Catalogue description Department for Work and Pensions: Pensions Client Group: Pensions Commission

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Details of JB 119
Reference: JB 119
Title: Department for Work and Pensions: Pensions Client Group: Pensions Commission

This series contains records created by the Pensions Commission.

Date: 2003-2006

Alphanumeric, sequentially

Former reference in its original department: TPC
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English

Department for Work and Pensions, 2001-

Physical description: file(s)
Access conditions: Records not yet transferred
Immediate source of acquisition:

From 2025 Department for Work and Pensions

Accruals: Series is accruing.
Administrative / biographical background:

The Pensions Commission was part of the Pension Client Group and operated from 2003 until 2006. It was a non-departmental public body established in 2002 by the UK Government to review the existing regime for private pensions. Its remit was to make recommendations to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on whether there was a case for pensions reform. The reports containing their findings were published in 2004 and 2005, and the Commission was subsequently wound up.

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