Mollies Fisheries Navan, County Meath
- Percy LeClerc, architect and designer Dublin, County Dublin
- Pike Theatre Dublin, County Dublin
- Porteous & Gibbs, printers, Dublin Dublin, County Dublin
- The Irish Review, journal Dublin, County Dublin
- William Forster, wine and spirit merchant, Monaghan Monaghan, County Monaghan
Organisations (60)
- All Ireland Polo Club
- Armagh province
- Castletownsend Harriers Castletownsend, County Cork
- Central Association of Irish School Mistresses
- Clairvaux Abbey
- Classical Association of Ireland
- Co Leitrim militia County Leitrim
- Co Leix elections County Leix
- Co Wicklow militia County Wicklow
- Courtown Clothing Club Courtown, County Wexford
- Courtown harbour Courtown, County Wexford
- Courtown Ladies Association Courtown, County Kildare
- Dr Steevens Hospital, Dublin Dublin, County Dublin
- Dublin Distress Fund Dublin, County Dublin
- Dublin Guild of Barber-Surgeons Dublin, County Dublin
- Dublin Philosophical Society Dublin, County Dublin
- Dublin province
- Dublin University Defence Committee Dublin, County Dublin
- Dublin University Players Dublin, County Dublin
- Dublin University: Trinity College Dublin, County Dublin
- Dun Emer Guild, crafts organisation, Dundrum Co, Dublin Dublin, County Dublin
- Erasmus Smith Schools, Dublin Dublin, County Dublin
- Feale Light Cavalry County Cork
- Gaelic Athletic Association
- Gorey Property Defence Association Gorey, County Wexford
- HMS Melampus (1785)
- Incorporated Society for Promoting Protestant Schools in Ireland
- Ireland garrisons
- Irish National Federation
- Irish Parliamentary Party
- Irish Party
- Irish Reform League
- Irish Society for Promoting the Education of the Native Irish through the Medium of their own Language
- Irish Tenants Defence Association
- Irish Unionist Alliance: Gorey branch Gorey, County Wexford
- Island and Coast Society
- Kildare manor Kildare, County Kildare
- Loyal Irish Protestant Society of Moyallow Mallow, County Cork
- Mountaineering Ireland Ireland
- Nathaniel Clements, teller of the Exchequer and vice treasurer
- Pentney Priory Pentney, Norfolk
- Ranelagh and other estates Ranelagh, County Dublin
- Republican Press Fund
- Rough Magic Theatre Company Dublin, County Dublin
- Royal Charlotte
- Royal Geological Society of Ireland
- Royal Irish Academy, National Committee for Geography County Dublin
- Royal Irish Constabulary Officers Association
- Royal Irish Constabulary: Coleraine Coleraine, County Londonderry
- Royal Irish Constabulary: Dromore Dromore, County Down
- Royal Irish Constabulary: Killylea Killylea, County Armagh
- Royal Irish Constabulary: Swatragh Swatragh, County Londonderry
- Royal Zoological Society of Ireland Dublin, County Dublin
- Socialist Party of Ireland
- Stratford Langthorne Abbey Stratford Langthorne, Essex
- Tralee Poor Law Union Tralee, County Kerry
- United Irish League
- University of Dublin Choral Society Dublin, County Dublin
- West Carbery Hunt Club West Carbery, County Cork
- York Priory (Augustinian) York, Yorkshire
Persons (712)
- Abraham, James Johnston, (1876-1963), surgeon and author
- Abraham, William, (1840-1914), Irish politician
- Addison, Joseph, (1672-1719), writer and politician
- Aitken, Charles, (1869-1936), Director of National Gallery Millbank
- Aldington, Richard, (1892-1962), Novelist
- Allen, William Robert, (1869-1908), surgeon
- Alton, Ernest Henry, (1873-1952), Provost of Trinity College Dublin
- Annesley, Francis, (1663-1750), MP Lawyer
- Anster, John, (1793-1867), Civil Law Professor
- Armstrong, Terence Ian Fitton, (1912-1970), poet and bibliographer
- Arnold, Thomas, (1795-1842), headmaster of Rugby, historian
- Arnold, Thomas, (1823-1900), professor of English Literature
- Arnold-Forster, Hugh Oakeley, (1855-1909), author and politician
- Ashe, St George, (1658-1718), Bishop of Derry
- Ashton, Sir Arthur Leigh Bolland, (1897-1983), Knight, director of the Victoria and Albert Museum
- Atkinson, Robert, (1839-1908), Philologist
- Ault, Norman, (1880-1950), Author and Artist
- Austin, Alfred, (1835-1913), Poet Laureate and journalist
- Avery, Joseph, (fl 1632), Diplomat
- Bailey, William Frederick, (1857-1917), Irish Estates Commissioner
- Bainbridge, John, (1582-1643), Physician
- Baker, John, (1661-1716), Admiral
- Baldwin, Richard, (? 1672-1758), Provost of Trinity College Dublin
- Ball, Sir Robert Stawell, (1840-1913), Knight, astronomer and mathematician
- Banville, John, (b 1945), novelist, dramatist and journalist
- Barrett, John, (1753-1821), Antiquary Biblical Scholar
- Barton, Robert Childers, (1881-1975), Irish politician
- Bastable, Charles Francis, (1855-1945), economist
- Beatty, Sir Alfred Chester, (1875-1968), Knight, mining engineer and art collector
- Beaufort, Daniel Augustus, (1739-1821), Geographer and Architect
- Beaufort, Daniel Cornelius de, (1700-1788), Archdeacon of Tuam
- Beckett, Samuel Barclay, (1906-1989), author, playwright and poet Dublin, County Dublin
- Bennet, William, (1746-1820), Bishop of Cloyne, archaeologist
- Bennett, Enoch Arnold, (1867-1931), novelist playwright and journalist
- Berenson, Bernard, (1865-1959), art critic
- Beresford, Lord John George de la Poer, (1773-1862), Archbishop of Armagh
- Bernard, John Henry, (1860-1927), Archbishop of Dublin, Provost of Trinity College Dublin
- Berwick, Edward, (1750-1820), Rector of Clongish, Author
- Best, Richard Irvine, (1872-1959), Librarian Philologist Antiquary
- Betham, Sir William, (1779-1853), Knight, herald
- Birrell, Augustine, (1850-1933), author and statesman
- Blackall, Sir Henry William, (b 1889), Knight Colonial Administrator Barrister
- Blackburne, Francis, (1782-1867), Irish Judge
- Bladen, Martin, (1680-1746), Lieutenant Colonel and MP
- Blake, Edward, (1833-1912), MP
- Blaquiere, John de, (1732-1812), 1st Baron de Blaquiere, politician
- Blathwayt, William, (?1649-1717), statesman and civil servant
- Bloomfield, Benjamin, (1768-1846), 1st Baron Bloomfield, Lieutenant General
- Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, (1840-1922), hedonist, poet, and breeder of Arab horses
- Blythe, Ernest, (1889-1975), Director of Abbey Theatre Politician
- Bodkin, Matthias M'Donnell, (1850-1933), MP Barrister Novelist Historian
- Bodkin, Thomas Patrick, (1887-1961), Director of National Gallery of Ireland and Barber Institute
- Boland, Henry Frederick, (1904-1985), diplomat and Chancellor of Dublin University
- Bolton, John, (fl 1691-1729), Dean of Derry
- Bolton, Theophilus, (d 1744), Archbishop of Cashel
- Bonn, Moritz Julius, (1873-1965), Economist
- Bonnell, James, (1653-1699), Accountant General of Ireland
- Boole, George, (1815-1864), mathematician
- Booth, Joseph, (1906-1967)
- Borenius, Carl Tancred, (1885-1948), art historian
- Bottomley, Gordon, (1874-1948), poet and dramatist
- Boulter, Hugh, (1672-1742), Archbishop of Armagh
- Bowe, Nicola Gordon, (d 2018), art historian, author and educator
- Bowen, Elizabeth Dorothea Cole, (1899-1973), novelist
- Boydell, Brian, (1917-2000), composer and Professor of Music
- Boyle, Charles, (c 1674-1704), 2nd Earl of Burlington
- Boyle, Daniel, (1859-1925), Irish Politician
- Boyle, Michael, (1609-1702), Archbishop of Armagh
- Brabazon, Chambre, (c 1645-1715), 5th Earl of Meath
- Bracken, Brendan Rendall, (1901-1958), 1st Viscount Bracken, politician and publisher
- Brady, Sir Maziere, (1796-1871), Baronet Lord Chancellor of Ireland
- Brayden, William Henry, (1865-1933), Irish Journalist
- Brewer, James Norris, (fl 1799-1830), Writer Topographer
- Brinkley, John, (1763-1835), Bishop of Cloyne, astronomer
- Brodrick, Alan, (? 1660-1728), 1st Viscount Midleton
- Brodrick, Charles, (1761-1822), Archbishop of Cashel
- Browne, Denis, (1763-1828), MP for Co Mayo
- Browne, Edward Granville, (1862-1926), Persian scholar and Orientalist
- Browne, Francis William, (1834-1907), 4th Baron Kilmaine
- Browne, Howe Peter, (1788-1845), 2nd Marquess of Sligo, politician and colonial governor
- Browne, James Caulfield, (1765-1825), 2nd Baron Kilmaine
- Browne, John, (1730-1794), 1st Baron Kilmaine
