Catalogue description Records created or inherited by the Highways Agency and Successors

Details of HWA
Reference: HWA
Title: Records created or inherited by the Highways Agency and Successors

Records created or inherited by the Highways Agency and successors.

For series created for regularly archived websites, please see the separate Websites Division.

Date: 1956-2023
Related material:

For records created or inherited by the Department for Transport (DfT) please see DFT

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English

Department of Transport, 1976-1997

Highways Agency, 1994-2015

Highways England, 2015-

Physical description: 40 series
Access conditions: Open unless otherwise stated
Administrative / biographical background:

The Highways Agency was established on 1 April 1994 and from 2002 was an executive agency of the Department for Transport (DfT).

The Agency has responsibility for managing the core road network in England. The Agency is responsible for delivering the DfT's road programme by maintaining, operating and improving the strategic road network (motorways and trunk roads) in England on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport.

On 1 April 2015, the Highways Agency government agency was converted into a government-owned company with the name Highways England.

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