Royal Society
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Collections information
Organisations (8)
Persons (484)
- Abernethy, John, (1764-1831), surgeon
- Adams, John Couch, (1819-1892), astronomer
- Airy, Sir George Biddell, (1801-1892), Knight, astronomer and mathematician
- Allen, John Robert Lawrence, (1932-2020), FRS, FSA, geologist and archaeologist
- Allen, William, (1770-1843), Quaker scientist and philanthropist
- Andrews, Elizabeth B., (d2023), microscopist and malacologist
- Andrews, Thomas, (1813-1885), Chemist
- Antonovics, Janis, (b 1942), biologist Riga, Latvia
- Arderon, William, (1703-1767), Naturalist
- Armstrong, Henry Edward, (1848-1937), Chemist and Educationist
- Ashe, St George, (1658-1718), Bishop of Derry
- Askonas, Brigitte Alice (Ita), (1923-2013), FMedSci FRS, immunologist Vienna, Austria
- Aubrey, John, (1626-1697), Antiquary Topographer
- Auzout, Adrien, (1622-1691), French physician, astronomer
- Babbage, Charles, (1792-1871), mathematician
- Baddiley, Sir James, (1918-2008), Knight, biochemist
- Baillie, Joanna, (1762-1851), playwright and poet
- Baily, Francis, (1774-1844), astronomer
- Baker, Henry, (1698-1774), naturalist and poet
- Bancroft, Dr Edward, (1744-1821), physician, fellow of Royal Society United States of America
- Bangham, Alec Douglas, (b 1921), biophysicist
- Banks, Sir Joseph, (1743-1820), Knight, Baronet, naturalist
- Barker, Sir Robert, (c 1729-1789), Knight General MP
- Barlow, Peter, (1776-1862), mathematician
- Barrett, Sir William Fletcher, (1844-1925), Knight Physicist
- Barrow, Isaac, (1630-1677), Classical and Mathematical Scholar
- Bartram, John, (1699-1777), Botanist
- Bathurst, Ralph, (1620-1704), Dean of Wells, Physician
- Battersby, Alan Rushton, (1925-2018), Chemist
- Bawden, Sir Frederick Charles, (1908-1972), Knight Plant Pathologist
- Beale, John, (1603-c 1682), scientific writer
- Beaufort, Sir Francis, (1774-1857), Knight, Rear Admiral, hydrographer
- Beche, Sir Henry Thomas de la, (1796-1855), Knight, geologist
- Beddington, Rosa, (1956-2001), FRS, developmental biologist
- Beechey, Frederick William, (1796-1856), Rear Admiral Geographer
- Beke, Charles Tilstone, (1800-1874), Abyssinian Explorer
- Belidor, Bernard Forest de, (1693-1761), engineer
- Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm, (1784-1846), Prussian Astronomer
- Biot, Jean Baptiste, (1774-1862), French Scientist
- Birt, William Radcliff, (1804-1881), astronomer
- Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, (1897-1974), Baron Blackett, physicist
- Blagden, Sir Charles, (1748-1820), Knight Physician
- Blair, Patrick, (1666-1728), Physician and Botanist
- Bland, Miles, (1786-1867), mathematician
- Bleaney, Brebis, (1915-2006), physicist
- Bliss, Timothy Vivian Pelham , (b 1940), FRS, neuroscientist
- Blount, Bertie Kennedy, (b 1907), Chemist
- Bobart, Jacob, (1641-1719), Botanist
- Boccone, Paolo Silvio, (1633-1704), Botanist
- Boole, George, (1815-1864), mathematician
- Born, Gustav, (b 1921), pharmacologist
- Born, Max, (1882-1970), German-British physicist
- Boyle, Robert, (1627-1691), Natural Philosopher and Chemist
- Boys, Sir Charles Vernon, (1855-1944), knight, physicist
- Brady, Henry Bowman, (1835-1891), Naturalist and Pharmacist
- Bragg, Sir William Henry, (1862-1942), Knight Physicist
- Bragg, Sir William Lawrence, (1890-1971), Knight, physicist and crystallographer
- Brayley, Edward William, (1802-1870), Writer On Science
- Brewster, Sir David, (1781-1868), Knight, natural philosopher
- Brinkley, John, (1763-1835), Bishop of Cloyne, astronomer
- Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins, (1783-1862), 1st Baronet, surgeon
- Brouncker, William, (1620-1684), 2nd Viscount Brouncker
- Brown, Sir George Lindor, (1903-1971), Knight, physiologist
- Browne, Edward, (1644-1708), physician
- Buckland, William, (1784-1856), Dean of Westminster, geologist
