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Ministry of Social Security

This page summarises records created by this Organisation

The summary includes a brief description of the collection(s) (usually including the covering dates of the collection), the name of the archive where they are held, and reference information to help you find the collection.

Date: 1966-1968
History: The Ministry of Social Security was established in August 1966 under the Ministry of Social Security Act 1966. This dissolved the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance and the National Assistance Board, and provided for transfer of their functions to the Minister of Social Security, except for certain powers transferred to a new Supplementary Benefits Commission. In November 1968, following the report of the Fulton Committee on the Civil Service, the Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS) was created by merger of the Ministries of Health and Social Security.
Functions, occupations and activities: Government (central)
References: IC; NCA Rules
Name authority reference: GB/NNAF/C277878
Number Description Held by Reference Further information
1911-1993: Ministry of National Insurance, predecessors and successors: Unemployment Insurance Division, predecessors and successors: Labour Exchanges and Unemployment Insurance, files
The National Archives, Kew
1900-1979: Home Office and Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Workmens' Compensation, Correspondence and Papers
The National Archives, Kew
1918-1978: Ministry of Pensions and successors: Codes and Instructions
The National Archives, Kew
1942-1980: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Family Allowance Policy (London Office), Registered Files (FA series)
The National Archives, Kew
1920-1984: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Registered Files (F Series)
The National Archives, Kew
1932-2007: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Industrial Diseases, Registered Files (ID series)
The National Archives, Kew
1941-2004: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Industrial Injuries, Registered Files (I Series)
The National Archives, Kew
1912-1989: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Staff and Establishment, Registered Files (SE Series)
The National Archives, Kew
1948-1983: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Survey Branch files
The National Archives, Kew
1945-1976: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Organisation and Methods Division, Files
The National Archives, Kew
1946-1969: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: National Insurance Local Advisory Committees, Registered Files (LAC Series)
The National Archives, Kew
1939-2010: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Solicitor's Department Files
The National Archives, Kew
1942-1990: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Central Branch Management, Registered Files: (CBM Series)
The National Archives, Kew
1936-1983: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Statistics, Registered Files, (STA Series)
The National Archives, Kew
1966-1973: Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance and successors: Selective Employment Tax Refunds
The National Archives, Kew
1948-2008: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Maternity Benefits, Registered Files (MB Series)
The National Archives, Kew
1946-2000: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Overlapping Benefits, Registered Files, (DOB Series)
The National Archives, Kew
1946-1977: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Departmental Records Files
The National Archives, Kew
1917-1969: Ministry of National Insurance and successors: Public Relations, Registered Files, (PR Series)
The National Archives, Kew
1948-1968: Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance: Private Office Papers of the Parliamentary Secretary (National Insurance)
The National Archives, Kew
1934-1976: Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance and successors: Appointments to the National Assistance Board, National Assistance Appeals Tribunals and the Supplementary Benefits Commission: Registered Files (NA Series)
The National Archives, Kew
1948-1987: Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance and successors: Private Office, Petitions Case Files
The National Archives, Kew
1950-1977: Ministry of Pensions and successors: Private Office, Ministers' Papers
The National Archives, Kew
1964-1987: Department of Health and Social Security: Administration and Social Security Operations Group: Regional Directorate administrative services registered files (CSM series)
The National Archives, Kew
1854-1998: Records created or inherited by the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance, and of related, predecessor and successor bodies
The National Archives, Kew
1955-1968: Ministry of Social Security and associated departments: Private Office: Selected Minister's and Chairman's Case Files
The National Archives, Kew
1939-1994: Department of Health and Social Security and predecessors and successors: Publicity Material
The National Archives, Kew
1934-1983: Department of Health and Social Security and predecessors: Accommodation: Registered Files (AC Series)
The National Archives, Kew
1965-1983: Department of Health and Social Security and predecessors: Validity of Marriage: Representative Case Files
The National Archives, Kew
1948-1983: Department of Health and Social Security and predecessors: Widows' Benefits: Representative Case Papers
The National Archives, Kew
1965-1984: Ministry of Social Security and Department of Health and Social Security: Codes of Instructions
The National Archives, Kew
1834-2003: Records created or inherited by the Department of Health and Social Security and related bodies
The National Archives, Kew
Related record creators
  Record creator Description of relationship Dates Category of relationship
See Also
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See Also