1869-1988: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and successors: Land Tenure Branch and successors: Registered Files, Land Tenure (LO/N Series)
The National Archives, Kew
MAF 235
1934-1960: Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labour, Later Ministry of Labour and National Service: Commissioners for Special Areas, Later Development Areas, Registered Files (DA, F and 99,000 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
MH 61
1800-1996: Records created or inherited by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, and of successor and related bodies
The National Archives, Kew
1946-2003: Department of the Environment and successors: Airports Policy Division: Registered Files (APD series)
The National Archives, Kew
AT 94
1881-1992: Department of the Environment and Predecessors: Map Library Boundary Maps
The National Archives, Kew
AT 98
1950-1972: Records created or inherited by the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources and successor bodies
The National Archives, Kew
1954: Ministry of Housing and Local Government: Records of the Public Local Inquiry into the proposed development of Gatwick Airport
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 165
1835-2023: Records created or inherited by the Department of the Environment, the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR), the Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR), and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
The National Archives, Kew
1997-2000: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions: The Coalfields Task Force: Registered Files (CTF series)
The National Archives, Kew
AT 230
1947-2001: Department of the Environment and Predecessors: Planning Land Use Policy Directorate: Registered Files (PLUP Series)
The National Archives, Kew
AT 29
1961-2002: Department of the Environment: Directorate of Construction Industries, Building Regulations Administrative Division: Registered Files (BRA Series)
The National Archives, Kew
AT 49
1965-2002: Department of the Environment: Local Authority Rate Support Grants, Registered Files (FLG Series)
The National Archives, Kew
AT 53
1903-1957: Welsh Office and predecessors: Local Authorities: Areas, Boundaries and Status: Correspondence, Papers, Maps and Plans
The National Archives, Kew
BD 5
1854-1985: Welsh Office and predecessors: Local Authorities, General Policy and Case Files (LA Series)
The National Archives, Kew
BD 11
1954-1972: Welsh Office and predecessors: Common Lands, Registered Files (C and CG Series)
The National Archives, Kew
BD 49
1965-1967: Records of the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources
1910-1995: Records of the Ministry of Works and successors
1948-1992: New Towns Association: Registered Files
The National Archives, Kew
FJ 2
1910-1955: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and predecessors: Legal and Parliamentary Branch and predecessors: Housing Instruments and Consents
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 13
1891-1955: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and predecessors: Legal and Parliamentary Branch and predecessors: Housing Registers of Instruments and Consents
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 14
1872-1977: Local Government Board and successors: Legal Department and successors: Local Authority Byelaws
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 25
1842-1978: Poor Law Commission and successors: Legal Department and successors: Orders
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 26
1840-1997: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and predecessors: Legal and Parliamentary Branch and predecessors: Public Health and Local Government Legislation, Bill Papers
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 29
1939-1979: Ministry of Health and successors: Superannuation and Compensation, Registered Files (91451-91459 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 33
1921-1969: Ministry of Health and successors: Agricultural Rating and Valuation, Registered Files (91038 Series) and Schedules of Grants
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 34
1888-1969: Local Government Board and successors: Sanitary Department and successors: Local Authority Areas, Boundaries and Status, Registered Files and Papers
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 43
1854-1973: Ministry of Health and predecessors and successors: Burial Grounds, Registered Files
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 45
1904-1976: Ministry of Health and successors: Local Government Divisions and successors: Local Government Services, Registered Files (91,000 and other Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 51
1898-1975: Ministry of Health and successors: Local Government Administration and Finance, General Policy and Procedure, Registered Files (90,000 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 52
1914-1966: Ministry of Health and successors: Local Government Divisions and successors: Local Authority Administration and Finance, Registered Files
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 53
1906-1976: Ministry of Health and successors: Legal Branch and Legal and Parliamentary Branch: Local Authority Bill Papers
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 54
1914-1976: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and predecessors: Local Government Divisions and predecessors: Air Pollution and Smoke Abatement, Registered Files (91213 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 55
1920-1974: Ministry of Health and successors: Local Government Division and Local Government Finance Division: Rating and Valuation, Registered Files (91038 and other Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 56
1919-1971: Ministry of Health and successors: Audit and Statistical Division and Local Government Finance Division: Audit of Local Authorities, Registered Files (97,000, 11,000 and other Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 57
1897-1968: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and predecessors: Local Government Division: Local Authority Byelaws, Registered Files (91013 and 12008 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 58
1919-1961: Ministry of Health and successors: Confidential General Registered Files (100,000 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 68
1951-1965: Ministry of Local Government and Planning and Ministry of Housing and Local Government: Circulars and Publications
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 72
1946-1954: Ministry of Town and Country Planning and successors: Regional Physical Planning Committees: Registered Files (91692 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 83
1938-2000: Ministry of Town and Country Planning and successors: Minerals, Registered Files (90,000 and M Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 89
1941-1973: Ministry of Town and Country Planning and successors: National Parks and Countryside, General and Finance Registered Files (91808 and other Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 92
1916-1982: Ministry of Health and successors: Miscellaneous Registered Files (99,000 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 102
1919-1976: Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments Files (99085 series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 103
1943-1959: Ministry of Health and successors: Planning and Redevelopment, Registered Files (99,200 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 104
1920-1971: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and predecessors: Local Government Division and predecessors: Public Health Administration, Registered Files (93,000 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 108
1928-1965: Ministry of Health and successors: Health Division and successors: General Health Questions and Foreign Correspondence, Registered Files (95,000 and 96,000 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 109
1918-1970: Ministry of Health and successors: Office Machinery and Procedure, Registered Files (96,203-96,219 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 110
1951-1955: Ministry of Local Government and Planning and Ministry of Housing and Local Government: Legal and Parliamentary Branch: Miscellaneous Sealed Plans
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 111
1946-2004: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and predecessors and successors: New Towns and Development Corporations: Registered Files (NT Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 115
1938-1981: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and predecessors and successor: Development Plans
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 119
1875-1995: Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Local Government Division, and Department of the Environment: Local Government General Policy and Procedure, Registered Files (LG Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 120
1928-1985: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and predecessors: Establishment Division and Establishment and Organisation Division: Registered Files (EST Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 124
1920-1997: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and Department of the Environment: Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments, Registered Files (HB Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 126
1955-1971: Ministry of Housing and Local Government: Annual Reports
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 130
1955-1961: Ministry of Housing and Local Government: Slaughterhouses, Registered Files (91018 Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 137
1967-1972: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and Department of the Environment: Establishment Division and successors: Registered Files (PCA Series)
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 149
1948-1991: Ministry of Housing and Local Government and Department of the Environment: Accountant General's Department and successors: Central Land Board Case Files
The National Archives, Kew
HLG 153
1854-1996: Records of Local Government Divisions
1958-1972: Ministry of Land and Natural Resources: Forestry, Tree Preservation and National Parks Division: Registered Files (KT Series)
The National Archives, Kew
JH 6