- Bullard, Sir Edward Crisp, (1907-1980), Knight Geophysicist
- Butler, Clifford Charles, (1922-1999), Physicist
- Cadogan, Sir John Ivan George, (1930-2020), organic chemist
- Cameron, Julia Margaret, (1815-1879), photographer
- Canton, John, (1718-1772), natural philosopher
- Carpenter, William Benjamin, (1813-1885), naturalist
- Carrington, Richard Christopher, (1826-1875), astronomer
- Cassini, Jean Dominique, (1625-1712), French astronomer
- Cavallo, Tiberio, (1749-1809), Italian natural philosopher
- Cavendish, Henry, (1731-1810), natural philosopher
- Cayley, Arthur, (1821-1895), mathematician
- Chain, Sir Ernst Boris, (1906-1979), Knight, Knight Biochemist
- Challis, James, (1803-1882), Astronomer
- Childrey, Joshua, (1623-1670), Antiquary
- Christian, John Wyrill, (1926-2001), metallurgist
- Clarke, Bryan Campbell, (b 1932), geneticist
- Clarke, William Branwhite, (1798-1878), geologist
- Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas, (1897-1967), Knight, Knight, physicist and engineer
- Cockin, William, (1736-1801), Author
- Collins, John, (1625-1683), mathematician
- Compton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne, (1790-1851), 2nd Marquess of Northampton
- Cook, Sir James Wilfred, (1900-1975), Knight, Knight Chemist
- Cornforth, Sir John Warcup, (1917-2013), Knight Chemist
- Cornforth, Rita, (1915-2012), Lady, chemist
- Coutts, Angela Georgina Burdett-, (1814-1906), Baroness Burdett Coutts, philanthropist
- Cowling, Thomas George, (1906-2003), astrophysicist
- Cripps, Sir Richard Stafford, (1889-1952) Knight, politician and lawyer
- Crookes, Sir William, (1832-1919), Knight Chemist
- Curtius, Sir William, (fl 1643-1669), Knight, diplomat
- Da Costa, Emanuel Mendes, (1717-1791), naturalist
- Dale, Sir Henry Hallett, (1875-1968), Knight, physician
- Dalziel, Keith, (b 1921), Biochemist
- Daniell, John Frederick, (1790-1845), Physicist
- Darwin, Charles Robert, (1809-1882), naturalist
- Darwin, Erasmus, (1731-1802), physician botanist and poet
- Daubeny, Charles Giles Bridle, (1795-1867), chemist and botanist
- Davidson, James Mackenzie, (1856-1919), pioneer in radiology
- Davidson, John Frank, (1926-2019), chemical engineer, FRS
- Davy, Sir Humphry, (1778-1829), 1st Baronet, physicist
- Dawes, William Rutter, (1799-1868), astronomer
- Denton, Sir Eric James, (1923-2007), FRS, Director of Marine Biological Association, physiologist Plymouth, Devon
- Dereham, Sir Thomas, (c 1678-1739), 4th Baronet
- Derham, William, (1657-1735), Canon of Windsor Naturalist
- Desaguliers, John Theophilus, (1683-1744), Natural Philosopher
- Desty, Denis Henry, (1923-1994), scientist and inventor Southampton, Hampshire
- Dines, William Henry, (1855-1927), meteorologist
- Dodds, Sir Edward Charles, (1899-1973), Knight, biochemist
- Dodington, John, (d 1673), Politician and Diplomat
- Douglas, James, (1675-1742), physician
- Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm, (1803-1879), German Meteorologist
- Du Hamel, Jean Baptiste, (1624-1706), French astronomer, physicist
- Dufay, Charles Francois de Cisternay, (1698-1739), French scientist
- Dunlop, James, (1795-1848), astronomer
- Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley, (1882-1944), Knight, theoretical physicist and astrophysicist
- Eden, George, (1784-1849), Earl of Auckland, Governor General of India, statesman
- Edgeworth, Maria, (1768-1849), novelist and children's writer
- Egerton, Sir Alfred Charles Glyn, (1886-1959), Knight, Knight, chemist
- Eglinton, Geoffrey, (1927 - 2016), chemist and earth scientist Cardiff, Glamorgan
- Ehret, Georg Dionysius, (1708-1770), Botanical Illustrator
- Eliot, John, (1604-1690), missionary in New England
- Elliot, James Philip, (1929-2008), nuclear physicist
- Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert, (1782-1859), 2nd Earl of Minto, statesman
