National Museums Liverpool: Maritime Archives and Library
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Merseyside Maritime Museum
Royal Albert Dock
L3 4AQ
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Collections information
Businesses (257)
- A & R Brown Ltd, general engineers and ship repairers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Alexandra Towing Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Alfred Holt & Co, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Allan Line, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Anchor Cable Co Ltd, electric cable manufacturers Leigh, Lancashire
- Anglo-Newfoundland Fish Exporting Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Anglo-South American Airline Ltd
- Archibald Brown & Co Ltd, coppersmiths and brassfounders Liverpool, Lancashire
- Arthur Heywood, Sons & Co, bank Liverpool, Lancashire
- Asia Steamship Co
- Associated Container Transport
- Athel Line, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Atlantic Telegraph Co Ltd
- Ayrton, Saunders & Co Ltd, manufacturing chemists Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bahr, Behrend & Co Ltd, shipbrokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bear Steamship Co
- Belfast, Mersey & Manchester Steamship Co Ltd Belfast, County Antrim
- Bent's Brewery Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bibby Line, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- BICC plc, electrical cable manufacturers Prescot, Lancashire;London
- Birkenhead Dock Co Birkenhead, Cheshire
- Black Ball Line of Australian Packets, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Blue Star Line Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire;London
- Booker Line Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Booth Steamship Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bravo Steamship Co
- Britannia Steam Towage Ltd Swansea, Glamorgan
- British & African Steam Navigation Co Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- British & Burmese Steam Navigation Co Ltd Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- British Copper Refiners Ltd
- British Insulated & Helsby Cables Ltd, electrical cable mfrs Prescot, Lancashire;Helsby, Cheshire
- British Insulated Callenders Cables plc London
- British Insulated Wire Co Ltd, electrical cable manufacturers Prescot, Lancashire
- Bulk Cargo Handling Services
- Callenders Cable & Construction Co Ltd London
- Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, shipbuilders Birkenhead, Cheshire
- Canadian Pacific Lines
- Captain James Goffey, West African merchant Liverpool, Lancashire
- Caribbean Distillers Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Carnsdale Farm Barnston, Cheshire
- Casartelli Bros, mathematical instrument makers Liverpool, Lancashire
- CBS Engineering Co, ship repairers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Charles G Dunn & Co Ltd, shipowners and insurance brokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Charles Taylor, Sons & Co, timber merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- China (Shippers) Mutual Steam Navigation Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Coast Lines Ltd, ship owners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Cook family, wool brokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Copes, Hignetts, Ogdens, tobacco manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Cory & Strick Ltd, shipping agents Plymouth, Devon
- Cory Collier Ltd London
- Cory Lighterage Ltd London
- Cory Sand & Ballast London
- Cory Stowage and Distribution Services London
- Cory Tank Craft Ltd London
- Croydon Cable Works Ltd, electrical cable manufacturers Croydon, Surrey
- Cunard Steamship Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- CW Kellock & Co, shipbrokers Liverpool, Lancashire;London
- Daniel Williams, S America merchant Liverpool, Lancashire
- Demerara Co Ltd, merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Diamond Rum Co Ltd
- Dinham, Fawcus & Co Ltd, coal factors and shipowners London
- Douro Steamhip Co
- Earle family
- Edward Billington & Son Ltd, sugar merchants
- Edward Clay, goldbeater Liverpool, Lancashire
- Edward W Turner & Son (Liverpool) Ltd, ship brokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- EH Baker & Sons, coach and handcart builders Liverpool, Lancashire
- Eills & Co, sailmakers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Elder Dempster Lines Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Electric Supply Co of Victoria Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ellerman & Papayanni Lines Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ellerman Lines Ltd, shipowners London;Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Esperanza and Milo Steamship Co
- F McNeill & Co Ltd, felt manufacturers London
- F Schrader, leather factors Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fawcett Engineering Ltd, hydraulic, marine and mechanical engineers Liverpool, Lancashire;Bromborough, Cheshire
- FC Danson & Co, average adjusters Liverpool, Lancashire
