Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Library and Archives
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Collections information
Businesses (4)
Organisations (11)
- Bentham-Moxon Trust London
- British Botany Club
- Imperial Institute London
- Kew Guild Kew, Surrey
- Kew Mutual Improvement Society Kew, Surrey
- Lord Chamberlain of the Household
- Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
- Phytochemical Society of Europe
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Kew, Surrey
- Royal Botanic Society of London London
- Tree Register of the British Isles Bedford, Bedfordshire
Persons (436)
- Abbot, Charles, (1757-1829), 1st Baron Colchester, Speaker of the House of Commons
- Adames, Peter, (1914-1997), ecologist
- Aitchison, James Edward Tierney, (1835-1898), surgeon and botanist
- Aiton, William Townsend, (1766-1849), botanist
- Anderson, Alexander, (d 1811), botanist
- Andrews, William, (1802-1880), Naturalist
- Armbruster, Charles Hubert, (1874-1957), Political Officer
- Armitage, Eleanora, (1865-1961), Horticulturist
- Arnold, Frederick Henry, (1831-1906), botanist
- Arnott, George Arnott Walker, (1799-1868), botanist
- Ayres, Philip Burnard, (1813-1863), Physician
- Babington, Charles Cardale, (1808-1895), botanist and archaeologist
- Backhouse, James, (1794-1869), Quaker Missionary Naturalist
- Bagshawe, Sir Arthur William Garrard, (1871-1950), Knight, Director of Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases
- Bailey, Frederick Marshman, (1882-1967), Lieutenant Colonel Lepidopterist
- Baker, Edmund Gilbert, (1864-1949), Botanist
- Baker, John Gilbert, (1834-1920), botanist
- Baker, Richard Eric Defoe, (1908-1954), botanist
- Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley, (1853-1922), Knight, botanist
- Ball, John, (1818-1889), Scientist and Politician
- Ballard, Francis, (b 1896), botanist
- Balls, Edward Kent, (1892-1984), plant collector
- Bally, Peter Rene Oscar, (1895-1980), botanist South Africa
- Banks, Sir Joseph, (1743-1820), Knight, Baronet, naturalist
- Barber, Charles Alfred, (1860-1933), botanist and agriculturist, specialist on sugarcane Cape Town, Cape Province
- Barkly, Sir Henry, (1815-1898), Knight, colonial governor
- Bassett, William, (1901-1983), gardener and agricultural superintendent Kew, Surrey
- Bastin, Alfred Harold, (1875-1962), Entomologist Photographer
- Bauer, Franz Andreas, (1758-1840), botanical artist
- Beaufort, Sir Francis, (1774-1857), Knight, Rear Admiral, hydrographer
- Beddome, Richard Henry, (1830-1911), Forester
- Bennett, George, (1804-1893), naturalist and physician
- Bent, James Theodore, (1852-1897), Traveller and Archaeologist
- Bentham, George, (1800-1884), Botanist
- Berkeley, Miles Joseph, (1803-1889), Mycologist
- Bissett, Norman Grainger, (1925-1993), Scientist
- Black, Allan A, (1832-1865), Botanist
- Bloxam, Andrew, (1801-1878), Rector of Harborough Naturalist Botanist
- Boodle, Leonard John, (1865-1941), botanist
- Boott, Francis, (1792-1863), Physician and Botanist
- Bor, Norman Loftus, (1893-1972), Botanist
- Borrer, William, (1781-1862), botanist
- Bourne, Sir Alfred Gibbs, (1859-1940), biologist
- Bower, Frederick Orpen, (1855-1948), botanist
- Bowie, James, (c1789-1869), Botanist
