Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide

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Westminster College

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Open: Monday-Thursday 9-1, 1.30-4.30; Friday 9-1 by appointment

Closed: Christmas and New Year

  • Book in advance
  • Wheelchair access
  • Research Service
  • Proof of identity required

Although open Monday-Thursday 9-1, 1.30-4.30 and Friday 9-1, archives may usually only be see in the morning and an advance appointment is essential

  • Identification requirements: Letter of introduction and up-to-date proof of identity
  • Reprographics: photocopying, digital cameras permitted by prior permission
  • Collections listed alphabetically by collector and by continent can be found on their website
  • Further Missionary collections can be found on the Mundus website
  • Specific collection catalogues can be emailed on request
  • Letter of introduction required

    ARCHON code: 1835

    If you are an archivist or custodian of this archive you can use the archive update form to add or update the details in Discovery

    Collections information

    Persons (39)

    Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (1)

    • NRA 41243 Henry Martyn Mission Studies Library, Cambridge: MS collections


    These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.

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