- FJ Harford & Co, woollen merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Francis Morton & Co Ltd, engineers and manufacturers of iron and steel bridges, etc Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fraser, Trenholm & Co, bank and merchant house Liverpool, Lancashire
- Furness, Withy & Co plc, shipowners London
- G & J Nickson & Co Ltd, wholesale grocers and canners Kirkdale, Lancashire
- George & Robert Tod & Co slave traders Liverpool, Lancashire
- Gibbs, Bright & Co, merchants Bristol, Gloucestershire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Gilbert Farie, Merchant Liverpool, Lancashire
- Glen Line Ltd, shipowners London
- Gracie, Beazley & Co Ltd, ship and insurance brokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Grayson, Rollo & Clover Docks Ltd, ship repairers Birkenhead, Cheshire
- Greenshields, Cowie & Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Guion Line, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- H E Moss & Co, shipbrokers Liverpool, Lancashire;London;Newcastle, Shropshire
- Hall Line Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hallidom Line Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Halls Travel Agency, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hallsal Segar & Co, brewers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hampshire, Birrell & Co (Fish Exporters) Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Haughton Investments Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hay & Smart, consulting engineers Liverpool, Lancashire
- HC Hawley & Co, export merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Helsby Cables Ltd, electrical cable manufacturers Helsby, Cheshire
- Henderson Line Ltd, shipowners Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Henry Boyd, passage broker Liverpool, Lancashire
- Henry Pybus, watchmaker Prescot, Lancashire
- Herculaneum Dock Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Herculaneum Potteries Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hickson, Sykes & Co, merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hull, Blyth & Co Ltd, coal exporters London
- Humphreys & Lambert, stevedores Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hutchison & Pollok Ltd, rope manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- International Marine Insurance Co Ltd London
- International Mercantile Marine Co, shipowners New York, New York
- Irrawaddy Flotilla Co Ltd, shipowners Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- J Collinson & Co, boot and shoe manufacturers and retailers Liverpool, Lancashire
- J Gordon Alison & Co Ltd, ship repairers Birkenhead, Cheshire
- J Greig, cooper Liverpool, Lancashire
- J Morice & Co Ltd, sailmakers Liverpool, Lancashire
- J Nickels & Son, sailmakers, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- James Chambers & Co, Ltd and S C Chambers & Co Ltd, ship brokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- James Newton & Co Ltd, ship chandlers and sailmakers Liverpool, Lancashire
- James Redmayne, Jamaica sugar planter Jamaica
- JG Oldfield & Co, travel, shipping and Lloyd's agents, Whitehaven Whitehaven, Cumberland
- JH Hale & Sons, bakers and grocers West Kirby, Cheshire
- JJ Mack & Sons Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- JM Gladstone, sail manufacturer Liverpool, Lancashire
- John H Wilson & Co Ltd, ironfounders and engineers Birkenhead, Cheshire
- John Holt & Co Ltd, West Africa traders & shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- John S Monks Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Johnston Warren Lines Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Joliffe & Johnston, Tug Owners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jones, Burton & Co Ltd, electrical engineers and machine tool manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Jones, Quiggin & Co, shipbuilders Liverpool, Lancashire
- Joseph Heap & Sons Ltd, rice millers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Joseph Jones & Co (Knotty Ash) Ltd, brewers, wine and spirit merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- JW Davidson, Cookson & Co, accountants Liverpool, Lancashire
- JW Pickering & Sons Ltd, ship repairers, engineers and boiler makers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Kiddie of Southport Ltd, shopfitters Southport, Lancashire
- L Keizer & Co Ltd, glass merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lamport & Holt Line Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lancashire Shipping Co Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Larrinaga Steamship Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Leyland Shipping Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool & London Steamship Protection & Indemnity Association Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool & London War Risks Insurance Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Exchange Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Grain Contract Insurance Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Grain Storage & Transit Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Hydraulic Power Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Lighterage Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Screw Towing Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Shipbuilding Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Stevedoring Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Warehousing Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool, Brazil and River Plate Steam Navigation Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- London & Overseas Freighters Ltd London
