Catalogue description Department of Health and Social Security and successors: Liable Relative and Child Support Agency Policy Issues (File Office 454)

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Details of BN 148
Reference: BN 148
Title: Department of Health and Social Security and successors: Liable Relative and Child Support Agency Policy Issues (File Office 454)

Registered files dealing with recovery of benefits as a result of a person who has had to make a claim for benefit due to the failure of liable person to make payments. Policy also includes taking legal action and enforcing court orders. Also policy on sponsored immigrants. The policies progress into the Child Support Agency and subsequent legislation.

Date: 1978-2007

This series is arranged in file reference order.

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: APK, CFB, CFI, CSF, CSN, CSP, CSZ, IAU, LR, LRF, LRG, LRH, LRI, LRJ, LRK, LRL, LRM, LRN, MRF, PAS, WMC
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English

Department for Work and Pensions, 2001-

Department of Health and Social Security, 1968-1988

Department of Health and Social Security, Supplementary Benefits Division 1, 1977-1982

Department of Social Security, 1988-2001

Physical description: 1173 file(s)
Access conditions: Open unless otherwise stated
Immediate source of acquisition:

From 2014 Department for Work and Pensions

Custodial history: The Department for Work and Pensions became custodians of the series in 2001 when the department replaced the Department of Social Security, 1988–2001. The series was previously held by the Department of Health and Social Security, 1968-1988.
Selection and destruction information: This series meets TNA's Acquisition Policy theme Formulation and delivery of social policies, and the management of public resources.
Accruals: Series is accruing.
Administrative / biographical background:

A Review of Supplementary Benefits was established in 1976. The review report, 'Social Assistance, A Review of the Supplementary Benefits Scheme in Great Britain', was published in July 1978. The implementation of the review was undertaken with the change of government in 1979, under the Secretary of State Sir Patrick Jenkin. (This review was prior to the later reform undertaken by Sir Norman Fowler). The work was undertaken by Supplementary Benefits and Family Support Group; Division SBI.

The review changed two areas within the administration of supplementary benefits;

  • A. Legal and administrative changes; clear entitlement and published rules, and the subsequent closure of the Supplementary Benefit Commission.
  • B. Changes in benefit; deferring school leavers' entitlement, aligning of supplementary benefit and national insurance rates, reduction in the qualifying period for the long-term rates, fewer children's rates, standard rent shares from non-dependent members of a claimant's household, treatment of resources, equal treatment of resources.

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