Keswick Museum and Art Gallery
Browse repositories
Fitz Park
Station Road
CA12 4NF
Telephone: 017687 73263
Open: Tu-Sa 10-4
Closed: Oct- Apr
- Book in advance
- Wheelchair access
- Proof of identity required
Part list of Southey holdings can be e-mailed/posted. Proof of ID, apply by letter. Researchers should in the first instance contact the museum to arrange appointments
ARCHON code: 284
If you are an archivist or custodian of this archive you can use the archive update form to add or update the details in Discovery
Collections information
Persons (6)
- Bowles, William Lisle, (1762-1850), Canon of Salisbury, poet, antiquary
- Ruskin, John, (1819-1900), author, artist and social reformer
- Southey, Robert, (1774-1843), poet, journalist and biographer
- Walpole, Sir Hugh Seymour, (1884-1941), Knight Novelist and Man of Letters
- Woodford, Sir John George, (1785-1879), knight, Major General
- Wordsworth, William, (1770-1850), poet
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (2)
- NRA 10079 John Dalton lecture notes and papers
- NRA 9544 Fitz Park Trust Collection: literary MSS and correspondence link to scanned list