Catalogue description Department of Health and Social Security: Social Security Policy Group Supplementary Benefits: Housing and related benefits: Registered Files

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Details of BN 109
Reference: BN 109
Title: Department of Health and Social Security: Social Security Policy Group Supplementary Benefits: Housing and related benefits: Registered Files

This series contains registered files of the policy branch dealing with aspects of housing requirements and subsequent means tested benefits as the government decreased its house building programme. It also covers the Community Charge.

Prefixes include:

  • HRS Supplementary Benefit Housing Requirements
  • IHR Income Support Housing Requirements
  • NHB New Housing Benefit
  • SBL Legislation
  • REN Rent and housing problems
  • CCW Community Charge Work

Note: File Office 257 Branch 2
Date: 1970-2011
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: NHB
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English

Department for Work and Pensions, 2001-

Department of Health and Social Security, 1968-1988

Department of Social Security, 1988-2001

Physical description: 1674 file(s)
Access conditions: Open unless otherwise stated
Immediate source of acquisition:

From 2004 Department for Work and Pensions

Accruals: Series is accruing
Administrative / biographical background:

Benefit policy for housing requirements was handled by Branch SB2 of the Supplementary Benefits Division. Initially it was in the form of rent in the early 1980s as the policy of paying benefit for privately owned accommodation replaced the publicly funded house building programme, the benefit was termed Housing Benefit rather than Rent. By 1991, the Supplementary Benefits Division had been retitled Income Support Division but Branch 2 continued to deal with housing benefits policy.

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