- Browne, John Cavendish, (1794-1873), 3rd Baron Kilmaine
- Browne, John Denis, (1756-1809), 1st Marquess of Sligo
- Browne, Noel, (1915-1997), Irish politician
- Browne, Peter, (d 1735), Bishop of Cork
- Browning, Robert, (1812-1889), poet
- Bruce, Henry Austin, (1815-1895), 1st Baron Aberdare, statesman
- Bryce, James, (1838-1922), Viscount Bryce of Dechmount, statesman
- Bulkeley, Sir Richard, (1644-1710), Baronet Enthusiast
- Burgh, Walter Hussey, (1742-1783), lawyer, politician and orator
- Burkitt, Denis Parsons, (1911-1993), medical scientist
- Burnet, Gilbert, (1643-1715), Bishop of Salisbury and historian Edinburgh, Midlothian
- Burrowes, Peter, (1753-1841), Irish Politician
- Bury, Charles Kenneth Howard, (1883-1963), MP Soldier and Explorer
- Bushe, Charles Kendal, (1767-1843), Irish judge
- Butler, Hubert Marshal, (1900-1991), writer and market gardener Bennettsbridge, County Kilkenny
- Butler, James, (1610-1688), 1st Duke of Ormonde, soldier and statesman
- Butt, Isaac, (1813-1879), politician
- Byrne, John, (fl 1933-2016), head of the School of Computer Science Dublin, County Dublin
- Cadogan, William, (1675-1726), 1st Earl Cadogan, General, diplomat
- Caine, Sir Thomas Henry Hall, (1853-1931), Knight, novelist
- Cairncross, Alexander, (d 1701), Archbishop of Glasgow
- Campbell, Beatrice Moss, (1886-1970), artist
- Campbell, Flann, (b 1919), Author
- Campbell, Joseph, (1879-1944), Poet and Irish Nationalist
- Campbell, Michael Mussen, (1924-1984), 4th Baron Glenavy, author
- Campbell, Patrick, (1913-1980), 3rd Baron Glenavy, author
- Canning, George, (1770-1827), statesman
- Carew, Robert Shapland, (1787-1856), 1st Baron Carew, politician
- Carney, John Francis, (1904-1977), Irish Dramatist
- Carswell, Catherine Roxburgh, (1879-1946), novelist and book-reviewer
- Carteret, John, (1690-1763), 1st Earl Granville
- Casement, Sir Roger David, (1864-1916), Knight Diplomat and Irish Nationalist
- Caulfield, Richard, (1823-1887), librarian and antiquary
- Cavendish-Bentinck, William Henry Cavendish, (1738-1809), 3rd Duke of Portland, statesman
- Chamberlain, Brenda, (1912-1971), Artist and Writer
- Charlett, Arthur, (1655-1722), Master of University College Oxford
- Chichester, Arthur, (1563-1625), Lord Chichester of Belfast Lord Deputy of Ireland
- Childers, Robert Erskine, (1870-1922), author and politician
- Clark, Sir Ernest, (1864-1951), Knight, Governor of Tasmania
- Clarke, Austin, (1896-1974), poet
- Clarke, George, (1661-1736), politician and architect
- Cleghorn, George, (1716-1789), Physician
- Clements, Henry Theophilus, (d 1796), Irish Politician
- Clements, Nathaniel, (d 1777), MP Vice Treasurer of Ireland
- Cockerell, Sir Sydney Carlyle, (1867-1962), Knight, Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, bibliographer
- Coghill, Marmaduke, (fl 1701-1735), Irish Judge
- Coghill, Rhoda, (1903-2000), composer, pianist and poet
- Cole, Arthur Henry, (1780-1844), MP British Resident at Mysore
- Collins, Michael, (1890-1922), Irish Republican leader
- Collis, John Stewart, (1900-1984), Author
- Collis, Maurice Stewart, (1889-1973), writer
- Colum, Padraic, (1881-1972), poet and playwright
- Compton, Henry, (1632-1713), Bishop of London
- Compton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne, (1790-1851), 2nd Marquess of Northampton
- Condon, Thomas Joseph, (1850-1943), Irish politician
- Coningsby, Thomas, (1656-1729), 1st Earl of Coningsby
- Connolly, James, (1870-1916), Irish Socialist
- Connolly, Philomena, (1948-2002), historian, archivist
- Conolly, Edward Michael, (1786-1848), MP
- Conolly, Lady Louisa Augusta, (1743-1821), noblewoman and philanthropist
- Conolly, Thomas, (1735-1803), Politician
- Conolly, William, (d 1729), Politician Lord Justice of Ireland
- Cooper, Arthur William Douglas, (1911-1984), art historian
- Corbet, William, (1779-1842), United Irishman
- Corbett, Patrick, (d 1904), architect and Indian civil servant
- Corbett, Thomas, (c 1687-1751), Secretary to the Admiralty
- Cosgrave, William Thomas, (1880-1965), President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State
- Costello, John Aloysius, (1891-1976), Irish Politician
- Costello, Michael Joseph, (1904-1986), Irish military leader Ireland;United States of America
- Courtney, Dame Kathleen D'Olier, (1878-1974), philanthropist
- Cox, Sir George Trenchard, (b 1905), Knight, Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, art historian
- Cox, Sir Richard, (1650-1733), 1st Baronet Lord Chancellor of Ireland
- Crampton, Sir John Fiennes Twisleton, (1805-1886), 2nd Baronet diplomat
- Crampton, Sir Philip, (1777-1858), 1st Baronet Surgeon
- Crilly, Daniel, (1857-1923), Politician and Journalist
- Croker, John Wilson, (1780-1857), politician and essayist
- Croker, Thomas Crofton, (1798-1854), Irish antiquary
- Cromwell, Oliver, (1599-1658), Lord Protector
- Crosbie, John, (1752-1815), 2nd Earl of Glandore
- Crosbie, Maurice, (d 1762), 1st Baron Branden
- Crow, Charles, (c 1655-1726), Bishop of Cloyne
- Cullinan, John, (1857-1920), Irish journalist and politician
- Culverwell, Edward Parnall, (1855-1931), Mathematician Fellow of Trinity College Dublin
- Cummins, Geraldine Dorothy, (1890-1969), Author
- Cursiter, Stanley, (1887-1976), painter and limner
- Curtis, Edmund, (1881-1943), historian
- D'Alton, John, (1792-1867), Barrister and Irish antiquary
- Davis, Thomas Osborne, (1814-1845), poet and politician
- Davitt, Michael, (1846-1906), Irish nationalist
- De Calonne, Charles Alexandre, (1734-1802), French Statesman
- Delany, Patrick, (c1685-1768), dean of Down
- Devlin, Joseph, (1871-1934), Irish nationalist and politician
- Diamond, Charles, (1858-1934), Irish Journalist and Politician
- Dicey, Albert Venn, (1835-1922), jurist
- Digby, Simon, (c 1645-1720), Bishop of Elphin
- Dillon, Emile Joseph, (1854-1933), philologist, author and journalist
- Dillon, John, (1851-1927), Irish nationalist
- Dillon, John Blake, (1816-1866), Irish Politician
- Dillwyn, Lewis Weston, (1778-1855), naturalist, MP, pottery manufacturer
- Dixon, Andrew Francis, (d 1936), Anatomist
- Dixon, Henry Horatio, (1869-1953), botanist
- Dixon, William Macneile, (1866-1946), author and English scholar
- Dobell, Bertram, (1842-1914), bookseller and man of letters
- Dodds, Eric Robertson, (1893-1979), Classical Scholar
- Dodgson, Campbell, (1867-1948), Art Historian and Critic
- Dodwell, Henry, (1641-1711), Scholar and Theologian
- Donelan, Anthony John, (1846-1924), Irish Politician
- Donovan, Robert, (b 1862), Professor of English Literature, Dublin
- Dopping, Anthony, (1643-1697), Bishop of Kildare and of Meath
- Dopping, Anthony, (d 1743), Bishop of Ossory
- Doran, Sir Henry Francis, (1856-1928), Knight Inspector of Congested Districts Board for Ireland
- Douglas, Robert Langton, (1864-1951), Art Critic
- Dowden, Edward, (1843-1913), Professor of English Literature and critic
- Downes, Dive, (d 1709), Bishop of Cork
- Downey, Richard Joseph, (1881-1953), Archbishop of Liverpool
- Dulanty, John Whelan, (d 1955), Irish Ambassador in London
- Dun, Sir Patrick, (1642-1713), Knight Irish MP and Physician
- Duncan, Mary, (1885-1964), artist
- Eccles, Ambrose, (d 1809), Shakespearean Scholar
- Eden, Helen Parry, (1885-1960), poet and critic
- Eden, William Denis, (1878-1949), Writer and Painter
- Edgeworth, Maria, (1768-1849), novelist and children's writer
- Eglinton, John, (1868-1961), author
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns, (1888-1965), poet
- Elizabeth I, (1533-1603), Queen of England and Ireland
- Ellis, Welbore, (c1651-1734), Bishop of Meath
- Elrington, Charles Richard, (1787-1850), theologian
- Elrington, Thomas, (1760-1835), Bishop of Ferns
- Emmet, Thomas Addis, (1764-1827), United Irishman and barrister
- Erck, John Caillard, (d 1851), Ecclesiastical Commissioner for Ireland
- Ervine, St John Greer, (1883-1971), playwright and novelist
- Esmonde, Sir Thomas Henry Grattan, (1862-1935), 11th Baronet MP
- Evans, John, (d 1724), Bishop of Meath
- Falkiner, Caesar Litton, (1863-1908), Irish historian