- Elliott, James Philip, (1929-2008), nuclear physicist
- Ellis, John, (1714-1776), naturalist
- Empson, William, (1791-1852), lawyer and literary reviewer
- Encke, Johann Franz, (1791-1865), German Astronomer
- Evelyn, John, (1620-1706), diarist, traveller, numismatist, antiquary and gardener
- Everest, Sir George, (1790-1866), Knight Military Engineer
- Eyre, Brian Leonard, (1933-2014), CBA, FRS, FREng, material scientist
- Fairfax, Nathaniel, (1637-1690), Physician
- Fallows, Fearon, (1789-1831), Astronomer
- Faraday, Michael, (1791-1867), natural philosopher
- Fayrer, Sir Joseph, (1824-1907), 1st Baronet Surgeon and Author
- Feldberg, Wilhelm Siegmund, (1900-1993), physiologist and biologist
- Fitton, William Henry, (1780-1861), geologist
- FitzRoy, Robert, (1805-1865), MP, Governor of New Zealand, Vice Admiral and meteorologist
- Flamsteed, John, (1646-1719), astronomer
- Fleming, Sir John Ambrose, (1849-1945), Knight, electrical engineer
- Florey, Sir Howard Walter, (1898-1968), Baron Florey, pathologist and bacteriologist
- Florey, Margaret Augusta, (1904-1994), pathologist
- Florey, Mary Ethel Hayter, (1900-1966), physician Adelaide, South Australia;London
- Folkes, Martin, (1690-1754), antiquary
- Forbes, Edward, (1815-1854), naturalist
- Forbes, James David, (1809-1868), natural philosopher
- Fordyce, George, (1736-1802), physician
- Forsyth, Andrew Russell, (1858-1942), Mathematician
- Foster, Henry, (1796-1831), navigator
- Foster, Sir Michael, (1836-1907), Knight, physiologist and politician
- Fothergill, John, (1712-1780), physician
- Fox, Robert Were, (1789-1877), geologist and physicist
- Frankland, Sir Edward, (1825-1899), Knight Chemist
- Frewen, Thomas, (1704-1791), Physician
- Frith, Uta, (b 1941), psychologist Germany
- Gaddum, Sir John Henry, (1900-1965), Knight Pharmacologist
- Gale, Thomas, (1635-1702), Dean of York, antiquary
- Galloway, Thomas, (1796-1851), Mathematician
- Galton, Sir Francis, (1822-1911), Knight, eugenist, meteorologist, psychologist
- Garden, Alexander, (1730-1791), botanist
- Gassiot, John Peter, (1797-1877), scientific writer
- Gilbert, Davies, (1767-1839), MP, scientist, antiquary
- Gladstone, John Hall, (1827-1902), chemist
- Glaisher, James, (1809-1903), astronomer and meteorologist
- Glanvill, Joseph, (1636-1680), Rector of the Abbey Church, Bath, author
- Goddard, Jonathan, (1617-1675), physician
- Gold, Thomas, (1920-2004), astronomer
- Gordon, James Alexander, (1793-1872), physician
- Graaf, Reinier de, (1641-1673), Dutch medical writer
- Graham, Alastair, (1906-2000), zoologist and malacologist Edinburgh, Midlothian
- Graham, Thomas, (1805-1869), chemist
- Grant, Barbara Rosemary, (b1936), evoluntionary biologist Arnside, Westmorland
- Grant, Peter Raymond, (b 1936), evoluntionary biologist London
- Gray, Stephen, (d 1736), Electrical Scientist
- Gregory, David, (1661-1708), astronomer
- Gregory, James, (1638-1675), Mathematician
- Grew, Nehemiah, (1641-1712), Plant Physiologist
- Gurney, Hudson, (1775-1864), antiquary and poet
- Gutfreund, Herbert, (1921-2021), FRS, biochemist and dairyman Vienna, Austria
- Hadfield, Sir Robert Abbott, (1858-1940), Baronet, metallurgist and industrialist
- Hales, Stephen, (1677-1761), Physiologist and Inventor
- Hall, Basil, (1788-1844), Captain RN, author
- Halley, Edmund, (1656-1742), Astronomer
- Hamilton, Sir William Rowan, (1805-1865), Knight, mathematician
- Hanbury Brown, Robert, (1916-2002), physicist and astronomer
- Hardy, Sir Alister Clavering, (1896-1985), Knight, zoologist
- Harris, Thomas Maxwell, (1903-1983), botanist
- Hartley, Sir Harold Brewer, (1878-1972), Knight, engineer, physical chemist
- Hatchett, Charles, (1765-1847), chemist and mineralogist
- Heap, Brian, (b 1935), Knight, biologist
- Heberden, William, (1710-1801), Physician
- Henderson, Thomas, (1798-1844), astronomer
- Henry, William, (1774-1836), Chemist