- Macintosh Cable Co Ltd, electrical cable manufacturers London
- MacSymons Stores Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Manchester Buildings Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Manchester Liners Ltd, shipowners Manchester, Lancashire
- Mann, George & Co Ltd, coal exporters and ship brokers London
- Manning, Wardle & Co Ltd, locomotive builders Leeds, Yorkshire
- Manxman Steamship Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- McDiarmid, Greenshields & Co, shipping agents Liverpool, Lancashire
- McGregor, Gow & Holland Ltd, shipping, forwarding, insurance and passenger agents London
- Meccano Ltd, machine tool and mechanical toy manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- MEP Ltd, hatch manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mercantile Lighterage Co Ltd London
- Merchant Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mersey Docks & Harbour Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Mersey Railway Co Birkenhead, Cheshire
- Merseyside Unity Theatre Liverpool, Lancashire
- Metropolitan Electric Cable & Construction Co Ltd Chadwell Heath, Essex
- Minor Steamship Co
- Monroe Bros ltd, shipbrokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Monroe Brothers Co, LTD & Kyle Shipping Company ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Moss Hutchison Line Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- National Steam Navigation Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Nelson Steam Navigation Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Nevins, Welsh and Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- New Eagle Foundry Co Ltd, ironfounders Birmingham, Warwickshire
- New Gutta Percha Co Ltd, electrical cable manufacturers London
- North West Tugs Ltd
- Ocean Steam Ship Co Ltd (Blue Funnel Line) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Overseas Containers Ltd, freight container operators London
- Pacific Steam Navigation Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Peter Lunt & Co, soap manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Port of Liverpool Stevedoring Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Porter Brothers, flag manufacturers, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- R & J Evans & Co Ltd, shipbuilders, repairers and boilermakers Liverpool, Lancashire
- R & JH Rea Ltd, shipowners London
- R & P Leyland, carters and farmers Liverpool, Lancashire;Halsall, Lancashire
- R Hughes-Jones & Co, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- R R Douglas Ltd, merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- RA Wylie, merchant Yokohama, Japan
- RA Wylie, tea merchants Birkenhead, Cheshire
- Railway Signal Co Ltd, signal and electrical appliance mfrs Liverpool, Lancashire
- Rankin, Gilmour & Co, merchant house Liverpool, Lancashire
- Richard Hornsby & Sons Ltd, manufacturers of steam, oil and gas engines Grantham, Lincolnshire
- Robert Norris & Sons, solicitors Liverpool, Lancashire
- Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd, locomotive manufacturers and shipbuilders Darlington, Durham;Hebburn, Durham
- Robinson & Co Ltd ship telegraph manufacturers Bootle, Lancashire
- Roby & Utley Ltd, brassfounders and ships' sidelight mfrs Rainhill, Lancashire
- Royal Mail Steam Packet Co London
- Royal Rockferry Steam Co Birkenhead, Cheshire
- Ruston & Hornsby Ltd, agricultural and general engineers, engine builders and boilermakers Lincoln, Lincolnshire
- Samuel Wilson, veterinary surgeon Warrington, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sandbach, Parker & Co Ltd, merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sandbach, Tinne & Co, merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Selbourne Plantation Co Ltd
- Shaw Savill & Albion Co Ltd, ship owners London
- St Helens Cable & Rubber Co Ltd Warrington, Lancashire
- St Peters Permanent Benefit Building Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Steamship Owners' Coal Association Ltd, coaling contractors London
- Stewart Bale Ltd, photographers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Stitt Bros, ship owners Liverpool, Lancashire
- Straits Steamship Co Ltd Singapore
- T & J Harrison Ltd, shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire
- T Worrall, tool manufacturer Cronton, Lancashire
- Tate & Lyle Ltd, sugar refiners London;Liverpool, Lancashire;Greenock, Renfrewshire
- Telegraph Construction & Maintenance Co Ltd, submarine telegraph cable manufacturers and cable layers London
- Thames & General Lighterage Ltd London
- Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance Co Ltd London;Liverpool, Lancashire;Manchester, Lancashire
- Thomas & John Brocklebank Ltd, merchants, shipbuilders and shipowners Liverpool, Lancashire;Whitehaven, Cumberland
