Catalogue description Records of the Office of Electricity Regulation

Details of HB
Reference: HB
Title: Records of the Office of Electricity Regulation

Records of the Office of Electricity Regulation.

Annual reports are in HB 1.

Date: 1990-1999
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English

Office of Electricity Regulation, 1989-1999

Physical description: 1 series
Access conditions: Open
Immediate source of acquisition:

Office of Electricity Regulation

Administrative / biographical background:

The Office of Electricity Regulation (OFFER) was a non-ministerial government department established under the Electricity Act 1989. The Office was headed by the Director General of Electricity Supply who was responsible for monitoring the activities of all licensed generators, transmitters and suppliers of electricity. The Director General exercised his powers so as to promote competition in the generation and supply of electricity; to ensure that all reasonable demands for electricity were satisfied; to protect consumers' interests on prices, security of supply and quality of service; and to promote the efficient use of electricity. OFFER's statutory responsibilities covered England, Wales and Scotland.

In 1999 the offices of the electricity and gas industries regulators were merged to form the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM).

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