- Brace, Lewis Jones Knight, (1852-1938), botanist
- Brain, Charles Kimberlain, (1881-1954), entomologist and botanist
- Brenan, John Patrick Micklethwait, (1917-1985), Botanist
- Brewer, Samuel, (1670-1743), Botanist
- Britten, James, (1846-1924), Botanist
- Broadway, Walter Elias, (1863-1935), botanist
- Bromfield, William Arnold, (1801-1851), botanist
- Broome, Christopher Edmund, (1812-1886), Mycologist
- Brown, John Ednie, (1848-1899), forester
- Brown, Nicholas Edward, (1849-1934), botanist
- Brown, Robert, (1773-1858), botanist
- Bruce, Eileen Adelaide, (1905-1954), Botanist
- Brummitt, Richard Kenneth, (1937-2013), botanist
- Buckland, William, (1784-1856), Dean of Westminster, geologist
- Bucknall, Cedric, (1849-1921), musician and botanist
- Bull, Henry Graves, (c 1818-1885), Physician and Mycologist
- Buller, Arthur Henry Reginald, (1874-1944), Botanist
- Bullock, Arthur Allman, (1906-1980), botanist, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Grimsby, Lincolnshire
- Burchell, William John, (1781-1863), explorer and naturalist
- Burkill, Humphrey Morrison, (1914-2006), botanist
- Burkill, Isaac Henry, (1870-1965), botanist
- Caley, George, (1770-1829), naturalist
- Carmichael, Dugald, (1772-1827), Captain Botanist
- Carter, Joan, (fl1969-1991), amateur botanist
- Carter, Peers Lee, (1916-2001), British Ambassador, Afghanistan, and amateur botanist Bolton, Lancashire;Afghanistan
- Chalk, Laurence, (1896-1979), Wood Anatomist
- Champion, John George, (1815-1854), botanist
- Chenery, Em, (d 1989), Soil Scientist
- Chesney, Francis Rawdon, (1789-1872), general explorer and surveyor
- Chipp, Thomas Ford, (1886-1931), botanist
- Christian, Frederick William, (fl 1899-1924), traveller and author
- Church, Sir Arthur Herbert, (1834-1915), Knight, chemist
- Clark, John Aubrey, (1826-1890), Mycologist
- Clarke, Charles Baron, (1832-1906), Botanist
- Cocker, Henry Robert, (1906-1995), horticulturalist London
- Coleman, William Higgins, (1816-1863), Schoolmaster and Author
- Colenso, William, (1811-1899), Printer Naturalist and Antiquary
- Comber, Harold Frederick, (1897-1969), botanist Staplefield, Sussex
- Comber, James, (1866-1953), gardener
- Comber, James B, (1929-2005), Botanist
- Comins, Richard Blundell, (d 1919), corresponding secretary of Melanesian Mission
- Condry, William Martin, (1918-1998), naturalist and writer
- Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt, (1825-1914), Botanist
- Cooper, Thomas, (1815-1913), botanist
- Corbett, Sir Geoffrey Latham, (1881-1937), Knight Indian Civil Servant
- Cotton, Arthur Disbrowe, (1879-1962), Mycologist
- Cottrell, Sir Stephen, (1738-1818), Knight Clerk of the Privy Council
- Cowan, John Macqueen, (1892-1960), Botanist
- Cribb, Dr Phillip, (b 1946), botanist
- Croker, Thomas Crofton, (1798-1854), Irish antiquary
- Crossland, Charles, (1844-1916), Mycologist
- Crueger, Hermann, (1818-1864), German botanist
- Cruttwell, Norman Edward Garry, (1916-1995), Clergyman Botanist and Author
- Cunningham, Allan, (1791-1839), botanist
- Cunningham, David Douglas, (1843-1914), Pathologist
- Cunningham, Richard, (1793-1835), botanist
- Currey, Frederick, (1819-1881), Mycologist
- Curtis, William, (1746-1799), botanist
- Dallimore, William, (1871-1959), botanist
