Catalogue description Letters to Margaret Clark Gillett from her parents William Stephens Clark and Helen Priestman Bright Clark

This record is held by Alfred Gillett Trust (C & J Clark Ltd)

Details of GIL/MC/64-116
Reference: GIL/MC/64-116
Title: Letters to Margaret Clark Gillett from her parents William Stephens Clark and Helen Priestman Bright Clark

Helen's letters have a number of constant themes including pacifism, women's rights and a constant interest in the national political scene. She supported a number of social liberal causes including local and national women's liberal committees, women's suffrage committees and Temperance organisations. Millfield played host to a constant stream of visitors whom she had met through her involvement with these causes. Her letters also reflect her involvement with local institutions particularly the Wells workhouse, cottage homes and local provision for consumptive cases. There are also references to her attendance at local and national Friends meetings and to the network of Friends she knew. Helen was also devoted to animals, particularly her pets and horses. There is rarely a letter which does not contain some reference to animals.

Date: 1890 - 1927
Held by: Alfred Gillett Trust (C & J Clark Ltd), not available at The National Archives

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