- Fallon, Gabriel Joseph, (1898-1982), actor, producers, critic
- Fallon, Padraic, (1905-1974), poet
- Farrell, James Gordon, (1935-1979), novelist
- Farrell, James Patrick, (1865-1921), Irish Journalist and Politician
- Fitzgerald, George Francis, (1851-1901), Physicist
- Fitzgerald, Robert, (1675-1743), 19th Earl of Kildare
- Fitzgerald, William, (1814-1883), Bishop of Killaloe
- Fitzgibbon, John, (1849-1919), Irish Politician
- Fitzpatrick, William John, (1830-1895), Irish Biographer
- Fitzroy, Charles, (1683-1757), 2nd Duke of Grafton
- Fitzwilliam, Richard, (c 1677-1743), 5th Viscount Fitzwilliam
- Flower, William, (1685-1746), 1st Baron Castle Durrow
- Flynn, James Christopher, (1852-1922), Irish Politician
- Foley, Patrick, (1858-1926), Roman Catholic Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin
- Forster, John, (1667-1720), Chief Justice of Common Pleas in Ireland
- Forster, Nicholas, (d 1743), Bishop of Raphoe
- Forster, William Edward, (1818-1886), statesman
- Fortescue, Hugh, (1783-1861), 2nd Earl Fortescue
- Foy, Nathaniel, (d 1707), Bishop of Waterford and Lismore
- French, Robert Butler Digby, (fl 1906-1977), Lecturer in English Trinity College Dublin
- French, Thomas, (fl 1869-1882), Librarian Trinity College Dublin
- Gallagher, Frank, (1893-1962), journalist and author
- Gardiner, Luke, (d 1755), Deputy Vice Treasurer of Ireland
- Garlike, Benjamin, (d1815), diplomat
- George, David Lloyd, (1863-1945), 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor, statesman
- Germain, George Sackville, (1716-1785), 1st Viscount Sackville, statesman
- Gibbon, William Monk, (1896-1987), Author and Poet
- Gibson, Edmund, (1669-1748), Bishop of London, antiquary
- Gill, Thomas Patrick, (1858-1931), journalist and politician
- Ginckel, Godert de, (1644-1703), 1st Earl of Athlone, General
- Ginnell, Laurence, (1854-1923), MP for Westmeath Founder of the Irish Literary Society
- Gleeson, Evelyn, (1855-1944), Founder of Dun Emer Guild
- Godfrey, William, (1889-1963), Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
- Gogarty, Oliver St John, (1878-1957), Irish Senator and Writer
- Goodfellow, Kathleen, (fl1921-1973), author
- Goodwin, Timothy, (? 1670-1729), Archbishop of Cashel
- Gore, Arthur, (d 1773), 1st Earl of Arran
- Gore, Arthur Jocelyn Charles, (1868-1958), 6th Earl of Arran
- Gore, Arthur Saunders, (1734-1809), 2nd Earl of Arran
- Gore, Arthur Saunders, (1761-1837), 3rd Earl of Arran
- Gore, Arthur Saunders William Charles Fox, (1839-1901), 5th Earl of Arran
- Gore, Philip Yorke, (1801-1884), 4th Earl of Arran
- Gore, Sir Ralph, (d ? 1732), 4th Baronet Irish Politician
- Gore, William John, (1767-1836), Colonel
- Gorges, Richard, (1662-1728), Lieutenant General MP
- Gosse, Sir Edmund William, (1849-1928), Knight, poet, biographer and literary critic
- Goulden, James Richard Weekes, (d 1976), historian
- Grace, Sheffield, (? 1788-1850), historian
- Graham, John, (1776-1844), historian
- Grahame, Joseph A K, (1912-1987), honorary secretary, Geographical Society of Ireland
- Grant, Charles, (1778-1866), Baron Glenelg, politician
- Grattan, Henry, (1746-1820), Statesman
- Grattan, James, (1783-1854), MP
- Graves, Alfred Perceval, (1846-1931), Author and Educationist
- Graves, Charles, (1812-1899), Bishop of Limerick mathematician
- Graves, John Crosbie, (1776-1835), Irish Barrister and Police Court Magistrate
- Graves, John Thomas, (1806-1870), Jurist and Mathematician
- Graves, Robert Perceval, (1810-1893), Chaplain, Author
- Graves, Thomas, (1745-1828), Theologian
- Gray, Edmund Dwyer, (1845-1888), Irish Journalist and Politician
- Green, Alice Sophia Amelia, (1847-1929), historian
- Greene, Herbert Wilson, (1857-1933), Classical Scholar
- Gregory, Lady Isabella Augusta, (1852-1932), playwright and poet Roxborough, County Limerick
- Grey, Charles, (1764-1845), 2nd Earl Grey, statesman
- Griffin, Bernard William, (1899-1956), Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
- Griffith, Arthur, (1872-1922), Irish Political Leader
- Grimshaw, Francis Joseph, (1901-1965), Archbishop of Birmingham
- Grosart, Alexander Balloch, (1827-1899), author and editor
- Grose, Daniel Charles, (c 1766-1838), Topographical Draughtsmen and Author
- Guinness, Walter Edward, (1880-1944), 1st Baron Moyne, politician
- Guthrie, Sir William Tyrone, (1900-1971), Knight, theatrical director
- Gwyn, Francis, (? 1648-1734), Politician Secretary at War
- Gwynn, Edward John, (1868-1941), Provost of Trinity College Dublin
- Gwynn, John, (1827-1917), Theologian
- Gwynn, Stephen Lucius, (1864-1950), author and Irish nationalist
- Hake, Sir Henry, (1892-1951), Knight Director of National Portrait Gallery
- Hall, George, (1753-1811), Bishop of Dromore
- Hamilton, Charles, (d 1701), 5th Earl of Abercorn
- Hamilton, Elizabeth Mary, (1807-1851), Poet
- Hamilton, Frederick, (fl 1701-1724), Major General MP
- Hamilton, Sir George Alexander, (1802-1871), Knight, politician
- Hamilton, Gustavus, (1639-1723), 1st Viscount Boyne
- Hamilton, James, (d 1734), 6th Earl of Abercorn
- Hamilton, William, (d 1729), Archdeacon of Armagh
- Hamilton, William Edwin, (1834-1902), civil engineer
- Hamilton, William Gerard, (1729-1796), politician and Chief Secretary for Ireland
- Hamilton, Sir William Rowan, (1805-1865), Knight, mathematician
- Hancock, Sir William Keith, (1898-1988), Knight Historian
- Hannay, James Owen, (1865-1950), Anglican clergyman, novelist
- Hannon, Sir Patrick Joseph Henry, (1874-1964), Knight, businessman and politician
- Hanson, Philip, (1871-1955), Irish Official
- Hardiman, James, (1782-1855), Irish Historian
- Hardy, Francis, (1751-1812), Biographer
- Harrington, Timothy Charles, (1851-1910), Irish Politician
- Hart, Henry Chichester, (1847-1908), Botanist
- Hartstonge, John, (1654-1717), Bishop of Derry
- Harvey, William Henry, (1811-1866), Botanist
- Haughton, Samuel, (1821-1897), scientist
- Hay, Edward, (? 1761-1826), Irish Writer
- Hazleton, Richard, (1880-1943), Politician
- Healy, Timothy Michael, (1855-1931), politician and first governor-general of the Irish Free State
- Heath, Sir Thomas Little, (1861-1940), Knight, Knight Civil Servant
- Hely Hutchinson, Francis, (1759-1827), Irish MP
- Hely-Hutchinson, Christopher, (1767-1826), MP
- Hely-Hutchinson, Francis, (1759-1827), MP
- Hely-Hutchinson, Henry, (1790-1874), Colonel
- Hely-Hutchinson, John, (1724-1794), lawyer, statesman and antiquary
- Hely-Hutchinson, John, (1757-1832), 2nd Earl of Donoughmore, General
- Hely-Hutchinson, John, (1787-1851), 3rd Earl of Donoughmore
- Hely-Hutchinson, John Luke George, (1848-1900), 5th Earl of Donoughmore
- Hely-Hutchinson, Richard, (1756-1825), 1st Earl of Donoughmore
- Hely-Hutchinson, Richard John, (1823-1866), 4th Earl of Donoughmore
- Hely-Hutchinson, Richard Walter John, (1875-1948), 6th Earl of Donoughmore
- Hely-Hutchinson, Victor, (1901-1947), Composer Director of Music of Bbc
- Hely-Hutchinson, Sir Walter Francis, (1849-1913), Knight, colonial governor
- Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, (1793-1835), poet
- Hemphill, Barbara, (d 1858), Writer
- Henniker, Florence Ellen Hungerford, (1855-1923), novelist
- Henry, Paul, (1876-1958), Painter
- Herbert, Thomas, (1656-1733), 8th Earl of Pembroke, Lord High Admiral
- Herschel, Sir John Frederick William, (1792-1871), 1st Baronet, astronomer
- Hickey, Elizabeth, (d 1999), Writer Antiquarian
- Hickman, Charles, (1648-1713), Church of Ireland bishop of Derry
- Hincks, Edward, (1792-1866), Rector of Killyleagh Orientalist
- Hingston, Richard William George, (1887-1966), naturalist and explorer
- Hirst, Francis Wrigley, (1873-1953), Lawyer Economist Biographer
- Hone, Joseph Maunsell, (1882-1959), writer
- Hooker, John, (1525-1601), Alias Vowell, historian and author
- Hope, James, (1764-1847), United Irishman
- Hopkins, Edward, (? 1675-1736), Politician
- Horniman, Annie Elizabeth Fredericka, (1860-1937), theatre manager
- Hort, Josiah, (c 1674-1751), Archbishop of Tuam
- Howard, Robert, (1683-1740), Bishop of Elphin
- Hutchinson, Francis, (1660-1739), Bishop of Down and Connor
