Catalogue description Departmental Policies on the Training, Monitoring of Training Standards and Finances of Training and Enterprise Councils

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Reference: EDG 1
Title: Departmental Policies on the Training, Monitoring of Training Standards and Finances of Training and Enterprise Councils

The files in this series contain information on the establishment of the first Training and Enterprise Councils (TECs), their funding and the monitoring work undertaken by the TECs.

Date: 1988-2004

The series is arranged in file reference order.

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: 1/TEC, 2/TEC, 3/TEC
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English

Department for Education and Employment, 1995-2001

Department for Work and Pensions, 2001-

Employment Department Group, Training Enterprise and Education Directorate (TEED), 1991-1994

Employment Department, The Training Agency, 1988-1991

Physical description: 110 file(s)
Access conditions: Open unless otherwise stated
Immediate source of acquisition:

from 2017 Department for Work and Pensions

Custodial history: Department of Employment 1990-2001; Department for Work and Pensions 2002-2017
Accumulation dates: 1990 to 2000
Selection and destruction information: OSP5 5.5, OSP 38
Accruals: Series is accruing.
Administrative / biographical background:

Training and Enterprise Councils (TECs) are independent, local, employer led councils which were established throughout the country during 1990 and 1991 to take over the responsibility for running the training and enterprise programmes previously organised by the Department of Employment's Training Agency. The proposal to devolve responsibility for these programmes to a local level and to inject a strong degree of private enterprise into them was announced in the White Paper Employment for the 1990s, published in December in 1988.

Services offered by the TECs included; training for young people, employer investment in people, career development loans, business enterprise services, business links, out of work childcare initiative, work experience, initiatives funded through the Single Regeneration Budget Challenge Fund and Local Competitiveness Budget, adult learning information and guidance, skills for small businesses, education business partnerships, further education competitiveness and development funds.

These records were originally registered in the Employment and Training Division of the Employment Department Group in 1990. This then moved to the Resources and Strategy Directorate TEC Research and Evaluation Branch in 1991 before moving to the Training, Enterprise and Education Directorate Education Division between 1993 and 1995. From 1996 TEC work was covered by the Employment and Lifelong Learning Directorate.

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