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Collections information
Organisations (1)
- Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Oxford, Oxfordshire
Persons (38)
- Anderson, John George Clark, (1870-1952), Archaeologist
- Baumgartel, Elise Jenny, (1892-1975), Egyptologist
- Buckler, William Hepburn, (1867-1952), American Diplomat Classical Scholar
- Buxton, Denis Alfred Jex, (1895-1964), businessman and archaeologist
- Collingwood, Robin George, (1889-1943), philosopher and historian
- Collingwood, William Gershom, (1854-1932), antiquary, archaeologist and artist
- Crawford, Osbert Guy Stanhope, (1886-1957), archaeologist
- Denniston, John Dewar, (1887-1949), Classical Scholar
- Evans, Sir Arthur John, (1851-1941), Knight, archaeologist
- Evans, Sir John, (1823-1908), Knight, archaeologist and numismatist
- Fortnum, Charles Drury Edward, (1820-1899), art collector and antiquary
- Fraenkel, Eduard, (1888-1970), Classical Scholar
- Fyfe, David Theodore, (1875-1945), Architect and Archaeologist
- Gale, Roger, (1672-1744), Antiquary
- Guest, Edith Mary, (fl 1930), Archaeologist
- Haverfield, Francis John, (1860-1919), Roman historian and archaeologist
- Hawkins, John, (1761-1841), author traveller botanist geologist
- Hunt, Arthur Surridge, (1871-1934), papyrologist
- Langdon, Stephen Herbert, (1876-1937), Assyriologist and archaeologist
- Last, Hugh Macilwain, (1894-1957), Classical historian
- Leeds, Edward Thurlow, (1877-1955), archaeologist
- Mace, Arthur Cruttenden, (1874-1928), Egyptologist
- Mackenzie, Donald Alexander, (1873-1936), journalist, author and archaeologist
- Manning, Percy, (1870-1917), antiquary and folklorist
- Marshall, John, (1862-1928), antiquary
- Mommsen, Theodor, (1817-1903), Historian
- Pennant, Thomas, (1726-1798), naturalist, traveller and topographer
- Petrie, Sir William Matthew Flinders, (1853-1942), Knight, Egyptologist
- Ramsay, Sir William Mitchell, (1851-1939), Knight Professor of Humanity Aberdeen University Historian
- Richmond, Sir Ian Archibald, (1902-1965), Knight Archaeologist
- Rolleston, George, (1829-1881), physician, zoologist and archaeologist
- Rooke, Hayman, (1723-1806), soldier antiquary and archaeologist
- Savage, James, (1767-1845), antiquary
- Syme, Sir Ronald, (1903-1989), Knight Classical Historian
- Taylor, Margerie Venables, (1881-1963), historian and archaeologist
- Ventris, Michael George Francis, (1922-1956), Architect and Archaeologist
- Warren, Edward Perry, (1860-1928), art collector
- Westwood, John Obadiah, (1805-1893), Entomologist Antiquary
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (4)
- NRA 38707 Robin George Collingwood, philosopher and historian: notebooks link to online catalogue
- NRA 38708 Francis John Haverfield, Roman historian and archaeologist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 28493 Oxford University: Ashmolean Museum MS collections
- NRA 38709 Margerie Venables Taylor, archaeologist and historian: papers link to online catalogue