Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide
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Westminster College
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Collections information
Organisations (5)
- Cambridge Committee for Christian Work in Delhi India
- Centre for Christianity Worldwide Witness Seminars
- Council for World Mission
- Henry Martyn Trust Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- St Julian's Community, Coolham Coolham, Sussex
Persons (39)
- Allshorn, Florence, (1887-1950), missionary Coolham, Sussex
- Anderson, Sir James Norman Dalrymple, (1908-1996), Knight, Professor of Oriental Laws
- Arnold, John Robert, (b1933), Anglican clergyman
- Atwell, James Edgar, (1946-2020), Dean of Winchester, theologian
- Benson, Venerable George Patrick, (b 1949), Archdeacon of Hereford Kenya
- Billington, William Roy, (1908-1997), medical missionary Uganda
- Blencowe, John Walcot, (1886-1964), clergyman, missionary and teacher
- Bocking, Ronald Arthur Hubert, (1923-2012), United Reformed Church minister
- Bowen , Roger, (b1934), missionary and Anglican clergyman
- Callow, John, (b 1934), Bible translator
- Church, Decima Tracey, (1904-1991), medical missionary
- Church, John C T, (b 1931), medical missionary Rwanda;Uganda
- Church, John Edward, (1899-1989), medical missionary in East Africa, evangelical leader Rwanda
- Clayton, Joyce Elizabeth Winifred Every-, (20th cent), university teacher Brazil
- Dickinson, Anthony William, (b 1948), Anglican priest
- Falconer, Ion Grant Neville Keith-, (1856-1887), missionary, Arabic scholar, cyclist
- Hattersley , Charles William , (1866-1934), missionary photographer
- Jones, Leonard, (1907-1992), Anglican clergyman
- Leake, William Alfred, (1902-1991), missionary Argentina
- Luck, Anne, (20th cent), author
- Macdonald-Milne, Brian, (b 1935), clergyman
- McAlpine , Shelagh, (1927-2005), founder of Lydia International Prayer Fellowship
- McAlpine, Campbell, (1918-2009), leader of Charismatic Renewal
- Minter, Richard Arthur, (1907-1997), Anglican clergyman Jamaica
- Mungeam, Gordon Hudson , (b1932), historian
- Patterson, Robert Glasgow, (fl 1990-2010), writer
- Phillips, Anne , (1930-2020), missionary doctor
- Ranger, Keith Brian, (b1934), missionary Malaysia;Singapore;Hong Kong
- Richard Hugh, (b 1935), Robinson, Anglican clergyman
- Scott, Basil, (b1934), missionary and Anglican priest
- Scott, Shirley, (20th cent), missionary
- Sweet, John Philip McMurdo, (1927-2018) Anglican priest, theologian
- Tanner, Mary Elizabeth, (b1938) Dame, Anglican theologian
- Taylor , John Vernon , (1914-2001), Bishop of Winchester, Africa and General Secretary of Church Missionary Society
- Taylor, Jennifer, (1955), journalist and religious writer
- Telford, Alexander, (1875-1952), Congregational minister and missionary in Brazil Brazil
- Ward, Simon Barrington-, (b1930), Bishop of Coventry
- Warren, Max Alexander Cunningham, (1904-1977), theologian
- Yates, Canon Timothy Edward, (1935-2016), clergyman and historian
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (1)
- NRA 41243 Henry Martyn Mission Studies Library, Cambridge: MS collections
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.