- Thomas Bolton & Sons Ltd, brass and copper manufacturers, Cheadle Cheadle, Staffordshire
- Thomas Steam Tug & Lighterage Co Ltd London
- Thomson & Moulton, estate agents and chartered surveyors Liverpool, Lancashire
- Toxteth Real Property & Investment Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- Turley & Son, house furnishers St Helens, Lancashire
- TW Frost & Co Ltd, drapers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Union Marine & General Insurance Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- United Grain Elevators Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- United State Metallic Packing Co Ltd, metallic packing manufacturers Liverpool, Lancashire
- United Telephone Cables Ltd London
- Victoria Hotel & Pier Co Southport, Lancashire
- Vulcan Foundry Ltd, locomotive builders Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire
- W Gill Hodgson, accountant Waterloo, Lancashire
- W Harrison, fruit merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wallasey Manufacturing Upholstery Co Wallasey, Cheshire
- Weber, Smith & Hoare Ltd, wharfingers London
- West African Lighterage & Transport Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- West Coast Stevedoring Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- WH Boase & Co Ltd, master porters and stevedores Liverpool, Lancashire
- WH Stott & Co Ltd, shipbrokers Liverpool, Lancashire
- White Diamond Steamship Co Ltd
- White Star Line, steamship owners Liverpool, Lancashire
- William Cory & Son Ltd, coal and oil shippers London
- William Crawford & Sons Ltd, biscuit manufacturers Edinburgh, Midlothian;Liverpool, Lancashire
- William Gardner & Co, provision merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- William Johnston & Co Ltd, shipowners Edinburgh, Midlothian
- William Lowe & Sons Ltd, grain merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- William Oates, trading master
- William Thornton & Sons, builders Liverpool, Lancashire
- William White, sail and blind maker Liverpool, Lancashire
- Williamson, Miligan & Co, merchants Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wingrove & Rogers Ltd, electrical engineers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Wirral Shoeing Forge Co
- WT Glover & Co Ltd, electric cable manufacturers Manchester, Lancashire
- Zillah Shipping & Carrying Co Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
Organisations (128)
- Albion, barque Liverpool, Lancashire
- Alice West Africa;West Indies
- Alsatia
- Amalgamated Society of Boilermakers, Shipwrights, Blacksmiths and Structural Workers: Branch 182 - Mersey Seafaring Liverpool, Lancashire
- Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers: Garston Branch Garston, Lancashire
- Amalgamated Union of Foundry Workers: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- American Cotton Import Committee Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ariadne, yacht
- Ariel
- Association of Navigation Schools
- Aston, snow, slaver
- Beet Sugar Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Boyton
- Bristol customs port Bristol, Gloucestershire
- British Liner Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Calveley, brig
- Canadian Freight Secretariat Liverpool, Lancashire
- Cane Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Chesterfield
- Christ Church Ragged School, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Clyde Customs port Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Cotton Porters Employers Committee Liverpool, Lancashire
- Croxteth Hall Croxteth, Lancashire
- Derbyshire Family Association North West
- Dock Labour Joint Committee, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Dock Labour Organisation Committee, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Dublin customs port Dublin, County Dublin
- Eadith, brig
- Earl of Liverpool
- Elizabeth, steam packet
- Employers Association of the Port of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Employers Labour Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Empress of Britain
- Enterprize, slaver
- Garston Docks Joint Shipowners and Coal Shippers Committee Garston, Lancashire
- George the Fourth, brig
- H M Customs and Excise
- HMS Bacchante (1901)
- HMS Canopus (1898)
- HMS Conway (1859), school ship, Wallasey Wallasey, Cheshire
- HMS Indefatigable (1848) and National Sea Training School for Boys Wallasey, Cheshire;Liverpool, Lancashire
- HMS Leviathan (1900)
- Hull Customs port Hull, Yorkshire
- Indian Queen
- John Bibby, ship
- John Cobham of Waterloo and Rossendale Waterloo, Lancashire
- Julian, brigantine Liverpool, Lancashire
- Kilmallie
- Lagoon
- Lancashire and National Sea Training homes for Boys Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lancashire Witch
- Left Book Club Theatre Guild Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lifeboat No 1, of Liverpool
- Lily Green, schooner
- Liverpool and London War Risks Insurance Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Association of Average Adjusters Liverpool, Lancashire;Leeds, Yorkshire