- Dalton, John, (1766-1844), Chemist
- Dannreuther, Tristan, (d 1963), Captain RN
- Darwin, Charles Robert, (1809-1882), naturalist
- Daubeny, Charles Giles Bridle, (1795-1867), chemist and botanist
- Day, Francis Morland, (1890-1962), Botanist
- Day, John, (1824-1888), Horticulturist
- Dennis, Richard William George, (1910-2003), mycologist
- Desmond, Ray, (b 1925), librarian, archivist and historian
- Desmond, Raymond, (b 1925), Writer
- Don, David, (1799-1841), Botanist
- Drake-Brockman, Ralph Evelyn, (1875-1952), Lieutenant Colonel Medical Officer
- Dring, Donald Malcolm, (1932-1978), mycologist and Head of Aburi Botanical Gardens, Ghana Ghana
- Druce, George Claridge, (1854-1932), botanist
- Drummond, James Ramsay, (1851-1921), Botanist
- Duncan, James, (1804-1861), botanist
- Dundas, James, (1907-1966), forestry officer and plant collector
- Dunn, Maud, (fl 1901-1908), botanist North Bovey, Devon
- Dunn, Stephen Troyte, (1868-1938), botanist Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Durham, Herbert Edward, (1866-1945), medical scientist
- Duthie, John Firminger, (1845-1922), Botanist
- Dymes, Thomas Alfred, (1865-1944), botanist
- Edwards, Bryan, (1743-1800), West India Merchant
- Ehret, Georg Dionysius, (1708-1770), Botanical Illustrator
- Ellacombe, Henry Nicholson, (1822-1916), Rector of Bitton Horticulturist
- Ellis, Edward Augustine, (1909-1986), mycologist and journalist
- Ellis, John William, (1857-1916), naturalist
- Elliston Wright, Frederick Robert, (fl 1879-1966), Naturalist
- Ellman, Ernest, (1854-1929), Botanist
- Elwes, Henry John, (1846-1922), traveller and botanist
- English, Mary Phyllis, (1919-2009), medical mycologist, biographer
- Evans, Iltyd Buller Pole-, (1879-1968), botanist
- Everson, Joanne, (fl 1980-2016), botanist
- Falconer, Hugh, (1808-1865), botanist and palaeontologist
- Falconer, Thomas, (1738-1792), classical scholar and antiquary
- Farmer, Sir John Bretland, (1865-1944), Knight Botanist
- Field, David Vincent, (b 1937), botanist
- Fielding, Henry Borron, (1805-1851), Botanist
- Fitch, John Nugent, (1840-1927), botanical artist and lithographer
- Fleming, Lindsay, (fl 1927-1966), Local Historian
- Fletcher, Harold Roy, (b 1907), Keeper of Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh
- Forbes, Edward, (1815-1854), naturalist
- Forbes, Francis Blackwell, (1829-1908), American botanist
- Forbes, Henry Ogg, (1851-1932), botanist
- Forster, Edward, (1765-1849), botanist
- Forsyth, William, (1737-1804), Horticulturist
- Francis, Robert Bransby, (? 1768-1850), Anglican clergyman and botanist
- Frankland, Sir Thomas, (1750-1831), 6th Baronet MP and Botanist
- Fraser, John, (1854-1935), gardener
- Fraser-Jenkins, Christopher Roy, (b 1948), botanist
- Gage, Andrew Thomas, (1871-1945), Botanist
- Gamble, James Sykes, (1847-1925), Botanist
- Gardiner, John, (1861-1900), biologist
- Gardiner, John Stanley, (1872-1946), zoologist
- Gardner, George, (1812-1849), botanist
- Gates, Reginald Ruggles, (1882-1962), geneticist
- Gay, Jacques, (1786-1864), Botanist
- Gibbs, Vicary, (1853-1932), MP Antiquary
- Gillett, Jan Bevington, (1911-1995), botanist United Kingdom
- Gipps, Sir George, (1791-1847), Knight Colonial Governor
- Goodenough, Samuel, (1743-1827), Bishop of Carlisle botanist