- Henshaw, Thomas, (1618-1700), Author Soldier Diplomat
- Herapath, John, (1790-1868), Mathematician
- Herschel, Sir John Frederick William, (1792-1871), 1st Baronet, astronomer
- Herschel, Sir William, (1738-1822), Knight, astronomer and musician
- Hevelius, Johann, (1611-1687), Astronomer
- Hewson, William, (1739-1774), Surgeon and Anatomist
- Higgins, Dame Julia, (b 1942), professor and polymer scientist
- Hind, John Russell, (1823-1895), Astronomer
- Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman, (1897-1967), Knight Chemist
- Hirst, Sir Edmund Langley, (1898-1975), Knight Chemist
- Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot, (1910-1994), chemist
- Hodgkin, Thomas, (1798-1866), Physician and Philanthropist
- Holland, Sir Henry, (1788-1873), 1st Baronet, physician
- Holland, Sir Thomas Henry, (1868-1947), Knight Geologist and Educational Administrator
- Home, Sir Everard, (1756-1832), 1st Baronet Surgeon
- Hooke, Robert, (1635-1703), natural philosopher Freshwater, Isle of Wight
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, (1785-1865), Knight, botanist Norwich, Norfolk
- Hope, John, (1725-1786), botanist and physician
- Horsley, John, (1685-1732), archaeologist and Presbyterian minister
- Horsley, Samuel, (1733-1806), Bishop of St Asaph mathematician
- Hudson, Charles Thomas, (1826-1903), naturalist
- Huet, Pierre Daniel, (1630-1721), French Bishop of Avranches, scholar
- Huggins, Sir William, (1824-1910), Knight, astronomer
- Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von, (1769-1859), naturalist and traveller
- Humphrey, John Herbert, (1915-1987), immunologist
- Hunt, Sir Richard Timothy, (b 1943), biochemist and molecular physiologist Neston, Cheshire
- Hunt, Robert, (1807-1887), Scientific Writer
- Hunter, John, (1728-1793), Anatomist and Surgeon
- Hunter, William, (1718-1783), Anatomist
- Hussey, Thomas John, (fl 1826-1851), rector and astronomer Hayes, Kent
- Hutchins, Thomas, (1730-1789), Factor in Hudsons Bay Co Naturalist
- Hutchinson, William, (1715-1801), Mariner and Writer On Seamanship
- Huygens, Christiaan, (1629-1695), Dutch Musician and Scientist
- Huygens, Constantijn, (1596-1687), Dutch Diplomat and Poet
- Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, (1786-1855), 2nd Baronet, politician
- Ingold, Sir Christopher Kelk, (1893-1970), Knight, Knight Chemist
- Ivory, Sir James, (1765-1842), Knight Mathematician
- James, Sir Henry, (1803-1877), Knight Director General of the Ordnance Survey
- James, Sydney Price, (1870-1946), malariologist
- Jeans, Sir James Hopwood, (1877-1946), Knight, physicist and mathematician
- Jenkin, Henry Charles Fleeming, (1833-1885), Engineer and Electrician
- Jenner, Edward, (1749-1823), Physician and Naturalist
- Jevons, William Stanley, (1835-1882), economist
- Johnson, Kenneth Langstreth, (1925-2015), FRS FREng, engineer
- Johnson, Samuel Jenkins, (1845-1905), astronomer
- Jones, David Edward Hugh, (1938-2017), chemist and author Southwark, Surrey
- Jones, Douglas Samuel, (1922-2013), mathematician
- Jones, Reginald Victor, (1911-1997), physicist and intelligence scientist
- Jones, Richard, (1790-1855), political economist
- Jones, William, (1675-1749), Mathematician
- Joule, James Prescott, (1818-1889), physicist
- Jurin, James, (1684-1750), physician and natural philosopher
- Justel, Henri, (1620-1693), French Royal Librarian
- Kater, Henry, (1777-1835), Scientist
- Keen, Bernard Augustus, (1890-1982), Knight agricultural scientist
- Kentish, John, (1768-1853), Unitarian Minister
- King, Sir Edmund, (1629-1709), Knight, physician
- King-Hele, Desmond George, (b 1927), physicist and author
- Kleczkowski, Alfred Alexander Peter, (1908-1970), Polish biochemist
- Knight, Thomas Andrew, (1759-1838), Plant Physiologist
- Lachmann, Sir Peter Julius, (1931-2020) Knight, FRS, FMedSci, immunologist and Biological Secretary of the Royal Society