- Liverpool Beetroot Sugar Settlement Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Blues Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool City Museums Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Cold Storage Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Commodity Trades Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Corn Trade Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Corn Trade Clerks Guild Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Corn Trade Guild Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Cotton Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Customs and Excise Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Geological Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Grain Contract Insurance Co Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Naturalists Field Club Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Pilotage Service Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Provision Trade Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Sailors' Home Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Scandinavian Mission Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Seamen's Friend Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Ship Owners Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Shipowners' Association
- Liverpool Shipowners Freight Demurrage and Defence Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Shipping Registers Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Shipping Staffs' Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Steamship Owners Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Underwriters Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- London Customs port London
- Mampookata Liverpool, Lancashire
- Marco Polo
- Mary Bibby, ship
- Mercantile Marine Service Association Wallasey, Cheshire
- Mersey Rowing Club, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside County Council Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Left/Unity theatre Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Maritime Museum Liverpool, Lancashire
- Merseyside Youth Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- National Association for the Promotion of Social Science: Liverpool committee Liverpool, Lancashire
- National Children's Home
- National Dock Labour Board: Liverpool, Garston and Widnes Liverpool, Lancashire;Garston, Lancashire;Widnes, Lancashire
- National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside Liverpool, Lancashire
- Navy League: Merseyside branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- North Atlantic and Canadian Westbound Freight Association
- North of England Refined Sugar Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Outward Bound Schools Association: Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Princess Charlotte
- Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen
- Royal Liverpool Seamans Orphan Institution Liverpool, Lancashire
- Royal National Lifeboat Institution
- Royal National Lifeboat Institution: Liverpool station Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sally, slaver
- Seafarers Joint Committee, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Seaman and Boatmen's Friend Society, North Western District Liverpool, Lancashire
- Shipping Federation: Liverpool district Liverpool, Lancashire
- Shipping Federation: Mersey district Liverpool, Lancashire
- Shipping Federation: National Maritime Board
- Speke Hall Speke, Lancashire
- SS Cerigo
- SS Ghazee
- SS Lake Ontario
- SS Lusitania
- SS Oxfordshire
- SS Samsonia
- SS Titanic
- Sugar Association of Lancashire Liverpool, Lancashire
- SY Argo
- Thames, brig
- Tyne customs port Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- United Terminal Sugar Market Association: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Warlock
- Wirral Agricultural Improvement Society Wirral, Cheshire
Persons (56)
- Agar, Martin, (1913-2007), engineer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Baker, William, (fl1877-1895), diver Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bayles, Nathaniel, (c 1717-1791), surgeon Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Bird, Marian May, (1875-c1975), stewardess, Lusitania Wirral, Cheshire
- Bishop, Albert Percy, (1879-1947), ship purser
- Boyd, Arnold Whitworth, (1885-1959), Naturalist and Antiquary
- Britain, (1930-2003), Captain, merchant seafarer
- Brocklebank, Ralph, (1840-1921), businessman
- Brook, James Kenneth, (1889-1976), Commodore
- Burkhard, Norman, (1907-1991), merchant seafarer
- Collins, Philip, (1959-2006), architectural technician
- Cooper, Commodore Thomas Edward, (1891-1970), Merchant Navy seafarer
- Corcoran, James, (1924-1995), ship steward
- Dallman, Arthur Augustine, (1883-1963), Botanist
- Danson, John Towne, (1817-1898), Economist
- Davenport, William, (1725-1797), merchant and slave trader
- Earle, William, (1721-1788), Shipowner
- Enright, Anthony, (1816-1910), Captain, merchant seafarer
- Fitzherbert, Sir Henry, (1783-1858), 3rd Baronet
- Grattidge, Harry, (1890-1979), Commodore and author Stafford, Staffordshire;London;Wexham, Buckinghamshire
- Gurney, John Henry, (1848-1922), ornithologist
- Harington, Sir Charles Harington, (1872-1940), Knight General
- Hawes, Sir Benjamin, (1797-1862), politician