- Gouan, Antoine, (1733-1821), Botanist
- Gough, George Stevens, (1815-1895), 2nd Viscount Gough
- Gould, Sir Basil John, (1883-1956), Knight, Indian civil servant
- Gourlay, William Balfour, (1879-1966), botanist
- Graddon, William Douglas, (1896-1989), mycologist
- Graham, Violet, (c1911-1991), botanist
- Grant, James Augustus, (1827-1892), Lieutenant Colonel African Explorer
- Gray, Asa, (1810-1888), botanist
- Gray, John Edward, (1800-1875), naturalist
- Green, Conrad Theodore, (1863-1940), Physician and Botanist
- Greg, William Rathbone, (1809-1881), essayist
- Greville, Robert Kaye, (1794-1866), botanist
- Griffith, William, (1810-1845), Botanist
- Guilding, Lansdown, (1797-1831), Zoologist
- Guppy, Henry Brougham, (1854-1926), Botanist
- Gurney, Hudson, (1775-1864), antiquary and poet
- Hall, Francis, (d 1834), Botanist
- Hall, Leslie, (1900-1991), Viscose Chemist
- Halliday, Patricia, (b 1930), botanist
- Halliwell, Brian, (1929-2014), botanist
- Hanbury, Daniel, (1825-1875), pharmacist
- Hanbury, Frederick Janson, (1851-1938), businessman, botanist and entomologist
- Hance, Henry Fletcher, (1827-1886), Botanist
- Harcourt, Frederick George, (1899-1970), gardener and agricultural superintendent Dominica;Antigua;Kew, Surrey
- Harley, Raymond Mervyn, (b 1936), botanist, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Kew, Surrey
- Hartweg, Carl Theodor, (1812-1871), Botanist
- Harvey, William Henry, (1811-1866), Botanist
- Hawker, Lilian E, (1908-1991), Professor of Mycology
- Hawkes, John Gregory, (1915-2007), botanist
- Haworth, Adrian Hardy, (1767-1833), Naturalist
- Hay, Alfred, (fl 1900-1920), Electrical Engineer and Naturalist
- Hemsley, William Botting, (1843-1924), Botanist
- Henry, Augustine, (1857-1930), Professor of Forestry University College Dublin
- Henslow, John Stevens, (1796-1861), botanist and Church of England clergyman
- Hepper, Frank Nigel, (1929-2013), botanist
- Herbert, William, (1778-1847), Dean of Manchester
- Herklots, Geoffrey Alton Craig, (1902-1986), Botanist
- Herschel, Sir John Frederick William, (1792-1871), 1st Baronet, astronomer
- Hiern, William Philip, (1839-1925), Botanist and Mathematician
- Hill, Sir Arthur William, (1875-1941), Knight, Knight Botanist
- Hill, John, (1707-1775), Botanist
- Hodgson, Brian Houghton, (1800-1894), Indian Civil Servant Naturalist
- Hodgson, Christopher Pemberton, (1821-1865), traveller
- Holttum, Richard Eric, (1895-1990), Botanist
- Hooker, Frances Harriet, (1825-1874), botanist
- Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, (1817-1911), Knight, botanist, explorer, Director of Kew Gardens
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, (1785-1865), Knight, botanist Norwich, Norfolk
- Hooper, (b 1925), Sheila Spenser, curator at Kew Gardens, specialist on Cyperaceae
- Hooper, David, (1858-1947), chemist
- Hope, John, (1725-1786), botanist and physician
- Horsfield, Thomas, (1773-1859), Naturalist
- Hosking, Eric John, (1909-1991), photographer London
- Howard, John Eliot, (1807-1883), Botanist
- Hubbard, Charles Edward, (1900-1980), botanist, gardener
- Hunt, David Richard, (1938-2019), botanist
- Hutchins, Ellen, (1785-1815), botanist
- Hutchinson, John, (1884-1972), Botanist