- Laing, Alexander Gordon, (1793-1826), African traveller
- Langwith, Benjamin, (? 1684-1743), Antiquary and Scientist
- Lapworth, Arthur, (1872-1941), chemist
- Lardner, Dionysius, (1793-1859), Scientific Writer
- Larmor, Sir Joseph, (1857-1942), Knight, physicist
- Lassell, William, (1799-1880), Astronomer
- Lennox, Charles, (1701-1750), 2nd Duke of Richmond, Lieutenant General
- Lhuyd, Edward, (1660-1709), Naturalist and Antiquary
- Liddell, Edward George Tandy, (1895-1981), Physiologist
- Lightfoot, John, (1735-1788), Naturalist
- Lindley, John, (1799-1865), botanist
- Lindsay, John, (d 1803), Surgeon Cryptogamist
- Linstead, Sir Reginald Patrick, (1902-1966), Knight Chemist
- Lister, Martin, (1638-1712), zoologist
- Lloyd, Humphrey, (1800-1881), scientist
- Lloyd, John Augustus, (1800-1854), engineer and surveyor
- Lockhart, John Gibson, (1794-1854), writer and literary editor
- Lockspeiser, Sir Ben, (1891-1990), Knight, aeronautical scientist
- Loewi, Otto, (1873-1961), Pharmacologist and Physiologist
- Longuet-Higgins, Hugh Christopher, (1923-2004), FRS, chemist, cognitive scientist
- Longuet-Higgins, Michael Selwyn, (1925-2016), FRS, mathematician and oceanographer
- Lovell, Sir Alfred Charles Bernard, (1913-2012), Knight, astronomer
- Lowe, Gordon, (1933-2003), chemist Halifax, Yorkshire
- Lowry, Thomas Martin, (1874-1936), physical chemist
- Lubbock, John, (1834-1913), 1st Baron Avebury, politician
- Lubbock, Sir John William, (1803-1865), 3rd Baronet, astronomer and mathematician
- Lubieniczki, Stanislaw, (1623-1675), Polish astronomer and author
- Lyell, Sir Charles, (1797-1875), 1st Baronet, geologist
- Macdonald, David Keith Chalmers, (1920-1963), Physicist
- MacLaurin, Colin, (1698-1746), mathematician
- Maclear, Sir Thomas, (1794-1879), Knight Astronomer
- Maddox, Sir John Royden, (1925-2009), theoretical chemist, physicist, science writer and Director of Nuffield Foundation
- Magalotti, Lorenzo, (1637-1712), Conte di Lorenza, Italian Philosopher and Mathematician
- Main, Robert, (1808-1878), astronomer
- Mallet, Robert, (1810-1881), Engineer
- Malpighi, Marcello, (1628-1694), Anatomist
- Manfredi, Eustace, (1674-1739), Italian Astronomer
- Mantell, Gideon Algernon, (1790-1852), geologist
- Martyn, John, (1699-1768), Botanist
- Maseres, Francis, (1731-1824), mathematician, historian and reformer
- Maskelyne, Nevil, (1732-1811), astronomer
- Mather, Cotton, (1663-1728), New England Puritan Minister
- May, Robert McCredie, (b1936), Baron May of Oxford, scientist
- McCance, Robert Alexander, (1898-1993), Professor of Experimental Medicine
- Medawar, Sir Peter Brian, (1915-1987), Knight Medical Scientist
- Mill, John Stuart, (1806-1873), philosopher, MP
- Milner, Isaac, (1750-1820), mathematician
- Molyneux, Sir Thomas, (1661-1733), 1st Baronet Physician
- Molyneux, William, (1656-1698), Philosopher
- Montagu, Edward, (1625-1672), 1st Earl of Sandwich, Admiral
- Montagu, Edward Wortley, (1713-1776), Author and Traveller
- Moray, Sir Robert, (1608-1673), Knight Natural Philosopher
- Morgan, Augustus de, (1806-1871), mathematician
- Mortimer, Cromwell, (d 1752), Secretary of Royal Society Physician
- Mott, Sir Nevill Francis, (1905-1996), Knight and physicist
- Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey, (1792-1871), 1st Baronet geologist
- Musgrave, William, (? 1655-1721), Physician and Antiquary
- Napier, Henry Edward, (1789-1853), Captain, Royal Navy and historian
- Nasmyth, James, (1808-1890), Engineer
- Neile, William, (1637-1670), Mathematician
- Newcombe, Stewart Francis, (1878-1956), Colonel Royal Engineers
- Newstead, Robert, (1859-1947), Entomologist
- Newton, Sir Isaac, (1642-1727), Knight, natural philosopher
- Norgate, Edward, (d 1650), Illuminator and Herald Painter
- Nye, John Frederick, (b 1923), Professor, glaciologist
- Oldenburg, Henry, (1618-1677), Scientist