- Hyde, Laurence, (1641-1711), 1st Earl of Rochester, statesman
- Ingleby, Clement Mansfield, (1823-1886), Shakespearean critic and author
- Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, (1786-1855), 2nd Baronet, politician
- Ingram, John Kells, (1823-1907), Scholar Economist and Poet
- Jackson, Richard, (d 1790), Irish MP 2nd Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant
- James II, (1633-1701), King of Great Britain and Ireland
- Jean Louis Ligonier, Sir John Louis, (1680-1770), 1st Earl Ligonier, Field Marshal
- Jebb, John, (1775-1833), Bishop of Limerick
- Jebb, John, (1805-1886), Canon of Hereford Liturgical Writer
- Jebb, Richard, (1766-1834), Irish Judge
- Jellett, Mary Harriet, (1897-1944), artist
- Jenkinson, Robert Banks, (1770-1828), 2nd Earl of Liverpool, statesman
- Jennings, Sir John, (1664-1743), Knight, Admiral
- Johnston, Denis, (1901-1984), Playwright
- Johnston, Jennifer Prudence, (b 1930), Author
- Johnston, William Denis, (1901-1984), journalist, dramatist and broadcaster
- Johnstone, William, (d 1721), 1st Marquess of Annandale
- Joly, John, (1857-1933), Engineer Geologist and Physicist
- Jones, Michael, (d 1649), Governor of Dublin
- Jones, Thomas, (1870-1955), economist
- Joyce, James Augustine, (1882-1941), poet, novelist and playwright
- Kavanagh, Patrick, (1905-1967), Poet
- Kay, Dorothy Elvery, (1886-1964), artist
- Kearney, John, (1741-1813), Bishop of Ossory
- Kelly, Sir Gerald Festus, (1879-1972), Knight, artist
- Kenny, Joseph Edward, (1845-1900), Irish Surgeon and Politician
- Kilbride, Denis, (1848-1924), Irish Politician
- Kilburn, Nicholas, (1843-1923), bishop and musician
- King, John, (c 1664-1728), 3rd Baron Kingston
- King, Peter, (1669-1734), 1st Baron King, Lord Chancellor
- King, William, (1650-1729), Archbishop of Dublin
- Kinglake, Alexander William, (1809-1891), MP, historian and traveller
- Kinkead, Richard John, (1858-1928), Professor of Midwifery Queens College Galway
- Knoblock, Edward, (1874-1945), Playwright
- Knott, Eleanor, (fl 1907-1952), Professor of Early Irish
- Knox, Alexander, (1757-1831), theological writer
- Kyle, Samuel, (d 1848), Bishop of Cork
- Lamb, William, (1779-1848), 2nd Viscount Melbourne, statesman
- Lambart, Hamilton, (fl 1745-1772), Lieutenant General MP for Kilbeggan
- Lane, Sir Hugh Percy, (1875-1915), Knight Art Collector and Critic
- Langrishe, Sir Hercules, (1731-1811), 1st Baronet, politician
- Larcom, Sir Thomas Aiskew, (1801-1879), 1st Baronet Major General Surveyor Public Servant
- Lascelles, Rowley, (1771-1841), writer and antiquary
- Lavery, Cecil, (1894-1967), Irish Judge
- Leadbeater, Mary, (1758-1826), author
- Leask, Harold Graham, (1882-1964), architectural historian
- Lecky, Catherina Elizabeth Baldeswina, (1842-1912), benefactress of Trinity College Dublin Netherlands;Dublin, County Dublin;London
- Lecky, William Edward Hartpole, (1838-1903), MP, historian
- Ledwich, Edward, (1738-1823), Antiquary
- Ledwidge, Francis, (1891-1917), Irish Poet
- Lees, Sir John, (d 1811), 1st Baronet
- Lemass, Sean Francis, (1899-1971), Irish Politician
- Le-Poer-Trench, Richard, (1767-1837), 1st Viscount Clancarty, diplomat
- Leslie, Sir John Randolph Shane, (1885-1971), 3rd Baronet, biographer and novelist
- Lindsay , Alexander Dunlop, (1879-1952), 1st Baron Lindsay of Birker, philosopher
- Lindsay, Thomas, (1656-1724), Archbishop of Armagh
- Lloyd, Bartholomew, (1772-1837), Provost of Trinity College, Dublin
- Lloyd, Humphrey, (1800-1881), scientist
- Lloyd, John Arthur Thomas, (c1871-1956), author and journalist
- Lloyd, William, (1627-1717), Bishop of Worcester
- Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph, (1851-1940), Knight, physicist
- Loftie, John, (18th cent), of Tandragee, attorney
- Loftus, Adam, (c 1568-1643), 1st Viscount Loftus, Lord Chancellor of Ireland
- Loftus, Lord Robert Ponsonby Tottenham, (1773-1850), Bishop of Clogher
- Longman, Thomas Norton, (1849-1930), JP
- Love, Walter, (d 1967), Historian
- Lubbock, Sir John William, (1803-1865), 3rd Baronet, astronomer and mathematician
- Lutyens, Sir Edwin Landseer, (1869-1944), Knight, architect
- Lydiat, Thomas, (1572-1646), Chronologer
- MacBeth, George Mann, (1932-1992), poet and editor
- MacCarthy, Denis Florence, (1817-1882), Young Irelander and poet
- MacColl, Dugald Sutherland, (1859-1948), painter and museum administrator
- MacCullagh, James, (1809-1847), mathematician
- MacDonnell, Antony Patrick, (1844-1925), 1st Baron MacDonnell of Swinford, civil servant
- Macdonnell, Richard, (d 1867), Provost of Trinity College Dublin
- Maclise, Daniel, (1806-1870), Painter
- Macnamara, Brinsley, (1890-1963), Playwright
- MacNeill, John Gordon Swift, (1849-1926), Irish politician and jurist
- Madden, Richard Robert, (1798-1886), surgeon and author
- Mahaffy, Sir John Pentland, (1839-1919), Knight Provost of Trinity College Dublin and Ancient Historian
- Mandeville, Francis, (1850-1905), Irish Politician
- Mann, Sir James Gow, (1897-1962), Knight, museum curator, historian of armour
- Manners, Charles, (1780-1845), diplomat
- Manson, James Bolivar, (1879-1945), painter and art administrator
- Marsh, Arnold, (1890-1977), Quaker headmaster and economist
- Marsh, Narcissus, (1638-1713), Archbishop of Armagh
- Martin, Sir Alec, (1884-1971), Knight and Managing Director of Christies
- Martin, Violet Florence, (1862-1915), novelist
- Martineau, Harriet, (1802-1876), writer
- Mason, William Monck, (1775-1859), historian
- Mason, William Shaw, (1774-1853), Statist
- Masterson, Joseph, (1899-1953), Archbishop of Birmingham
- Maule, Henry, (d 1758), Bishop of Meath
- Maundrell, Henry, (1665-1701), Oriental Traveller
- May, Frederick, (1911-1985), composer
- May, George Augustus Chichester, (1815-1892), Irish Judge
- McCartan, Michael, (1851-1902), Irish Lawyer and Politician
- McCarthy, Charles, (1924-1986), economist and trade unionist
- McCarthy, Justin, (1830-1912), Politician Historian and Novelist
- McCracken, Henry Joy, (1767-1798), United Irishman
- Mcghee, Richard, (1851-1930), Irish politician
- Mcgreevy, Thomas, (1893-1967), Author and Director of National Gallery of Ireland
- Mchugh, Patrick Aloysius, (1858-1909), Irish Journalist and Politician
- McKenna, Stephen, (1888-1967), Novelist
- McNeill, James, (1869-1938), Indian and Irish Civil Servant
- Mcveagh, Jeremiam, (1870-1932), Irish Politician
- Melvin, Sir Martin John, (1879-1952), 1st Baronet, Chairman of Associated Catholic Newspapers
- Methuen, John, (c 1650-1706), Lord Chancellor of Ireland MP Diplomat
- Meyer, Kuno, (1858-1919), Celtic Scholar
- Micks, William Lawson, (1851-1928), Irish Civil Servant
- Milles, Thomas, (1671-1740), Bishop of Waterford and Lismore Scholar
- Milne, Ewart, (1903-1987), Poet
- Mitchell, Susan L, (1866-1926), Author
- Moeran, Ernest John, (1894-1950), Composer
- Molesworth, Robert, (1656-1725), 1st Viscount Molesworth
- Molyneux, Samuel, (1689-1728), Astronomer and Politician
- Molyneux, Sir Thomas, (1661-1733), 1st Baronet Physician
- Molyneux, William, (1656-1698), Philosopher
- Montgomery, George, (d 1621), Bishop of Clogher and Meath
- Montgomery, Hugh, (1650-1716), 2nd Earl of Mount Alexander
- Moore, Frederic, (1830-1907), Entomologist
- Moore, George Augustus, (1852-1933), Author
- Moore, John, (1646-1714), Bishop of Ely
- Moore, Ogle William, (d 1875), Dean of Cashel and of Clogher
- Moore, Thomas, (1779-1852), poet
- Moorhead, John, (fl 1830-73), Professor of Obstetrics
- Morgan, Augustus de, (1806-1871), mathematician
- Morgan, Sydney, (c1781-1859), Lady Morgan, novelist
- Moriarty, John, (1938-2007), Irish author, poet and philosopher Killarney, County Kerry;Dublin, County Dublin;Leeds, Yorkshire;Canada;Boars Hill, Oxfordshire;Ireland
- Morley, Sir John, (1838-1923), 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn, statesman
- Muldoon, John, (1865-1938), Irish Politician
- Munnings, Sir Alfred James, (1878-1959), Knight Painter
- Murphy, Tom, (1935-2018), playwright Tuam, County Galway
- Murray, Daniel, (1768-1852), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin
- Musgrave, Sir Richard, (? 1757-1818), 1st Baronet MP Political Writer
- Nathan, Sir Matthew, (1862-1939), Knight Lieutenant Colonel Colonial Governor
- Netterville, Arthur James, (1800-1882), 8th Viscount Netterville
- Newenham, Thomas, (1762-1831), Writer MP
- Newport, Sir Simon John, (1756-1843), 1st Baronet MP
- Nicolson, William, (1655-1727), Bishop of Derry, antiquary
- Noel, Roden Berkeley Wriothesley, (1834-1894), Poet
- Nolan, Christopher, (1965-2009), Irish poet and author Mullingar, County Westmeath
- Nugent, George Thomas John, (1785-1871), Marquess of Westmeath
- Nugent, John Dillon, (1869-1940), Irish Politician
- Nugent, Sir Walter Richard, (1865-1955), 4th Baronet MP
- O'Brien, Charlotte Grace, (1845-1909), Author and Social Reformer
- O'Brien, Conor Cruise, (b 1917), Historian Politician Diplomat Journalist
- O'Brien, Dermod, (1865-1945), Irish Artist and Politician
- O'Brien, Eoin, (b1939), Irish clinical scientist and writer
- O'Brien, James Francis Xavier, (1828-1905), Irish Politician
- O'Brien, William, (1852-1928), Irish Politician
- O'Brien, William Smith, (1803-1864), Irish Nationalist
- O'Connell, Daniel, (1775-1847), politician
- O'Connor, Charles Andrew, (1854-1928), Irish Judge
- O'Connor, Sir James, (1872-1931), Knight Attorney General for Ireland
- O'Connor, Thomas Power, (1848-1929), Journalist and Politician
- O'Conor, Charles, (1764-1828), Irish Antiquary and Librarian
- O'Donnell, John, (1866-1920), Irish journalist and politician
- O'Donnell, Patrick, (1856-1927), Cardinal Archbishop of Armagh
- O'Donnell, Thomas, (1872-1943), Irish judge and politician
- O'Donovan, John, (1809-1861), Irish scholar
- O'Donovan, Michael Francis, (1903-1966), writer and journalist
- O'Dowd, John, (1856-1937), Irish author and politician
- O'Duffy, Eimar Ultan, (1893-1935), Playwright and Satirist
- O'Dwyer, Edward Thomas, (1842-1917), Roman Catholic Bishop of Limerick
- O'Farrell, Michael R, (1838-1883), Barrister
- O'Gowan, Eric Edward Dorman, (1895-1969), Major General
- O'Grady, Standish James, (1846-1928), author, journalist and historian
- O'Regan, John, (c 1818-1898), Archdeacon and Precentor of Kildare
- O'Reilly, Edward, (1770-1829), Celtic scholar and lexicographer
- O'Reilly, Myles George, (1829-1911), JP
- O'Reilly, Myles John, (1780-1857), Deputy Lieutenant Co Leix
- Orpen, Sir William Newenham Montague, (1878-1931), Knight Painter
- O'Sullivan, Anne, (fl 1928-1984), Irish Scholar
- O'Sullivan-Beare, Daniel Robert, (1865-1921), Consul General at Rio Lieutenant Colonel Physician
- Pakenham, Francis Aungier, (1905-2001), 7th Earl of Longford, politician, writer, and philanthropist
- Palles, Christopher, (1831-1920), Lord Chief Baron of the Irish Exchequer
- Palliser, William, (1646-1726), Archbishop of Cashel
- Parnell, Charles Stewart, (1846-1891), politician and landowner
- Parnell, John, (fl 1709-1722), Irish MP and Judge
- Parnell, Thomas, (1679-1718), poet
- Parsons, Laurence, (1840-1908), 4th Earl of Rosse, astronomer
- Pearse, Patrick Henry, (1879-1916), poet and Irish nationalist
- Perceval, Helena, (d 1850)
- Perceval, John, (1683-1748), 1st Earl of Egmont
- Perceval, Robert, (1756-1839), Physician and Chemist
- Percy, Thomas, (1729-1811), Bishop of Dromore, antiquary
- Petrie, George, (1789-1866), Irish Antiquary
- Phillips, Walter Alison, (1864-1950), Historian
- Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon, (1854-1932), Knight, Irish statesman
- Poley, Sir John, (d 1638), Knight Colonel
- Pollard, Mary, (1922-2005), rare books librarian, bibliographer and historian of print England;Dublin, County Dublin
- Ponsonby, Edward, (1851-1920), 8th Earl of Bessborough
- Pooley, John, (d 1712), Bishop of Raphoe
- Porter, Sir Charles, (d 1696), Knight, Chancellor of Ireland
- Powlett, Charles, (1661-1721), 2nd Duke of Bolton, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
- Pratt, John Jeffreys, (1759-1840), 1st Marquess Camden, statesman
- Priestley, Sir Raymond Edward, (1886-1974), Knight, Knight Geologist
- Prior, Thomas, (d 1843), vice provost of Trinity College Dublin
- Prout, Ebenezer, (1835-1909), Organist and Composer
- Purser, Louis Claude, (1854-1932), Classical Scholar
- Redmond, John Edward, (1856-1918), politician
- Reeve, Clara, (1729-1807), novelist
- Reeves, William, (1815-1892), Bishop of Connor and Dromore antiquary
- Robert, Nicholas, (1614-1685), Naturalist
- Roberts, Richard, (1803-41), Lieutenant, RN
- Robertson, Sir Charles Grant, (1869-1948), Knight Historian
- Robinson, David Lubbock, (1882-1943), Irish Senator
- Robinson, Esme Stuart Lennox, (1886-1958), dramatist
- Robinson, John, (1650-1723), Bishop of London
- Robinson, Thomas Romney, (1792-1882), astronomer
- Roche, John N, (1848-1914), Irish Politician
- Roe, Sir Thomas, (1581-1644), Knight Diplomat
- Roiste, Liam de, (1882-1959), Gaelic scholar and politician
- Ross, Sir John, (1854-1935), Knight Lord Chancellor of Ireland
- Runciman, Walter, (1870-1949), Viscount Runciman of Doxford, statesman
- Russell, George William, (1867-1935), poet painter economist and journalist
- Russell, Thomas, (1767-1803), United Irishman
- Russell, Sir Thomas Wallace, (1841-1920), Knight, MP, civil servant
- Rutherford, Ernest, (1871-1937), Baron Rutherford of Nelson, physicist
- Ruvigny, Henri de Massue de, (1648-1720), 1st Earl of Galway, General
- Rylett, Harold, (1851-1936), Unitarian Minister and Journalist
- Sackville, Lionel Cranfield, (1687-1765), 1st Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
- Saint John, Henry, (1678-1751), 1st Viscount Bolingbroke, statesman
- Saint-George, George, (c 1658-1735), 1st Baron Saint George
- Salmon, George, (1819-1904), theologian and mathematician
- Sarsfield, Dominic, (d 1701), 4th Viscount Sarsfield
- Saunders, Sir George, (c 1671-1734), Knight Rear Admiral MP
- Scott, Charles Prestwich, (1846-1932), journalist, politician and editor of the Manchester Guardian Bath, Somerset
- Scott, John, (1739-1798), Earl of Clonmell, barrister and judge Kilkenny, County Kilkenny
- Scott, William Bell, (1811-1890), poet and painter
- Sexton, Thomas, (1848-1932), Irish Journalist and Politician
- Sharp, John, (1645-1714), Archbishop of York antiquary
- Sharp, William, (1855-1905), author and poet
- Shaw, George Bernard, (1856-1950), author and playwright
- Sheehy, David, (1844-1932), Irish Politician
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, (1751-1816), dramatist and politician Dublin, County Dublin
- Shiels, George, (1881-1949), Dramatist
- Shorter, Clement King, (1857-1926), journalist and critic
- Shorter, Dora Mary, (1866-1918), author
- Sidney, Sir Henry, (1529-1586), knight, Lord Deputy of Ireland and President of Wales
- Sidney, Henry, (1641-1704), 1st Earl of Romney
- Sinclair, Sir John, (1754-1835), 1st Baronet, politician and agriculturist
- Sirr, Henry Charles, (1764-1841), Chief of Dublin Police
- Skeffington, Clotworthy, (c 1660-1714), 3rd Viscount Massereene
- Smith, Edward, (1665-1720), Bishop of Down and Connor
- Smith, Solomon Charles Kaines, (1876-1958), art historian
- Smyth, Thomas, (d 1725), Bishop of Limerick
- Sollas, William Johnson, (1849-1936), geologist
- Solomons, Estella Frances, (1882-1968), Painter
- Somerville, Edith Anna Oenone, (1858-1949), writer
- Southwell, Edward, (1671-1730), statesman
- Southwell, Sir Robert, (1635-1702), Knight, diplomat
- Southwell, Sir Thomas, (1667-1720), 1st Baron Southwell
- Sowby, Cedric Walter, (1902-1975), Chaplain to Bishop of Toronto, Principal of Upper Canada College
- Spencer, Charles, (1674-1722), 3rd Earl of Sunderland, statesman
- Spencer, Herbert, (1820-1903), philosopher
- Stanhope, James, (1673-1721), 1st Earl Stanhope
- Stanley, Edward George Geoffrey Smith, (1799-1869), 14th Earl of Derby, statesman
- Stanley, Sir John, (d 1744), Baronet Chief Secretary for Ireland
- Starkey, James Sullivan, (1879-1958), poet and editor
- Starkie, Walter Fitzwilliam, (1894-1976), Professor of Spanish
- Starkie, William Joseph Miles, (1861-1921), Resident Commissioner for Irish National Education
