Catalogue description Ministry of Housing and Local Government and predecessors and successor: Housing Department, later Division: Local Authority, Registered Files (H and HAMU Series)

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Details of HLG 118
Reference: HLG 118
Title: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and predecessors and successor: Housing Department, later Division: Local Authority, Registered Files (H and HAMU Series)

These files of the Housing sections and divisions of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and the Department of the Environment are a continuation of earlier files to be found in HLG 47. They include policy file relating to rents, house building, housing subsidies and improvement grants, and the impact of building regulations on housing. The series also includes files relating to the Housing Subsidies Act 1967, the Rent Act 1965, the Ronan Point building collapse, the sale of council housing and to specific local authority slum clearance and housing development schemes.

Includes files re-registered from RB file series, in WORK 75and files of the Housing Analysis and Monitoring Unit (HAMU), which used the same numbering structure as the general Housing files (H series)

Date: 1935-1996
Related material:

See also AT 62

Files which were not re-registered remained in the old file series and are to be found in HLG 47

For other related files see HLG 157

Separated material:

Some files from this series were re-registered into Department of the Environment series see:

Some of KB series re-registered to JH 2

AT 49

AT 54

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: H file series and HAMU file series
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English

Department of Health, 1988-

Department of Health and Social Security, 1968-1988

Department of the Environment, 1970-1997

Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 1997-2001

Ministry of Health, 1919-1968

Ministry of Housing and Local Government, 1951-1970

Physical description: 4881 file(s)
Access conditions: Open unless otherwise stated
Immediate source of acquisition:

From 1984 Department of the Environment

Accruals: Series is accruing
Administrative / biographical background:

This series includes files of the Housing sections and divisions of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and the Department of the Environment.

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