- Oliphant, Sir Mark Marcus Laurence Elwin, (1901-2000), Knight, Knight Physicist
- Owen, Sir Richard, (1804-1892), Knight, comparative anatomist and palaeontologist
- Pardies, Ignace Gaston, (1636-1673), French Mathematician and Philosopher
- Parry, Sir William Edward, (1790-1855), Knight Rear Admiral Arctic Explorer
- Parsons, William, (1800-1867), 3rd Earl of Rosse, astronomer
- Peacock, George, (1791-1858), mathematician and university reformer
- Pearse, Thomas Deane, (c 1738-1789), Colonel Indian Army
- Pearson, Karl, (1857-1936), mathematician and biologist
- Pell, John, (1611-1685), Mathematician
- Pengelly, William, (1812-1894), geologist
- Pennant, Thomas, (1726-1798), naturalist, traveller and topographer
- Percy, Hugh, (1785-1847), 3rd Duke of Northumberland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
- Peters, Sir Rudolph Albert, (1889-1982), Knight, Knight Biochemist
- Petiver, James, (1663-1718), Botanist and Entomologist
- Petty, Sir William, (1623-1687), Knight, political economist, scientist and philosopher
- Phipps, Constantine John, (1744-1792), 2nd Baron Mulgrave, Arctic explorer
- Pillinger, Colin Tevor, (1943-2014), planetary scientist Kingswood, Gloucestershire
- Pirie, Norman Wingate, (1907-1997), biochemist
- Polanyi, Michael, (1891-1976), Hungarian physical chemist, author
- Pole, William, (1814-1900), Engineer
- Pond, John, (1767-1836), Astronomer
- Pope, Walter, (d 1714), Astronomer and Writer
- Postgate, John Raymond, (1922-2014), Professor, microbiologist
- Power, Henry, (1623-1668), Physician and Naturalist
- Prelog, Vladimir, (b 1906), Chemist
- Priestley, Joseph, (1733-1804), scientist
- Pringle, Sir John, (1707-1782), Baronet, physician
- Prinsep, James, (1799-1840), Architect and Orientalist
- Pritchard, Charles, (1808-1893), Astronomer
- Proctor, Richard Anthony, (1837-1888), Astronomer
- Prout, William, (1785-1850), physician and chemist
- Pulteney, Richard, (1730-1801), Botanist
- Punnett, Reginald Crundall, (1875-1967), geneticist
- Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques, (1796-1874), Belgian mathematician and astronomer
- Rankine, Alexander Oliver, (1881-1956), Professor of Physics and Secretary of the Royal Institution
- Raspe, Rudolph Erich, (1737-1794), Mineralogist Author of 'munchausen'
- Ray, John, (1627-1705), Naturalist
- Rigaud, Stephen Peter, (1774-1839), astronomer
- Ritchie, William, (1790-1837), Physicist
- Robertson, Abraham, (1751-1826), Astronomer and Mathematician
- Robins, Benjamin, (1707-1751), Mathematician and Engineer
- Robinson, Sir Robert, (1886-1975), Knight, Knight, chemist
- Robinson, Sir Tancred, (d 1748), Knight Physician and Naturalist
- Robinson, Thomas Romney, (1792-1882), astronomer
- Rolfe, William David Ian, (b1936), geologist Hornchurch, Essex
- Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield, (1833-1915), Knight, chemist
- Rose, Caleb Burrell, (1790-1872), surgeon and geologist
- Ross, Sir James Clark, (1800-1862), Knight, Rear Admiral, Arctic and Antarctic explorer
- Roxburgh, William, (1751-1815), botanist
- Rue, Warren de la, (1815-1889), chemist and astronomer
- Runcorn, Stanley Keith, (1922-1995), physicist
- Russell, Sir Edward John, (1872-1965), Knight, Knight Agronomist
- Rutherford, Ernest, (1871-1937), Baron Rutherford of Nelson, physicist
- Rutty, William, (1687-1730), Physician
- Sabine, Sir Edward, (1788-1883), Knight, General, geophysicist
- Salaman, Redcliffe Nathan, (1874-1955), physiologist and zionist
- Scheuchzer, Johann Jacob, (1673-1733), Physician Naturalist and Historian
- Schild, Heinz Otto, (1906-1984), Professor of Pharmacology
- Schumacher, Heinrich Christian, (1780-1850), Danish Astronomer
- Schuster, Sir Arthur, (1851-1934), Knight, physicist
- Sedgwick, Adam, (1785-1873), geologist
- Shackleton, Sir Nicholas John, (1937-2006), FRS, climate scientist and palaeoceanographer