- Stead, William Thomas, (1849-1912), journalist and author
- Stephen, Sir Leslie, (1832-1904), Knight, man of letters, philosopher, biographer, mountaineer
- Stephens, James, (1825-1901), Fenian
- Stephens, James, (1882-1950), poet and novelist
- Sterne, John, (1660-1745), Bishop of Clogher
- Stewart, William, (d 1728), 2nd Viscount Mountjoy
- Stock, Joseph, (1740-1813), Bishop of Waterford
- Stokes, Lilian, (1878-1955), diarist Dublin, County Dublin
- Stokes, Whitley, (1830-1909), Celtic scholar and Indian civil servant
- Stokes, William, (1804-1878), Regius Professor of Medicine Trinity College Dublin
- Stone, John Maxwell, (fl 1771-1782), Member of the Madras Council
- Stopford, Edward, (1772-1850), Bishop of Meath
- Stopford, James George Henry, (1823-1914), 5th Earl of Courtown
- Stopford, James Thomas, (1794-1858), 4th Earl of Courtown
- Story, George Warter, (d 1721), Dean of Limerick and historian
- Strong, Leonard Alfred George, (1896-1958), writer
- Strutt, Robert John, (1875-1947), 4th Baron Rayleigh, physicist
- Swift, Jonathan, (1667-1745), Dean of St Patrick's Dublin Satirist
- Synge, Edward, (1659-1741), Archbishop of Tuam
- Synge, Edward, (1691-1762), Bishop of Elphin
- Synge, John Millington, (1871-1909), Irish dramatist
- Tait, Peter Guthrie, (1831-1901), mathematician and physicist
- Talbot, Charles, (1660-1718), Duke of Shrewsbury, statesman
- Taylor, Geoffrey, (1900-1956), poet
- Taylor, Sir Henry, (1800-1886), Knight Author
- Temple, Henry, (c 1673-1757), 1st Viscount Palmerston
- Temple, Sir William, (1555-1627), Knight Provost of Trinity College Dublin
- Tenison, Richard, (? 1640-1705), Bishop of Meath
- Tenison, Thomas, (1636-1715), Archbishop of Canterbury controversialist collector of MSS
- Thompson, Sir Edward Maunde, (1840-1929), Knight Palaeographer and Museum Director
- Thomson, Samuel, (fl1791-1810), poet
- Thynne, Thomas, (1640-1714), 1st Viscount Weymouth
- Tighe, Mary, (1772-1810), poet
- Todd, James Henthorn, (1805-1869), Professor of Hebrew Trinity College Dublin
- Todhunter, John, (1839-1916), Author and Playwright
- Tone, Theobald Wolfe, (1763-1798), United Irishman
- Townshend, Charles, (1674-1738), 2nd Viscount Townshend, statesman
- Traill, Anthony, (1838-1914), Provost of Trinity College Dublin
- Trench, Wilbraham Fitzjohn, (1873-1939), Professor of English Literature
- Trimnell, Charles, (1663-1723), Bishop of Winchester
- Ussher, James, (1581-1656), Archbishop of Armagh biblical scholar historian
- Ussher, Percy Arland, (1907-1977), Writer
- Ussher, Robert, (1592-1642), Bishop of Kildare
- Vallancey, Charles, (1721-1812), General Antiquary
- Vandeleur, Sir John Ormsby, (1763-1849), Knight General
- Vere, Sir Aubrey de, (1788-1846), Knight, poet
- Vere, Aubrey Thomas de, (1814-1902), poet and author
- Vere, Sir Stephen Edward de, (1812-1904), 4th Baronet, MP
- Vesey, John, (1638-1716), Archbishop of Tuam
- Vesey, Sir Thomas, (c 1663-1730), 1st Baronet Bishop of Ossory
- Victory, Gerard, (1921-1995), Composer and Broadcaster
- Vigors, Bartholomew, (d 1722), Bishop of Ferns and Leighlin
- Villiers, George William Frederick, (1800-1870), 4th Earl of Clarendon, statesman
- Vincent, Arthur Rose, (1876-1956), politician and barrister Mhow, India
- Wake, William, (1657-1737), Archbishop of Canterbury
- Waldron, Laurence Ambrose, (1858-1923), Irish MP and Businessman
- Walker, Joseph Cooper, (1761-1810), antiquary
- Walkington, Edward, (d 1699), Bishop of Down and Connor
- Walsh, John, (1726-1795), Secretary to Lord Clive, naturalist
- Walsh, William Joseph, (1841-1921), Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland
- Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton, (1903-1995), nuclear physicist
- Ware, Sir James, (1594-1666), Knight Irish Historian
- Watson, Sir John William, (1858-1935), Knight Poet
- Weaver, Harriet Shaw, (1876-1961), Editor of the Egoist
- Webb, Alfred John, (1834-1908), Printer and Irish Politician
- Webster, George, (1830-1890), Chancellor of Cork Cathedral
- Wellesley, Richard Colley, (1760-1842), Marquess Wellesley, statesman
- Wellesley-Pole, William, (1763-1845), 3rd Earl of Mornington, statesman
- Wentworth, Thomas, (1593-1641), 1st Earl of Strafford, statesman
- Westropp, Thomas Johnson, (1860-1922), Irish antiquary, folklorist and archaelogist
- Wetenhall, Edward, (1636-1713), Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh
- Wharton, Thomas, (1648-1716), 1st Marquess of Wharton
- Whately, Richard, (1787-1863), Archbishop of Dublin
- Wheeler, Sir Charles Thomas, (1892-1974), Knight, sculptor
- White, Agnes Romilly White, (fl 1920-1946), writer
- White, Herbert Martin Oliver, (1885-1963), Professor of English Literature, Trinity College Dublin
- White, Herbert Terence de Vere, (1912-1994), writer
- White, Robert, (1839-1913), rector Dundonald, County Down
- Whitshed, William, (fl 1703-1727), MP Chief Justice of Common Pleas in Ireland
- Whyte, Sir Alexander Frederick, (1883-1970), Knight, politician
- Willey, John, (d 1847), Amateur Astronomer Moravian Minister
- Williams, Arthur Frederic Basil, (1867-1950), historian
- Williams, Thomas Leighton, (1877-1946), Archbishop of Birmingham
- Williamson, Benjamin, (1827-1916), Mathematician
- Wills, William Gorman, (1828-1891), Irish Playwright
- Wilson, Thomas, (1663-1755), Bishop of Sodor and Man
- Windele, John, (1801-1865), Irish Antiquary
- Witt, Sir Robert Clermont, (1872-1952), Knight Art Collector
- Wodehouse, John, (1826-1902), 1st Earl of Kimberley, statesman
- Wrangham, Francis, (1769-1842), Archdeacon of the East Riding, classical scholar
- Wright, Sir Almroth Edward, (1861-1947), Knight, bacteriologist
- Wright, Edward, (c 1558-1615), Mathematician and Hydrographer
- Wyndham, Thomas, (1681-1745), 1st Baron Wyndham of Finglass, Lord Chancellor of Ireland
- Yeats, Elizabeth Corbet, (1868-1940), publisher
- Yeats, John Butler, (1839-1922), artist
- Yeats, Susan Mary, (1866-1949), craftswoman and publisher
- Yeats, William Butler, (1865-1939), poet and playwright
- Young, Matthew, (1750-1800), Bishop of Clonfert
- Young, Samuel, (1822-1918), Industrialist and Politician
Diaries (10)
- Andrews, John Harwood, Associate Professor Of Geography
- Butler, Harriet Neville, (fl1898-1920) Ireland
- Campbell, (1796-1851), Family Belfast, County Antrim;Ballyrobin, County Antrim
- Ellis, Arthur, (b 1816), solicitor County Roscommon;County Wicklow;County Cavan
- Hicks, Frederick, Architect England;France;Germany;Italy;Ireland
- Horgan, John, (b 1940), Irish journalist, author and statesman
- Pollard, Richard Payne, (1887-1964), Doctor
- Quin, Henry George, (fl 1775-88) Naples, Italy;Rome, Italy;Florence, Italy
- Unnamed male, (fl 1854), Irish land agent County Carlow
- West, Timothy Trevor, (fl 1981-1983), Associate Professor of Mathematics Dublin, County Dublin
Families (53)
- Armstrong family of Clara and Ballycumber Clara, County Offaly;Ballycumber, County Offaly
- Balfour family of Townley Hall Townley Hall, County Louth
- Barker family, Baronets of Bocking and Ponsonby family Kilcooly Abbey Kilcooly, County Tipperary
- Bowen family of Kilnacourt Kilnacourt, County Leix
- Browne family, Barons Kilmaine County Westmeath
- Bury family, Earls of Charleville: Charleville Castle Charleville, County Offaly
- Carew family, Barons Carew County Wexford
- Clements family of Ashfield Lodge Ashfield Lodge, County Cavan
- Clements family of Lough Rynn Lough Rynn, County Leitrim
- Conolly family of Castletown Castletown, County Kildare
- Coote family, Earls of Mountrath Weeting, Norfolk;Jamestown, County Leitrim;Mountrath, County Leix;Ballycowan, County Offaly;Castle Coote, County Roscommon
- Crampton family, baronets, of Bushy Park Bushy Park, County Wicklow
- Crofton family of County Cork
- Crofton family of Inchinappa Inchinappa, County Wicklow
- Cromwell family of Ardglas Ardglass, County Down
- Crosbie family, Earls of Glandore Ardfert Abbey, County Kerry
- Earbery family of Co Cork County Cork
- Elvery family of Foxrock Foxrock, County Dublin
- Fitzgerald family, Earls of Kildare and Dukes of Leinster Carton, County Kildare