- Ibbetson, Agnes, (1757-1823), botanist
- Inder, Robert, (c 1885-1949), Indian Forest Service
- Irvine, Frederick Robert, (1898-1962), Botanist
- Jameson, William, (1815-1882), botanist
- Jardine, Sir William, (1800-1874), 7th Baronet Naturalist
- Jeffrey, John Frederick, (1866-1943), curator at Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden
- Jekyll, Gertrude, (1843-1932), garden designer
- Johns, Robert James, (b 1944), botanist
- Joshua, William, (1828-1898), Naturalist
- July, George, (1927-1997), Research Chemist and Amateur Photographer
- Keay, Ronald William John, (1920-1998), botanist
- Kerr, Arthur Francis George, (1877-1942), Botanist
- King, Philip Parker, (1793-1856), Rear Admiral Naturalist
- Kingdon-Ward, Francis, (1885-1958), botanist
- Kok, Rogier de, (b 1964), botanist
- Kyd, Robert, (1746-1793), Lieutenant Colonel Botanist
- Lambert, Aylmer Bourke, (1761-1842), Botanist
- Lee, Ann, (1753-1790), Botanist
- Leefe, John Ewbank, (c 1813-1889), Vicar of Cresswell Northumberland Botanist
- Lehmann, Frederick, (1850-1903), Botanist
- Leighton, William Allport, (1805-1889), Botanist and Antiquary
- Lester-Garland, Lester Vallis, (1860-1944), botanist
- Lewis, Patricia, (b 1924), botanist
- Lightfoot, John, (1735-1788), Naturalist
- Lindley, John, (1799-1865), botanist
- Lister, Gulielma, (1860-1949), Naturalist
- Little, Joseph Edward, (1861-1935), Schoolmaster Botanist
- Livermore, Pat, (1928 - 2010), amateur mycologist Lancaster, Lancashire
- Loder, Gerald Walter Erskine, (1861-1936), 1st Baron Wakehurst
- Lowe, John, (1830-1902), physician and botanist
- Lowe, Richard Thomas, (1802-1874), botanist
- Lucas, Grenville Llewelyn, (b 1935), Conservationist and Botanist
- Lugard, Edward James, (1865-1957), Colonial Administrator
- Lyall, Robert, (1790-1831), Botanist and Traveller
- Lyell, Sir Charles, (1797-1875), 1st Baronet, geologist
- Lynch, Richard Irwin, (1850-1924), botanist
- Lynes, Hubert, (1874-1942), Rear Admiral ornithologist
- MacGillivray, John, (1822-1867), naturalist
- Macowan, Peter, (1830-1909), Botanist
- Madden, Edward, (1805-1856), Botanist
- Maingay, Alexander Carroll, (1836-1869), physician and botanist
- Maitland, Thomas Douglas, (1885-1976), botanist
- Malleson, Frederic Amadeus, (1819-1897), Vicar of Broughton in Furness Botanist Translator Editor
- Marriott, Jack, (1921-2010), mycologist
- Mason, Marianne Harriet, (1845-1932), Botanist Artist and Civil Servant
- Massee, George Edward, (1850-1917), Mycologist
- Masson, Francis, (1741-1805), Gardener and Botanist
- Masters, Maxwell Tylden, (1833-1907), surgeon and botanist
- Maw, George, (1832-1912), Botanist
- Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace, (1845-1937), Knight, politician and writer
- McLintock, David, (1913-2001), natural historian
- Meen, Margaret, (fl 1770-1820), Botanical Artist
- Meikle, Robert Desmond, (b 1923), botanist
- Meller, Charles James, (c 1836-1869), Surgeon and Naturalist
- Melville, Ronald, (1903-1985), Botanist
- Menzies, Archibald, (1754-1842), Surgeon and Botanist
- Metcalf, Charles Russell, (1904-1991), Keeper of the Jodrell Laboratory, Kew
- Metcalfe, Charles Russell, (1904-1991), botanist
- Meteyard, Eliza, (1816-1879), author
- Michaux, Andre, (1746-1802), Botanist and Traveller