- Sharpey, William, (1802-1880), physiologist
- Sheepshanks, Richard, (1794-1855), astronomer
- Sheppard, Norman, (1921-2015), chemist and spectroscopist
- Sherard, William, (1659-1728), Botanist
- Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott, (1857-1952), Knight and physiologist
- Shuckburgh-Evelyn, Sir George Augustus William, (1751-1804), 6th Baronet Mathematician
- Sibbald, Sir Robert, (1641-1722), Knight, natural scientist and antiquary
- Simon, Sir Francis Eugene, (1893-1956), Knight, physicist
- Simonsen, Sir John Lionel, (1884-1957), Knight Chemist
- Sloane, Sir Hans, (1660-1753), Knight Physician Naturalist Collector of MSS and Books
- Sluse, Rene Francois de, (1622-1685), Flemish mathematician and Orientalist
- Smeaton, John, (1724-1792), civil engineer
- Smee, Alfred, (1818-1877), Surgeon and Metallurgist
- Smith, Kenneth Manley, (1892-1981), scientist and virologist
- Smyth, Charles Piazzi, (1819-1900), astronomer
- Smyth, William Henry, (1788-1865), Admiral, scientist and antiquary
- Somerville, Mary, (1780-1872), science writer and polymath
- Somerville, William, (1771-1860), physician
- South, Sir James, (1785-1867), Knight, astronomer
- Southwell, Sir Robert, (1635-1702), Knight, diplomat
- Sowerby, James, (1757-1822), naturalist
- Sowerby, James de Carle, (1787-1871), naturalist and artist
- Spencer, Herbert, (1820-1903), philosopher
- Spooner, Edward Tenney Casswell, (1904-1995), Bacteriologist
- Spruce, Richard, (1817-1893), botanist
- Stacey, Maurice, (1907-1994), Chemist
- Stanley, Wendell Meredith, (1904-1971), American virologist
- Stewart, Balfour, (1828-1887), physicist and meteorologist
- Stiernhelm, Georg, (1598-1672), Swedish scholar
- Stokes, Sir George Gabriel, (1819-1903), 1st Baronet, mathematician and physicist
- Storey, Harold Haydon, (1894-1969), plant pathologist
- Stratford, William Samuel, (1791-1853), Astronomer
- Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm, (1793-1864), German Astronomer
- Sussex, Augustus Frederick, (1773-1843), Duke of Sussex, son of George III
- Swammerdam, Johannes of Jan, (1637-1680), Dutch Naturalist and Anatomist
- Sykes, William Henry, (1790-1872), MP, naturalist, army officer and author
- Sylvius, Francois de la Boe, (1614-1672), Dutch Chemist and Physician
- Tabor, David, (1913-2005), physicist
- Talbot, William Henry Fox, (1800-1877), MP pioneer of photography
- Tansley, Sir Arthur George, (1871-1955), Knight, plant ecologist London
- Taylor, Brook, (1685-1731), Mathematician
- Thompson, Benjamin, (1753-1814), Count Von Rumford, scientist
- Thompson, Sir Harold Warris, (1908-1983), Knight Chemist
- Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville, (1830-1882), Knight, naturalist
- Thomson, Sir Joseph John, (1856-1940), Knight, physicist
- Thomson, William, (1824-1907), Baron Kelvin, physicist
- Thoresby, Ralph, (1658-1725), antiquary and topographer
- Thorpe, Sir Thomas Edward, (1845-1925), Knight Chemist
- Thouless, David James, (b 1934), condensed-matter physicist Bearsden, Dunbartonshire
- Thudichum, John Louis William, (1829-1901), Physician and Chemist
- Tinbergen, Nikolaas, (1907-1988), ethologist
- Tizard, Sir Henry Thomas, (1885-1959), Knight, Knight, physical chemist and science administrator
- Todhunter, Isaac, (1820-1884), mathematician
- Trudgill, Stephen T, (b1947), biogeographer
- Tutton, Alfred Edwin Howard, (1864-1938), Crystallographer
- Tyndall, John, (1820-1893), natural philosopher
- Van Leeuwenhoeck, Anton, (1632-1723), Dutch Naturalist
- Vane, John Robert, (1927-2004), Knight pharmacologist
- Vernon, Francis, (c 1637-1677), Traveller
- Viessens, Raymond de, (1641-1715), French anatomist
- Waddington, Conrad Hall, (1905-1975), Geneticist
- Wade, Kenneth, (1932-2014), chemist
- Walker, Sir John Ernest, (b1941), FRS, chemist Halifax, Yorkshire
- Wall, Patrick David, (1925-2001), neuroscientist