- Gahan family of Donegal
- Gore family, Earls of Arran Castle Gore, County Mayo
- Hamilton family of Brown Hall Brown Hall, County Donegal
- Hamilton family of Dunboyne Dunboyne, County Meath
- Hartpole family of Shrule Shrule, County Leix
- Harvey family of Bargy Castle Bargy Castle, County Wexford
- Hely Hutchinson family, Earls of Donoughmore: Knocklofty Knocklofty, County Tipperary
- Hill and Vize families County Tipperary
- Jervis-White-Jervis family of Belcamp and St Mary's Abbey Belcamp, County Dublin
- Jervis-White-Jervis family, baronets, of Ballyellis Ballyellis, County Wexford
- Johnston family of Howth, County Dublin County Dublin
- Kinkead family of Hillsborough Hillsborough, County Down
- Leonard family of County Meath
- Longworth-Dames family of Glynwood and Greenhill Edenderry, County Offaly;Glynwood House, County Westmeath
- Malcolmson family of Portlaw, Co Waterford
- Moore family of Londonderry Londonderry, County Londonderry
- O'Reilly family of Heath House Heath House, County Leix
- Otway-Ruthven family of Castle Otway Castle Otway, County Tipperary
- Penrose family of Riverview Riverview, County Waterford
- Perceval family, Earls of Egmont Cowdray Park, Sussex
- Ponsonby family, Earls of Bessborough Bessborough, County Kilkenny;Roehampton, Surrey
- Pratt family, Marquesses Camden Bayham Abbey, Kent;Brenchley, Kent;Lamberhurst, Kent;Speldhurst, Kent;St Pancras, Middlesex;Chastleton, Oxfordshire;Frant, Sussex;Wadhurst, Sussex;St Michael, Barbados;Brecon, Brecknockshire
- Prior-Wandesforde family of Castlecomer Castlecomer, County Kilkenny;Kirklington cum Upsland, Yorkshire
- Shackleton family of Ballitore Ballitore, County Kildare
- Sidney family, Viscounts de l'Isle Monewden, Suffolk;Cranfield, Bedfordshire;Aston Sandford, Buckinghamshire;Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire;Turville, Buckinghamshire;Bisley, Gloucestershire;Michelmersh, Hampshire;Eardisley, Herefordshire;Knighton, Herefordshire;Leominster, Herefordshire;Ashurst, Kent;Otford, Kent;Penshurst, Kent;Tonbridge, Kent;Deeping Fen, Lincolnshire;Tattershall, Lincolnshire;Baynards Castle, London;Leicester Fields, London;Leicester House, London;Panxworth, Norfolk;Ranworth, Norfolk;Chalgrove, Oxfordshire;Pyrton, Oxfordshire;Monewdon, Suffolk;Poslingford, Suffolk;Thwaite, Suffolk;Sheen, Surrey;Panningridge, Sussex;Robertsbridge, Sussex;Balsall Heath, Warwickshire;Hampton-in-Arden, Warwickshire;Long Itchington, Warwickshire;Abberley, Worcestershire;Battersby, Yorkshire;Ingleby Greenhow, Yorkshire;Sexhow, Yorkshire;Coity, Glamorgan;Newlands, Glamorgan;Old Radnor, Radnorshire
- Smythe family of Barbavilla Barbavilla, County Westmeath
- Spence family of Donaghmore Donaghmore, County Donegal
- Stopford family, Earls of Courtown Courtown, County Wexford;Marlfield, County Wexford;Baalbeg, County Meath;Tara Hill, County Meath;Macclesfield, Cheshire
- Townshend family, Marquesses Townshend Calverton, Buckinghamshire;Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire;Ely, Cambridgeshire;Fordham, Cambridgeshire;Soham, Cambridgeshire;Ashbourne, Derbyshire;Walton-upon-Trent, Derbyshire;East Donyland, Essex;Great Bentley, Essex;Wivenhoe, Essex;Kempsford, Gloucestershire;Amwell, Hertfordshire;Balls Park, Hertfordshire;Bengeo, Hertfordshire;Gorhambury, Hertfordshire;Wigston Magna, Leicestershire;London;Canonbury, Middlesex;Clerkenwell, Middlesex;Binham, Norfolk;Coxford, Norfolk;East Raynham, Norfolk;Great Yarmouth, Norfolk;Helhoughton, Norfolk;Horsham St Faith, Norfolk;Langham, Norfolk;Morston, Norfolk;Oxwich with Pattesley, Norfolk;Raynham Hall, Norfolk;Stiffkey, Norfolk;Weasenham, Norfolk;Wellingham, Norfolk;West Rudham, Norfolk;Elkington, Northamptonshire;Tamworth, Staffordshire;Tettenhall, Staffordshire;Akenham, Suffolk;Great Thurlow, Suffolk;Kentford, Suffolk;Rendlesham, Suffolk;Flecknoe, Warwickshire;Lea Marston, Warwickshire;Wellesbourne, Warwickshire;Hannington, Wiltshire;Inglesham, Wiltshire;Ramsbury, Wiltshire;Risby, Yorkshire
- Trench family of Slane Slane, County Meath
- Walsh family of Ardagh County Louth
- Walsh family, Barons Ormathwaite County Cork;County Kerry
- Wynne family of Hazelwood Hazelwood, County Sligo
- Wynne family of Tigroney, Co Wicklow Tigroney, County Wicklow
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (149)
- NRA 21059 Ernest Henry Alton, professor of Latin: corresp with classical scholars link to online catalogue
- NRA 24100 Thomas Arnold, headmaster of Rugby School: family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 22032 Hugh Oakeley Arnold-Forster, author and politician: personal and family corresp
- NRA 22019 Admiral John Baker: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 42677 John Banville, novelist, dramatist and journalist: literary MSS link to online catalogue
- NRA 30477 Robert Childers Barton, politician: corresp and papers
- NRA 21057 Charles Francis Bastable, economist: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 20075 Lord John George de la Poer Beresford, archbishop of Armagh and chancellor of Dublin University, co link to online catalogue
- NRA 21058 Rev Charles Claudius Beresford corresp and misc papers
- NRA 20074 John Henry Bernard, archbishop of Dublin and provost of Trinity College Dublin: corresp and papers
- NRA 24103 RI Best and EJ Gwynn: Celtic studies collection
- NRA 24102 Thomas Bodkin, art historian: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 23140 Bourke family history collection
- NRA 21055 Sir Maziere Brady, Lord Chancellor of Ireland: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 4214 Browne family, Barons Kilmaine: family, estate and personal papers
- NRA 25244 Howe Peter Browne, 2nd Marquess of Sligo: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 26259 Walter Hussey Burgh, MP, lawyer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 34821 Charles Kendal Bushe, Irish judge: personal and family corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 42676 Hubert Butler, writer and market gardener: corresp and papers
- NRA 32225 Campbell family of Ballyrobin and Belfast: family corresp
- NRA 38991 Joseph Campbell, poet and Irish nationalist: corresp, diaries and papers
- NRA 24847 Carew family, Barons Carew: corresp and papers
- NRA 35723 John Francis Carney, dramatist: corresp and papers
- NRA 24098 Roger Casement: letters to Fritz Pincus
- NRA 20233 Richard Caulfield, Irish antiquary: collection link to online catalogue
- NRA 34815 Central Association of Irish School Mistresses
- NRA 23149 Robert Erskine Childers, author and politician: Irish and family corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20080 George Clarke, politician and connoisseur: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 18803 Clements family of Ashfield and Lough Rynn: family and estate papers
- NRA 24845 Arthur Henry Cole, MP, resident at Mysore: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20081 Conolly family of Castletown: family and estate papers
- NRA 20082 William Corbet, Irish patriot: personal and family corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 20226 Sir Philip Crampton, surgeon: corresp and family papers
- NRA 34812 Crofton family of Inchinappa: deeds and papers incl Earbery family
- NRA 20236 Crosbie family of Ardfert Abbey, Kerry (Earls of Glandore, Viscounts Crosbie and Lords Branden) cor link to online catalogue
- NRA 22037 Henri de Beaumont and Andre Hurault, Sieur de Maisse, French ambassadors to England: official corre
- NRA 35724 Liam De Roiste, Gaelic scholar and politician: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 23146 John Dillon, politician: family and political corresp and papers
- NRA 21053 Andrew Francis Dixon, anatomist and surgeon: corresp and papers
- NRA 39869 Henry Horatio Dixon, botanist: corresp
- NRA 20227 Edward Dowden, professor of English literature: corresp and papers
- NRA 31500 Dublin and Kildare diocese
- NRA 21056 Dublin University Defence Committee and Herbert W Greene corresp
- NRA 42680 Dublin University Players link to online catalogue