- Miers, John, (1789-1879), Engineer and Botanist
- Milne, William Grant, (-1866), Botanist
- Milne-Redhead, Edgar, (1906-1996), botanist Rhodesia;Zambia
- Mitchell, Alan, (1922-1995), dendrologist and ornithologist
- Mitten, William, (1819-1906), Botanist
- Moggridge, John Traherne, (1842-1874), Botanist
- Moore, Thomas, (1821-1887), Gardener and Botanist
- Morren, Charles Jacques Edouard, (1833-1886), botanist, editor and director of Jardin Botanique de l'Université de Liège
- Morse, Hosea Ballou, (1855-1934), sinologist
- Moxon, Margaret Louisa, (1863-1920), Botanist
- Mueller, Sir Ferdinand von, (1825-1896), Baron von Mueller, German botanist
- Munro, William, (1818-1880), General Botanist
- Murray, Sir John, (1841-1914), Knight, naturalist and oceanographer
- Murray, Richard Paget, (1842-1908), Vicar of Shapwick Botanist
- Musk, Harold, (1899-1935), gardener and agriculturalist Kew, Surrey;South Africa;Trinidad
- Newberry, Percy Edward, (1869-1949), Professor, Egyptologist Godalming, Surrey
- Newbould, William Williamson, (1819-1886), Topographer and Botanist
- Newton, Alfred, (1829-1907), zoologist
- Nicholson, William Edward, (1866-1945), Botanist
- Niven, James, (c 1774-1827), Horticulturist
- North, Marianne, (1830-1890), biologist and botanical artist Hastings, Sussex
- Oldham, Richard, (1837-1864), Botanist
- Oliver, Daniel, (1830-1916), Botanist
- Orton, Peter Darbishire, (1916-2005), amateur mycologist
- Owen, Sir Richard, (1804-1892), Knight, comparative anatomist and palaeontologist
- Paget, Sir Richard Arthur Surtees, (1869-1955), 2nd Baronet, barrister and philologist
- Pam, Albert, (1875-1955), natural historian and financier
- Pamplin, William, (1806-1899), botanist
- Parish, Reverend Charles Samuel Pollock, (1822-1897), chaplain and botanist
- Parish, Florence Marjorie, (1928-2011), botanist York, Yorkshire
- Parker, George Williams, (d 1904), physician and botanist
- Parkinson, Charles Edward, (1890-1945), Forester
- Paxton, Sir Joseph, (1801-1865), Knight, MP, architect and landscape gardener
- Pearce, Richard, (d 1868), Botanist
- Pearson, Arthur Anselm, (1874-1954), Mycologist
- Pennant, Thomas, (1726-1798), naturalist, traveller and topographer
- Persoon, Christian Henrik, (1761-1836), Mycologist
- Petch, Thomas, (1870-1948), Mycologist
- Plumier, Charles, (1646-1706), Botanist
- Popham, Francis Home, (b 1923), naturalist
- Poulton, Sir Edward Bagnall, (1856-1943), Knight Zoologist
- Praeger, Robert Lloyd, (1865-1953), librarian and botanist
- Prain, Sir David, (1857-1944), Knight, botanist
- Price, William Robert, (1886-1975), botanist
- Purchas, William Henry, (1823-1903), Anglican clergyman and botanist
- Purdie, William, (c1817-1857), Botanist
- Purdom, William, (1880-1921), Horticulturist
- Purseglove, John William, (1912-1991), tropical crops specialist
- Purton, Thomas, (1768-1833), Surgeon and Mycologist
- Ramsbottom, John, (1885-1974), botanist and mycologist
- Ray, Desmond, (b 1925), librarian and historian of Kew Gardens
- Rayner, Ronald William, (b1914), mycologist and botanist
- Rea, Carlton, (1861-1946), Barrister Botanist
- Reichenbach, Heinrich Gustav, (1824-1889), Botanist
- Reid, Derek Agutter, (1927-2006), mycologist, Head of Mycology at Kew