- Waller, Richard, (c1650-1715), secretary of Royal Society
- Wallis, John, (1616-1703), Mathematician
- Walsby, Anthony Edward, (b1941), microbiologist
- Walsh, John, (1726-1795), Secretary to Lord Clive, naturalist
- Warburton, Henry, (? 1784-1858), Philosophical Radical
- Watson, Sir William, (1744-1824), Knight Physician and Astronomer
- Wedgwood, Josiah, (1730-1795), potter
- Wedgwood, Thomas, (1771-1805), Pioneer of Photography
- Weidler, Johann Friedrich, (1691-1755), German Mathematician and Astronomer
- West, James, (1703-1772), politician and antiquary
- Wheatstone, Sir Charles, (1802-1875), Knight Physicist
- Wheler, Granville, (1701-1770), Natural Philosopher
- Whewell, William, (1794-1866), Master of Trinity College Cambridge
- White, Gilbert, (1720-1793), naturalist
- White, Walter, (1811-1893), librarian of the Royal Society and author
- Whittaker, Sir Edmund Taylor, (1873-1956), Knight, mathematician and astronomer
- Widdowson, Elsie May, (1906-2000), nutritionist Wallington, Surrey
- Willughby, Francis, (1635-1672), Naturalist
- Wilson, Sir Alan Herries, (1906-1995), Knight, businessman, scientist
- Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees, (1869-1959), physicist
- Wilson, James Harold, (1916-1995), Baron Wilson of Rievaulx, statesman
- Wilson, Sir Robert, (1927-2002), Knight, astronomer
- Winthrop, John, (1606-1676), Governor of Connecticut
- Withering, William, (1741-1799), Physician Botanist and Mineralogist
- Witsen, Nicolaas, (1641-1717), Dutch Traveller and Diplomat
- Wollaston, William Hyde, (1766-1828), physiologist, chemist and physicist
- Woodward, John, (1665-1728), physician and geologist
- Woolhouse, John Thomas, (1650-1734), Oculist
- Wren, Sir Christopher, (1632-1723), Knight, architect, astronomer, mathematician and MP
- Wright, Thomas, (1711-1786), Astronomer Architect and Antiquary
- Wrottesley, John, (1798-1867), 2nd Baron Wrottesley
- Young, Arthur, (1741-1820), agriculturist
- Young, Thomas, (1773-1829), Physician Physicist and Egyptologist
- Zollman, Philip Henry, (d 1748), Foreign Secretary to the Royal Society
- Zuckerman, Solly, (1904-1993), Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe, scientist and public servant
Families (2)
- Knight family of Downton Castle Downton Castle, Herefordshire;Wormsley, Herefordshire
- Wollaston family of Dereham and Chislehurst Dereham, Norfolk;Chislehurst, Kent
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (14)
- NRA 19709 Sir Frederick Charles Bawden, plant pathologist: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 22627 Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, Baron Blackett, nuclear physicist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31552 Robert Boyle, natural philosopher and chemist: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 22341 James Clerk-Maxwell, physicist: corresp
- NRA 17536 Howard Walter Florey, Baron Florey, pathologist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 15294 Robert Were Fox, scientist: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 13899 Sir John Gaddum, physiologist: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 8803 Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1st Baronet, astronomer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 18546 Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, biochemist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 22337 Sir Owen Willans Richardson, physicist: corresp and papers
- NRA 26015 Sir Robert Robinson, chemist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 13900 Sir Francis Eugene Simon, physicist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 31136 Sir Harold Warris Thompson, chemist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 12203 John Wallis, mathematician: corresp and papers
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.