- NRA 22027 CL Falkiner autograph collection
- NRA 29766 Fitzgerald family, Dukes of Leinster: Irish deeds and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 22021 Fitzpatrick family corresp and papers
- NRA 30476 William Edward Forster, statesman: corresp and papers
- NRA 34833 Robert Butler Digby French, lecturer in English: corresp and papers
- NRA 21064 Thomas French, assistant in Trinity College Dublin Library: corresp
- NRA 34820 Frank Gallagher, journalist and author: personal and family corresp and papers
- NRA 32221 Michael Henry Gill, printer and publisher: corresp and business papers
- NRA 22036 Thomas Patrick Gill, Irish MP: corresp
- NRA 39363 Evelyn Gleeson, founder of Dun Emer Guild: corresp and papers
- NRA 34816 Kathleen Goodfellow, author: literary MSS and papers
- NRA 20404 Gore family, Earls of Arran: family and estate papers
- NRA 23141 James Richard Weekes Goulden, historian: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 22022 James Grattan, politician: misc papers
- NRA 37918 Graves family of Cloghan Castle: corresp and papers
- NRA 22028 ED Gray autograph collection
- NRA 22029 Rev Alexander Balloch Grosart, author and editor: corresp
- NRA 35729 Daniel Charles Grose, topographical artist and author: watercolours, sketches and papers
- NRA 38992 Hamilton family of Brownhall: estate papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 22031 Hamilton family of Dunboyne: deeds and estate papers
- NRA 20076 Sir William Rowan Hamilton, mathematician and astronomer: corresp and papers
- NRA 20229 Hartpole of Shrule, Leix and Bower of Kilnacourt, Leix; family and estate papers
- NRA 22331 Hely-Hutchinson family, Earls of Donoughmore: family and estate papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 21061 Paul Henry, artist: corresp and papers
- NRA 29997 James Hope, United Irishman: misc papers
- NRA 21051 Patricia Hutchins, author: corresp and papers rel to James Joyce
- NRA 25245 Incorporated Society for Promoting Protestant Schools in Ireland
- NRA 21063 Irish courts material: proceedings and related papers, 1798
- NRA 23147 John Jebb, bishop of Limerick: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 25562 Jervis-White-Jervis family, baronets: Dublin and Ballyellis, co Wexford, estate papers
- NRA 34631 William Denis Johnston, broadcaster: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 21060 John Joly, geologist: corresp and papers
- NRA 37913 John Joly, geologist: letters from Professor HH Dixon and his family
- NRA 35725 Dorothy Kay, artist: personal and family corresp and papers
- NRA 20078 William King, archbishop of Dublin: corresp (Lyons collection) link to online catalogue
- NRA 22034 Kinkead and Allen families: family corresp and papers
- NRA 38976 Eleanor Knott, professor of early Irish: corresp and family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 23142 HG Leask, inspector of national monuments, Ireland: papers
- NRA 20228 William Edward Hartpole Lecky MP, historian: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 22020 Sir Shane Leslie, Bt, author: corresp and misc papers rel to Sir John P Mahaffy
- NRA 38506 John Arthur Thomas Lloyd, author and journalist: literary MSS
- NRA 23143 Walter Love: papers rel to the Irish massacre, 1641
- NRA 20232 Richard Robert Madden, colonial administrator: corresp and papers incl Society of United Irish link to online catalogue
- NRA 20077 John Pentland Mahaffy, provost of Trinity College Dublin: autograph collection
- NRA 24844 Arnold Marsh, Quaker and political economist, corresp and papers
- NRA 28112 William Monck Mason, historian: collections rel to Dublin link to online catalogue
- NRA 22025 William Shaw Mason, civil servant and antiquary: corresp
- NRA 38501 Thomas McGreevy, author and director of the National Gallery of Ireland: letters from Samuel Becket
- NRA 23148 Thomas McGreevy, author and director of the National Gallery of Ireland: corresp and papers
- NRA 22035 Thomas Moore, poet: misc corresp and papers rel to his life
- NRA 23170 Captain SCB Mundey: corresp and papers
- NRA 22023 Sir Richard Musgrave, Bt, Irish political writer: 1798 rebellion collection
- NRA 20083 Arthur James Netterville, 8th Viscount Netterville: misc papers
- NRA 24101 Kathleen Nicholls: misc papers
- NRA 23144 Nelly O'Brien: corresp and papers
- NRA 38503 William Smith O'Brien, Irish nationalist: corresp and papers
- NRA 24843 Eimar Ultan O'Duffy, writer: corresp with AC Garrad and literary MSS
- NRA 28114 Michael O'Farrell, barrister: corresp and papers mainly rel to Young Ireland movement
- NRA 20235 O'Reilly of the Heath House, Leix: family corresp and papers
- NRA 38487 Anne O'Sullivan, Irish scholar: corresp and papers
- NRA 38505 Thomas Parnell, poet: misc corresp and papers
- NRA 24099 Patrick Henry Pearse, poet and revolutionary: family papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31230 Penrose family of Riverview: family and estate papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 42942 Walter Alison Phillips, historian: corresp and papers
- NRA 42678 Pike Theatre, Dublin
- NRA 26209 Ponsonby family of Kilcooley Abbey: family and estate papers
- NRA 22018 John Jeffreys Pratt, 1st Marquess Camden: letter-book as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland link to online catalogue
- NRA 31219 Prior-Wandesforde family of Castlecomer: family and estate papers
- NRA 22017 Ebenezer Prout, composer and professor of music: corresp with N Kilburn
- NRA 34813 William Stanley Purdon, printer, and his wife Sally: corresp and papers
- NRA 34823 William Reeves, Bishop of Down and Connor: corresp
- NRA 38489 Royal Zoological Society of Ireland link to online catalogue
- NRA 716 Shackleton family of Ballitore: corresp and papers
- NRA 22033 Shackleton family of Ballitore: family corresp and misc papers
- NRA 20231 Major Henry Charles Sirr (chief of Dublin police) corresp and papers, incl Thomas Russell (United I
- NRA 28113 Estella Frances Solomons, painter: corresp
- NRA 23151 Edith Somerville and Violet Martin (Martin Ross), authors: corresp
- NRA 28115 Walter Fitzwilliam Starkie, professor in romance languages: papers
- NRA 26258 William Joseph Myles Starkie, resident commissioner of national education: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 23150 Stopford family, Earls of Courtown: family and estate papers
- NRA 38993 Edward Synge, bishop of Elphin: literary MSS
- NRA 20079 John Millington Synge corresp and papers
- NRA 24846 Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, and Sir John Stanley: official letter books rel to Ireland
- NRA 34814 Samuel Thomson, poet: corresp and poems
- NRA 20234 James Henthorn Todd, professor of Hebrew: corresp and papers
- NRA 29765 Wilbraham Fitz-John Trench, professor of English Literature: corresp and papers
- NRA 24840 Trinity College, Dublin
- NRA 21062 Trinity College, Dublin: autograph collection
- NRA 19810 Trinity College, Dublin: conspectus of MS catalogues
- NRA 24842 Trinity College, Dublin: misc accessions
- NRA 19217 Trinity College, Dublin: modern collections
- NRA 32078 Trinity College, Dublin: MSS rel to Easter rising, 1916
- NRA 9503 Trinity College, Dublin: scientific MSS
- NRA 42679 University of Dublin Choral Society
- NRA 34811 Percy Arland Ussher, writer: personal and family corresp and papers
- NRA 22024 Joseph Cooper Walker, antiquary: corresp
- NRA 21054 Walsh family, Barons Ormathwaite: Cork and Kerry estate deeds
- NRA 35730 Lt-General George Walsh: family corresp and papers
- NRA 21052 Richard Davis Webb, printer, Dublin, and Alfred John Webb, Irish politician: corresp
- NRA 22026 Ethel M Wells autograph collection
- NRA 34828 Agnes Romilly White, writer: corresp and papers
- NRA 22030 Herbert Martin Oliver White, professor of English: corresp
- NRA 29763 Robert White, rector of Dundonald, co Down: corresp and papers
- NRA 32069 Sir Almroth Wright, bacteriologist: corresp and papers
- NRA 38994 Wynne family of Tigroney: family and business corresp and papers link to online catalogue
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.