- Hewitt, Eric, (1904-1995), Captain RNR
- Holt, John, (1841-1915), West Africa Merchant
- Hughes, Ellis, (1809-1878), pilot on River Mersey Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ismay, Joseph Bruce, (1862-1937), shipowner
- Jeffries, William Francis, (1891-1969), Brigadier
- Jones, Robert, (1924-2007), merchant seafarer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Laird, MacGregor, (1808-1861), Shipowner Merchant and Explorer
- Leech, Leonard Frank, (1924-2002), radio officer, merchant navy Crosby, Lancashire
- Lyon, Alfred, (fl 1830), seafarer
- McJannet, Arnold Franz, (c1877-1953), solicitor Ayrshire
- More, Hannah, (1745-1833), writer
- Parkinson, J, (fl1879-1879), ship's surgeon
- Purdey, Walter Marsh, (b 1899), radio officer of Liverpool West Derby, Lancashire
- Rolston, Kenneth, (1914-1991), radio officer, merchant navy Blackburn, Lancashire
- Russell, Frederick Arthur, (1883-1953), First Class waiter, Lusitania Liverpool, Lancashire
- Shaw, Ben, (1907-1986), Liverpool City Councillor
- Singleton, Bert, (1928-2004), seaman
- Skutil, FW, (fl 1953-1959), Director of Nigerian Naval Services Nigeria
- Slingsby, Thomas, (fl 1854), ship's passenger Liverpool, Lancashire;Melbourne, Victoria
- Smith, Frederick, (c1931-2013), Captain, seafarer
- Spence, Charles Francis, (1907-1982), businessman
- Sproule, Joseph, (fl 1828-1830), Captain of Julian, brigantine Liverpool, Lancashire
- Stanley, Edward Smith, (1775-1851), 13th Earl of Derby, MP, naturalist
- Stevens, Walter Surry, (1880-1975), seafarer
- Underhill, Hubert William, (1895-1994), captain Shaldon, Devon;Liverpool, Lancashire
- Velley, Thomas, (1748-1806), Botanist
- Waggott, James, (1922-2013), Merchant Navy seafarer and prisoner of war
- Walsh, Thomas, (1903-1965), merchant seafarer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Welch, Clifford John, (1923-2013), Captain, seafarer
- Williams, Blanche, (d 1950), First World War nurse
- Williams, Edward, (1884-1952), merchant seafarer
- Wilson, Albert, (1862-1949), Botanist
- Worthington, Joseph Hall, (1823-1903), Liverpool shipowner
Diaries (131)
- Aindow, John, (fl 1863-1910), Coxswain, Formby Lifeboat Service Formby, Lancashire
- Alexander, C A, (fl 1920-1960), captain
- Anderson, Andrew, (fl 1870), Naval Captain
- Anderton, Askew William, (b1878), Sailor Liverpool, Lancashire
- Apps, Norman, (fl1939-1945), Officer
- Archer, JW, (fl 1883), travel diarist Australia;United States of America
- Archer, William, (fl1883), Emigrant
- Barham, I F Liverpool, Lancashire
- Barker, W C, (fl 1856-1876), sailor Australia;New Zealand
- Barker, William Cecil, (fl 1855-1878), emigrant
- Bates, Constance Elizabeth, (d 1930), wife of Edward Percy Bates, 2nd Baronet
- Battersby, James, (fl 1820-1854), emigrant
- Baxter, W, Ships Engineer
- Beck, James Gilbertson, (fl 1940-1989), merchant seafarer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Beck, John Alexander, (1940-1949), seafarer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Bell, Kenneth, Emigrant Argentina
- Black, Jeremiah, (1897-1920), steward, White Star Lines
- Botham, Ida Foster, (fl 1894), travel diarist Liverpool, Lancashire
- Brennan, Robert Henry, (1899-1945), employee of the Canadian Pacific Line
- Brown, A H, (fl 1939-1945), ship's captain
- Buck, Allan, (1844-1922), merchant navy officer Hall Line
- Burriss, George, (fl 1918), Merchant Navy signalman
- Callaghan, Matthew, (fl 1880-1890), seafarer and maritime safety campaigner Liverpool, Lancashire
- Capper, Robert, (1872-1947), captain Liverpool, Lancashire
- Carr, R R, (fl 1878), sailor Mauritius;Zanzibar;Madagascar
- Cocking, Freda Margaret, (1920-2011), member of Auxiliary Territorial Service Liverpool, Lancashire
- Coxhead, Christopher, (fl 1967-2015), merchant seafarer
- Crook, George, (fl1933-1954), mariner
- Crow, George Busk, (fl 1875-1905), Member of Mersey Docks and Harbour Board
- Dankin, Daniel, Seaman Liverpool, Lancashire
- Danson, Edward Chester, (1818-1898), Emigrant Liverpool, Lancashire
- Danson, John West Wood, (1853-1911), timber merchant Liverpool, Lancashire
- Deighton, J T, (fl 1867), travel diarist Liverpool, Lancashire
- Dow, Daniel, Master Mariner
- Driffield, William, (fl 1877), travel diarist Liverpool, Lancashire
- Duke, Edwin Liverpool, Lancashire
- Dunn, William Richard, (flc1856-1910), Emigrant
- Elordieta, Doroteo Vincente, (b 1882), member of the Basque community, Liverpool
- Errington, Alfred P, Seaman
- Evans, Arthur, (fl 1900-1924), masonic lodge member Liverpool, Lancashire
- Evans, Bowen, (fl 1970-1979), dockmaster Birkenhead, Cheshire
- Fraser, T G, Naval Captain
- Gandon, Arthur, (b 1900), radio and radar officer
- Gibbs, Alan S, (fl1957-1958), merchant seafarer Penzance, Cornwall
- Giblin, John F, Metallurgist Liverpool, Lancashire
- Glass, Thomas, (fl 1875-1889), merchant navy engineer
- Greenlaugh, William Cubham
- Gregory, Thomas, (flc1841) Finningley, Nottinghamshire
- Greig, George Liverpool, Lancashire;Melbourne, Victoria
- Haigh, Samuel, Emigrant Liverpool, Lancashire
- Hammond, Richard Arthur, (1920-c1980) Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire
- Haram, George Hugh, (b1823) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Harrison, C W, (fl 1937-1965), customs officer
- Hayhurst, George, (fl 1914), British emigrant in Canada Canada
- Heath, Fred, (1914-1985), Internee
- Hedges, John, (1858-1984), Builder, Emigrant Birkenhead, Cheshire;Hampstead, Middlesex;Sydney, New South Wales
- Hodkinson, William Liverpool, Lancashire
- Holt, Alfred, (1829-1911), Engineer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Holt, Dorothy, (1906-1991), passenger on Georgic liner Liverpool, Lancashire;New York, New York;United States of America
- Hook, David, Ship's Captain
- Jardine, William, (fl 1847)
- Jordan, Frank Leslie, (1878-c1916) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Kendall, Fg, Merchant Seaman
- Keymer, Lieutenant Commander, Royal Navy
- Lacey, Thomas Joseph, (1882-1945), Captain
- Landy, Muriel, (fl c1990), photographer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Leathwood, William, (fl1940-1946), seafarer
- Lees, Alan, (fl 1923-1939), radio officer
- Lockett, J G W George, (1833-1878), Surgeon London
- Lynam, Thomas Hennessy, Confederate
- Maddocks, Arthur David, (fl 1947), superintendent engineer, Alexandra Towing Co
- Maughan, Edward, Purser
- McDonald, John, (fl 1941-1986), Merchant Navy seaman
- Mills, William, (fl 1969-1991), Roman Catholic Chaplain
- Moore, George, (fl1821-1822)
- Mortimer, Wyndham, Hall Line Ltd
- Mytton, John, (fl 1937-1939), Chief Radio Officer, Thompson Steam Ship Company
- Nicholson, S F
- Nicol, Margaret, (fl 1924), stewardess
- O'loghlan, Coleman, Surgeon's Mate On Slave Ship Christopher
- Paton, W, Master Mariner
- Pearson, Frederick George, (b 1855), emigrant Liverpool, Lancashire;Wirral, Cheshire
- Pendlebury, Robert, Ships Passenger Liverpool, Lancashire
- Pike, Christopher, (fl 1853)
- Poole, Annie Sarah, (b 1894), stewardess, British India Steam Navigation Company
- Poole, Vernon, Ships Surgeon
- Porter, William, (fl 1864), captain Liverpool, Lancashire;Bombay, India;San Francisco, California;Australia
- Preston, Richard Nuttal, (fl1852), Emigrant Liverpool, Lancashire
- Radford, Samuel Collins, (fl 1893-1930), emigrant
- Ramsden, Edwin C, (fl 1942-1945), boilermaker Runcorn, Cheshire
- Richardson, Stephen A, (fl 1937-1945), sailor Liverpool, Lancashire
- Ritchie, John, (1780-1782), captain of ship Providence
- Rogan, Peter, (fl 1921-1992), merchant seafarer and prisoner of war
- Sankey, John, Sailor Liverpool, Lancashire
- Savage, William George, (fl 1942), Merchant Navy steward, Canadian Pacific
- Scurr, Henry, (1915-1983), merchant seafarer
- Shaw, Alan, (fl 1999), Director Ellerman Lines
- Shaw, Stella, Emigrant Liverpool, Lancashire
- Simon, Denis, (fl 1945-2005), Merchant Navy Radio Officer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Simon, Mary, (fl 1945-2008) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Skinner, Joseph, (fl 1847), RN sailor
- Smethurst, G W, (fl 1884-1885), travel diarist Australia;New Zealand
- Smethurst, Harold, (fl 1915), passenger onboard the Lusitania
- Smethurst, Samuel Australia;New Zealand
- Smith, Janet, (1863-1940), lady's maid Liverpool, Lancashire
- Smith, William, (fl 1879-1896), seaman
- Stanley, William, (fl 1930-1955), Captain, Canadian Pacific Line
- Stapleton, N B J, Ship's Officer
- Stephens, Annie, Ship Captain's Wife Eastham, Cheshire;Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Stephens, Sarah, Emigrant New Zealand
- Stevens, Joannes, Merchant Seaman Belgian Merchant Navy Liverpool, Lancashire
- Stripe, H E, (fl 1893) Lancashire
- Taylor, Philip, (fl 1947-1949), Seaman
- Thomas, William, Ship's Carpenter Liverpool, Lancashire
- Thompson, Charles, (c1870-1943) Gloucester, Gloucestershire
- Thomson, J, Royal Air Force Coastal Command
- Thornley, Edward, (fl 1863-1863), ship's passenger Liverpool, Lancashire;New Jersey, New Jersey
- Tritton, F W, (fl1890), Ship Steward Liverpool, Lancashire
- Tufnell, Gladys, (1915-1992), Panamanian Vice Consul Liverpool, Lancashire
- Tugwell, O H, Apprentice White Star Line Liverpool, Lancashire
- Unnamed, (fl 1802-1809), diarist Jamaica
- Unnamed, (fl 1865), emigrant
- Unnamed male, (fl 1717-1727), merchant
- Unnamed male, (fl 1865-1869), sailor Liverpool, Lancashire;Birkenhead, Cheshire;Singapore
- Unnamed male, (fl 1881-1882), ship's officer Liverpool, Lancashire
- Unnamed, (fl 1831-1832), travel diarist Mauritius
- Unnamed, (fl 1809), travel diarist Liverpool, Lancashire
- Waters, Samuel, Naval Officer
- Williams, Charles, (fl 1871), clerk on hulk Ozell Liverpool, Lancashire
- Williams, T S, (1895-1970), Ornithologist Formby, Lancashire
- Yates, Charles, (fl 1923-62), Seaman, Pianist And Accountant
Families (7)
- Danson family of Carnsdale Farm, Barnston Barnston, Cheshire
- Danson family: Dry Close, Grasmere Grasmere, Westmorland
- Fitzherbert family, baronets, of Tissington Tissington, Derbyshire;Somersal Herbert, Derbyshire
- Legh family, Barons Newton: Newton-le-Willows Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire
- Stanley family, Earls of Derby Glassmore, Cambridgeshire;Crag Hall, Cheshire;Macclesfield, Cheshire;Wildboarclough, Cheshire;Corney, Cumberland;Whicham, Cumberland;Bradworthy, Devon;South Weald, Essex;Hamerton, Huntingdonshire;Bickerstaffe, Lancashire;Bolton-cum-Adgarley, Lancashire;Bury, Lancashire;Knowsley, Lancashire;Lathom, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire;Manchester, Lancashire;Pilkington, Lancashire;Preston, Lancashire;Epworth, Lincolnshire;London;Colham, Middlesex;Hillingdon, Middlesex;Brackley, Northamptonshire;Fleetham, Northumberland;Eynsham, Oxfordshire;Milton, Oxfordshire;Ellesmere, Shropshire;Knockin, Shropshire;Newmarket, Suffolk;East Lavant, Sussex;Halnaker, Sussex;Meriden, Warwickshire;Beetham, Westmorland;Witherslack, Westmorland;Burton in Lonsdale, Yorkshire;Kirkby Malzeard, Yorkshire;Mewith Head, Yorkshire;Thirsk, Yorkshire;Hawarden, Flintshire;Hope, Flintshire;Mold, Flintshire;Coonagh, County Limerick;Clonmore, County Louth;Smithstown, County Louth;Priestown, County Meath;Lyonstown, County Tipperary
- Stitt family of Liverpool Liverpool, Lancashire
- Stubbs family
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (63)
- NRA 23096 J Gordon Alison & Co Ltd, shiprepairers, Birkenhead
- NRA 37344 Ayrton, Saunders & Co Ltd, manufacturing chemists, Liverpool
- NRA 37345 EH Baker & Sons, coach and handcart builders, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 35537 BICC plc, electrical cable mfrs, Prescot and London
- NRA 37361 Arnold W Boyd, ornithologist: diaries, corresp and papers
- NRA 18462 Thomas & John Brocklebank Ltd: shipping and family papers
- NRA 35595 Archibald Brown & Co Ltd, coppersmiths and brassfounders, Liverpool
- NRA 26226 Joe Bryson: business records collection
- NRA 30816 CBS Engineering Co, ship repairers, Liverpool
- NRA 35596 Edward Clay, goldbeater, Liverpool
- NRA 24287 J Collinson & Co, boots and shoe mfrs and dealers, Liverpool
- NRA 30603 Danson family of Liverpool: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 41133 Demerara Co Ltd, merchants, Liverpool
- NRA 27265 Employers Labour Association
- NRA 35368 Fawcett Engineering Ltd, hydraulic engineers, Bromborough link to online catalogue
- NRA 25733 Fraser, Trenholm & Co, merchants and financiers, Liverpool
- NRA 37373 TW Frost & Co Ltd, drapers, Liverpool
- NRA 37348 HC Hawley & Co, export merchants, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 37349 Joseph Heap & Sons Ltd, rice millers, Liverpool
- NRA 24285 HMS Indefatigable and National Sea Training School for Boys
- NRA 35599 Jones, Burton & Co Ltd, electrical engineers and machine tool mfrs, Liverpool
- NRA 23097 Jones, Quiggin & Co, shipbuilders, Liverpool link to scanned list
- NRA 37353 L Keizer & Co, glass merchants, Liverpool
- NRA 30568 Macgregor Laird, shipowner: letters to his wife
- NRA 37354 Liverpool Corn Trade Association
- NRA 27264 Liverpool: Employers Association of the Port of Liverpool
- NRA 37363 Liverpool Geological Society
- NRA 37355 Liverpool Grain Storage & Transit Co Ltd
- NRA 37356 Liverpool Hydraulic Power Co
- NRA 25490 Liverpool Naturalists Field Club
- NRA 37357 Liverpool Provision Trade Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 39851 Liverpool registers of merchant ships
- NRA 25255 Liverpool Shipowners Association
- NRA 24288 Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society
- NRA 26225 Liverpool Steamship Owners Association
- NRA 37358 Liverpool Warehousing Co Ltd link to online catalogue
- NRA 37374 William Lowe & Sons Ltd, grain merchants, Liverpool
- NRA 36257 Meccano Ltd, machine tool and mechanical toy mfrs, Liverpool
- NRA 37359 MEP Ltd, hatch cover mfrs, Liverpool
- NRA 37371 Merseyside Unity Theatre
- NRA 27266 National Maritime Board
- NRA 42405 National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside
- NRA 37377 National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside, Maritime Records Centre: trades union records
- NRA 24291 National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside: misc accessions
- NRA 37375 G & J Nickson & Co Ltd, wholesale grocers and canners, Liverpool
- NRA 25725 Ocean Transport & Trading Ltd, Liverpool: records of constituent companies
- NRA 30814 JW Pickering & Sons Ltd, ship repairers, Liverpool link to scanned list
- NRA 28424 Port of Liverpool
- NRA 35597 Railway Signal Co Ltd, signal and electrical appliance mfrs, Liverpool
- NRA 20951 Regimental Museums: survey of MS collections
- NRA 35598 Roby & Utley Ltd, brassfounders and ships' sidelight mfrs, Rainhill
- NRA 27268 Seafarers Joint Committee link to scanned list
- NRA 27267 Shipping Federation: Mersey district
- NRA 37366 Edward Smith Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby: letter books
- NRA 30815 Stitt family of Liverpool: business and family papers
- NRA 25254 Sugar Association of Lancashire Ltd link to online catalogue
- NRA 42279 Tate & Lyle Ltd, sugar refiners, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 29901 Vulcan Foundry Ltd, locomotive builders and engineers, Newton-le-Willows
- NRA 35205 Wallasey: HMS Conway, school ship
- NRA 26224 West Coast Stevedoring Co Ltd, Liverpool
- NRA 37360 Wingrove & Rogers Ltd, electrical engineers, Liverpool link to online catalogue
- NRA 21592 T Worrall, tool mfr, Cronton
- NRA 25726 Joseph Hall Worthington, Liverpool shipowner: diaries
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.