- Renvoize, Stephen Andrew, (b 1944), botanist
- Richards, Mary Alice Eleanor, (1885-1977), Amateur Botanist
- Richards, Paul Westmacott, (1908-1995), botanist
- Richardson, Sir John, (1787-1865), Knight, surgeon, Arctic explorer and naturalist
- Riddelsdell, Harry Joseph, (1866-1941), Rector of Bloxham Botanist
- Ridley, Henry Nicholas, (1855-1956), botanist, director of Botanic Gardens, Singapore
- Robb, Mary Anne, (1829-1912), botanist
- Robinson, Edward Armitage, (1921-2013), sculptor, botanist, educationalist Exeter, Devon
- Robinson, George W, (1898-1972), curator of Chelsea Physic Garden
- Rolfe, Robert Allen, (1855-1921), botanist
- Roscoe, William, (1753-1831), banker, botanist, historian and politician
- Rose-Innes, Reginald, (1915-2012), botanist
- Ross-Craig, Stella, (1906-2006), botanical illustrator Aldershot, Hampshire
- Rotheroe, Maurice, (1934-2005), mycologist Smethwick, Staffordshire
- Rothschild, Lionel Walter, (1868-1937), 2nd Baron Rothschild
- Rothschild, Nathaniel Charles, (1877-1923), entomologist
- Roxburgh, William, (1751-1815), botanist
- Sabine, Sir Edward, (1788-1883), Knight, General, geophysicist
- Salisbury, Sir Edward James, (1886-1978), Professor, Knight botanist
- Salisbury, Richard Anthony, (1761-1829), Botanist
- Sampson, Theophilus, (1831-1897), civil servant
- Sander, Henry Frederick Conrad, (1847-1920), Nurseryman
- Sandwith, Noel Yvri, (1901-1965), Botanist
- Saunders, William Wilson, (1809-1879), entomologist
- Schäffer, Jacob Christian, (1718-1766), Fellow of the Royal Society, botanist and inventor
- Schimper, Wilhelm, (1804-1878), German naturalist
- Schomburgk, Sir Robert Hermann, (1804-1865), Knight, botanist
- Scott, Dukinfield Henry, (1854-1934), botanist
- Sealy, Robert, (d 2000), botanist
- Seemann, Berthold Carl, (1825-1871), Botanist
- Shaw, Herbert Kenneth Airy, (1902-1985), botanist
- Shaw, Thomas, (1694-1751), Traveller Principal of St Edmund Hall Oxford
- Simpson, Norman Douglas, (1890-1974), botanist
- Sims, John, (1749-1831), Physician and Botanist
- Smith, Alexander, (1832-1865), botanist
- Smith, Eryl, (1893-1930), amateur botanist
- Smith, John, (1798-1888), botanist
- Smith, Noel James Gillies, (1899-1968), botanist
- Smyth, Major Thomas Le Mesurier Spring-, (1923-2009), Royal Engineer and plant collector
- Snowden, Joseph Davenport, (1886-1973), Botanist
- Sprague, Thomas Archibald, (1877-1958), Botanist
- Spruce, Richard, (1817-1893), botanist
- Stapf, Otto, (1857-1933), Botanist
- Stebbing, Mary Anne, (c1846-1927), botanist
- Stenning, Lewis, (1901-1960), horticulturalist
- Stern, Sir Frederick Claude, (1884-1967), Knight, Colonel, botanist and horticulturalist
- Strachey, Sir Richard, (1817-1908), Knight, Lieutenant General, consulting engineer
- Strange, John, (1732-1799), Diplomat Antiquary Author
- Summerhayes, Victor Samuel, (1897-1974), Botanist
- Swainson, William, (1789-1855), naturalist and artist
- Sykes, William Henry, (1790-1872), MP, naturalist, army officer and author
- Talbot, William Henry Fox, (1800-1877), MP pioneer of photography
- Tatham, John, (1793-1875), Botanist
- Taylor, Sir George, (1904-1993), Knight, botanist
- Taylor, Simon, (1742-c 1796), Botanist
- Thiselton-Dyer, Sir William Turner, (1843-1928), Knight, botanist
