Oxford University: Department of Zoology
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Persons (14)
- Beer, Sir Gavin Rylands de, (1899-1972), Knight, embryologist
- Bourne, Gilbert Charles, (1861-1933), zoologist
- Carpenter, Philip Herbert, (1852-1891), palaeontologist and zoologist
- Garstang, Walter, (1868-1949), zoologist
- Goodrich, Edwin Stephen, (1868-1946), zoologist
- Huxley, Sir Julian Sorell, (1887-1975), Knight, zoologist and philosopher
- Huxley, Thomas Henry, (1825-1895), Scientist
- Keilin, David, (1887-1963), biologist
- Lankester, Sir Edwin Ray, (1847-1929), Knight, zoologist
- Longstaff, George Blundell, (1849-1921), Physician Social Reformer and Entomologist
- Moseley, Henry Nottidge, (1844-1891), Naturalist
- Smith, Geoffrey Watkins, (1881-1916), naturalist
- Tucker, Bernard William, (1910-1951), Naturalist
- Weldon, Walter Frank Raphael, (1860-1906), zoologist