Catalogue description Transport Ministries: Marine Pollution Control Unit (MPCU Series) Files

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Details of MT 211
Reference: MT 211
Title: Transport Ministries: Marine Pollution Control Unit (MPCU Series) Files

Records of action taken to relieve the effects of incidents of pollution from vessels at sea and from off-shore installations.

Date: 1973-2012
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: MPCU
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English

Board of Trade, Marine Division, 1965-1970

Department of Trade and Industry, Marine Division, 1970-1974

Department of Trade, Marine Division, 1974-1983

Department of Transport, Marine Directorate, 1983-1995

Marine Safety Agency, 1994-1998

Maritime and Coastguard Agency, 1998-

Physical description: 185 file(s)
Access conditions: Open unless otherwise stated
Immediate source of acquisition:

From 2010 Department for Transport

Custodial history: Department of Trade and Industry, Marine Division, 1970-1974; Department of Trade, Marine Division, 1974-1983; Department of Transport, Marine Directorate 1983-1994; Marine Safety Agency 1994-1998; Maritime and Coastguard Agency from 1998.
Accruals: Series is accruing.
Administrative / biographical background:

The Marine Pollution Control Unit was established in the Department of Trade and Industry, Marine Division in 1973, and was then in the Department of Trade, Marine Division (1974-1983), the Department of Transport, Marine Directorate (1983-1994), the Marine Safety Agency (1994-1998), and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (from 1998).

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