Oxford University: Regent's Park College, Angus Library and Archive

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Pusey Street

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Telephone: 01865 288 142

Email: angus.library@regents.ox.ac.uk

Open: Monday-Friday 9.30-12.30, 1.30-4:30

Closed: Christmas/New Year and August

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ARCHON code: 469

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Collections information

Businesses (2)

Organisations (179)

Persons (171)

Families (2)

Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (16)

  • NRA 10411 Baptist Missionary Society: papers rel to Africa
  • NRA 10412 Baptist Missionary Society: papers rel to China
  • NRA 10413 Baptist Missionary Society: papers rel to South and South East Asia
  • NRA 10414 Baptist Missionary Society: papers rel to the West Indies
  • NRA 33498 Baptist Union: MS collections
  • NRA 33490 Broughton Baptist Church
  • NRA 33491 Carey Baptist Church, Hemel Hempstead
  • NRA 33719 Samuel Pearce Carey, biographer: papers incl Carey and Pearce family letters
  • NRA 33492 William Carey, missionary: family letters
  • NRA 3703 New Road Baptist Chapel, Oxford
  • NRA 33952 Oxford University: Regents Park College: misc accessions
  • NRA 20044 Oxford University: Regents Park College MS collection
  • NRA 33494 Particular Baptist Fund
  • NRA 33493 John Saffery, Baptist minister: corresp
  • NRA 35753 Anne Steele, hymn-writer: personal and family corresp and papers
  • NRA 36643 West Midland Baptist Association


These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.

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