- Thomas, Northcote Whitridge, (1868-1936), anthropologist
- Thompson, Harold Stuart, (1870-1940), Botanist
- Thomson, Thomas, (1817-1878), surgeon and botanist
- Thurston, Edgar, (1855-1935), museum superintendent, zoologist, anthropologist and botanist
- Thwaites, George Henry Kendrick, (1811-1882), Botanist and Entomologist
- Toppin, Sidney Miles, (1878-1917), soldier
- Townsend, Clifford Charles, (1926-2018), botanist
- Tozzi, Bruno, (1656-1743), Naturalist
- Trail, James William Helenus, (1851-1919), Botanist
- Trapnell, Colin Graham, (1907-2004), botanist
- Treutler, William John, (1841-1915), Physician and Botanist
- Trevelyan, Sir Walter Calverley, (1797-1879), 6th Baronet, naturalist
- Trimen, Henry, (1843-1896), Botanist
- Trott, Alan Charles, (1895-1959), Diplomat
- Trotter, Leslie Batten Currie, (1882-1964), physician and bryologist
- Turner, Dawson, (1775-1858), banker, botanist, art collector and antiquary Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
- Turrill, William Bertram, (1890-1961), Botanist
- Tyndall, John, (1820-1893), natural philosopher
- Vallentin, Elinor Frances, (1873-1924), botanist
- Varenne, Ezekiel George, (1811-1887), Surgeon and Botanist
- Veitch, Dr Nigel, (1965-2014), plant chemist
- Verdcourt, Bernard, (b 1925), naturalist
- Verdcourt, Bernard, (1925-2011), botanist Luton, Bedfordshire
- Wakefield, Elsie Maud, (1886-1972), Mycologist
- Walden, Beryl, (1927-2011), botanical artist Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Wallich, Nathaniel, (1786-1854), botanist
- Ward, Harry Marshall, (1854-1906), botanist
- Watson, Hewett Cottrell, (1804-1881), Botanist
- Webb, Philip Barker, (1793-1854), Botanist
- Welwitsch, Friedrich Martin Josef, (1806-1872), German botanist
- Wheeler, Edwin, (1833-1909), Naturalist
- White, Charles Frederick, (1818-1896), botanist
- Wickens, Gerald Ernest, (b 1927), plant collector
- Wickham, Sir Henry Alexander, (1846-1928), Knight, explorer and planter
- Wigg, Lilly, (1749-1829), botanist
- Wilson, Ernest Henry, (1876-1930), botanist Gloucestershire;China;Taiwan
- Wilson, William, (1799-1871), botanist
- Winch, Nathaniel John, (? 1769-1838), Botanist
- Wingate, George, (1852-1936), Colonel in Indian Army Botanist
- Woolner, Thomas, (1825-1892), sculptor and poet
- Worthington, Thomas Berkeley, (d 1970), Botanist
- Wright, Charles Henry, (1864-1941), Botanist
- Yates, James, (1789-1871), Unitarian and Antiquary
- Yonge, Sir George, (1731-1812), 5th Baronet, politician and colonial governor
Diaries (5)
- Bennett, William Henry, (fl 1870-1889), gardener
- Bond, T, (fl 1970-1979), mycologist
- Day, E M, (1865-1934), botanist Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire
- Periam, Rosalie, (fl 1940-1951), gardener Kew, Surrey
- Smith, Sarah, (fl 2000), botanist
Families (2)
- Borrer family of Pakyns Manor Pakyns Manor, Sussex;Cowfold, Sussex;Henfield, Sussex;Hurstpierpoint, Sussex
- Talbot family, Barons Talbot de Malahide Malahide, County Dublin;Evercreech, Somerset;Auchinleck, Ayrshire
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (3)
- NRA 25006 Bentham-Moxon Trust
- NRA 25004 Royal Botanic Gardens Library
- NRA 25005 Royal Botanic Gardens Library, Kew: MS collections
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.